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/lit/ - Literature

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7492856 No.7492856 [Reply] [Original]

This is a new era. /his/ was nothing. Welcome to post-imgur frontpage /lit/, everyone.

>> No.7492870

I notice no difference desu

Maybe because the plebs on imgur already post here

>> No.7492884

what are you talking about?

>> No.7492900
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i think this means we have to be more elitist / obscurantist / reactionary for a while to shake them

>> No.7492906

what is this actually from

>> No.7492911


That will just attract /pol/ plebs. Imagine a front page filled with 'WE WUZ KINGZ' 'Why are roastie writers so fucking shit?' 'Bhagavad Gita? Yeah okay panjeet, go poo in loo. POO IN LOO POO IN LOO' '55TH TRUMP THREAD OF THE DAY'

>> No.7492916

How many dimensions are there according to Nazi Sensei then?

>> No.7492917

Did something happen to /his/?

I love history but I feel like 4chan is probably a shitty place to discuss it so I never went there

>> No.7492920

>I notice no difference desu
The board has been even worse than it usually is in the last days. Not because of reddit/imgur users, but because of /lit/ delusion of self-importance - the users begin to mimic reddit to make fun of them, thinking they visit the board, but they don't and the board becomes shitte because everyone tries to make fun of someone who is not even listening.

>> No.7492924


The opposite side is just as bad though.

>> No.7492927
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I saw maybe 5 outright horrible threads yesterday, and I am unsure if it's for real or if it is just 1-2 diligent trolls casting bait.


So 100% post-structuralist french philosophy from now on?

>> No.7492928
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>> No.7492929

Nice try, Reddit

>> No.7492930

Am I the only one here who browses 4chan and no other website? I feel alone.

>> No.7492931
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poo in loo is a proud /int/ meme

>> No.7492934


>'WE WUZ KINGZ' 'Why are roastie writers so fucking shit?'

There's been a bit of that of late.

>> No.7492937


Cultural schizophrenia, top kek.

>> No.7492940

Nice try, Deleuze

>> No.7492941

I'm being extremely e/lit/ist in every thread I visit to scare them off.

>> No.7492944

true so we have to scare those people away somehow too because we can't rely on moderation

an easy way to do that would be to only talk about books and authors (as in every single thread is about 1 of the two), not sure if we could implement that via moderation either though

>> No.7492948

I've seen plenty of moments like this. It's just the /lit/ dialectic. Everything will be the as it was in a day or two.

>> No.7492952
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>> No.7492962
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the board was getting shit anyway maybe we can use these meta threads to do something different going forward

>> No.7493046

Behold. The first of a new wave of trips. Mark my words.