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7510500 No.7510500 [Reply] [Original]

An overrated classic?

A work of imagination and charm?


>> No.7510510

Probably important for its time but honestly I could not finish it and I had like 50-60 pages left. So boring

>> No.7510512

boring af 2bh

>> No.7510517

I will agree, it has it's very dull moments. Such as when they first pass letters between Mina and Lucy....However, the language is beautiful through out the book. Very poetic.

>> No.7510519

>An overrated classic?
Exactly. Overrated, but still a classic.

>> No.7510529

i liked it

>> No.7510572

I couldn't read it because it was all just so damn familiar. The Dracula story has been told and retold a thousand times in pop culture.

Bram Stoker's Dracula was the best imo.

>> No.7510590

Like most precursors to modern Horror / Sci-Fi, it's quite overrated.
However, compared to some (not all) of Poe's short stories and "Frankenstein", Stoker's work has actually aged well.

>> No.7510595

I know we discuss Dracula a lot here but how do we feel a Varney the Vampire? I've got it on my shelf and bought it just because it was influenced Stoker a lot. Seems like it'll be a fun read.

So is are any of Stoker's other novels worth reading outside of Dracula or is he a one hit wonder?

>> No.7510600

I've read he's pretty much a 1 hit wonder. He wasn't well liked in his time...but what else is new?

>> No.7510606

Ugh no.

>> No.7510615
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I'm reading it right now.I'm halfway through it. Kinda boring desu senpai.

>> No.7510631

I really enjoyed it for the atmosphere.

>> No.7510671
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Its mostly boring. Wouldn't recommend it, unless you really want to know how the whole vampire thing got started.

>> No.7511613

Dracula is one of the worst books I've ever read. The
main thing that is so goddamn annoying to the extent I
wanted to just throw the book across the room is that
Stoker advances the plot through people's diaries, and
the diaries are anything but believable. You have people
writing in their journals about minute details of places they
went that day, places they've been going to for the past
month, or people they've known for years and yet they include
every last detail of a scene in their daily journal. That's not
building character, that's realizing your method of advancing
plot and description are weak and so you pawn these things
off on the poor characters who are in return made unbelievable.

This absolutely kills the flow. Even if Stoker had implemented the story in a different
way it would probably still be shit, because overall the plot
was shit to start with.

Dr Steward and his lunatic were the only redeeming factors
in the book. And that partly works because Dr Seward logging
every thing in his journal with regards to his patients is something
a shrink would actually do, and so that makes his journal believable.

>> No.7511624

also its pretty comfy. just a little drab.

>> No.7511647

>that packaging
holy shit thats nice, i would buy just because of how damn nice it looks