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/lit/ - Literature

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7508153 No.7508153 [Reply] [Original]

Post what books you've recently gotten. I received all of these as Christmas gifts! Already reading some Seneca.

>> No.7508173
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Sweet cops, the Maudes are my favorite Tolstoy translators by a wide margin.

>> No.7508191


>> No.7508200

Will that be your first foray into Kierkegaard?

>> No.7508217

Nice. Will probably get that Tolstoy and some NYRBS with my gift card

>> No.7508234
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I got Coleridge's selected poems, "The Heart of Mid-Lothian" by Scott, and "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Dumas.
Also got KJV Bible, some Aquinas and Augustine's "Confessions".

not too bad tbqhwy

>> No.7508261

theyre not /lit/ regulars
theyre imgur immigrants
dont worry theyll leave soon

>> No.7508297

These sort of threads have been going on for ages. Fuck off to poorville plebeian.

>> No.7508304

I finally got GR and have now own the original meme trilogy.

[Spoiler]I've only ever finished IJ. Ulysses has been sitting in my room for at least 3 years. Fucking pleb[/Spoiler]

>> No.7508319

Bump for interest. How do I into Kierkegaard? If I only wanted to read one of his works, which is top dog?

>> No.7508331


The Castle was interesting.

>> No.7508343
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>> No.7508347
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Rate my presents?

Im also looking for LOTR hardcover that is at a reasonable price so if you guys know, pls let me know

>> No.7508350

Nice. Tacitus is the real I Claudius & very good!

>> No.7508353

Fear and Trembling is definitely what I would recommend to anyone wanting to dip their toes into some Kierkegaard.

As for top dog, Kierkegaard considered Practice in Christianity his greatest work, but it's not widely read today. I'm a big fan of The Sickness Unto Death, but I wouldn't suggest that to someone who hasn't read Kierkegaard before.

>> No.7508355

They look pretty

>> No.7508362

ofc, these kind of covers are my favourite which is why im looking for LOTR in this hardcover style. But i was more asking for rate for the content since I havent read these before and my research about opinions have people feeling strongly on both sides.

>> No.7508364

Post feet

>> No.7508376
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>> No.7508389

Ffs sake lad I thought your floor was pink

>> No.7508524
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>> No.7508527


>> No.7508539


>> No.7508551

>all of Stefan Zweigs's work
>all but one novel of Yukio Mishima's work
>nearly all of Charles Sicken's work
>nearly all DFW'S fiction work

I do well?

>> No.7508555

The Divine Comedy
Invisible Cities
Les Miserables
A Tale of Two Cities
Difficult Loves
The Baron in The Trees
Mr. Palomar
The Complete Cosmicomics
The Stranger
The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays
Paradise lost
The Iliad
The Odyssey
The Count of Monte Cristo
If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler
The Nonexistent Knight and The Cloven Viscount
A Moveable Feast: The Restored Edition
Napoleon: A Life
This Side of Paradise
Philosophical Dictionary - Voltaire
Candide: Or Optimism - Voltaire
Love - Stendhal
The Red and Black - Stendhal
The Beautiful and Damned
Tender Is The Night
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Barnes & Noble Collectible Editions)

>> No.7508594


Started to read this on public transport and a random lady asks "Did you enjoy the trial?"
"No. I didn't realise it's a series?"
"It's not really but it helps. Well, enjoy."
Then she got off the tram

I bought and then read the trial, the whole time thinking "huh? Wait, what? Is he dreaming?"

Then read the castle and was like "Oh yeah, okay I get it now. Thanks strange, random lady on the tram."

>> No.7508599

you must have good friends/family anon, i feel sorry for myself. have fun reading those.

>> No.7508601


Who is Charles Sicken?

But I'd say so, sure. That's a shit ton of books, tho

>> No.7508606

Big family and lots of friends senpai. Except for DFW and the Jap it was all in collected editions so it's not actually that much desu.

>> No.7509340

no, why the fuck get everything? Just get one from each and see if you like it first.

>> No.7509349

Just moved across the country and didn't really do or get anything for Christmas (though mum is sending a care package through the mail)
So I bought myself A Brief History of Seven Killings. It's pretty good so far.

>> No.7509389
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Christmas acquisitions and recent purchases.

>> No.7509396
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and currently reading pile.

>> No.7509397

>the kite runner

>> No.7509408

a few friends really like it. i know /lit/ isn't crazy about it, but whatevs.

>> No.7509499

Just dreaming of raping a brown kid

>> No.7510005

>Someone got a westward cannon and then some for x-mas

>> No.7510066
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i just got The Picture of Dorian Gray and image book from Jean Meckert

>> No.7510074

Some guy standing up to a nazi pedophile taliban terrorist to defend a little boy is genius and original plot

>> No.7510223

I also got the Castle, anon

probably gonna start it after I power through the count of monte cristo

never read any Kafka before, I'm excited

>> No.7510227


>> No.7510253

Last time I checked Confessions wasn't as short as that

>> No.7510892

How did you find the divine comedy? I felt it was too poetic form me to follow the story. ill probably have to come back to it when I'm in the mood.

>> No.7511249

You're in for a wild ride with Anselm, senpai.

>> No.7511466
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>the count of monte cristo
i hope you're enjoying it. it's my favorite book.

>> No.7511528

Not who you're talking to, but I just finished the Three Musketeers a month or two ago. Fucking loved it. Have Count sitting on my shelf. I will get to it sometime this year.

>> No.7511639

I read Hunger Makes Me A Modern Girl. Really enjoyed it. I didn't know much about Sleater-Kinney; the book showed a much different side of Carrie than the few Portlandia episodes I've watched did.

>> No.7511683

Big fan of The Metamorphoses of Ovid
Some really great stories in there.

>> No.7511697
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>> No.7511715
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How'd I do?

>> No.7511750

Mirin' dat Golden Bough. How is it?

>> No.7511757
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At least one year before I get around to it, realistically.

I can see myself reading 'Rumi' very soon.

And as soon as I'm done reading The Elements by Euclid, that Archimedes is gon' get read. That is by far the closest book here to getting read.

I read so many books. Have little time for fiction.

>> No.7511967

It looks like you skipped Husserl in your phenomenology.

>> No.7511994
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I got a fancy HP Lovecraft collection

>> No.7512023
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Was reading mine in bed just before browsing this thread. Second time ever reading it, first time with a physical copy. It was immediately my favorite book when I read it last year, and I'm glad I finally revisited it; I forgot how many cool side stories there are.

>> No.7512070

Would you suggest Fear and Trembling over Either/Or for someone who isn't Christian or particularly religious?

>> No.7512080
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All gifts, even though I've read TSZ before.

>> No.7512207

>Not using the public library and spending your money on alcohol and drugs

>> No.7512269

>if that than which a greater cannot be thought can be thought not to exist then that than which a greater cannot be thought is not that than which a greater cannot be thought

He's good but you'll have a bad headache.

Might as well post what I got:
>the elephant vanishes by Murakami (I've read this before but I lost my old copy)
>the satanic verses and two years eight months and twenty eight days by salman rushdie
>...and yet by christopher hitchens
>keep the aspidistra flying by orwell

and some Robert Stevenson

>> No.7512628
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Xmas presents. How did I do?

>> No.7512668

No wonder you are looking for LOTR with those hobbit feet.

>> No.7512672 [SPOILER] 
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>history of the CIA
i wonder who could be behind this post...

>> No.7512684
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Rate my Christmas presents

>> No.7512695

Basic but good.

>> No.7512738

>History of the Byzantine Empire

fuck yeah

>> No.7513713

Confessions really isn't terribly long.
I studied Anselm a bit in Uni. Once you get used to the language of these medieval philosophers, I think you start to see their true genius. Looking forward to reading more Anselm.
Even with Either/Or, you're going to get a bunch of Christianity, even if it is not explicit. Especially in the second volume. Honestly, I think Either/Or is a good place to go after you've read Fear and Trembling. If you're looking for a secularized Kierkegaard, I would recommend Heidegger's Being and Time.

>> No.7513728

I prefer The Cunt of Monte Cristo. It's a genderbent version.

>> No.7514512

I've had The Arms of Krupp on my shelf for over a year now. I really want to read it, but it's so long I've never picked it up.

>> No.7515130


Ulysses is a fantastic book, as you may have heard. Read it m9.

Not even meming

>> No.7515142

not either anon you were replying to, but homie how can you recommend Being and Time to anyone? Shit's damn near impossible to read

>> No.7515197
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>not having enough money to buy any book and drug you want

>> No.7515413

If you've never read Heidegger before, and you want to read Being and Time, you should get some sort of guide to Heidegger. I think Richard Polt has a fine book that will help readers out.

>> No.7515705
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>> No.7516033

Amazon Kindle

Does that count?

>> No.7516561
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I have this heading my way

>> No.7516563

All hardcover.

>> No.7516797


>> No.7516837

How do u people decide what books you will read.

>Takes a lot of time to find out if the book is shit.
>Can't even tell just by glancing if it might be good

Do you just wade through incredible amounts of shit or what

Hell when it comes to translations how do you even make your decision if you should buy it?

>> No.7516848

I want to order Berserk but only thing available in the Internet bookstores are the Dark Horse trash versions..

>> No.7516897

I'll order Cormac's Border trilogy because I so liked No Country for Old Men (but disliked the Road).

I will probably order Inherent Vice because I saw the movie while back and liked it and the discussion around it - and maybe the Gravity's Rainbow as it is so very praised here.

But then I run into >>7516837

>> No.7516989
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>> No.7517057

>Takes a lot of time to find out if the book is shit.
Actually no, not at all if you know anything about literature. Go back to /v/.

>> No.7517071

So tell me how do you gauge the book? You just read it for 15 minutes in the book store?

They dont allow that. At best you can glance them for minute or two

>> No.7517072

>book stores

>> No.7517073

Our public libraries are pure shit and only contain translated works.

>> No.7517081

Found a '68 hardback edition of Kafka's The Trial in good condition today, only cost me a pound and has amazing illustrations inside. Same for a hardback of Three men in a Boat. I got a kindle for christmas so I reading Dugins 4PT atm

>> No.7517106

OP here.

I have a degree in philosophy and prior experience with most of the authors in that pile. Even if I don't like some of the books, I know I'll get something valuable out of them.

As for translations, I do my research. There's generally some sort of consensus on what the most scholarly edition of a philosophical work is. If not, go for a reputable publisher.

I generally stick with books/authors that are well-revered, so, no, I don't wade through incredible amounts of shit. In fact, the most shitty thing I've read recently is your post.

>> No.7517119

Once you've been reading for a month or two, and you're not a pleb, you gain a sense of what publishers are good quality, and what names there are to look out for. You can also gain the ability to judge a book by it's blurb/cover with good success.

>> No.7517133

Brothers Karamemezov
Notes from underground
For Whom The Bell Tolls
The Border Trilogy
The Sound And The Fury

I finished Stoner in one sitting felt bad man so where do you fellas think I should head from there?

>> No.7517186

>Virginia Woolf


>> No.7517277
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>> No.7517331

Where did you find those Hong translations, and how much did they cost you? I really need to read Works of Love, but it's difficult to find in that translation and below $25 or so.

>> No.7517426

Foundation trilogy-Asimov
Warlock-Oakley Hall
Mythologies-Roland Barthes
Satantango-László Krasznahorkai
Paris Peasant-Louis Aragon

>> No.7517451

Nice, I'm reading Mythologies right now and I just picked up Satantango in Budapest. Looking forward to reading it. Have you watched the film?

>> No.7517463


I was actually saving Bela Tarr's Satantango for when I got and read the book, should be here before the New Year and I'm looking forward to reading and watching since I've wanted more Hungarian novels to read.

Mythologies is basically my first introduction to Barthes so I hope it isn't too dense.

It was a tough choice between Paris Peasant and Mythologies or the first book in Capitalism and Schizophrenia, I suppose I'll order Anti-Oedipus and the rest in the trilogy sometime next month when I get paid.

>> No.7517473

Can't be bothered to take a picture so here's a list:
An Introduction to Non-Classical Logic by Graham Priest
Imagination and Convention: Distinguishing Grammar and Inference in Language by Ernie Lepore and Matthew Stone
Context by Robert Stalnaker
Relativism and Monadic Truth by Herman Cappelen and John Hawthorne
Philosophy without Intuitions by Herman Cappelen
Supervenience and Mind: Selected Essays by Jaegwon Kim
Modal Logic and Metaphysics by Timothy Williamson
Poilu: The World War I Notebooks of Louis Barthas, Barrelmaker by Louis Barthas
NKJV Bible

Autistic as fuck, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.7517486
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In addition to Thomas Pynchon - V

>> No.7517495

I got them as gifts, so I don't know how much they cost. Probably around $30 or so? Hong translations aren't always cheap, and I consider myself lucky to have 12 of their Kierkegaard translations.

>> No.7517496
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Oh and these

>> No.7517811

Because I've never read any of her work.

>> No.7518376
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My phone apparently takes shit pictures in low light, so(from top to bottom, left to right): Haunted by Joyce Carol Oats, Richard II by Shakespeare, Demian by Hesse, Kokoro by Natsume Soseki, Diogenes the Cynic Sayings and Anecdotes, Notes From The Underground by Dostoyevsky, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Dick, Brave New World by Huxley, Snow Crash by Stephenson, The Dispossessed by le Guin, Stranger in a Strange Land by Heinlein and a collection of short stories called Masterpieces of Science Fiction.

The last 2 columns on the right are for a science fiction literature class I'm taking next semester. I'm half excited for it but I'll see how bad it is soon enough.

>> No.7518400

Weird question but does it feel like it was ghost written? I've come to expect every celebrity biography to be ghost written but I know Carrie is an avid reader so she seems like she'd actually write her own biography.

>> No.7518432

Knowing about literature and reading enough so you know what kind of books and what authors you enjoy/don't enjoy. Just like with anything else imo.

The more I read the less shit books I encounter.

>> No.7518435

What are some recommended books on literary criticism?

>> No.7518464
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just what I got for Christmas
>tfw new

>> No.7518473

Don't even bother with Slaughterhouse 5. Waste of time tbqh.

>> No.7518487

>tfw amazon prime actually makes it cheaper to buy new books over used books because you don't need to pay for shipping

>> No.7518491
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all for under $80; the adams was only $7 and apart from the top of the jacket being a little bent here and there it's in perfect condition.

>> No.7519226
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I have a nice family

>> No.7519238

Mate, If you hate that Iliad, please don't discard the work, but the translator. I found Wordsworth Homer absolutely unreadable.

>> No.7519240

what publisher is that?

>> No.7519380

Library of America

>> No.7520528

>ordered the iliad
>they sent me the odyssey instead

>> No.7520532

Should've got Fitzgerald Iliad desu

>> No.7521162
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me again. my girlfriend surprised me with a belated birthday gift. I'm probably going to write a chapter on the new Star Wars for my thesis next semester so these should come in handy.

>> No.7521194

Selected poems of: Allen Ginsberg, E.E. Cummings, Keats, Wallace Stevens, John Donne and a selection of essays by Wallace Stevens.

>> No.7521197

>doesnt even contain Stein's magnum opus
this always disappointed me

>> No.7521280

nice, ive really been into poetry lately also.
got me a bunch of modernists

Randall Jarrell, Robert Penn Warren, John Crowe Ransom, John Gould Fletcher, Paul Celan

Who is your favorite of the ones you got?

>> No.7521296

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, John Le Carre (finished last night and loved it)

A Scanner Darkly, Philip K. Dick

When We Were Orphans, Kazuo Ishiguro

Collected poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins

Trouble is My Business, Raymond Chandler

Which one should I read next, /lit/?

>> No.7521402

does that copy of a clockwork orange have german phrases in it? i got the same one for my birthday

>> No.7521445
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Nothing special

>> No.7521454

Replied to your bookshelf post asking this too but did you go to ukc in halifax?

>> No.7521461


>> No.7521957

can't tell if that is a shit bible or a really good bible

>> No.7521991

these threads are the shitpiles redditors are drawn to like flies

>> No.7521995

Nice baldwin, although I hear his later stuff isn't as good.