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7487469 No.7487469 [Reply] [Original]

>Zizek in his talk on state with varoufakis
>"We *sniff* maasht tayk eeeen de reffyoojeesh, and so on and so on, but they must be told that they tolerate gays, Jews, right of women, and so on and so on"
>see picrelated

>> No.7487496

Zheezheck is regarded as homophobic by many, though.

>> No.7487516

That would be by fags, though.

>> No.7487549

they're probably using it as a way to tell the EU to go fuck themselves

>> No.7487561

I stopped liking Zizek because of his stance on the refugee matter to be honest.

I knew he was a leftist, but I didn't expect him to be the sort of naive progressive liberal type.

>> No.7487564

"Vegetarians are degenerates. They will turn into monkeys." - Slavoj Zizek, on vegetarianism

>> No.7487589


Daily reminder that Slovenia broke up Yugoslavia and lead it to the road of civil war, truly the worst Slavs there are, they have the cunning and selfishness of the Austrians and the stubbornness and thickheaded shortsightedness of the Serbs.

>> No.7487604

>>I knew he was a leftist, but I didn't expect him to be the sort of naive progressive liberal type
LMAO good bait

>> No.7487630

I tought he was more authoritarian and sceptical about uncritical progressivism and multiculturalist ideology and so on

>> No.7487653

Progressives are authoritarian

>> No.7487676

allowing freedom of movement for people fleeing from a war doesn't imply multicultural ideals

>> No.7487685

Zizek said that refugees should be allowed but that they must adhere to Western ideals of tolerance and that we should embrace Eurocentrism
he was of course called a fascist/bigot/waycis by the cuckolded cadre
don't really know what else you expected from him

>> No.7487692

Of course 'freedom of movement' can be and has been extended to mean 'letting gypsies set up camp in active factory grounds during work hours' (I've not got the time to look it up at the moment, but there was a case in Britain in the 00's where such a ruling was made, some factory vs. some gypsy family). But yeah, unless you propose deporting them all the moment the crisis has settled, it does imply that.

>> No.7487697

that's absurd

>> No.7487704

I'd say he's too optimistic about the peoples of the sand being able to adapt and that multiculturalism will necessarily be a result of letting in refugees and that the deterioration of the west will be inevitable once people who care about western values are die out because immigrants have demographics on their side.

>> No.7487708

I can't work with just this. Elaborate.

>> No.7487711

>I'd say he's too optimistic about the peoples of the sand being able to adapt
Yes of course, he's yet to realize that it is in fact NOT an issue of culture, but an issue of race.

>> No.7487712
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>freedom of movement for people fleeing from a war
That is crossing the border from Syria to Turkey. Crossing the border from Turkey to Greece is merely opportunistic illegal immigration since you are no longer fleeing a warzone.

>> No.7487719

I'd say it is an issue of culture mostly, but the notion that you can change the culture of a Muslim who has been living in Syria for the last thirty years and make him an upstanding Westerner within a few years or even his lifetime is absurd. How deep culture runs is vastly underrated.

>> No.7487728

the implication is that they will be forced to adapt or sent home
he doesn't agree with multiculturalism (multiculturalism is a political doctrine, not merely the presence of multiple races), he explicitly states that European nations must reassert their cultures and that all must adapt
I don't think this is a feasible solution and I suspect that Zizek himself will drift further to the right as a result of this crisis but you're misconstruing what he's saying

>> No.7487734

No, I do think their culture stems from the character of race.

Explains why second, and third gen immigrants often do WORSE than their parents or grandparents.

>> No.7487737

I consider the notion that they can be forced to adapt to be overly optimistic.

>> No.7487743

The people who actually cared about 'western values' died out a long time ago.

>> No.7487747

Adopted babies don't have these problems I believe. Although they do develop problems when they run into non-adopted people of their own race who act different (not as 'white') to them and experience some sort of identity crisis.

If adoption of young babies would be the only immigration allowed I don't think we would have these problems.

I agree on second and third gen immigrants though, they really are the scum of the earth, especially from Islamic backgrounds because they're conflicted little shits who don't know if they want to blow up people over bricks of cocaine or over religion.

>> No.7487753

so do I, and I suspect so does he
you have to consider that he can't go much further than he already has
I predict as the overton window gets wider and wider he will go further and further

>> No.7487759

>Let me, *sniff* shit post on /lit/
>nothing will happen

>> No.7487769

>Explains why second, and third gen immigrants often do WORSE than their parents or grandparents.

No, it doesn't. You'd have realised that if you'd stopped and thought about it for a few seconds instead of grabbing the nearest coherent sentence that allowed you to defend your position. I mean, be racist by all means, it's your life, but don't be a tard.

>> No.7487782

>given all opportunities
>treated with kids gloves
>even exempt from subjects other kids have to take
>still do overall FAR more poorly than ethnic europeans academically
>still speak the language worse than their parents/grandparents
>still have a far lower rate of employment
>be far more likely to be criminal or become radicalized

>> No.7487785

>come up with mountain of greentext
>fail to so much as attempt to defend thesis

Well you know where you need to go.

>> No.7487790

Hot arguments faggot.

What is your explanation for their inexplicable failure to handle life in the European societies they were born and grew up in?

>> No.7487797

I think many on the left literally can't comprehend that there are people that reject hedonism and egalitarianism outright (i.e. Muslims) so they just assume that they will eventually be seduced by Western decadence
it's very easy for this attitude to permeate the mainstream (which of course it has)
ironically it's our belief in our own superiority that underpins this brand of extreme tolerance

>> No.7487798


Self-perceived emasculation arising from conflict between the values inculcated in them at home versus those prized in the culture they occupy.

>> No.7487799


what does that have to do with people fleeing from war?

>> No.7487801

Then why do bosniaks, even the muslim ones manage so much better?

>> No.7487803


You'll need to both support this claim and elaborate on it.

>> No.7487806


You have just refuted yourself.

>> No.7487830

The first sentence? Nothing. I was pointing out the common misuse (or too-liberal use) of the right to 'freedom of movement'. My point was the poster shouldn't expect that right's invocation to be argument-validating in itself.

And here's a fairly good reason they shouldn't: >>7487712

>> No.7487837

Well, it seems that the Norwegian bureau of statistics have buried their old reports on immigrants and criminality, employment and education, probably in connection with their "report" on how refugees will improve our economy. I can find plenty of newspaper articles who mention it, but the links to the stats are all dead.

They're also doing trickery like equating african and ME immigrants with polish and swedish work immigration to "prove" that immigrants have a good rate of employment.

>> No.7487856

>"they" are conspiring to bury the evidence i would otherwise produce

OK wrap it bub, we're done here.

>> No.7487869

Not him, but ex-commie European muslims are culturally very different from sand people Muslims, especially if they lived under the influence of the Slav. Albanian muslims will have liquor with breakfast with a conscience as clear as the rakia.

>> No.7487910


Turkey already has nearly 2 million housed refugees you dumb /pol/faggot, and Greece is bankrupt.

>> No.7487954

Inconvenience doesn't change anything I mentioned.

>> No.7487979

>with a conscience as clear as the rakia
Is the point that rakia isn't all clear, or is that an idiomatic expression?

>> No.7488002

The point is that their conscience is very clear, just like the delicious bootleg rakia.

>> No.7488004

By homophobic you mean "USELESS" and impotent when it comes to influencing public policy? The only people he can influence are usually found in the age group 13-19.

or maybe you mean "USEFUL" as useful as a finger in a gay guy's ass.

>> No.7488394

can you elaborate a bit. i know no eastern euro history.

>> No.7488792

Zizek LITERALLY ran for Slovenia's Liberal party.

He's just a slightly edgy Liberal Marxist who likes to troll Liberals but still ends up within mostly Liberal ideology.

He shocks you with something kind of fascist sounding only to make you even more Liberal.

>> No.7488910

I'm a white American. Both of my dad's parents emigrated from Hungary in 1956 as basically refugees. They did well off but didn't invest their wealth in anything that grows wealth, while instead adopting a reactionary American dream ideology. As a result, my dad had to do everything on his own, and carved out a decent living but has no wealth to speak of (living week-to-week with no retirement plans). I'm not doing great so far either.

Nice try though /pol/

>> No.7488915

Why is this shit on Lit?

>> No.7488943

Papa Zizek

>> No.7488958

when did he run? in the early 90s? aka the high point of liberal dreaming, especially in the newly democratized east?

>> No.7489013

I mean you probably knew nothing about him before this. He insults you conservatives and capitalism all the time. What is to like about him for you?

>> No.7489056

I'm neither a conservative nor capitalist, mate.

>> No.7489072

Zizek is a staunch authoritarian. If he were Supreme Leader, they'll get thrown in the gulag if their support for humanism ever wavers.

>> No.7489164

>nor capitalist
*tips fedora*

>> No.7489190

Capitalism is on the way out mate, we need to look towards transition to something that holds up in an automatised age.

>> No.7489210

just like the industrial revolution, right?

>> No.7489243

Exactly the opposite, industrialisation facilitated modern capitalism and provided the transition from a mostly agricultural society to one with an urban proletariat.

Automatisation is in a way the next step in that process, but a self-defeating one for capitalism, because by removing the labourer from the production process you can no longer entertain a wage based system since there is simply not enough work for the majority of the current workforce to remain employed. In order to keep things running you need to provide them some sort of income, which will most likely come through a gradualist expansion and reform of the welfare state, possibly through universal basic income since there is a lot of incentive in that direction.

>> No.7489294

Slovenia is maybe the best country in Eastern Europe

They broke up Yugoslavia because they didn't rightfully didn't want or need to be part of it

>> No.7489308

basic income isn't going to end capitalism.

>> No.7489346

Not in itself, and it could be argued to be a liberal project rather than a socialist one, but it is a step in a certain direction and one that is very hard to reverse. It's actually more of a bail out for capitalism in the beginning, but once work becomes optional it's going to lead to a situation where capitalist values are going to erode, especially if automatisation gets to the point where >50% of jobs are going away.

>> No.7490131

I lean conservative, but I like Zizek.

>> No.7490151

So what does Zizek actually believe in?

>> No.7490178

stalinism; but with himself as stalin

>> No.7490184


>> No.7490195

he was much less spergy twenty years ago

>> No.7490202
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1990 was actually 25 years ago

>> No.7490208
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>> No.7490236

my god