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7510536 No.7510536 [Reply] [Original]

Is he underrated in modern academia?

>> No.7510538

no not really

>> No.7510543

Most people dismiss him entirely, despite having many good ideas, and the huge consequences of those ideas.

>> No.7510545


>> No.7510617

Because they don't realize that many modern ideas are based on his work.

They take him for granted basically

>> No.7510642

The only people who dismiss him are masters students teaching psych 100 to freshman, they don't really matter.

>> No.7510650

I think modern academia is kinda burned out on trying to fit every single piece of narrative in psychoanalytical boxes.
That said, he still provided us with a bunch of useful tools.

>> No.7510656

>Austrian coke addict develops a cult of personality
>"You have a problem with your wife? She thinks you're distant? Your mother is the cause of that!
>destroys countless relationships and misleads countless psyches in his day, plus a generation more of people who take his shoddy work and systematize it
>"Wow finally someone who's figured out the whole human mind" - simpleminded people in 1940
>field of social psychology develops
>"Wait a minute, this is 100% completely unprovable bullshit, fuck you, Freud"
>undergrad completely ignorant of history posts on 4chan 70 years later
>"Is he underrated in modern academia?"

>> No.7510658

The chips are quite weak. Really, the chicken is just alright.

>> No.7510675

From your post I can tell that you have massive penis envy, we can deduce that you are either a woman or a male that has been castrated (or has an infantile sized penis), and thus we can ignore your argument, as it has no validity.

>> No.7510702

Social psychology is the weakest area of psych you dip

>> No.7510705

No, unfortunately.

>> No.7510739

Is astrology underrated in modern academia?

>> No.7510840

Freud, Marx, and Nietzsche together form the backbone of American humanities in the early 21st century

>> No.7510860

I took psych at the University of Michigan a bit higher than that and every teacher, from graduate student assistants to lecturers to professors, dismissed him.

However, I had English professors who still endorsed him.

>> No.7510864


But it wasn't social psychology that dethroned psychoanalysis. It was behaviorism and the outgrowths of it.

>> No.7510909

Depends on the school and professor, but I think he gets a good amount of respect from what I've seen. Most psych profs understand that even if they disagree with Freud he was infinitely influential.

>> No.7511559

Interesting, psych major myself and I think I've only had one professor who didn't take Freud seriously.

>> No.7511575


>> No.7511604

which is also everything wrong with them

>> No.7511612

Jung is cooler.

>> No.7511622

>another old white dude

try overrated, honey

>> No.7511625


>good goyim good goyim good goyim good goyim good goyim good goyim good goyim good goyim

>> No.7511631

Same here.

Freud's methods are outdated and almost embarrassingly pseudo-scientific, a tag which psychology as a whole is trying to move away from. Yet Freud is still taught in some literary circles, mostly due to his ideas of trauma and how bullshit such as various Freudian drives can determine how a character acts.

I can tell you, it was bizarre experiencing such conflicted views from two very different departments at the same time.

>> No.7511680

>responsible for the entire framework of psychology today
>some kid ignorant of history posts on 4chan 70 years later

>> No.7511690


I think it's better than it was in the heyday, when his pronouncements were dogmatically asserted. Nowadays those who pick him up do it with due caution, and will find the good amongst the dubious.

>> No.7511692

Are you french?

>> No.7511698


>> No.7511734

No, Freud is not underrated in modern academia.

However, in modern context many of his more unusual-sounding and controversial ideas, particularly those relying on the notion of "female hysterics" and the lifestyle led by women in the time, seem almost completely outlandish.

Freud identified a lot of patterns in psychology at the time. He didn't get all the reasons behind them right -- but getting the basic shape of the human psyche is impressive enough.

Personally, I dismissed almost all of Freud's work as hogwash. But strangely enough, I've gradually started to understand that what doesn't make sense now, probably made a lot more sense at the time.

>Jung is cooler

>> No.7511742

It's true.

>> No.7511789

Someone should go back in time and kill both him and Bernays.

>> No.7512786


>> No.7512882

I have NEVER understood why Freud is still taught in /lit/ classes whilst being simultaneously utterly disavowed in the real world. There's literally no logical explanation for it.

>> No.7513469

He's not underrated. Psychoanalysis is still taken very seriously by most literature professors and people into critical theory.

Which is ironic, since much of Freud has pretty much been discredited in psychology.

>> No.7513778


>> No.7514092

he is overrated as fuck
it´s like candy for hippie, edgy and shitty people.

>> No.7514201
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The only reason people talk shit about him is because he isn't alive anymore. If he were still around he'd stare at people disapprovingly into submission.

>> No.7514288

We'll the attac came from more fields than one. Where behaviourism ridiculed Freud's view on the development of phobias with the now famous experiments on little Albert, cognitive therapy challenged the psychoanalytical perspective on depression, and social psychology the theory of the Germanic people as authoritarian by showing that normal people would act similar to Nazis with very few manipulations of them and their environment.

That said, I do think he's underrated in psychology, because his notion of the unconscious can not be overrated, it killed the idea of the undivided rational human

>> No.7516045

He's overrated in actual academia. He's underrated by students and contemporary culture.

>> No.7516143

I think it existed before him, but only in philosophy and fiction. It's definitely in Shakespeare, and very explicitly in Dostoevsky, particularly in Notes from the Underground. Schopenhauer got it, and the Nietzsche got it even better. But Freud brought it to scientific psychology, even if he himself wasn't very scientific. That's what's respectable about him, but damning: he thought like a writer but tried to make that thought process science.

>> No.7516287

not in the useless portions of academia (read: humanities)