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File: 584 KB, 599x596, CW02p66XIAEVQUz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7492261 No.7492261 [Reply] [Original]

Rowling just tweeted this.
It's over, mates. Black Hermione is now canon.

>> No.7492274

So? Big woop some character from a shit book can be read as brown skinned. Stop shitting up the board with this nonsense.

>> No.7492276


And no one gave a fuck, ever.

She is, and always will be, Emma Watson.

>> No.7492284

Take it to r/books

>> No.7492291
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race sells.

>> No.7492297

Semi-related, I found this quote on a website discussing the Brownmione situation.

>Look, without our [black] stories, without the true nature and reality of who we are as People of Color, nothing about fanboy or fangirl culture would make sense. What I mean by that is: if it wasn’t for race, X-Men doesn’t sense. If it wasn’t for the history of breeding human beings in the New World through chattel slavery, Dune doesn’t make sense. If it wasn’t for the history of colonialism and imperialism, Star Wars doesn’t make sense. If it wasn’t for the extermination of so many Indigenous First Nations, most of what we call science fiction’s contact stories doesn’t make sense.
Without us as the secret sauce, none of this works, and it is about time that we understood that we are the Force that holds the Star Wars universe together. We’re the Prime Directive that makes Star Trek possible, yeah. In the Green Lantern Corps, we are the oath. We are all of these things—erased, and yet without us—we are essential.

Is it true? If white's never exploited blacks, would sci-fi and fantasy never have existed?

>> No.7492298

They want Emma Watson to be black as well.

>> No.7492305


>Is it true? If white's never exploited blacks, would sci-fi and fantasy never have existed?

Blacks don't have a monopoly on being exploited, and aren't the first in the history of humanity to be subjugated to it, so no.

>> No.7492313

> tfw SJW activism is just viral marketing

>> No.7492319

>tfw retards do not sage the thread

>> No.7492323


>> No.7492353

>now people are actually that new that they don't know what "sage" is
I knew this day would come, but I feared it nevertheless.

Sage is when you reply to a thread without bumping it. Since it was often used as a downvote substitute moot made sage hidden like last year or so.

>> No.7492383

who the fuck cares

>> No.7492390

Report, hide and sage all off topic threads.

>> No.7492403

Moot made it hidden himself, not Hiro.

>> No.7492968

>higher IQ

the only fun thing is with the fact that we can use muggle as a racist slur

>> No.7492987

Is that monstrous sheboon in the top left going to be playing Hermione next? She doesn't even look like she belongs to the same species as Emma Watson.

>> No.7493002
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No one on 4chan would be upset over this if Rowling didn't speak up against Donald Trump.

>> No.7493006

I hate Donald Trump. I was under the impression that the politically retarded were contained? Apparently not

>> No.7493008

Yup, the politically retarded support their containment candidate Bernie Panders.

>> No.7493014

Hey fellow lit poster what book are you reading?

>> No.7493017

>people getting upset over the race of a fictional character
>a character that wasn't even described as being white
>who cares
>It's Harry Potter

>> No.7493019

It's oppressing me as a white male.

>> No.7493020

Please, please leave. We don't care.

>> No.7493040

Annual christmas rereading of Catcher in the Rye alongside Pnin.

What are you reading, redditor?

>> No.7493053 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7493071

Your ego is being oppressed by your own stupidity/xenophobia.

I'm reading Man and His Symbols along with some programming books like SICP and the dragon book.

The fact you assume I'm from Reddit tells me you have the tendency to use stereotypes to determine my character. You should instead focus on actual facts.

>> No.7493078

>If white's never exploited blacks, would sci-fi and fantasy never have existed?
Nope, but that's not what that quote's saying. It's saying that the history of colonialism is an important part of the scifi we -do- have, not of any possible scifi or fantasy.

Seems fair enough though kind of a truism (yes, important things in our history are significant for the culture that developed through that history).

>> No.7493085

Whites didn't exploit blacks. Blacks exploited blacks.

>> No.7493087

I assumed you're a Bernie shill. If you support Bernie you *are* a redditor. Even if you haven't browsed reddit you would fit in better there.

>> No.7493095

Just keep the pol shit in pol where it belongs

>> No.7493099

You brought up politicians.

>> No.7493102

It's just a matter of time, she's being blacked all the time.

>> No.7493108

Good, now can we please move on? Caring about this is so stupid

>> No.7493124

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

>> No.7493130

First they came tor the jews and I did not speak out.
Then they came for the blacks and I did not speak out.

Then they left everyone alone because things were pretty good.

>> No.7493131

Most of us have moved on, bruh. But I wouldn't sit around waiting for -everybody- to move on.

>> No.7493148

What I think is causing a row is that she has been described as white, and Rowling has clearly not been ambiguous about the casting for the movie, or the cover photo of every single book.
I think it's fine to do an adaptation with Hermionie as a black woman but there is no reason why Rowling is changing her twenty years of stories just to be more inclusive.

What % of British people are black? 5 % ?

>> No.7493174

Harry Potter fans are so fucking dumb. Get a life and start reading books for adults. No one should care about this.

>> No.7493176

Kind of ridiculous....did she first decided hermione was black and then picked a black actress?Or did she hear about a black actress playing hermione and then decided to make her black.

>> No.7493177

Does this mean Emma Watson is now a whitewashing racist?

>> No.7493214

>whites exploited blacks to exploit blacks
what is the context?

>> No.7493217

Her publicist did anyway.

>> No.7493253

most of the complaints are legit though
>Book 3 says her white face in a non-scary situation
>covers of book 3 and book 7 have her as white
>8 movies with emma watson
>"Oh she was always black"

Everyone is complaining because she is pulling a Lucas.

>> No.7493268

never before has a childhood fantasy been ruined so quickly


>> No.7493279

I've been seeing this way too much over various boards, and I really don't get why it's so triggering?
It's a fucking adaptation. Like if a play was adapted or something.

Does the fact that Antigone was in the Ancient Greek era played by a man, mean that every adaptation where she's played by a female "out of cannon" and somehow destroying the legacy? (some of /pol/ trolls would probably say yes, but come on).
Or what if I don't know national theatre company of Uganda or whatever decided to play Shakespear, and all of the sudden Hamlet was black?
There's literally no problem other than fucking idiots taking book cannon way to seriously, and few racist jumping onto it, because they get triggered every time non white person does something.

>> No.7493283

lel I'm an idiot, for some reason I decided to add another n to canon, even though I knew it's one n only.

>> No.7493285

more like harry potter sells

>> No.7493298

>caring about one of the shittest serie published

>> No.7493299

retcons usually make people mad

>> No.7493314

This isn't even a retcon, it's adaptation. It's like complaining that Lion King has lions instead of people like in Hamlet.
While JK can say she's okay with black Hermione in a play, that doesn't mean this is now the sole truth.
Also Emma Watson isn't the same as Hermione in the book (she's way too good looking). So who cares if she's been changed again?

>> No.7493318

From what I've seen the majority of people on 4chan respond to this with "Who the fuck cares". Because like you said, it's a fucking play, who the fuck cares.

Where the debate comes in is that SJW types are advocating Hermione be black in canon. Normally this is just the usual tripe and could be ignored, except that J.K. Rowling is humoring and encouraging this, leading to fans being upset that a book series they enjoy is being altered to fit the political agenda of a gaggle of bullies. This is exactly why she made Dumbledore gay.

>> No.7493328
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> Also Emma Watson isn't the same as Hermione in the book (she's way too good looking)

>> No.7493331

Jesus Christ, those simian lips. Disgusting.

>> No.7493336

Eh, death of an author and all that.
If SJW care what JK says, it's their loss.I could claim that Hermoine is an tranny and I wouldn't need JK's approval for that.
So this goes in reverse as well, if JK decides that Hermione was always black, you can still picture her as Emma Watson or whatever.

I don't know what this reaction means, but AFAIK she's described as pretty plain.

>> No.7493338

Fuck off to /pol/ you cringe-worthy dipshits.

>> No.7493344


Let me just say right now that EVERY marginalized group tries to take ownership of the X-Men story.

>> No.7493345
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>> No.7493351

This whole fucking thing blew up because you xenophobes are mad about the your crush Emma Watson being replaced with someone you don't find attractive

>> No.7493354

It makes more sense though, with the nazi and mudblood angle

>> No.7493360


>> No.7493361

legit reason to be mad famillia

>> No.7493367

Seems pretty childish to me

>> No.7493369

>If you think less of someone for what they find attractive, you're a bad person!
>Unless what you find attractive doesn't agree with me, in which case you're a double bad person!
Makes perfect sense.

>> No.7493377

Hermione shot first, with an unlicensed firearm

>> No.7493379


No you are just being little babies

>> No.7493391

Said the man getting upset that gets his fee fees in a knot over what others find attractive.

>> No.7493411

Jumping on the progressive hype train. Always went out if her way to describe if someone was a minority.

>> No.7493421

I don't care what you find attractive Jesus. I used to think Asians were unattractive. Then I had sex with one. Just be aware of why this situation upsets you and get over it. Honestly I think the main reason it upsets you is your boner for Emma watson

>> No.7493427

Why you triggered though?
I mean, if she decides to republish all the books and editing them to specify that Hermione was always black, you might have some reason, but as is, there's literally nothing wrong with it.

>> No.7493430

Why does this minor change to childrens book upset you?

>> No.7493440

If it was Ron nobody would care

>> No.7493570

except that would mess with the rest of the weasley brothers

>> No.7493578

A black ginger family would make them deserve all the hate they get. If anything it would make the book more progressive in its message of accepting gingers.

>> No.7493580

>being a leftist beta

>> No.7493590

/tv/ fuck off

>> No.7493601 [DELETED] 

Fuck off and make us, what, does it TRIGGER you when faced with the facts?
>s-s-top discussing this
>o-o-only my leftist cuck approved topics a-are allowed
Fuck off shill.
You fuck off
Fuck off tumblrcunt
Typical leftist cuck, resorts to calling others "little babies"

>> No.7493609

What level of irony is this thread on?

>> No.7493610


>> No.7493613

Is this post ironic, post-ironic, New Sincere, or just sincere?

>> No.7493615
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>> No.7493624

Fuck off
I can see past your Semitic meming

>> No.7493678

Take some HPott, stir in some race controversy, baby you got a stew brewin

>> No.7493707

>all that plebshit
Niggers are fucking useless.

>> No.7493709

well if they make hermione black then they gotta make sirius black aswell

>> No.7493712
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>> No.7493738

children debating children's problems in children's literature

>> No.7493796

magic made her black :)

>> No.7494296

It's not about the books, it's about SJW blackwashing in their mission to destroy the white race.

>> No.7494312



Fuck I hate puns.

>> No.7494347

4&6 would be qt's IRL.

>> No.7494359

Black-albino family Weasel plz

>> No.7494368

not literature. reported

>> No.7494388

mods are bunch of nigger loving weeaboo fan fiction chinks though.

>> No.7494944

Probably that some amount of the blacks that became slaves were prisoners of war sold by rival tribes to the white man. Really it was an interracial fuckup.

>> No.7494955

I dont understand what this or whats going on can someone please explain it to me?

>> No.7494960

>If it wasn’t for the history of breeding human beings in the New World through chattel slavery, Dune doesn’t make sense

>> No.7494965

>brown eyes and curly hair make you black

>> No.7494970
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>h-hey guis, r-remember me?
>oh... o-okay

shoehorning this shit ignores legitimate works
and is also lazy cause it avoids doing something about the (perceived) problem like making your own work
>but that requires effort and thats hard
I know

>> No.7494973

Don't you remember all those Plantations breeding people to be human calculators?

>> No.7494974
File: 8 KB, 199x283, page1-200px-Ulysses,_1922.djvu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And once again nobody cares for the Irish.

>> No.7494979
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someone tried to make an African themed Sword and Sorcery in the early 80s

>> No.7494984

>The Quest for Cush
thats a dank quest

>> No.7494985

There's a Harry Potter theater play being put on, it's set after the events of the books/movies.

Hermione is being played by the black woman in the OP, /pol/ is angry because Hermione was white before.

J.K. Rowling says on her twitter that Hermione might as well be black, /pol/ gets angry.
J.K. Rowling says on her twitter that "white skin was never specified" (apparently it actually was in the text and drawings of the cast Rowling did herself) and /pol/ gets even angrier.

I personally think they made her black to draw attention to a play nobody would care about otherwise, and I think they succeeded.

>> No.7494986

when did they make a fourth one?

>> No.7495005

if she didn't specify white skin why didn't she object to a white actress being cast

>> No.7495013

Tehanu came out in 1990 dude lol

>> No.7495014

Where did I say she didn't

>> No.7495016

>if it wasn’t for race, X-Men doesn’t sense
jesus actual fuck

>> No.7495028

I don't think her point ever was "I meant Hermione to be black all along" but rather "She might as well be black in this play"

>> No.7495031

What does it matter if a fictional children's character is black or white? If you have any sort of imagination, you can imagine the characters however you like them to be...

Fuck stop caring about the aesthetics of a character and just try to enjoy their personality.

>> No.7495063

because then I wont get to be rude to people

>> No.7495080


>young adult fiction

Please go away.

>> No.7495086


You can still be rude to them anon! Just tell them all that they believe in is retarded

>> No.7495087

that's one long reaction gif.

>> No.7495113

Can we ban genre fiction posters? Seriously. I guarantee most of them don't even frequent /lit/ and just come here to raceb8 and post about their children books.

>> No.7495564

Ron BWC confirmed. Hermione is a swirler

>> No.7495567

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you who fucking gives a shit Jesus you people are stupid for shitting the bed over this

>> No.7495577 [DELETED] 
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boycott this nigger jew horse shit

>> No.7495580

See >>7494296

>> No.7495598

A lot of that is wrong (X-Men is not specifically racial, and definitely not specifically black; Star Wars mixes elements of Nazi Germany and the Cold War), but Harry Potter does draw heavily on real-life issues of racism, so it makes sense. No need to commandeer two whole genres.

>> No.7495614

isn't it possible to make new movies/books/whatever with original black characters rather than recasting characters who have been white as now being black?

>> No.7495638

You would think but :^)

>> No.7495639
File: 38 KB, 400x402, 1981902_754743557939427_6066363747022400234_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares? If you legitimately care about Harry Potter then please an hero.

>> No.7495656

Stop reposting this image dozens of times per day you fucking autist. I'm tired of your shit.

>> No.7495672

Quit making Harry Potter threads then. Why do you care about the race of a shitty character in a shitty children's book? They have Shakespeare adaptations with Black actors and Shakespeare is actually good. So a Black actress appeared in a shitty play based off of a children's book? If that actually bothers you then kill yourself. See>>7495577 I'm not boycotting it because I wasn't going in the first place because I'm not an Autistic.

>> No.7495690

filthy mudblood

>> No.7495821

>trivialising cultural appropriation

i bet you're fine with blacks taking credits for the civilisation of egypt as well.

>> No.7495857

>Whites didn't exploit blacks.

>> No.7495860

Yea. I'm fine with it. It's their delusion. Let them believe whatever and then tell them to fuck off.

>> No.7495861

He didn't imply otherwise fuckwad

>> No.7495870
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>this thread

Harry potter (at least the first two books, the ones I read) isn't all that bad. For kid's books in a fantasy setting, you can definitely do worse, and they're very setting-driven and whimsical, great for an early reader.

I think what people really hate about harry potter is the huge unwarranted praise it gets from millennial fuckwads on the internet, and how they praise J.K. like a god when she made seven above-average, highly commercially successful fantasy books for children and young adults. What worries me is that people think that its some kind of literary achievement, or that they restrict themselves based off of harry potter. It's like saying you're into film but all you've watched is Jumanji, all three toy story movies and Star Wars. YA is only cancerous trash because YA is dominating in every single age group, especially among women. Also the fucking fanbase is so cancerous and degenerate that they throw money at whatever harry potter shit is thrown their way.

There's nothing wrong with some light reading every once in a while, just like how there's nothing wrong with seeing a flick or simplistic movie like Furious 7 or iron man, or listening to pop music. It's when someone's expectation and consumption of the medium is only based on that small, simple part is when it becomes corrosive.

>> No.7495880

What if she turned herself white with a spell and was truly black from the beginning and was an adopted child?

>> No.7495882

this thread really makes me want to kill myself tbqh

>> No.7495883

>was truly black from the beginning and was an adopted child

peace prize worthy twist for touching on relevant social issues

>> No.7495885

I legitimately and completely do not care about the future of the 'white race'

>> No.7495887

I saw an interview on the last movie part # 2 blu ray, Emma WAS how she envisioned her, she says so herself.

Although I don't give three damns about her changing her mind.

>> No.7495891

Thank you, solving plot holes since before I was born...not really.

>> No.7495945

Cuck shitskin

>> No.7495967

can we please stop with the hypocrisy of replies such as " it doesn't matter!" or "who the fuck cares" ?

thousands of replies in different boards and places, obviously this makes people care because it deals with race and the way people deal with it.

it's clear hermione is white, because the movies made her white and some characters were black. she didn't even want americans playing the parts, she wanted to remain loyal to her mental imagery.

instead of doing this, JK should have said "it's a nice gesture, i see nothing wrong with it" and everyone wouldn't be as mad as they are right now.

>> No.7496036


OP it's pretty useless to ragebait over mainstream pleb fare on this board.

You'll get a few bites, no doubt from board tourists themselves, but /lit/ is largely indifferent toward pleb drama.


The only people who are genuinely mad over this are the ones who are too pleb to be here in the first place. The rest will go back to reading better literature like they always do.

>> No.7496043

How many times do we need to say it to get it through your thick skull?
It's not about pottershit, it's about SJW cucks wanting to destroy the white race.
14/88 bitch, we must PRESERVE the beauty of the white race

>> No.7496069


I'm not white. Though I do sympathize with the ridiculousness of your situation and the abject symbol over substance banality that is constantly being pushed on you as "progress".

But go and take it to your containment board.

>> No.7496078

Fuck off, shitskin
When the Day of the Rope comes your kind will be put in its place.

>> No.7496085

... but who's buying?

>> No.7496097

I don't understand. The book explicitly says that she's white in one of them.

What's going on?

>> No.7496098


Whether this is parody shitposting or you are legit this sperg, go and take it to the containment board.

>> No.7496099

Honestly harry should be black too

>> No.7496101

>mission to destroy the white race.


Bunch of babies, the lot of you. Also, it doesn't matter, Hermione was already written, illustrated and portrayed on film as a white girl.

>> No.7496103


>> No.7496114

Shut up cuck

>> No.7496132
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Just stop m8.
Bait game lacking.

>> No.7496135
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>misread as crush
>realize its kush
>o fugg

>> No.7496146

Keep trying to get the last reply, cuck.

>> No.7496148
File: 145 KB, 960x720, 1449921589426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A black Hermione would be cute as fuck desu senpai

>> No.7496154


I don't want it.

But have another (You) as a parting gift.

>> No.7496158

Here's yours

>> No.7496215

"Hermione's got nice skin." -Ron

Uh oh.