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/lit/ - Literature

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7497946 No.7497946 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, whats your favourite stories from the Star Wars EU? Gonna kick off this thread with the brilliant Darth Bane trilogy.

>> No.7497967
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Darth Plagueis continues to be my favourite SW novel ever. Don't even care it's not considered "canon" anymore. James Luceno is probably one of my favourite writers when it comes to Star Wars books. The Darth Bane ones are pretty great too.

>> No.7497985


I'm new to the EU. Can someone recommend a good place for me to begin?

>> No.7498000
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I usually recommend Shadows of the Empire as a good place to dip your toe into the EU. A lot of people remember it as the N64 game, what a lot of people also don't realise is that a full musical score and a novel came out too. It kinda fills in the gaps between Empire and Jedi. (basically trying to find where Boba Fett has taken Han). It's not the best book, but it's a pretty good read if you're just getting into some of the Expanded Universe, especially as most people have heard of this one already in some way or another.

>> No.7498065
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Gonna go for the obvious ones here, but the Thrawn trilogy... I find these ones hard to beat.

What I would give to just see Admiral Thrawn be giving some sort of minor role in the First Order in the sequels to TFA.

>> No.7498086
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If I go back and re-read some I'll read the Rogue Squadron books.
Although I don't think they're best I think they're representative of what the best of the EU can do, until Corran hits mary sue levels.

I think my favorites because of quality that aren't Zahn are Tatooine Ghost and Courtship of Princess Leia though. I'm a sucker for Han+Leia because books Luke is so shit.

>> No.7498409

Shadows of the Empire
RotS novelization

Avoid anything Traviss.
Avoid Kevin J Anderson
Avoid Aftermath.