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/lit/ - Literature

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7496997 No.7496997 [Reply] [Original]

>he reads biographies
>he reads pop science or pop philosophy

>> No.7497062
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>He reads 'literary fiction'
>He thinks he is 'above' pop culture

>> No.7497082

Is pop philosophy stuff like Candide/The Stranger/Anthem? Can someone recommend me more pop philosophy.

>> No.7497086


>> No.7497096

Zizek, but in a good way.

>> No.7497100

>he makes a distinction between fiction and nonfiction

>> No.7497103

No, each of them is different but none is pop philosophy

Pop philosophy is actual philosophy, but watered down

Only uneducated and clueless people would use the label 'pop philosophy' when talking about fiction

>> No.7497106

>Pop philosophy is actual philosophy, but watered down
this is water

>> No.7497109

nice meaningless association of semantically unrelated words in different contexts

'watered down' is the most accurate phrase to be used here, sorry that it reminds you of someone who actually studied philosophy

>> No.7497111

zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance is pop philosophy >>7497082

>> No.7497179
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>Not reading authors biographies to further understand their work

>> No.7497200


>> No.7497204
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>> No.7497207

>he shitposts
>he gets banned

>> No.7497211

Those "Star Wars and Philosophy" or "Dr. Who and Philosophy" books in Barnes and Noble are pop philo

>> No.7497212
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>he reads