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7507536 No.7507536 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /lit/.
You guys have been somewhat successful at clarifying some elliptical things in books.
I am currently writing the script for a movie adaptation of The Book Of The New Sun. If you've read it can you post some comments/suggestions/understanding of the mythology.
For anyone interested Thecla will be played by an actress wearing Severians cloak when appropriate. There will probably not be a white fountain. The beginning scene is of Father Inire showing the girls his mirrors.

>> No.7507541

>Movie adaptation
>Not getting a show approved by HBO with a budget the size of Game of Thrones and proper time to tell the story

It's going to suck and you will piss off fans. Don't do it.

>> No.7507549

Fun fact: HBO is releasing a show called Westworld and already has Game of Thrones leaving the New Sun series 'not viable'. To be fair, I am excited for both of those. The way the script is going now, it has a very clear arc that can be done in one movie. I hope you will be optimistic.

>> No.7507589

I will check back in maybe an hour or so if this thread isn't relegated to the trash, but for whomever might be curious some fun facts:

triskele is of course in.
the play is not in the film, quotes from it are used to introduce the seperate chapters. Jonas is explicitly korean. severian dies several times.

>> No.7507775

Please don't.

If anything Long Sun is better as a film.

>> No.7507781

So how dumbed down are you gonna make the story?

>> No.7507799

not to discourage you but that doesn't sound too promising. Is it meant for a school project? You'll defuse a lot of apprehensions by stating it if so

>> No.7507803

This sounds like shit. You can't capture what made the book great in a visual medium.

At least I can rest easy knowing that it will never come to fruition.

>> No.7507815

Not at all, although i could scare you and say the concillator is not in, jolenta does not die and we do not go to baldanders laboratory (just a spaceship ). I will say, the finer details are intact regardless. If youve seen 'synecdoche new york' or the fountain, you will be able to make out the dynamic of the script. It isnt being done carelessly.

>> No.7507821

No, this is supposed to be a studio released film. 2017.

Can you all be more detailed please?

>> No.7507907

A misguided idea. A lot of the fun that you get from the books is piecing together what Severian is telling you about, like the fact that his guild is a grounded space ship or that the picture he sees of a golden helmed warrior with a strange stiff banner is actually a picture of the moon landing. Also, the book relies on an unreliable narrator, which isn't something a visual medium excels at unless you're going to have a ton of voiceover narrations and some way to communicate that what the audience sees isn't necessarily real (look up how people reacted to Hitchcock's false flashback in Stage Fright and then imagine trying to do that for an entire film). I can't see this working.

>> No.7508015

Yes actually, and this is less a spoiler than being tediously explicit since Severian will not be narrating, his unreliable memory will be translated into the merging of several timelines in the film as a substantial plot point.

>> No.7508034

You again? The only good part of this series is the first half of the first book.

>> No.7508038

Did you buy the rights first?

If you don't own the rights to the story then there's absolutely no point in you writing a script because no one will ever be able to option it from you or produce it.

>> No.7508087

I've only ever lurked previously.
Yep, can't talk about it though.

>> No.7508094


>thinking Westworld or GoT is even closely related to BoTNS

>> No.7508108
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You can't even begin to imagine just how utterly incorrect you are you little shit you.

>> No.7508115

Do I think that? I was relaying why the production is not on HBO according to their demographic analysts, supposedly.

>> No.7508829

That sounds awful.

>> No.7510436

>jolenta does not die
Why? Jolenta dying symbolises the death of the old world and the coming of the New Sun. When Jolenta dies, it's clear that the New Sun and change will come, for better or worse. Jolenta is the voice of the old, decayed world as as she dies, Dorcas begins to grow stronger.
As Severian escaped the Autarch's stagnant world, he accepts the things that are going to change for better or worse.

>It isnt being done carelessly.
I have no faith in this statement.

>> No.7510454

Is this an actual, for real thing that is really going to happen?

My thoughts on what should be done:
Make it surreal. Like very surreal, lighting and angles should be dark and gloomy with a pale light, lots of grey.
Follow it as closely as possible and make it very perspective driven. Everything comes from Severian.
Worldbuild through hints and never ever have exposition. Don't introduce the viewer to the world, suck him in with atmosphere.
Severian should be acted by that autist Kylo Ren actor since he does the edgy young kind of feel really good.
Don't try to reduce it to something short.

Imagine it like kind of a Stalker, especially the start that was black and white.

>> No.7510478

This has to be a trilogy.

>> No.7510527

Only the Poles would do that kind of movie right

My bet is OP was trying out a new approach to trolling, but I guess Wolfe could want to see royalties in his lifetime