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/lit/ - Literature

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750770 No.750770 [Reply] [Original]

I want to start reading heavily into science fiction and fantasy, but dont know where to start, I've read Dune (just the first one),StarShip Troopers, most of Orson Scott Card's stuff, Ring world, LORT, The Dresden files, The Legend of Drizzet, and I've started reading The Malazan Book of the fallen series.

TL;DR, Good Science fiction and fantasy books

>> No.750775

I'd say you've read enough fantasy/sci-fi.

Now read some real literature.

>> No.750773

>but dont know where to start

Philip K. Dick
Arthur C. Clarke
Robert A. Heinlein
Isaac Asimov

>> No.750784


>> No.750789


oh wait you want fantasy too.


A Song of Ice and Fire
Wheel of Time (obligatory even if it's not particularly good)


Gene Wolfe's work (Book of the New Sun in particular)
Robin Hobb's work (Liveship Traders, Farseer, Tawny Man)
Brandon Sanderson's work (Mistborn, Warbreaker, Elantris)
Guy Gavriel Kay's work (Tigana, Lions of Al-Rassan, Sarantium Mosaic)
The Name of the Wind
The Lies of Locke Lamora

>> No.750797

Oh and of course you have to read Ender's Game, because everyone under the sun has read Ender's Game. Same goes for Neuromancer

>> No.750800
File: 40 KB, 286x475, hyperion-front-book-cover1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorites.

>> No.750807


I'm a Pretentious Hipster, but shit, man. Go Die in a Fire in the Second Novel.

OP, Larry Niven has some awesome shit. A lot (if not most/all) of it is Hard Sci-Fi. If you want something you can just jump into, The Long Arm of Gil Hamilton by Larry Niven is a collection of Hard Sci-Fi detective stories.

If you're interested in his works, I suggest the following reading order:

World of Ptavvs (optional -- it provides background for a lot of things, but some of the stuff in it is very, very dated.)
The Long Arm of Gil Hamilton
A Gift from Earth
Ringworld Engineers
Ringworld Throne
Ringworld's Children

>> No.750827
File: 100 KB, 510x400, iainmbanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some good science fiction:

Iain M Banks - Use of Weapons, Look to Windward, Player of Games
Alastair Reynolds - Revelation Space
Ursula K Le Guin - The Dispossessed
M John Harrison - Light, Nova Swing
Ken MacLeod - Learning the World
Geoff Ryman - Air

>> No.750831
File: 2.29 MB, 2200x5000, SF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.750833


I'll admit sci-fi has some cool ideas, but all their prose is shit and they can't make decent characters to save their lives (Bradbury is an exception). Hard sci-fi is even worse, it's just techno-fapping for the author.

>> No.750842

If it weren't for the people largely inspired by sci-fi, you wouldn't have an internet, or the sattelite network your cable TV is dependant on (trust me, even not-dish cable companies use sattelites), or your cell phone, or a hell of a lot of other things you take for granted.

Learn some respect, bitch.

>> No.750844


>but all their prose is shit


>> No.750855


Both of these apply.

>> No.750861


What the hell does those things have to do with science fiction? They would have come around whether or not some people wrote books about spaceships and aliens

>> No.750863


Is that a fucking Halo?

>> No.750882


So... Halo just ripoff someone's work?

>> No.750884

I think Halo was probably inspired by Ringworld, not the other way around...

>> No.750885

1. Keep reading Malazan Book of the Fallen until Karsa Orlong shows up.

>> No.750888


Yea I know that but. Why no one's give the credit this guy deserves? (Larry Niven) Because I think his name should be on the cover of every book and every game based on Halo Universe.

>> No.750889


i'd be fine w/o all of this. i'm not a fat guy with nothing else to do irl

>> No.750897
File: 25 KB, 283x420, 1274225250861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he says he's not a fat guy with nothing else to do
>he's on 4chan

>> No.750905

>implying you'd be fine without all the things directly or indirectly caused by people inspired by science fiction

Only counting the people that openly state that they were inspired by specific science fiction, that's still a huge amount of modern inventions.

>> No.750912

Some of us are scrawny pale guys with nothing else to do.

>> No.750915

I was told not to read A song of fire and Ice untill the next book came out :/

>> No.750917

I'm >>750897

I'm actually a scrawny pale guy with nothing else to do. But usually when you claim to not be fat in a post saying everyone is fat, people just question you about it, so I let it go.

>> No.750921

i'm a girl :(
that hates fat guys

>> No.750924

sorry I meant Ice and Fire

>> No.750936

How do you feel about scrawny pale ones? I'm 135 pounds of pure awesome.

>> No.750938


>I'm also 4'6''

>> No.750939

i prefer them :D

>> No.750975

>doesn't mentione Excession, the best Culture novel

>> No.750978

LotR is no good, read instead:
Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser stories
The Broken Sword & Three Hearts and Three Lions
The Mabinogion
in fact just go through the Millenium/Gollancz Fantasy Masterworks line - except their Moorcock, he can write about fantasy pretty well (Epic Pooh essay) but he can not write fantasy IMO, I read the first two Elric novels and it was worse than anything originally printed in Weird Tales in the 1930s that I have ever read.
Also the Ballantine Adult Fantasy books if you like digging through secondhand bookshops.
What is this 1950? You could have at least said Alfred Bester. Put down Analog and Amazing Stories before you start telling us about Dianetics and Dean Drives and the Shaver Mystery.
You & OP go read about the New Wave and its authors:
the Millenium/Gollancz SF Masterworks line is pretty good, a mix of some pre-20th century and pulp classics and New Wave and more recent. But too much Dick IMO, I think anyone can just read Man in the High Castle and then move on.

If you go to secondhand bookshops, look for the anthologies in their science fiction/fantasy section, pick them up and any sample of an authors work you like follow up on.

>> No.750984

Okay I'll mention Excession for you:

read Excession

>> No.751002

Well fuck yeah. Femanons are both my favorite females and favorite anons!

>> No.751010


I'm going to have to disagree about Moorcock's fantasy. Read him, OP; shit's awesome.

>> No.751020

Thanks, bro.

Excession was awesome.

>> No.751024

Like I said, I read the first two Elric novels.
The Stealer of Souls, Chronicles of the Last Emperor of Melniboné: Volume I
It was one of the worst things I have ever read and certainly below the standards of work I have read that was first published in Weird Tales in the 1930s: Robert E. Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, etc

>> No.751030

E/lit/eist, much?

>> No.751170

Fuck that shit, the first three books on their own constitute what is arguably close to a complete series, at least a complete cycle. Whatever he does or doesn't put out after can't change how great they are.

Just put off on reading book 4 until 5 comes out, that makes sense, as many events in them probably take place concurrently.

>> No.751340

Short stories: try Michael Flynn.

>> No.751355

Check out some Michael Crichton. While his books aren't what people expect in Sci-Fi (aliens, space travel, etc.). His stuff is very much based in real world science and he does a great job of making everything he writes about very believable.