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7500134 No.7500134 [Reply] [Original]

Reading Kafka gives me nightmares.

>> No.7500155

normal ones or Kafkaesque ones?

>> No.7500171

his actual stories

>> No.7500183

What are the 'normal' Kafka stories?

>> No.7500238

probably just his short stories

>> No.7500257

>define 'kafkaesque'

>> No.7500266

"I am constantly confused and words hold no meaning".

>> No.7500269

Reading nightmares gave us Kafka

>> No.7500298

The fuck is Kafka

>> No.7500304

Thing that could happen but nobody in his right mind would go along with it happens and everyone go along with it.

>Wants people out of the bar
>Pulls out the whip

>> No.7500575

was he a schizo?

>> No.7500760

I had an unpleasant dream (I wouldn't go as far as calling it a nightmare) of getting chased by an unrelenting, never stopping and all knowing person after reading the trial. Fucking Kafka, man.

>> No.7500810

That's what I'm reading right now. What the fuck is wrong with Franz? How did he come up with this shit?

>> No.7500818


A Final Fantasy villain

>> No.7500854

I think it's beautiful and sometimes funny the way he expresses neuroticisms common to almost all of us

>> No.7500865

>common to almost all of us

I think it's widely acknowledged that he suffered from some sort of mental illness, which isn't common in most of us. After reading the metamorphosis, I'm convinced he suffered from schizophrenia or a similar condition. I say this because it's common among Jewish folk to suffer from mental illnesses (for whatever reason, I'm not sure) like schizophrenia and whatnot.

>> No.7500892

you realize metamorphosis was him ranting about the gross inauthenticity of filial love, right. he's basically whining storge isnt real.

>> No.7500907

>common among Jewish folk to suffer from mental illness

where the fuck did you get this information?

>> No.7500953


>> No.7500954

It might be true that a person of Jewish ancestry might have some genetic predisposition to the illness, but I agree with what this anon said: >>7500892 Metamorphosis was tight, artistically speaking. It was precise. It wasn't some random schizo fancy that turned Gregor into a bug.

>> No.7500984

>It was precise. It wasn't some random schizo fancy that turned Gregor into a bug.

I think turning into a vermin was a symbolic for his condition and how his family handled it. "He awoke one morning to find himself transformed into a horrible vermin..." makes me think that he had no control of his schizo episodes, meaning he would awake on any random day to find himself not well.

>> No.7500993

these results only prove that there are records in their religious texts mentioning mental illnesses, it does not provide any proof that 'it is common among jewish folk'.

>> No.7501020

that's the thing that's pissing me off so much, - if you are reading sth knowing that the author struggled with similar problems, then the interpretation tend to be so fucking narrow (cf. Hemingway, DFW ('good old neon'), Plath) that you ignore the broader cultural/social implications that the text offers. Metamorphosis is so much more, just like >>7500954 said

>> No.7501034

I don't think Kafka really intended to incorporate any cultural undertones because he never meant to publish his work. From my understanding, Kafka wrote his works and never made any serious attempts to publish them. Even before his death, he asked Max to burn all his works. It seems that his works were more personal and intended not to be read by anyone else, which might explain the lack of any cultural significance.

>> No.7501606

Fair point. I guess I was talking not so much about his own implications but how his work resonates within the social and cultural sensibilities of 20th c., regarding alienation and individual crisis, etc..

>> No.7501610

With no apparent sense or meaning.


>> No.7503220

Describe them.

>> No.7503253

He's right though, everyone I knew with jewish heritage ended up being hospitalized.

>> No.7503413

They're realistic but improbable and disturbing

>> No.7503961

Fuck your generalities.

>> No.7505250

Say that to my face irl