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7479958 No.7479958[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how many of you are hopeless romantics or prone to unrequited love

>> No.7479969
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>tfw you will never physically and sexually experience the aesthetic beauty of a sunset

unrequited love is the worst

>> No.7479989

this really is one of those feelings that isn't supposed to outlive your first relationship. there's a reason nobody over the age of 25 has it.

>> No.7479995


>> No.7480000
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>> No.7480004

Are you stupid? How do you even come to such an asinine conclusion.

>hurrrrrrrr past the age of 25 you're not suppose to feel feelings for someone unless they feel it back

>> No.7480007

>le /lit/ forever alone /r9k/ threads
downvoted tbqh

>> No.7480024

Untrue. Many people find themselves wanting what they cannot have.

It's a phenomena not even remotely limited to youth.

>> No.7480040
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Every now and then when I am down I think to myself that I am spending my time looking for someone I've already fallen in love with but dont know.

It's gay as fuck and I dont like to think about it but it can help make sense when I am having a horrible day by any standard but still feel in awe of a good walk through the rain.

I dont know, what this anon said

>> No.7480045

Experiencing unrequited love atm. Wake up every morning in stupid animal pain.

>> No.7480061

what are Skoll and Ragnarok?
cool pic tho.

>> No.7480089

>tfw you will only experience true love in dreams

>> No.7480092

I fell in love with my best friend lmao

>> No.7480094
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>tfw there's a hundred girls I'll never love back

>> No.7480101

I am a pretty man that makes girls cry. I have lived thousands of love stories in their fantasies.

>> No.7480115

Sköll is a wolf that pursues the chariot that drives the sun

He is fated to chase it until the end of days, Ragnarok

read a book, skraeling/spoiler]

>> No.7480127
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I've never been in love.

>> No.7480184

There are two categories of cases

The first is that I don't care the least about the woman, but I continue anyway hoping that feelings develop. That has never worked out. This leaves me feeling robotic and dead inside.

The other is that I feel for them immediately, but they don't reciprocate. That has also never worked out. This leaves me feeling obsessive and aggressive.

0 for 90 let's see how high that can go

>> No.7480434
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>this shit situation has made me the most productive and social I have ever been in my life
>it's also made me feel like I was losing my mind every other day
>I just had the most perfect dream, where all my wishes were met and I was a hero and we loved each other (and I think I punched the boyfriend in the face)
>I'm going to use all of this experience in my literature (already am actually)
>hope has become an enemy to my love
>diamonds can only come to be under pressure

>> No.7480511
File: 357 KB, 1456x1091, hsunny_chapter_1_matsumoto_taiyo_flat_face.11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be, until my love was requited.

>> No.7480585

I think my first girlfriend killed my ability to love.

>> No.7480593

I could fall in love with a different girl every day of the week and get over her just as fast if she's not interested. You can't force someone to like you though persistence. They'll just get increasingly more annoyed with you and find you creepy.

>> No.7480604

diamonds are just as worthless and artificial as you are. a little beta with phony heroic aspirations. losing your mind? punching the boyfriend? using that experience in your literature? christ, you know nothing

>> No.7480638

This is correct. To the shitposters, you're right: it's always possible to want people who don't want you back. But the ability to experience unrequited love goes away at least by 25. You lose the pit in your stomach that tells you they're not sorry, the one that scratches and spins. You lose the anxiety and jealousy. You just want to fuck them now, or maybe even start some familyness. But it's normal, it's adult, because the love has fled from unrequited love.

>> No.7480639

I'm a hopeless pervert desu

I doubt I am capable of romantic relationship anymore

>> No.7480643

I'm a hopeless romantic regarding a lot of things but bitches are not one of them.

>> No.7480649

Why are you so angry though? I know my aspirations are stupid. Do you think I enjoy squirming around at night in lust? And what do you have against me using my life for literature?

>> No.7480655

I applied for a job and it's the first thing I've really wanted in a while but I know I won't get it
thanks for listening

>> No.7480660

I still feel love in my chest post coitus with certain girls. But after gf3 I don't say that shit, ever. Nothing good comes of it.

>> No.7480674

I've never loved anyone. I've had a few girlfriends but I never felt that strongly about them. I mainly just enjoyed the attention.

>> No.7480690

Not him but you sound like you wear five fedoras at the same time.

>> No.7480698

I feel like love is a type of idealism that doesn't really stand up to scrutiny in reality. No one is actually deserving of adoration.

>> No.7480699

There's a girl I want back

I think I can have her, perhaps I could even have had her yesterday but I chickened out.

>> No.7480704

getting back with an ex never works out bro

>> No.7480709

Me neither. :(

>> No.7480718

Hi, teenager! How's it going with your PS4 and eggos every morning? How's your radiohead and the avengers treating you?

Bye, teenager!

>> No.7480719

I don't care what the internet tells me works or not. I know what I want.

And yesterday I was really just feeling out what she might or might not feel for me, she really seems to be very attracted to me again.

>> No.7480721

Tru but you can get laid

Pussy is pussy dogg

>> No.7480724

Is this true? I am of the opinion that this is true, but I can't decide whether it is really my unwillingness to put in effort. Books and movies have told me that you have to grind down a woman's resistance until she falls in love with you. Is that just a meme?

>> No.7480728

What does that even mean?

>> No.7480729
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Alas, often my heart pangs for an object of love that seems more a dream than reality, mere ethereal visage, that I feign touch forthwith, doomed as I am to fancy a love that seems beyond the pale of mortal realism. :,(

>> No.7480732

>tfw literally got cucked yesterday
Hold me /lit/

>> No.7480738

Tfw the girl I love is in love with my friend but doesn't realise it yet

>> No.7480740

If you love her you'll tell her.

>> No.7480744

I did this once and it didn't end well

>> No.7480750

But I can't
My friend have some feelings for her too and i'm doomed to watch them develope their relationship everyday

>> No.7480753

Help them.

>> No.7480760

I think they can handle it without me

>> No.7480763

Then if she's happy what cause of sadness could you have?

>> No.7480766
File: 35 KB, 469x348, 1441488509507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this /cuck/ general? Jesus christ.
There's no fucking way people in real life can be this sensitive and retarded and emotionally dependent.

if she doesn't want you just carry on to the next bitch, it's not like it makes a difference who it is.

>> No.7480767

your own happiness?

>> No.7480768

It's profemale memery. "Oh anon maybe I'll sleep with you if you win me over with your sexy wallet, try hard bby <3" puke

>> No.7480769

>Books and movies have told me that you have to grind down a woman's resistance until she falls in love with you. Is that just a meme?
Yes, don't be that guy.

>> No.7480770

Are you sure? He might need some help thrusting into her. Perhaps grab onto his hips and give him some help so he doesn't tire?

>> No.7480771

Sure, but that's unrelated to her, and if you're dependent on a woman then you shouldn't be getting into relationships in the first place.

>> No.7480772

we're talking about real people not your chinese cartoon 12 year olds

>> No.7480779

>y-you like anime!
sick insults, cuckmaster.

>> No.7480791

Believe me I keep telling that to myself everyday but still i cant convince myself

>> No.7480808

not him but whenever I desire something but I can't have it I always think of it like
>If I had it, what would I do it with it?
>would I really be fulfilled?
>what is the end result?
>therefore, there's no point pursuing this and I should forget myself in the small joys of life until it dissipates
distract yourself through exercise,reading,watching TV etc. and don't ENTERTAIN the though, don't ENGAGE with it, and REFOCUS and it'll go away and you'll be laughing at how stupid you were for worrying.

>> No.7480825

Thanks man I always try to distract myself through reading
But the problem is that we're in the same class and I can't forget about her easily

>> No.7480834

I used to be but then I became a Catholic. Now I worship God instead of pretty women.

>> No.7480854

when was that?

>> No.7480862

Interested party here. I respect the fact you are guided by a religion but has any of the anti-religious literature you've ever read phased your belief at all?

>> No.7480917

Woah, I'm about to do the same

>> No.7480925

What job?

>> No.7480927

have u even red dostoyevsky


>> No.7480947

That's right though.
You build mental walls to protect yourself.
You know how when someone fucks up and breaks their leg because of a stupid decision they made and they learn not to make that stupid decision again. It's like that.
If you don't you are literally, by definition, developmentally challenged.

>> No.7480954

Man, I really hope you're happy.

>> No.7480971

I just experienced actual depression for the first time in my life but I've so far been able to weasel my way out of it through introspection. Still intermittently have to face the issue of humanities impermanent existence and what the concept of life even is but other than that I'm pretty happy, yeah.
Don't really get lonely or anything.
I do however experience some concern at the realization that I may leave behind nothing and that I may never have a family of my own which is something I want for some reason.
Still hopeful though...

>> No.7480973

Fuck, that's a good manga

>> No.7480980

I think im a hopeless romantic but perhaps i am a cunning cynic. My blood is romantic my conditioning stoic. Biology versus mind. There's only been one girl iv'e loved for real. I don't know if i still love her. I'm 31 and i have no idea if she even thinks about me. She's the only girl iv'e respected. She's intelligent.

How many girls are hot & small, intelligent and cool? and brave, she's fucking brave... How many of those even exist?

>> No.7480985

I won a girls heart back by bringing her flowers every day for two weeks, but we'd already dated beforehand and I had a habit of cheating on her/breaking up with her a lot.

Moral of the story is, if you want to win a girls heart work out a lot and don't be too available.

Only two times I've been in love was one, when I was 17 with a girl who liked Serge Gainsbourg and Russian literature ( I'm not making this up, I'm still pretty crazy about her. She's outright told me she loves me and she'll fuck me if I go visit her but she's got a boyfriend and honestly idk if it would even be the same now, it's been years since I saw her). Second was with my best friend in my last year of highschool, but aside from the deep homoerotic undertones in our friendship and conversations nothing ever happened between us. Once we took mushrooms together and he asked if he could pass out in my bed but there were other people around and as much as I would have loved to fool around with him all night we ended up watching a movie instead.