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7502000 No.7502000 [Reply] [Original]

Are any of the Star Wars books good? What's canon? Are they all books for babies or are any actually well-written? The only genre books I've read are ASoIaF (fun reading, imo) and I know nothing about the SW universe or whatever, so any opinions are appreciated.

>> No.7502007

He's a big guy.

>> No.7502010

they're written by C-grade sci-fi authors who's only intent is money.
avoid at all costs.
also they've all been retconned.

>> No.7502018

Nothing is canon and George Lucas is a fucking child in the flesh of a hairy testicle

>> No.7502026


>> No.7502034

Thrawn Trilogy is good and the New Jedi Order series is in my opinion good. (INB4 edgy). I read a lot of Stars Wars book when I was in elementary school and middle school, they were a good introduction to the science fiction genre even if a large amount of the books were utter trash.

>> No.7502581
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>Thrawn Trilogy is good
You sure about that?

>> No.7502679

This, I think the only official canon is the movies

>> No.7502680

not literature

>> No.7502685

>it's not a film, it's a flick!
ok champ

>> No.7502723

Not him, but yes I'm sure. The Thrawn Trilogy has a far superior story arc to even the original trilogy. Disney fucked up bad considering the true VII VIII and IV were already written in the early 90s

>> No.7502731

God, I fucking hate the word "flick" and anyone who uses it.

>> No.7502734
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>especially... having excellence of form or expression and expressing ideas of permanent or universal interest

Sorry, yer shit ain't literature.

Anon, I picked up book one and stopped just about at that pic related. It's like it's written by a high schooler. I had to stop just about every paragraph to roll my eyes. Who gives a shit about the story if the writing itself is shit?

>> No.7502781


I read many of them when I was 11-12.

No, they're very bad on average. If you didn't read them before entering high school (possibly middle school) you completely missed out. Sorry.

>> No.7502800

I'm bringing this info over from the comic board, but if you're interested in Star Wars content or books check these out.

>Star Wars Rebels MEGA (Season 1):

>Star Wars Rebels links (Season 2):

>Star Wars Films(1080p BluRay rips):

>All Canon Novels and Comics:

>Star Wars Legends Novels & Comics (Incomplete):

>Star Wars Audiobooks (Canon and Legends) and Motion Comics:

>Star Wars Soundtracks MEGA (Work-in-Progress):

>> No.7502885
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This is not the elitism you're looking for

>> No.7502918

I'd like to read the one by Sean Stewart. I'm a fan of his other work

>> No.7503157

I loved Darth Bane's trilogy. I listened to the audiobooks while lying on my bed, good times

Darth Plagueis was great as well

>> No.7503176

They aren't even good genre fiction.

>> No.7503481

I cringed reading this.

>> No.7503674

I cringed reading this.

>> No.7504964

I've only read Matt Stover's RotS novel. Anakin and Obi-Wan are pretty gay for each other there and you've got to wonder how he got that past the editor. It was much better than the movie though, so his books might be decent.

>> No.7504999


>> No.7505001
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I just wanna say to stay away from this piece of shit. The subject matter is interesting, but it never goes anywhere and it reads like a goddamn fanfic.

>> No.7505004

>Anakin and Obi-Wan are pretty gay for each other there and you've got to wonder how he got that past the editor.
Please elaborate

>> No.7505027
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>> No.7505068
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There's also Padme asking Obi-Wan if he doesn't love Anakin, "too", or like half a page of Obi-Wan thinking about Anakin's butt.

>> No.7505080

None are good, most are canon because Lucas likes money, not for babies or well written but are for the worst kind of star wars fan

>> No.7505082

>Han Solo's Revenge
>he's shooting Chewbacca in the back

>> No.7505093

pleb general?

>> No.7505141

Chewie shot first

>> No.7505144

They're all good. They're all worth reading, and they're all fan-fucking-tastic. Pick 'em up at your local book shoppe. That's the Star Wars Novels, OK? You're going to want to ask the clerk where they are because you want to find those bad boys as soon as possible. That's ASAP, you heard? Star Wars books, buy 'em. They're what's good.

>> No.7505155

>What's canon?
None of them. Disney obliterated the Expanded Universe so that even those fanboys who kept up with it would have to buy every product Disney's putting out.

>> No.7505161
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>watching films
Stick to flicks

>> No.7505167

plageuis is supposed to be good

>> No.7505169


>> No.7505189

Plagueis is a bad guy, retard.

>> No.7505213
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>> No.7505214

"The TIE wibbles and wobbles through the air, careening drunkenly across the Myrrann rooftops - it zigzags herkily-jerkily out of sight."

>> No.7505296

It's like he tried to imitate Joyce in the worst way possible

>> No.7505431

does anybody know how I can find the order of books for all the star wars books written? I want to read from the oldest to the furthest in the future

>> No.7505452

is it me or the best thing that came out of star wars was kotor 2 in terms of writing? i mean this is good for a video game

Know that there was once a Darth Traya. And that she cast aside that role, was exiled, and found a new purpose. But there must always be a Darth Traya, one that holds the knowledge of betrayal. Who has been betrayed in their heart, and will betray in turn."

Perhaps you were expecting some surprise, for me to reveal a secret that had eluded you, something that would change your perspective of events, shatter you to your core. There is no great revelation, no great secret. There is only you."
―Darth Traya, to the Jedi Exile

Kreia: "Yes, and what are they without the Force? Take the greatest Jedi Knight, strip away the Force, and what remains? They rely on it, depend on it, more than they know. Watch as one tries to hold a blaster, as they try to hold a lightsaber, and you will see nothing more than a woman – or a man. A child."

>> No.7505577

Okay yeah that's pretty gay

>> No.7505613

>any sign of compassion towards the same sex
I bet you're one of those people who gets freaked out when his friend's hand accidentally touches his own for a second

>> No.7505615
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Best book is Tales of the Bounty Hunters, and that's more a collection of short stories.

Best short story is "Of Possible Futures".

Best trilogy (in my opinion) is the Bounty Hunter Wars.

This is coming from someone who's read almost every Star Wars book.

None are canon anymore, although Disney has confirmed Boba Fett being alive in their new canon, so why not?

>Dengar best bounty hunter

>> No.7505628

It's written like a romance novel. The prose makes it gay.

>> No.7505639

to add to this:
these books will get you into the Boba Fett fandom, and it's a good fandom, but don't go too far down that path. It is a dark one filled with many terrible novels and comics.

General rule of thumb is if it's got Boba wielding a lightsaber on the cover, stay away.

That shit was ruled noncanon before Disney even acquired Star Wars.

And, no, they're not literary masterpieces, but the ones I mentioned are written well.

>> No.7505643

Go back to /v/, this written is mediocre.

>> No.7505646

thanks anon, will take your word for it

>> No.7505687

Fucking Chuck Wendig, really?
>used to read his writing blog
>stopped because every entry started to sound the same, and not in a good way.

>> No.7505744

They all read like fanfic.