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File: 51 KB, 349x524, lemony_snicket_a_series_of_unfortunate_events_the_bad_beginning_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7485657 No.7485657 [Reply] [Original]

Can we agree that this is the only YA series worth reading?

Shit was like Infinite Jest for kids.

>> No.7485663

The Infinite Jest for kids is Infinite Jest.

>> No.7485675
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Oh SHIT nigga

>> No.7485746

ayyyy >>7485657 Yeah of all the literature I read throughout my youth this was the series that encouraged me to expand my horizons. Count Olaf quoting Philip Larkin just before just before his death served as the gateway. I can't say with total certainty that the most literate among us would love it as much.

>> No.7485783

Its not YA. Its a children's series.

>> No.7485794
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I wish I read IJ as a kiddo. It was a waste as an adult.

>> No.7485799

Haven't read it yet but The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender - Leslye Walton sounds pretty good. YA isn't all bad.

>> No.7485822

Yeah. That's why YA sucks, because it is for people who are not children, but apparently can't handle normal literature.

>> No.7485985
File: 12 KB, 250x357, Remnants_Book1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up outgrowing that series before I could finish it. No regrets there.

Anyone else read >pic related during the YA period of their youth? Like during the cusp of elementary school->middle school. I'd say that's another series worth reading when you're like 10.

>> No.7486034

This is the only children's series worth reading. Ideally you would do it before you're 13 but I suppose a young adult could read it. Start with A Series of Unfortunate Events.

>> No.7486153


started when they came out probably around age 12-13. Loved every second of them.

reread them again at 22, still very enjoyable. The best part is that the first few books can easily be read in a single sitting which is nice. So if youre an adult looking to try them out get the first 3 and give it a go.

The style is also pretty intriguing. It's fun to see how the author also makes himself a character in the story in a surprisingly unique way.

>> No.7486218

>Can we agree that this is the only YA series worth reading?
His Dark Materials is YA, and at least the first book is worth reading.

>> No.7486240
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>Atlas Shrugged the YA Fantasy: Euphoria Edition

>> No.7486274
File: 10 KB, 448x280, 12321493_1638312083095799_3157578024296918998_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's not the Abhorsen Trilogy.

>> No.7486308

If you actually think Series is legitimately good, you need to fuck off to reddit and never come back family.

>> No.7486327

Great post lad.

>> No.7487403

U r very stupid

>> No.7488259

I loved the hell out of pretty much everything Garth Nix wrote when I was in elementary/middle school.
I wonder how it holds up.

>> No.7488318

The problem with the Infinite Jest meme is that he was basically a highly educated manchild, who wanted to write a piece damming Americana but too steeped in that shit to step outside himself, so he just wrote himself in it.

Since I grew up in 3 countries travelling about, reading it made me very skeptical of his view points, a lot of his criticisms are valid and prophetic in a way.

There's something super weird I find when I talk to American friends, they will boldly lie to your face because they don't want to tell you what they really think. It's hard to say if they are scared or just trying to say the right thing or aren't thinking and it's just a reflexive thing.

Chinese people straight up tell you what they want from you if they want something, and try to create a situation where you can't say no (in varying degrees of seduction, compassion, convincing).

French people are mostly dicks. Which is fitting because French women love to give blowjobs, aggressive blowjobs where you're definitely not in control.

>> No.7488343

>Which is fitting because French women love to give blowjobs, aggressive blowjobs where you're definitely not in control.
This got me fucked up