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7486989 No.7486989 [Reply] [Original]

Dropping 2 tabs of acid next week.

What book do i take?

>> No.7486996
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Take 1 instead of two

Dont fucking read

Dont stay inside go outside

Seriously there is a good chance that youll have some sort of shitty upper cut into your acid so you arent going to want to sit around and read

>> No.7487002

Hahaha what. Go outside, sit in grass.

>> No.7487013

I plan on being outside with friends but seeing as its going to last all day I dont see the harm in bringing something to read here and there

>> No.7487016

Nothing. Reading isn't worth it on acid. Go outside and have fun.

And if it tastes like metal then it's an NBOMe

>> No.7487019

um bring a pen and notebook to write in if you must - as others said i think you're better off hanging out with your friends and walking around. exercising and playing sports is nice too.

after that read joseph campbell's "power of myth" because you'll be thinking about the patterns and archetypes that run through life

>> No.7487065

you won't want to read

but if you get the opportunity to lie in a hammock in the warm weather and blow bubbles I would highly recommend.

>> No.7487100
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>reading on acid

>> No.7487103
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Avoid mirrors.

>> No.7487117

Best thing I did is have a notepad to write my thoughts down in it. Started out hanging with mates, then left to go to a party. Took me two hours to get there and I filled the shit out of that notebook. It's got a lot of personal messages and 'revelations' in there, I read it every now and then.

>> No.7487121

I don't know, grab some Leonard Cohen poetry.
You can read a few them aloud. You won't be able to follow a narrative, though.

Or a photography/art book would be cool to flip through.

this is such bullshit. mirrors are fun as fuck on acid.

>Fuck with some tinfoil. Seriously, shit looks cool as fuck on acid.

>> No.7487135

Take 2

Bring a journal

Go outside

Stay away from people

>> No.7487167

Don't listen to the other anons, if you're tripping and decide you want to be inside then go for it. Just watch videos or listen to music.

I wouldn't recommend reading though, watch an acid film like Enter the Void or Waking Life

>> No.7487173

Your not gonna be able to read on acid. Doing basic shit becomes really fucking hard.
Put some ear phones in and go walk in the woods
I reccomend mastodon.

>> No.7487174

Idk about that bro. All they Nbome I've had numbs your tongue.

>> No.7487187

It sounds like you don't understand how to read or take acid

>> No.7487189

for the love of fuck don't watch enter the void you'll be fucked for life
can you imagine the trauma of that tunnel scene being played over and over when you're on acid? fuck

>> No.7487209
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don't read, more than anything else psychs ought to be a sensual experience.

listen to some vaporwave

I always thought it'd be cool to watch something like starwars episode 2 or 3, they're comfy movies, have no plots whatsoever and heaps of pretty colours

>> No.7487256

It isn't going to last all day. Bring the book to read afterwards.

>> No.7487460

Tastes like metal? More like menthol to me.

Not sure what to recommend you stranger because I like reading non-fiction on psychs, especially about the topics I'm really passionate about (music, politics, &c).

>> No.7487520

I tried reading Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch on acid. Ended up running from schoolgirls in a park.

>> No.7487536

You took fake acid. Probably the same kind this kiddo has.

>> No.7487559


I read the Bhagavad Gita on a mescaline trip once. It was alright. Read Notes from Underground on acid. Pretty horrifying.

I'd advise you don't read at all. Furthermore, I'd advise you only eat one tab, especially if you're inexperienced with psychedelics. Less is more with. Getting overwhelmed isn't particularly fruitful.

If you really want to read, go for poetry or something like the Tao Te Ching.

If you want to read on psychs in general, which is pretty rewarding, look into microdosing. I'm on 15ug of LSD right now.


You can't cut LSD to any noteworthy degree. Only real pitfall when using blotters is whether it's an NBOMe, or, more rarely, some DOx compound.

To OP, if it tastes bitter, spit it out as soon as you realize, find your dealer, and kick him in the balls.

>> No.7487562

You'll open the book, try to read and all the letters will be doing a most beautiful dance in the world, they will be trying to hide from your eyes, play with you hide and seek and possibly play you a song. Then you'll look at the watch and see an hour has passed and you haven't read a single sentence and one letter will smirk ;)

>> No.7487565


>I always thought it'd be cool to watch something like starwars episode 2 or 3, they're comfy movies, have no plots whatsoever and heaps of pretty colours

I did it once, Attack of the Clones. The acting is fucking jarring, completely kills it.

>> No.7487578

Emotions are very strong on acid, if you watch it on the comedown, it will be awesome as fuck but if you watch it during the peak, you might get some scary/sad thoughts stuck when watching Star Wars. I was watching Finding Nemo on acid and it was a bit scary and sad at times as well. But animation is usually great to watch.
Last time I did acid I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey on comedown, blew my mind seriously. It looks so different, the colours are so vivid, that movie looked so damn real!

>> No.7487582
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Some real LSD taste bitter. For example pic related print that has been around Europe (ant not only I guess) for a few years tastes bitter because of the ink but it's real and good quality LSD.
Metal taste is what you really don't want.