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/lit/ - Literature

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7490245 No.7490245 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a literary/philosophical word that encompasses the feeling you get when you read a headline like pic related and realize "to many people, this is important news". I'm not trying to belittle this--this headline excites many people on our planet, it is a great thing that must be praised.

>> No.7490252

Yeah. The word is "dumb"

>> No.7490261


>> No.7490264

Sorry, but you don't get it. It's much more complicated than that. I've got something really deep in my mind, but I can't put it into words.

>> No.7490274
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>> No.7490306

Like what I'm trying to explain guys is think about newspaper headlines from when Lincoln was killed, and compare those to the one I posted.

If you think this headline is not as good as the Lincoln headline, you are not intelligent. If you think this headline is as good as a headline about Lincoln being assassinated, you are getting close. When you realize that this headline IS far more important than learning that Abraham Lincoln was killed---then my friend, you become my intellectual equal.

This is not "irony" or some sort of ideology that starts with "post-". Nor am I an "average person" who eats up this kind of headline and sees no wrong in it. I see the wrong in it, but in seeing the wrong in this headline, it becomes beautiful. It's in its own place in time.

>> No.7490329

*Tips fedora*

>> No.7490359


>> No.7490440


you know you are making 0 sense?


>> No.7490451


Yeah you're really superior man, rather than being some pleb loser than spends their time reading pop culture nonsense you're a pleb loser who hangs out on an anime board. The arrogance on this board is ridiculous, we're all mediocre at best.

>> No.7490456

This is what I was looking for. I felt it was something very Kierkegaardian.

Pleb. You probably think Kierkegaard "makes 0 sense".

>> No.7490458
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>> No.7490461

Sorry, but you didn't get it. I am in support of the headline being better than a headline about Lincoln, not ironically, but 100% seriously.