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/lit/ - Literature

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7503063 No.7503063 [Reply] [Original]

why do you read books?

>> No.7503065

i get bored

>> No.7503073
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>> No.7503081
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that is one of the ugliest book covers i've ever seen

>> No.7503082

They promote deep, linear thinking and enable me to learn what my fellow human beings are thinking and feeling.

>> No.7503085
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to improve the vision of my minds eye

>> No.7503102

so fucking bored senpai

>> No.7503105

i dont even read books, but i keep a massive bookshelf in my room to kid everyone else into thinking that i read, it's ALL about apperances.

>> No.7503106

>Literature is the most agreeable way of ignoring life

>> No.7503115
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about a year ago one of my biggest role models decided he was going to major in philosophy and i didnt know anything about it and i just hopped into reading (mostly philosophy) as a hobby and its fucking great

>> No.7503256

the wifi stopped working. or i was in school. Or theres some anomally going on in my brain that makes me want to finish the hitchikers guide to the galaxy trilogy. Im like half way through the third book.

>> No.7503298

I want to be smarter than other people.

In all honesty though, I just feel that it's a good way to spend your time. Better to read something than play a video game, as long as it has literary qualities. At least you'll learn something that way.

>> No.7503303

Have you ever tried moving to another house? That's why.

>> No.7503306

Gaddis Posters are out of control today jeez

>> No.7503319

In hopes that I can find something that'll jumpstart my emotions

I feel emotionally numb to most situations and I'm starting to feel like it's hurting my relationships with my family and friends

No seriously I'm not being edgy, I haven't cried in over 5 years and I'm starting to get worried about it


>> No.7503322

Have you tried suicide?

>> No.7503323

No of course not. Emotionally numb not depressed

>> No.7503325
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Nobody here reads books. You've come to the wrong place.

>> No.7503358

I like books

>> No.7503434

To understand Mein Gott Zizek

>> No.7503448

I enjoy indulging in the human imagination.

>> No.7503454
File: 1.39 MB, 200x150, tumblr_inline_nqhg7m31WV1qazf3y_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job, you did it. You solved anon's problems.

>> No.7503521

Agreed, that cover makes me fucking gag

>> No.7504020

fate presses me

>> No.7504437

i dont read i just browse /lit/ and talk about books

>> No.7504461

To escape solitude and delude myself of my real-life stupidity.

>> No.7504857

Holy shit mate, I cry like two or three times a week and I'm glad I read this, because I use to be this way and I remember now it was worse. If you want to feel your emotions it is simple, let go of your addictions. They will surface soon enough.

>> No.7504940

I don't have any (unless you consider fapping), and I've been sober for 6 months. What else could it be?

>> No.7505006

I just kinda wanted to know what good literature was and consisted of. I figured the best way to find out was to read as much as I can myself, so I became something of a classics snob unintentionally. I would never consider myself well-read though, the list seems interminable.

>> No.7505221

Fapping counts. I stopped fapping for maths and recently relapsed. Feel like a pathetic loser.

>> No.7505506

I don't.

>> No.7505517

Why do we, why are we literate? It's because the please of being alone, with a book, is one of the greatest pleasures

>> No.7505573

Oh that is good taste anon oh quite good yes

>> No.7505581

I want to be smart and smart people read

>> No.7505583

are they smart because they read
or do they read because they're smart

>> No.7505629


to feel alive.

>> No.7506212


>> No.7506217

to be better than normalfags

>> No.7506221

Hello. I like to read books a la The Bible, et. al.

>> No.7506561

>le reddit bird

Kill yourself.

>> No.7506650

But there's still that little pang of something that was, otherwise you wouldn't care for losing your family and friends.

For less numbness i personally recommend love, MDMA, or self-harm.

>> No.7506657

Books are the best form of entertainment. Video games are a fun waste of time. Music is good but too abstract. TV and film is just cookie-cutter shit. Literature manages to combine fun and entertainment with something soulful and life-improving.

>> No.7506669

>Video games
>TV and film

Sports are objectively a million times more entertaining and useful for you than any of these.

>> No.7506698

>Play a sport, learn the rules of the game
>Realise you suck at it
>Play it more
>Get good
>Realise you'll never compete with those who started playing as small children or have natural ability
>Realise you don't have what it takes to compete at the highest level and are genetically inferior
>Get injured repeatedly
>Still play the sport because you're addicted
>Accept your place in society and never question anything
>Acquiesce to any system of control because you assume those at the top got there by being preternaturally gifted to lead and deserve your adoration and respect just like your sports idols!
>Sport taught you how to be a good slave
>Cheer for Red team cheer for Blue! Go Red! Go Blue! My local sports team, I love you.
>How to indoctrinate a society and build an empire, sports.

>> No.7506720

You cant play sports daily

>> No.7506722

murrican detected

>> No.7506774

Self-harm seems stupid to me
Plus I have an incredibly low pain tolerance

I'll try MDMA first, and if that doesn't fix me I guess I'll try love

>> No.7506819

It gives me something to look forward to at work (I read on my lunch break)

I've accomplished very little since finishing high school, I get a sense of accomplishment when I finish a book of decent repute

I'm a pretty smart guy, it gives me something I can start a conversation with other smart people (usually literature is a intellectual hobby) not being pretentious, but all my friends are cliche idiots, kind of socially awkward, need a common interest to talk to someone

>> No.7506843

>film is just cookie cutter shit
You clearly don't watch enough film

What th fuck do you mean by music is too abstract?
Just fucking play an instrument, find a sound and try to perfect it

>> No.7506850

I never had many friends, living in a very rural area kept me very isolated, especially during winter months, so reading and my art kept me company.

>> No.7507127

Cause it's fun, bruh.

>> No.7507133

How othen do you fap?

>> No.7507138

Not a bad reason at all. Do you feel any smarter since you've started?

>> No.7508068


>> No.7508077

Cause I like reading.

>> No.7508084


Porn addiction is insidious anon. It saps the life out of you if you fap constantly. (like every day or every other day)

>> No.7508101

>implying there's a necessary causal relation in one way or another

>> No.7508110

the perfect answer.
doesn't try to explain the inexplainable. answer is at the same level as the question.

>> No.7508119

Because it's more relaxing than watching a film or playing vidya and it tires me out the right amount before I go to sleep.

>> No.7508120

(im a different anon)
>porn addiction
nope. fap out of boredom. every damn day. nihilism is the consequence, in every sense of the word, coming from physiology of course.

>> No.7508142

I don't. Not anymore. Now I drink beer, everyday. Fap, everyday. And maybe open Nietzsche book sometimes just cause I feel bad cause I dont read and I spend all day on /b/ /r7k/ or some gutter like that. Why Nietzsche? Are u a child? Some anon may ask. Nietzsche is the greatest writer I've read in my life. Period. Insult all you want, I dont give a fuck. Recomend me books from other writers, then I will give a fuck, and will try online, then if I like it will buy it. I fucking swear.
dont even mention Schopenhauer, E M Cioran, Pessoa, Walser, Orwell, Cervantes (Im Spanish, which means I've read him in his own original language, no stupid traductions needed), Kafka, Dostoyevski, McCarthy, Jack London... that's all I can remember at this moment. Nietzsche has such a condensed style, meaningful, short sentences, that passion... (English is not my first language and Im drunk, dont fucking crucify me).

>> No.7508199

This, pretty much. When you live in a stifling environment or feel alienated from those around you, books are a great tool.

>"Whenever my environment had failed to support or nourish me, I had clutched at books..."
- Richard Wright

>> No.7508247

>books to escape reality
my problem is, today we got the internet for that.
and Im to lazy to grab a book, even tho I believe Im very intelligent compared to the average genius around where I live.

>> No.7508270

cause Im too intelligent to be strong
I have no option

>> No.7508508

No more than 3 times a week

>> No.7508526

>>Literature is the most agreeable way of ignoring life

This, its better than booze.
I actually have heard about someone who was (and probably secretly still is) addicted to reading.

>> No.7508549

to empathise

>> No.7508703

because the stuff that's in books is in books

>> No.7508734

so i can tell /lit/ that i did

>> No.7508755

they feel good to read. a good book becomes almost a physical sensation. of course (it is /lit/) I also have an inferiority complex that makes me want to become more "intelligent"

>> No.7508772


to make it easier to get laid and to have more interesting things to think about when I'm by myself

>> No.7508791
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books contain the best memes

I'm not joking desu senpai

>> No.7508980


>> No.7509001

I was listless and bored after my ex and I broke upand went to the library for the first time in years. I read south of the border, west of the sun and it left a hole in me that completely engulfed whatever residual feelings I had for her. I kept reading to feel that feeling again.

>> No.7509043

It stimulates my imagination similarly to music.
Also it seems to be a more socially acceptable escape from people and conversation.

>> No.7510146

Nah, the internet is more tantamount to writing in a journal, for me.

Reading stories is a whole different animal.

>> No.7510153

If I don't I think I would literally lose my mind.

>> No.7510200

Why did you stop fapping for maths?

>> No.7510482

Literature helps me with understanding and connecting to other people. It's also fun.