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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 418 KB, 1404x2243, IMG_20151224_210440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7500945 No.7500945 [Reply] [Original]

What did you get for christmas,/lit/?
For me it's pic related

>> No.7500977
File: 72 KB, 422x600, Wolfe-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the best girlfriend ever

>> No.7501352

>Gene Wolfe

>> No.7501500


I'm sorry you're a miserable shitposter, anon. Life will get better.

>> No.7501503

Fuck off to Reddit, pleb.

>> No.7501526

Sounds awesome man.

I got a sweatshirt and a small lego package with a dude, submarine and an octopus.
My aunt wanted to get me some pope Benedict but wasn't sure what I've already read so I'll go to a bookstore some time next week and get me some Faulkner. Saw good cheap editions of Absalom, Absalom! and Sound and the Fury. Hopefully I'll get that.

>> No.7501545


>> No.7501816
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>> No.7501831
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finally fucking arrived

>> No.7502027

Enjoy it, this is my favorite. Welcome to the patrician race

>> No.7502062

Asking for a hardback turn of the century edition of Hunchback of Notre Dame that I saw on Amazon. I love, love, love Les Miserables so I figure I would like it. Don't know if I got it yet - still Christmas Eve here.

>> No.7502103
File: 91 KB, 658x992, elvis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously the first time I've ever asked for or received a book for Christmas, hoping it gets me motivated to read some of my backlog.

>> No.7502128


What is this, exactly?

>> No.7502674

The New York Trilogy / Auster
In Search of Lost Time vol. 3-6 / Proust
LotR / Tolkien
Silmarillion / Tolkien
Pale Fire / Nabokov
The Defense / Nabokov
Women and Men / McElroy
No Longer Human / Dazai
House of Leaves / Danielewski

>> No.7502676

bretty gud
quite gud
bretty gud
giga-based (nigga who bought you this it expensive as fuck my copy cost me 150$)

>> No.7502684
File: 206 KB, 960x960, jungheavenhell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jung's Red Book (the full sized version!)
Delany's Dhalgren
What If? (xkcd-creator's book)
A couple of books on working/publishing as an artist/writer

>> No.7502688

Shit, and "The Ancients and the Postmoderns: On the Historicity of Forms"

My mother bought it and basically said that she didn't know what the hell it is.

>> No.7502811
File: 1.99 MB, 3264x2448, WP_20151224_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easton Gatsby, Easton portrait of the artist as a young man, and a modern library Ulysses. And this is just Christmas eve.

>> No.7502819
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>> No.7502899
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>> No.7502934
File: 278 KB, 1440x1427, Screenshot_2015-12-25-08-16-01-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered these two using the gift card Santa got me

>> No.7502977

For me i bought the republic and dorian grey

>> No.7502979

i got a sweet reminder of my soul crushing loneliness.

>> No.7502987

I'm reading that translation with the original and it has many faults. Although it's the first attempt at bringing the book to Hungarians, hopefully after this one others will try to improve upon it.

>> No.7502989

The Witness - Saer
Las Nubes - Saer
The Seven madmen - Arlt
Umbrella - Self
Being and time - Heidegger
The Assistant - Walser
Un barbare en Asie - Michaux

>> No.7503019

>fetishizing books
>fetishizing the list that shows your ordered books

>> No.7503030

Napoleon's Last Island by Thomas Keneally. I haven't read any books from 2015 yet, so I am excited. I really like the new book smell.
I also got "The Simpsons Family History" a picture book about the trials of a humble family man named Homer.

>> No.7503096
File: 2.21 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20151225_095610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edgy teen starter kit.

I'm 26.

>> No.7503109
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pic related


>> No.7503111

Nice insight friend, you truly are an intellectual giant

>> No.7503113

Signed copy of Buddha of Suburbia
Then We Came to the End
You Bright and Risen Angels
a collection of Elena Ferrante

not a bad haul

>> No.7503118

No need to be that jealous, my friend. Maybe you haven't got any books this year, but it's not the end of the world; maybe next time, don't be afraid.

>> No.7503120

Fuck books, how's the tea?

Jealous. I really should get around to ordering those.

>> No.7503129

I like the celebrations chocolate pack.
All of them are nice presents,besides the lottery tickets.

>> No.7503133

>American lottery tickets

Poor continuity.

>> No.7503140

I got:

The Canterbury Tales
The Mahabharata
The Tale of Genji
The Shahnameh
Anthology of Classic Chinese Poetry

All of which I asked for, but pretty good to expand my reading outside of just the Western Canon.

>> No.7503144

Is the Canterbury Tales in original language?

>> No.7503153

Which Genji translation?

>> No.7503156

I got Blood Meridian and The catcher in the rye

>> No.7503160

Very good books. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

>> No.7503166

Anyone get an ereader for christmas?

>> No.7503168


>> No.7503177


too edgy for me

>> No.7503188


>> No.7503191

Just had Persepolis turn up too.

And Lynx shower gel and body spray. Conflicting.

>> No.7503194

My least favourite Genji translation, but it's still pretty good. Enjoy.

>> No.7503199
File: 303 KB, 1483x2205, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sailor who fell from grace with the sea
The sound of waves
The temple of the golden pavillion
My friend Hitler and other plays by Yukio Mishima
Spring snow
Any idea after which book to read the plays so as to get the most from them?

>> No.7503226

Just read patriotism senpai. It's his greatest aesthetic achievement, by far.

>> No.7503234

Lynx Africa is the fucking shit.

>> No.7503235

I went for it because it seemed to have by far the best prose style from the extracts I read

Which one do you prefer?

>> No.7503241
File: 31 KB, 331x499, 51xrwmFtIHL._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister got me pic related. I also bought a few of Deleuze books + History of Madness by Foucault. Going to have a Very Continental Christmas

>> No.7503244

A watch I asked for, an electric toothbrush and underwear

>> No.7503247

what the hell is this? ive never even heard of gene wolf until just 3 minutes ago in like 2 threads. Apparently i have to read like 50 books about new suns and now this?

>> No.7503251

Seidensticker. The Randall one is easy to read but he doesn't have quite the same poetic sensibility.

>> No.7503254

Gene Wolfe is /lit/s select speculative fiction writer. He's very good.

>> No.7503271

He is arguably the best writer within sff and is a fantastic writer overall.

>> No.7503279

yeah but i cant even find the book he posted. Planet Engineering? It sounds interesting but google cant even find it.

>> No.7503283

Any particular edition senpai?

>> No.7503285

Can't you google the exact title?


>> No.7503288

Plan(e)t Engineering (1984) (published by Boskone when Wolfe was guest of honor; contains previously uncollected short stories, a new essay on Book of the New Sun and map, several poems, and an article by Wolfe on robots from Plant Engineering magazine.

>> No.7503291

which edition of ulysses is that? (as in the text)

>> No.7503292
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Signed copy of the Bible

>> No.7503293

amazon says 100 dollars for a paperback edition. Am i dyslexic?

>> No.7503302

Woes of the true policeman
To the lighthouse
The man who was thursday
The man without qualities
The idiot
King Lear
Anthony and Cleopatra
The Portrait of a lady
Mill on floss
The diary of a nobody
Vanity Fair


>> No.7503315
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>> No.7503329
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From my mother-in-law.

>> No.7503340


Collected Works of William Shakespeare
Paradise Lost - Milton
Dead Souls - Gogol
Anne Karenina - Tolstoy
The Short Novels of John Steinbeck
White Noise - DeLillo
Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnameable - Beckett
Dubliners - Joyce
The Hero With a Thousand Faces - Campbell
Lord of the Flies - Golding

Very grateful. Shakespeare alone should take up a good portion of next years reading.

>> No.7503368

how do you think The Hero With a Thousand Faces will be?

>> No.7503378

I'm a Jew, but my dad gifted me a Kindle copy of Radio Benjamin yesterday for some reason. Should be a fun read, I like what Benjamin I've read.

Shit-tier TVU album senpai

>> No.7503379

I don't read much. I don't really know how to 'browse' books as in how to choose what I read.

It is so easy to find new music I like with sites like RateYourMusic.

I like Cormac McCarthy's NCFOM and BM. I'm thinking on ordering his Border trilogy for 20 euros.

I also 'like' the discussion I've seen about Gravity's Rainbow and I think I would enjoy that book based on discussion of it in here.

I guess I'm asking for some /lit/core chart to get me into reading`? Like /mu/ has their mucore chart that has black metal, pop, rock etc.

Do you have one?

>> No.7503383
File: 3.14 MB, 2530x4420, Travel_literature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a Goodreads account, it's great for finding new books, and seeing what fellow /lit/ browsers are reading.

Check the sticky as well, or go in a chart thread.

>> No.7503385

I found the chart thread and it had /lit/core charts that have lots of books from various areas.
>>7491286 (OP)

>> No.7503388
File: 1.96 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_1098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plus a £10 waterstones voucher

>> No.7503395

250 Euros

>> No.7503396

How can you people read translations? You might as well read Wikipedia summary at that point

>> No.7503398

Sucks to be Hungarian if you like Pinecone desu, though they put out Bleeding Edge just recently. Original language meme, etc.

>> No.7503401
File: 1.33 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20151225_100159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this plus Slaughterhouse Five and The Doors of Perception.

Also, my grandma got me brave new world and a clockwork orange but they're written for native German speakers and have a fuck tonne of German notes.

Either/Or, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and a collection of Borge's works are in the mail still.

>> No.7503402

I wouldn't go that far, Wolfe owes a lot to Jack Vance.

>> No.7503407
File: 220 KB, 347x440, dfw7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying everything on boxing day

>> No.7503410

Dune - Frank Herbert
The Postman - David Brin
Being and Time - Martin Heidegger
The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka
Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Friedrich Nietzsche

Alongside some socks

>> No.7503416

He owes far less to Vance than people assume. His influence is aesthetic, Proust, Chesterton and Borges are the real, deep influence on Wolfe.

>> No.7503441

Shit TVU is still God tier though, although it is their weakest album.

Che is a curiosity. I'm expecting to dislike him but he's an important historical figure.

>> No.7503477

While I specifically told everyone that I wanted any classic novels, or any book from exactchange.com, I received only an autobiography of John Keats (what the fuck) and a collection of Poe's poems. What is the point in getting me tripe I didn't ask for? I'd rather have nothing because now I have to store it.

I know I'm a huge asshole for feeling anything less than overwhelming joy that my parents even considered to get me books but christ - I gave them a hand written list and got nothing on it. It isn't like they're expensive either so idk

>> No.7503478

enjoy bologna senor

>> No.7503485
File: 34 KB, 314x475, Wolfe_shadow_&_claw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I in for?

>> No.7503490

>autobiography of John Keats


>> No.7503493

A literary experience

>> No.7503495

You can't make this up. It's like 600 pages of the mans life, by someone else. Why in the name of God...

>> No.7503496

>reading books written by contemporary jews

>> No.7503497

you mean biography then, you retard

also Keats biography by Andrew Motion is one of my favourite books ever

be grateful you pleb

>> No.7503501

the greatest literary work of the last 60 years

>> No.7503506

At first you'll think "What the fug is all this weird shit? I don't understand anything." and then things will gradually start making sense, and then eventually you'll become a fellow Wolfeposter.

>> No.7503509

What's good about jt

>> No.7503510

Judging from all the Wolfeposters, you'll grow an immense neckbeard and become insufferable

>> No.7503519

Or grow a neckbeard and become an insufferable anti-Wolfe poster

>> No.7503524

It's Christmas. Be ashamed of yourself you rude cunt.

>> No.7503525

it's one huge neckbeard-jerk

>> No.7503536
File: 67 KB, 264x339, 1447035728027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of those Barns and Nobel's big books, it was Lovecraft but it gets fucking glitter everywhere
my mom found me an old edition of Gravitys Rainbow.

I'm dreading my family diner, should i go on ambien? Shit's better than xanax

>> No.7503537

Seconded, does this book exist?

>> No.7503542

Do some metta meditation and smoke a fat doobie

>> No.7503552
File: 144 KB, 700x1080, hp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this. What am I in for /lit/?

>> No.7503556

you're in for the complete fiction of H.P. Lovecraft.

>> No.7503558

Reading TSaTF right now for the first time, it's freaking great

But you didn't need me to tell you that.

>> No.7503561

Nice haul

>> No.7503565

Man that sucks. I'm sorry buddy. I'm about to open gifts but I fully anticipate the same happening to me, Merry Christmas you poor cuck

>> No.7503568

Just got this you can expect getting glitter fucking everywhere. Nice read so far though

Can't smoke reefer friendo

>> No.7503571

I only asked for books and my dad got me one gift: a signed, first ed copy of On Writing

Honestly, while I was skeptical and a little disappointed at first, im loving it. Very inspiring and throughly enjoyable. A nice surprise and surprisingly insightful. I've abouded King my entire life and probably will continue to do so, but I love this book this far. I'll use the cash I got from assorted relatives to get books I enjoy.

>> No.7503572

A Brief History of Seven Killings - James
City on Fire - Hallberg
Mao II - DeLillo
Trois Contes - Flaubert
La Vie mode d'emploi - Perec

>> No.7503575


>> No.7503578

fuck off m8.

He's goofing us.

>> No.7503587

I reasoned my way out of it. I realized that they love me unconditionally and are simply enormous plebs and thought I'd love them. I will read them and tell them they were great reads.

Besides I bought myself The Brothers Karamazov and my favorite book to read this time of year; Wuthering Heights. Love that book, I even named my fat orange cat Heathcliff.

Merry Christmas

>> No.7503591
File: 2.27 MB, 990x990, 1450104866094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't started opening presents yet, but I ordered Stoner and Infinite Jest with an Amazon card.

So far the tally of passive aggressive family members giving me gifts with glitter is only one. I'll keep you guys posted on my glitter tally.

>> No.7503594
File: 1.15 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got these books, a kindle paper white, a few clothes, and a 2000 piece puzzle.

Pretty dope Christmas desu senpai

>> No.7503604

>autobiography of Keats
>not appreciating this
>calling your parents enormous plebs for getting you a book on Keats
>one of the greatest and most inspiring poets ever
>died young
>knew he would die young by some weird sense of prophecy
>not wanting to read this book

You'll appreciate this with time, my man. Give it a shot. Read some odes online. That's a fantastic gift

>> No.7503608

I'm not going to read some gay ass poetry. My parents are banal, trite, plebs, I asked *specifically* for other books, and those erroneous fools couldn't manage a single task such as that. Is it so fucking hard to find Infinite Jest? Maybe for a pleb like you or my parents, but a child could complete such a task.

>> No.7503612

>he thinks Loaded is shit tier
kill yourself my man

>> No.7503613

You're making it a bit too obvious now.

>> No.7503614

>I'm not going to read some gay ass poetry.


>> No.7503618

This isn't me

Thanks for explaining it. I just got my hopes up and got something I didn't expect. I'm actually thirty goes in now and I like it

>> No.7503622

which author signed it?

>> No.7503628

I got a bunch of clothes, some cologne, a travel bag, and a macbook pro, as far as non-lit things go. lit-wise, I got this months issues of a few periodicals i like to get every now and again, library of america editions of Elmore Leonard and James Baldwin novels, a norton anthology of postmodern american poetry, and a few u. of minn. press editions of Deluge's books.

>> No.7503631

pretty good haul m8. I assume you've read the Stranger? The Plague is objectively his best and the Myth is pretty solid as well. Need to pick up the fall as well

>> No.7503633


>> No.7503639

is that the Mozza autobiography or something else?

>> No.7503645

I don't know if you like poetry, but read:

When I have fears that I may cease to be
This living hand, now warm and capable
La Belle Dame Sans Merci
Bright Star
Time's sea hath been five years
On First Looking into Chapman's Homer
Ode on a Grecian Urn
Ode to a Nightingale
To Autumn (the most perfect poem ever written)
Endymion (Book 1, rest is shit)
The Fall of Hyperion

Apart from the last two they're all pretty short and give you an overview of his ouvere. Keats is the greatest lyric poet in the English language

>> No.7503646

>by somebody else


>> No.7503647

I got:
Stoner - John Williams
Fortune Smiles - Adam Johnson
My Struggle 1 - Karl Ove Knausgaard
The Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov
Lost in the Funhouse - John Barth
Wolf in White Van - John Darnielle

>> No.7503650

ugh, the Barns and Nobel's books, if Im thinking of the right thing, are some of the ugliest things on the planet.

>glitter on a book

I think Im going to be sick.

>> No.7503654


>> No.7503659

I would explain that I was memeing but I think I would rather take the loss on this one. My mistake.
I will look those up now. I'm relatively new to /lit/ so and hadn't heard of Keats before but if he's as good as you say then this is a nice gift. The copyright inside the book is 1893 which is itself quite novel

>> No.7503667

No not girl

>> No.7503668

>Infinite meme
>a classic

>> No.7503673

Well if it's a Victorian biography then it's probably not going to be that good. But yeah, Keats is one of my literary heroes. At the age of 24 he wrote a sequence of odes that are the most brilliant poems anyone's ever written, then died of tuberculosis a year later.

>> No.7503678


i'm still getting the hang of the autocorrect

>> No.7503691

Despite the hideous design the Poe collection is probably the best out of all his collections.

Everything else they do is awful.

>> No.7503692

>hadn't heard of Keats before
I hope this is b8. He's literally one of the greatest English poets of all time

Go read his Odes senpai

>> No.7503693
File: 62 KB, 539x960, Lit books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is a board about books I shall only post the books I got.

>> No.7503697

What an odd combination.

>> No.7503701
File: 400 KB, 1024x1586, 6b98198dd8e8c5311d5154172b283711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mom bought me the DFW Reader....
>excerpts from 3 novels and 3 short story collections I already own and have read
>p-plus his teaching notes

....thanks mom, I love it ;_;

>> No.7503702

Still trying to read the classics atm.

>> No.7503704

Have you read Aristotle's Physics?

>> No.7503708
File: 1.40 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfort and some great books

After hearing the horror stories I'm even happy to say that this edition of GR is typo free

>> No.7503712

Yeah I have indeed

>> No.7503714

Wordsworth Tolstoy? Mate...

>> No.7503716

It... was a g-gift

>> No.7503721

Wordsworth Tolstoy is Maude IIRC, which Tolstoy himself approved

>> No.7503722

Just a watch and some cash so far. Later when my gf and I exchange presents I think she got me an Everymans Library book.

>> No.7503724
File: 1.61 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd I do lads?

>> No.7503728


>> No.7503729

What's the best publisher to buy the James Joyce trilogy? I got some cash and I'd like Dubliners, Ulysses, and Finnegans' Wake

>> No.7503730

Ah that's good then, I've seen people start with metaphysics, doesn't work well.

Who's the translator? I doubt it's anything bad, if it's Garnett then she's fine, but the Maudes are the best.

>> No.7503731

Might as well throw the Martian in the garbage. Those are horrible editions W & P and Ulysses. Can only image what the translation is on that.

>> No.7503735

Not that guy, but what is wrong with the Ulysses edition? The text won't change just because it's a cheap publisher.

>> No.7503736

>he hasn't ALREADY read GR
>he got the SHITTIEST EDITION absolutely RIDDLED with ERRORS


>> No.7503740

Enjoy reading the edition with whole sections removed

>> No.7503743


literally the worst translations. She is so dry and literally sucks the life out of the stories

>> No.7503747



>> No.7503749

This is one of my favourite /lit/ memes t b h

Initial pressing was riddled with errors, later pressings fixed them after the ridiculous amount of complaints

>> No.7503750

Well bugger me, it's Maude which is actually fantastic. Wordsworth are normally terrible for translations.

>> No.7503752

>getting your family to buy your Stirner

pretty spooky

>> No.7503758

it just looks really ugly desu, lad. I value an aesthetically eye pleasing book shelf

>> No.7503759

Penguin Classics are really good. Dubliners and Portrait have pretty great endnotes and Ulysses is perfectly fine.

>> No.7503760

Yeah just checked my book, I'm quite surprised also.
Since I didn't buy It no skin off my teeth can just be my note taking copy

>> No.7503761


1) the 'errors' were never fixed (confirmed)
2) the 'errors' is one sentence cut short (confirmed)
a) it is not a particularly good/important sentence

but still
>>he hasn't ALREADY read GR

>> No.7503762

>Penguin Classics are really good


>> No.7503763
File: 1.72 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20151224_191820784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7503766

Assuming it's the one at the end of 139-140 it's been corrected

>> No.7503767

Fuck off, mate.

>> No.7503769

Got a kindle. Will probably be torrenting books all day

>> No.7503771

my worst mistake ever, the book is huge
sure you dont miss parts of the text but c'mon man

>> No.7503779

It's the 'pens' one. Perhaps you're right, though I've checked a copy in a local bookstore less than a year ago and saw the error.

>> No.7503799

Vince Flynn's stuff

>> No.7503820

DFW szybko zszedł ze sklepów, nie uważasz? Pierwszy raz mi się zdarzyło, abym musiał specjalnie sprowadzać sobie to wydanie do mojej ulubionej księgarni, bo w czasie szukania, w sklepach internetowych można było kupić jedynie ebooka. Dobry gust, kolego.

>> No.7503845

Hey, I read that Ulysses edition. You should download a couple books to aid with your reading, as well as the graph Joyce made, with the names of the chapters etc.. They didn't even bother to put the names on each way or an index to aid the reading. The Cover is one of the best i've seen by Wordsworth though

>> No.7503846

The royall tyler version is meant to be highly acclaimed. I've not read it personally, but judging from the prose in his tale of the Heike translation , I can see why his version is praised

>> No.7503855

Cheers for the tips anon, shall do that. Les mis probably has nothing on this.

>> No.7503861
File: 61 KB, 319x400, capa-uma-das-primeiras-edicoes-grande-sertao-veredas-guimaraes-rosa-editora-jose-olympio-55f1f85f393c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this one and a translation of Xenophon by Aquilino Ribeiro.

>> No.7503862

Thanks mate, yeah i read it earlier this year, i want to read his essays too

>> No.7503872
File: 98 KB, 1000x439, 1225151225-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also got two Miles Davis records, and my brother got me an eBay gift card. probably going to pick up McCarthy - The Crossing and maybe another Mishima novel with that. pretty comfy Christmas overall.

>> No.7503920

which two Davis records?

>> No.7503947
File: 3.12 MB, 4128x2322, 20151225_124927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are all the books I hauled. Also received some sweaters, and about $2000.

Feels good being 18.

>> No.7503949

Nefertiti and Ascenseur pour l'échafaud soundtrack.

>> No.7503951
File: 609 KB, 720x1031, 2015-12-25 18.46.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks mom but I'll never be a rocket scientist

>> No.7503957

Two thousand?

Cunting Christ.

>> No.7503970

fucking rich Australians.

The Castle is really funny.

>> No.7503973

I'm not rich, but my family is huge.

>> No.7503978


i got Nefertiti forever ago but still need Ascenseur

i really need On the Corner tho

>> No.7503981

have the same shakespeare edition. it's a great shame that most of the plays are folios and not quarto editions....

>> No.7503982
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How'd I do?

>> No.7503987


The title track is the best thing Davis has ever done imo

>18 years old
>receive two THOUSAND dollars along with about $300 in books for Christmas

You bourgeoisie motherfucker

I'm only bitter because I'm jealous t b h

>> No.7503990


>> No.7503993

Good stuff. Being and time was kinda hard. But the rest will be fun

>> No.7503994

He has so many excellent albums, it's nuts. Have you read his autobiography?

>> No.7504001
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>> No.7504012

How come you got some in English but not others?

>> No.7504019

>Being and Time - Martin Heidegger
like you can just read that like any other book and understand even a FRACTION of it

>> No.7504026

That's not so bad then. But still... What do eighteen year olds buy these days? I thought you downloaded everything without paying.

Not to sound like even more of an old man but please... Save it or use it wisely. Don't piss it away. If I can condescend you for a moment, I hope you realise the value of money.

>> No.7504027

>im not rich


>> No.7504042

>What do eighteen year olds buy these days?
drugs, food

I go to public school and drive a honda

>> No.7504049

2 years worth of reading.jpeg

>> No.7504053


>> No.7504095

I was going to insult you, instead I'll just let you know that I'm jealous

>> No.7504106

3 books of haiku, a biography of Alphonse Mucha, and Anna k

>> No.7504112

Almost a haiku.

Three books of haiku,
Alphonse Mucha biography,
Anna Karenina.

>> No.7504120

rich faggot, etc

>> No.7504134


>> No.7504177
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Stuff from my wife.

>> No.7504216

what edition is that 2666?

>> No.7504226

The Histories - Herodotus
The Peloponnesian War (Landmark) - Thucy
The Pre-socratics Oxford World classics
The complete works of Plato

>> No.7504236


Rev up those giant gold-mining ants

>> No.7504241

Do something about your god awful film taste

>> No.7504262


>> No.7504278

Congrats on the hauls guys. Merry Xmas.

my family is broke this year so we all agreed to get each other nothing still ended up being a great Xmas though.

>> No.7504282

Into the trash

>> No.7504294
File: 65 KB, 912x566, lads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more importantly, what did you guys buy with the amazon gift cards you got?

>> No.7504296

that's great anon, my family is both broke and full of mutual hatred

>> No.7504297

merry christmas, anon

at least you gave the present of your presence to your family

>> No.7504302

"He raises the poor from the dust And lifts the needy from the ash heap,"
- Psalm 113:7

Merry Christmas anon

>> No.7504313
File: 645 KB, 830x1262, 1449285057868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking pissed. reeee

My mom got me some john green novels and go set a watchman (probably from the fucking drug store) when I gave her a very specific list of all the fucking books I wanted. Good thing the stupid bitch gave me $400 cash I can use to buy books I want but I was going to use that money for a new gaming/reading chair....Now I'm gonna have to do chores for a week or two before I have enough after buying the books I want. I fucking hate my mom.

>> No.7504314
File: 1.10 MB, 2248x3171, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone heard of "The Liberal Imagination"? Got it from my parents never heard of it myself.

Considering how Conservative they are it might have been picked for the title as some sort of warning to 'let me know they know'.

>> No.7504324

You are such a child. Goddam

>> No.7504334

Yeesh. I'm sorry anon.
You guys are lovely. Thank you, merry Christmas :)

>> No.7504338

Don't be sorry, I wrote that because I'm sorta happy for you. We're all one big /lit/ family.

>> No.7504345

What's that image from desuwa senpai

>> No.7504353
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>> No.7504358

I don't know much about it but it looks interesting. Your parents seem smart.

>> No.7504369

A bookshop's giftcard, roughly around 17 dollars. PJs, socks, some tea (cinnanom-chocolate-green and chili-black and the classic ceylon earl grey). So you know, things I like. And I bought myself KoTOR 2 and Beckett's Molloy-Malone dies- The Unnameable

>> No.7504375

I have it too, but mine has no glitter.

Literature-wise, I got

Voices from Chernobyl (hardcover)
Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra (color whatever edition)

Aside from those, I got coffee and cigar stuff.

>> No.7504376

I am so fucking payrician itmhurts. Those films aren't even remotely representative of my taste.

For what it's worth, I spent last month watching the works of Bela Tarr in order from start to finish. Shit like Birdman and Inherent Vice will probably be sold after one viewing anyway.

Also, go fuck yourself.

>> No.7504383
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the forehead bothered me

>> No.7504387
File: 280 KB, 1338x2560, from my parents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7504389

I grew up in a Bela Tarr film.
Whose the patrician now?

>> No.7504391

trilling wasn't conservative really, he was a leftist. it is a criticism of liberalism: its wholesale rejection of freud (someone who he likes for some reason) because science has no imagination, obsession with indivdiualism, and general dominance over the cultural landscape in which he writes in. if your parents wanted you to be a neocon, that'd be a very roundabout way of doing it. his essay on why anderson is shit is also shit. but he praises the anarchist politics of one of james' novels as underrated.

>> No.7504394

>I'm so patrician
>Béla Tarr

He's a good director but shut the fuck up

>> No.7504408

This bear who used to dominate me was a big fan of Tarr, used to play Vig Mihaly while he fisted my ass in his dungeon. Really added to the ambience you know?

>> No.7504419

>tfw wordsworth version of the idiot by dosto

>> No.7504428

Was that a deleted scene? I'm assuming that was an outtake from Satantango but the symbolism was too obvious.

Why would you take that seriously? Anybody that refers to themself as a patrician is a deluded cunt. I just like films. Some may be considered pretentious rubbish and others "pleb shit". I don't care.

>> No.7504446


>> No.7504452

>reading translations of English novels

Truly I am ashamed of my countrymen.

>> No.7504455

My mother got me Rousseau's Reveries of the Solitary Walker and Bataille's Story of the Eye. Story of the Eye is a bit of a strange one to receive from her, it's just funny because she had no clue what it was about when she ordered it, she just knew that I enjoyed Bataille's theoretical/critical works. My dad got me an original print of a Gustave Doré woodcut that I'm incredibly stoked on and a Hamilton Jazzmaster.
I also got some nice alpaca wool socks, a new pair of slippers, a bottle of crown royal, and some nice soft new sheets for the bed at my house (I come back to my hometown for Christmas). Pretty good haul this year, as I get deeper into my 20s I keep expecting the gifts to diminish, but I'm lucky to have generous parents.

>> No.7504469

The people you love are more important Than any other gift anon, Feliz Navidad

>> No.7504470

>Shit like Birdman and Inherent Vice will probably be sold after one viewing anyway.
Goddamn! Knee-jerking at 26?

>> No.7504477

I got $300 and a $1500 cruise ticket.
Kind of gutted when nobody got me any books though.

>> No.7504479
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>Will to power
>Romeo y Julieta cigars
>Auchentoshan Whisky
I can't tell if it was supposed to be ironic or not.

>> No.7504482

gun germs and steel, collapse and the third chimpanzee

kill me

>> No.7504519
File: 816 KB, 2048x1152, 20151225_153217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got it. As well as a new translation of Les Miserables. How excellent.

>> No.7504521

I don't even have money to buy a good piece of meat, let alone a book.

>> No.7504531

What is that photo? Christ..

>> No.7504533

Happy for you anon. Les Miserables was really excellent. That description of Waterloo was the best war literature I've ever read. Some of the chapters about Abbeys and what Hugo thought about them went on for far too long imo

>> No.7504542

Ah fuck are you serious? I made a thread asking if I should go paperback or hardcover and didn't get a response

>> No.7504546

About £2000 and a new Ford. No fucking books though, which I actually asked for.

>> No.7504549

>none of my family got me a book, or anything even slightly patrician

I deserve it for not explicitly telling anybody what I want but still annoying. At least I get to cheer myself up by spending the rest of the day reorganising my bookcase

>> No.7504566
File: 1.56 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandpa got me Myth of Sisyphus and GR. I didn't ask him for them and I've never mentioned anything about Pynchon, so it really blew me away. He said he read the back and "it just sounded really good"

>> No.7504567
File: 29 KB, 307x475, 9780198127901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7504576
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>> No.7504589

What a fucking wannabe pleb
I hope you hate Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.7504603

Merry Christmas anon

>> No.7504622

Garner's American Usage, Third Edition

>> No.7504623

>has never actually read Gaddis but wants to be in on the hilarious /lit/ shitposting

>> No.7504742

Fuck you

>> No.7504797

Don't be like that

>> No.7504938
File: 1.31 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20151225_223829049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my haul

>> No.7504978

that GR edition is missing some passages m8.

>> No.7504987
File: 6 KB, 272x400, fires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Great Fires - Jack Gilbert
The Plague - Albert Camus
Moby Dick - Herman Melville
The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway

>> No.7504990


>> No.7504995

i cant read the titles of your haul

>> No.7505012

Pale fire is great, gonna go cop some Nabokov tomorrow myself.

>> No.7505048
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>> No.7505070

>is incredibly insecure about his taste that he can't imagine people disliking an overrated writer
Wow you need to go into the trash along with Gaddis

>> No.7505104
File: 305 KB, 400x618, yellow-historical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gf got me this
also a sherlock holmes anthology and the disaster artitst

>> No.7505106

>Pynchon - V.
>Breton - Nadia
>DeLillo - White Noise
>Calvino - If on a Winter's Night a Traveler
>Joyce - Dubliners
>Jsofjsixjsi - Memoirs of Hadrian
>Bök - Eunoia

Also got Stoner and Infinite Jest with a gift card.

Pretty happy with what I got. My backlog just gets more and more insane.

I still feel empty though

>> No.7505107

kill yourself

>> No.7505110

Someone's way of telling you to go outside more.

>> No.7505118

house of leaves is great
dude has a new novel out now too but i cant remember what its called off the top of my head

>> No.7505158

my family and i were kind of in the same boat
(my gf got me some things before christmas, though)

i made everyone intentionally incredibly shitty christmas cards with drawings of money in them and jokes
they loved them

>> No.7505200
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>> No.7505268

I wish knew anon. I am always posting with it I love love it lel

>> No.7505410

Honestly, he's hit and miss, but On Writing is fucking great.

>> No.7505442

Half Price Books and Barnes and Noble gift cards. Feels good nigga

>> No.7505458

Really nice my man. People will flame with
>Chabon is pleb
>The Corrections is pleb
But they haven't read them. I absolutely refute the former and im unsure of the latter. Kav and Clay is phenomenal. Barthelme is also one of my favorite short story writers.

>> No.7505510

campaigns of alexander is top notch

>> No.7505529
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An unexpected gift.

>> No.7505618

He posts here m8

>> No.7505652

Gravity's Rainbow
Naked Lunch
Dharma Bums
Hard Boiled Wonderland
Dien Cai Dau
Meditations in Green

>> No.7505731

joyce's ulysses
breton's nadja

i think im in for a good time

>> No.7505747

Franzen, Barthelme, and The Pale King are all fucking amazing
can confirm
good haul m8

>> No.7505751

norton critical edition

>> No.7505757


>> No.7505775

Double Helix by James Watson
Round River by Aldo Leopold
Book of the New Sun
Leaves of Grass

I'm a happy man. I see that y'all have some good books as well. Enjoy it and merry Christmas.


>> No.7505779
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Asked for goodwill giftcard got Purity instead, otherwise not bad. Relatives sent the Michael Christie...any anons know of his work?

>> No.7505789

Sounds like a good haul but don't let Watson and Crook fool you.

They're goddamn thieving bastards

>> No.7505794

Purity is pretty top tier
Richard Powers' Gold Bug Variations is the only thing I've heard you should touch. His other novels are at least above schmaltzy quality in terms of content tho so it aint all bad

If I fall I die is a coming of age story written by a canadian skateboarder

burn it with fire

>> No.7505798

It was recommended by a professor of mine, but I do know that they weren't the only ones working towards the dna model. Did they actually steal work or something?

>> No.7505802

return that GR edition, it is infamous
get this one >>7504566
also get Sometimes A Great Notion by Kesey its his best
infinite jest is one of the best books ever written, if you can make it page 200 you will finish it and reread it over and over every few years for the rest of your life

>> No.7505807

>your parents are conservative and they got you bertrand russell
I'm fucking crying
yeah that history of philosophy book is extremely infamous btw, read it (since I assume you're a philosophy pleb) learn more about all the figures it mentions, and the sooner you come to hate it the better
John Barth is B A S E D by the way
Lost in the funhouse was what started DFW :3

>> No.7505812

What's wrong with that edition of GR?

>> No.7505817



that's a garbage edition of Kant but otherwise great

ey man it will save you space for trips and when you're goin out and stuff

>> No.7505823


>> No.7505829

Thanks anon

>> No.7505833
File: 186 KB, 863x707, WIN_20151225_231855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these five :D

merry xmas to everyone

>> No.7505861

lol will do. mostly interested in plowing the dark for the stuff about VR, but yeah it sounds like a lot of his stuff is sci-fi with slightly better prose.

Anyone read Fowles before? Professor said, "You MUST read The Magus before traveling in Europe."

>> No.7505863

I did, kindle paperwhite

>> No.7505870
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Though I'm not sure why, I have a strong aversion to the continued existence of Paglia...seems at times like the only time she speaks is when she is shit-talking Sontag, Foucault, and Hitchens. Curious to hear what you think of her original stuff.

>> No.7505894

I agree, she can be annoying. I think the stuff she's written in the last 3-4 comes off as senile. However, she is extraordinarily well read in literature, art, and philosophy. Her books in which she surveys the history of a genre are fascinating and usually have unique alternative readings of the arts. For example, her comparison of Sade and Emily Dickinson in Sexual Personae.

>> No.7506027

Interesting, I've actually heard next to nothing about Chabon on here even after his pulitzer

>> No.7506049
File: 1.50 MB, 2304x1296, 20151225_222934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gf is struggling all week getting me a present
>give her lits Top 100 and tell her to get me shit off of it

>> No.7506058
File: 1.90 MB, 3264x1836, lit_related.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got these, a sweater, scratch tickets, tea, and spendin' money.

>> No.7506063

Call me a pleb but I haven't seen this one before but now I'm intrigued. What's the context behind the book?

>> No.7506070

>Farewell to Arms, Hemingway
>For Whom the Bell Tolls, Hemingway
>The Sun also Rises, Hemingway
>Against the Day, Pynchon
>Home, Toni Morrison
>1001 Afternoons in Chicago, Brian Hecht (collection of his editorials for the Tribune during the 1920s. Pretty interesting, desu)

Along with a board game, some clothes, and socks

>> No.7506071

Im sure the bio will go over it, though im sure Watson would have you believe that stealing crystallography from Rosalind and giving her no credit for the discovery was an ethically sound choice. Aside though, they really are phenomenal scientists

>> No.7506141

Kizumonogatari and I love it. Call my taste shit, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.7506177
File: 64 KB, 311x475, 5-12-metamorphoses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister got me this. Is this good?

>> No.7506181

its shit

>> No.7506193


>> No.7506355
File: 203 KB, 297x378, nrty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And I bought myself KoTOR 2 and Beckett's Molloy-Malone dies- The Unnameable

>> No.7506362

arguably the greatest poem ever written

If that's David Raeburn then it's a good translation too

>> No.7506454

How can a thick book be a single poem?

>> No.7507384


>> No.7507425

I got an iTunes gift card and I'm catching a flight tomorrow, but I'm not sure what to get that's under $25. Trying out audiobooks again.

>> No.7507428

My parents got me the first three volumes of ISoLT, and my sister got me House of Leaves :3
Merry Christmas, y'all.

Did Harry sign it?

>> No.7507471

Beneath the Wheel - Herman Hesse
Tender is the Night - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream - Harlan Ellison is on the way
Pimp - Iceberg Slim is reserved
A good way to finish off school

>> No.7507720

The Divine Comedy
Invisible Cities
Les Miserables
A Tale of Two Cities
Difficult Loves
The Baron in The Trees
Mr. Palomar
The Complete Cosmicomics
The Stranger
The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays
Paradise lost
The Iliad
The Odyssey
The Count of Monte Cristo
If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler
The Nonexistent Knight and The Cloven Viscount
A Moveable Feast: The Restored Edition
Napoleon: A Life
This Side of Paradise