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/lit/ - Literature

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7488741 No.7488741 [Reply] [Original]

Meta thread?

Meta thread.

We do polls and infographics about books etc all the time, but does anyone want to help me sort out the chronology of /lit/'s meme authors? What i've come up with is hardly comprehensive and some of the chronology is surely wrong.

>Ayn Rand; from day one, she was this board's troll magnet, leading to pic related
>Murakami; general agreement/frequent subject of posts
>Borges; general agreement/frequent subject of posts
>Brautigan; meme status fizzled, but was really popular for a few days, IIRC. maybe not list material.
>Tao Lin; he came here
>Joyce; ares full of farts, meme trilogy
>DWF; general agreement/frequent subject of posts, meme trilogy
>Pinecone; general agreement/frequent subject of posts, meme trilogy, alleged to have come here, but that was outed as a ruse i think. good thread, though.
>Stirner; >muh spooks
>"trolley problem"; not really an author, i guess
>Kharms; iranbro
>"start with the greeks"; we always had a lot of philo threads but i don't remember a specific greek being a meme until they were encapsulated by the SWtG meme. could totally be wrong, tho.
>Dworkin, current shitty forced meme

DFW was probably earlier? I want to say maybe Orson Scott Card and GRRM go on here somewhere, but not sure they defined the board culture, since we tend to shit on genre? i mean Rowling and Meyers got posted enough to be memetic, i suppose, but only because they were memes of the larger culture, not specifically /lit/.

i was focusing on authors, but we could open it up to all our memes if we want.

>> No.7488762

Dresden Files were a meme for a little bit. I fell for it and had to read 3 books before I realized /lit/ is full of shit.

>> No.7488814

not authors, but

>> No.7489100
File: 104 KB, 796x638, cap moot book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump for memes

>> No.7489374

Someone was meming gene wolf or whatever his name was pretty hard a few months ago

>> No.7489696
File: 93 KB, 678x516, anon v d&e BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7489722

Dworkin isn't a meme. It's one Tumblrina posting her shite all over /lit/.

>> No.7489754

this threadis stupid. fuck off

>> No.7489759

>lacking the capacity to self-critically think about your actions and the culture to which you belong

>> No.7489767
File: 60 KB, 546x700, 1449974284449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Dworkin poster!

>> No.7489776
File: 76 KB, 490x735, la8bR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ sure could use a TAR replacement

>> No.7489806

Stoner and The Book of Disquiet have been quietly but consistently popular here since at least 2012.

>> No.7489813

Zizek, Nietzche and Augustine have all had their five minutes of meme.

>> No.7489829

You forgot the faux-christians and their endless christposting

>> No.7489956


ah, good ones. how could i have forgotten.

ya, "christposting" should go after SWtG, i guess.

and i wasn't really serious about Dwarve-kin, i thought that was implied by calling it a shitty forced meme

>> No.7489963
File: 358 KB, 500x616, capsguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7489969

Somehow both expected and disappointing.

>> No.7489976

nostalgia :(

feels bad man

where's capsguy?

>> No.7490082
File: 134 KB, 570x851, REM read poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you gave CAPSGUY that pic because his trip reminded you of a story your grandma used to read to you

>> No.7490270

Stirner, Schopenhauer and Hegel are all huge memes

Marxism used to be big before it turned into Catholicism.