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/lit/ - Literature

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749855 No.749855 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else sick fo seeing these 'reworked classics' like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Jane Slayre, etc? The first one was mildly amusing but the joke's old now and seems to be an easy way to make money.

>> No.749888

>an easy way to make money

This is all they have ever been.

>> No.749893
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I haven't even touched one and I refused too.

If that's what it takes to get this generation interested in classic works, then maybe they should just stick to Twilight and other watered down romance books with sexual tension only a zit faced teenager could stand to read. And whatnot.


>> No.749904

>>baw waw I don't like things that bridge the gap between generations and I would prefer to live in an exclusive special club instead of making compromises to share culture.

>> No.749911
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It's an obnoxious fad, drafting the in-vogue supernatural into women's novels deemed to be dated and stuffy. Little Vampire Women, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, Mansfield Park and Mummies, I can tolerate.

But when I saw this, I raged. Ya'll don't fuck with Tolstoy.

>> No.749917

That is awful!

>> No.749932

If these books weren't succesful, you likely would not care at all about them. You would see them occasionally on a dusty shelves or in a box at a garage sale and you would have a chuckle to yourself. "Who could imagine that stuff?" you would say curiously, and then you would go on with your day. But since it's popular, this is suddenly an affront. Because it's popular, you can't stand how "classics are being destroyed". I though /lit/ would be above something as petty as hating things because they're popular.

>> No.749938

here's what you do.. Get the original then interpret it

>> No.749940


That's absolute nonsense. I don't go to garage sales.

>> No.749949

You should. It's a very quaint feeling to buy other people's nostalgia.

>> No.749957

I heard one of these is getting a movie version. Yup.

>> No.749962

the truth has been spoken, now everyone's getting raped.

>> No.749965
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something must be done

>> No.750081

I don't believe any of the guys here calling op petty have never ever raged about something similar before.

>> No.750087
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>> No.750091
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>> No.750093
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>> No.750098
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>> No.750103
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>> No.750122

It's things like this that makes you believe in copyright.

>> No.750140
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u mad

>> No.750146
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>> No.750154

I was amused by the concept of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Now that I see the rest of these, damn. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies was pretty clever but now it's just money grabbing.


>> No.750175
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>> No.750216

anything that can get people actually reading the classics is good

my bud picked up pride and prejudice and zombies and found he thought the nonzombie parts were pretty good as awesome, so he might check out the original

my other friend had to read jane eyre for school and thought it was the worst book he's ever read; i'm a fan of charlotte myself. maybe this could serve as a gap so people like us aren't so polarized.

made me kind of irritated at first how many of these they were pumping out, but what the hey. They've only got so many books and people will only keep laughing at the same joke for so long. It'll probably die out soon.

I'm still waiting for the sexualised Plato's Repubic.