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7492711 No.7492711[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>catholic neo-reactionary

Is there anything more fedora?

>> No.7492728

>yes, atheism
not that god exists

>> No.7492732


Atheism, definitely.

>> No.7492734


>> No.7492741

The fedora meme originates from r/atheism, or at least that was where many of the funniest fedora pictures were found.

/lit/'s Catholics are certainly faggots, but in a different way.

>> No.7492743

there aren't really any catholic neoreactionaries though

>> No.7492744

People need to understand that Christianity is the only alternative to Islam. Atheism is merely a vacuum for Islam to fill.

So your choice is the religion that shaped your continent (and gave rise to the secularism and other values that you love) or the religion of invaders.

>> No.7492750


>People need to understand that Christianity is the only alternative to Islam. Atheism is merely a vacuum for Islam to fill.


>> No.7492752
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>> No.7492757
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>> No.7492841

back to tumblr

avatar posting is against the rules

>> No.7492861

But christianity came here too. It did not originate here.

>> No.7492875

Is it worse to be an atheist lolbertarian, or a Christian neo-Nazi?

>> No.7492876

Christianity is egalitarian nonsense

>> No.7492936

how about read the title of the book and take a look at the post its replying to, dipshit
you know, standard rational behavior

>> No.7492954
File: 30 KB, 600x342, Jesus Christ Chelsea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7493050

Atheism isn't a specific ideology, it is a lack of belief. A lack of belief is easier replaced by a new belief than a strong belief in something else.

It did not originate here, that is true (although it did come for a heavily Greek influenced part of the Roman Empire), but Christianity as we know it was for a large part formed here, and it was around when Europe as we know it started to form, in no small part because of it.

Christianity is respectful of hierarchy and authority.

>> No.7493054

>all men are created equal
no thanx

>> No.7493065

Christianity was one of the contributors to the fall of the Roman empire and helped to keep Europe shit until the beginnings of secularism in the Renaissance.

>> No.7493091

Equal before God, not equal in general.

It was one of the contributors in the creation of Europe as a cultural entity with a shared identity. Secularism is a Christian thing, by the way.

>> No.7493116

Not to quibble here, but Islam literally destroyed thousands of years of Arabic sciences, culture and industry, as well as the better part of the Eastern Roman Empire, Egypt and North Africa and southeastern Europe.

Christianity attempted to preserve as much culture and history from Greece and Rome as it could, translating, bridging and saving those languages and objects of art.

Islam burned and destroyed and ruled with an Iron Fist. Ironically in many ways Europe developed as quickly as it did because the Ottomans ruthlessly sacked Constantinople in the 1400s, forcing a mass migration of scholars and scientists.

>> No.7493151

And? If my dad touched me as a kid I'm not going to honour his memory because he was a massive influence on who I was and am.

>Secularism is a Christian thing, by the way.
Secularism is a reaction against Christianity, not a Christian thing. To say they something that emerges out of something belongs to that thing is to say some akin to Islam is Christian thing, or Judaism is Zoroastrian thing.

Yes, Christianity tried to save so much Greek philosophy that it outlawed all of it's philosophical academies. It also tried to save Roman culture by destroying or converting its temples and oppressing all the pagans. Christianity has done some important things for the preservation of some cultural elements but don't act like it was some amazing miracle that saved Rome and Greece from Obscurity.

In most Islamic places they tolerated Christians. Spain was much better off under Islam. While Europe was muddied in the dark age Islam was in one of it's golden ages making advances in a number of subjects. Reminder that the only reason we have Aristotle today is because of Islam. Christianity was completely intolerant of not only all non-Christian religions but also off all forms of Christianity that wasn't Catholic (in the west).

The picture I just painted is horribly simplistic to the point of being incredibly problematic but it did allow me to make the point that it is nowhere near as simple as your belief in Christianity as a force of good and Islam as bad.