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/lit/ - Literature

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7484094 No.7484094 [Reply] [Original]

What's /lit/'s thoughts on this book?

>> No.7484121



>> No.7484129


>> No.7484136

Kind of slow, unexciting. Didn't fulfill the potential of the premise.
The show they've made of it annoys me a bit, too. Years after the war and civilian technology seems to have reached the point it did in our universe, yet all the German soldiers use exactly the same weapons, uniforms and vehicles as during the war, despite all the talk about how they're so much more technologically advanced than the nips. It's true to the novel in that a lot of things seem not fully explored.

>> No.7484146
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>> No.7484150

Based on war propaganda, misconceptions, and outright lies.
If based on reality, his problem would have been that the resulting analysis of what the U.S. and the world would have been like would not have been unfavorable, and this would have offended & disturbed many, as the current narrative taught in the west includes a good deal of misinformation. The vast majority of the populations in the allied countries are indoctrinated to have knee-jerk reactions if anyone would dare to imply that anything other than dark, evil disaster would have befallen mankind if the allies had lost.

It would be interesting to read an honest analysis of the potential outcome, had the Reich been victorious. Sadly, anyone attempting this would be immediately branded "anti-Semite" and "Nazi," and his work banned by all major publishing houses.

>> No.7484152
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>> No.7484155

Yeah okay buddy
I'm sure these guys will believe you >>>/pol/

>> No.7484159
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>> No.7484167

case in point

>> No.7484184

>he thinks a police state would be a good thing
>he thinks the death of millions of people is a good thing

>> No.7484196
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ad hominem to the fucking extreme
god i wish /lit/ wasn't just a marxist fag hugbox

>> No.7484201

Do you know what an ad hominem is?
It's when you direct the argument at the person instead of the actual argument.
I literally never did that.

>> No.7484204

nawh dude i am kinda certain it wouldn't be great for the vast majority of people

>> No.7484218

>not fascist = marxist
wut m8

>> No.7484246

Is there like a dick hardening for Man in the High Castle or something on this board? Back when /lit/ kicked off, there was noticeable suggestions of Man in the High Castle, but it's becoming way too often now.

Not even PKD's third best, to be honest.

>> No.7484256


It's true to the spirit of Dick in that he doesn't just write a "Nazis won" alternate history, but one wherein someone is a writing an "Allies won" alternate history.

But the execution isn't smooth, even by Dick standards. It fails to live up to the promise of the conceit.

>> No.7484259

amazon is making a live action series of it right now

they caught some flak a little while ago for putting swastikas on their ads and had to take them down because people's feelings got hurt

>> No.7484261

Based on its quality it is brought up far too often on /lit/

>> No.7484301
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>> No.7484303

keep going

>> No.7484311

Yeah but hitler would have murdered most Slavs.

>> No.7484312
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>> No.7484315

see, here you got lazy

take a break for now

>> No.7485303
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>as if this is OC