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7489200 No.7489200 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth me buying books when I live 20 minutes away from a huge city library?

>> No.7489215

Just rent books dude, no point buying them unless you want to show off some guests

>> No.7489236


is it worth the smell of piss, the hobo's, and the autistic people looking up porn?

>> No.7489250

Seriously what kind of library do you go to?

>> No.7489273

>tfw wish I lived next to the TRL

>> No.7489361

Does the store clerk have good taste? Does he or she give you recommendations based on what you want to read? Is it a comfy place to hang out and browse? Do you want to support that business and give them money?

That's a lot of yesses required.

>Strike up a conversation with the people working there
>Get invited to a poetry reading
>Meet cute girl, whirlwind romance
>Bitter breakup
>Resent ever meeting her, write depressing soul crushing stuff, flunk out of all your classes
>You slowly forget her face, start taking pills and drinking

What's the worst that could happen?

>> No.7489392

Owning books is absolutely necessary. Thinking about a home without books in it makes me feel weird and sad. Don't get memed by "it's just to show off!!!".

>> No.7489476

How can people read books that someone else has probsbly read on his toilet?

>> No.7490300

Fucking this. Knowing how many things the book has likely come into contact with, I wouldn't want to touch it, much less hold it in my hands for long periods of time.

>> No.7490321 [DELETED] 

fell for the consumerism meme

>> No.7490579

I live maybe half a mile away from a library, but I still buy books. I love having them and being able to just grab one and read a really cool section that I remember. One other reason for owning them is that I lend and borrow books with my friends and family. Especially with my Dad. It's one of the things he and I have been able to bond over the 10 years or so. Also, having the books in your house on a nice shelf is good decorating.

>> No.7490652

This but replace piss with must

>> No.7490768

But you don't need to buy every book you read, just the ones you want to read again

>> No.7491148
File: 111 KB, 736x912, jkoch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading books poor people have touched
never gonna make it

>> No.7491729

want to read a book? go to the library

like the book, might read it again? buy the book

seems simple

>> No.7491766

Late fees.

>> No.7493264

Just get them off the internet. There is no reason not to. Some of them have their copyrights up, too, meaning it's legal. We actually live in the best age to read. We don't have to leave the house or spend a dime to get quality books.

>> No.7493305

Yes. Build your own library but don't post it in a “bookshelf thread”.

>> No.7493373

Are you from SF?

>> No.7493398

There is no good reason to own books you will never re-read or reference. People who do are just vain or baseball card-tier collectors.

>> No.7493402

speaking of
i saw some grown men trading hockey cards last night

hearing them talk it sounded nefarious, so i looked up

but by jove the man just wanted a mcdavid

>> No.7494813

it depends whether you can afford it or not.

if you
>have enough money to buy the books and live a comfortable life, then buy them.
>have enough to buy but wont have other luxuries if you do, then buy only the ones that you think worth keeping
>dont have enough money to buy books, then why do you ask this, dipshit?

>> No.7494828


Should of tried to get an Eichel

>> No.7494962

>not going to the bookstore and striking up conversations with qt's