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File: 56 KB, 230x400, Hyperion_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7492330 No.7492330 [Reply] [Original]

Just seen robots talking about pic related.

Whats /lit/'s thoughts on this - anyone read it?

>> No.7492340

>entry level sci fi

Science Fiction is what you read when you can't read.

>> No.7492342


>> No.7492347

is that a meme?

people were saying it was 10/10

>> No.7492348

Yes I believe a number of people have read it.

>> No.7492564


It's the

>Look mom, I read Pynchon and now I'm shitposting on /lit/


Yes, Hyperion is second only to Book of the New Sun in GOAT scifi

>> No.7492593

It was a good story. Nothing amazing. Worth a read, but it's not mind-blowing.

>> No.7492674

>two truely great stories, the scholar and the priest
>five or so mediocre stories with an interesting thought here and there
>an overarching storyline that doesn't tie up anything (even though it promises to, it's like the book-version of lost)
>the author having a wank in honor of Keats
Just read the two good stories and drop the book, it's just a fuck-load of 'mysteries' with no reveal

>> No.7492724
File: 159 KB, 1500x1500, 1445963185861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two truely great stories, the scholar and the priest

>Not the soldier and the poet

>> No.7492751

It has nice sentences for a science fiction book, but the narrative is a bit of a mess.

M. John Harrison's Kefahuchi Tract trilogy, Ursula K. Le Guin's Hainish Cycle and Gene Wolfe's Solar Cycle are the three most /lit/ sci-fi series IMO DESU SENPAI

>> No.7492778

>It was a good story.
Which one?

>> No.7492977

The only mediocre story is Detective DESU. The rest are god tier

>> No.7493043

Hyperion and Fall of Hyperion are the best books I have ever read. You have to read both to get the full picture, and I'm a bit biased to liking the sci-fi elements but even so it's a great series. The characters are all likable, the priest is tragic, the soldier is badass, the poet is a grade-a cunt, etc. The second book was a very satisfying conclusion and left me with fuzzy feelings for a long while.

>> No.7493048

>Just read the two good stories and drop the book, it's just a fuck-load of 'mysteries' with no reveal
Someone didn't read the second book

>> No.7493137

>Fall of Hyperion
>The second book was a very satisfying conclusion and left me with fuzzy feelings for a long while.
Really? I always hear it's total and complete shit and that you should only read Hyperion. I usually do whatever, but it's always such a resounding "Don't read it" that I swore it off.

Guess I should just read it.

>> No.7493153

It's more close to the author if that makes sense? Hyperion's direction was a bit weird and hard to guess and gave it that appeal of mystery. But the fall is clear and cut and you can easily see what the author was trying to draw parallels to by the end. I can't really say anymore without spoiling it

>> No.7493165

Now r9k is in here now?
What's up with lit being polluted by these dirty crossboarders/crosswebsiters lately?

>> No.7493204
File: 20 KB, 400x388, tumblr_nqm0818nL71snsxomo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I see people talking shit about the Hyperion Cantos.

Without a doubt my favorite space opera; possibly my favorite fiction book. Apparently Bradley Cooper wants to direct a film trilogy - pls no.

>> No.7493234


then kill yourself

>> No.7493288

One of the best sci-fi books.

>> No.7494567

someone didn't read the first book, either.

kind of sad how much shitposting goes on in here. desperate attempts to get a response. NOTICE ME SENPAI I SHIT ON WHAT YOU LIKE

>> No.7494578

>Guess I should just read it.

this is always the answer. why would you accept someone else's judgement on a book, unless you trust them implicitly? why would anyone accept anonymous trolling on this? just read it! worst thing that could happen is you spend a couple of days on it. you had something better to do?

although i do regret the three hours i wasted reading the Dune prequels. pieces of crap should have a warning sticker on the front.