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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 12 KB, 220x330, PynchonYearbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7479636 No.7479636 [Reply] [Original]

Times when people interacted with you while reading?

>get on plane
>be getting off plane
>person asks me how I read so fast
>tell him I don't subvocalize
>receive blank stare

>> No.7479643

>reading IJ
>woman commends me for being able to hold up such a large book for such a long bus ride
>it was all a wet dream

>> No.7479649

I imagined the woman as an old woman, as if she were calling you a strapping young man, which made this funnier.

>> No.7479652

I relate

>reading anywhere
>You aren't really reading, you're skimming.
>No way are you reading every word.

>Pressure to appear to read slower builds, quietly wait ten seconds before turning page

>> No.7479748

>reading on train
>someone coughs
>restart sentence I was reading
>someone walks past
>restart sentence I was reading
>something blurs by quickly outside
>restart sentence I was reading
>lady with food trollie passes
>restart sentence I was reading
>person next to me drops their phone
>restart sentence I was reading
>restart sentence I was reading
>2 hours have passed and I haven't finished a single sentence

>> No.7479754
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>read in metro with headphones on
>read in cafe
>read in library
>read at home
>read at bar
>no one bothers me

>> No.7479764

>on the train home reading mccarthy, can't remember which one
>in the corner of my eye notice a woman staring at me
>look up to see if she actually was staring
>she was
>she starts smiling
>smile and look down again reading
>continues to stare at me
>can't continue reading because she keeps looking
>notice she's getting off the train
>still looking and smiling at me as she gets off

>> No.7479825

>reading crime and punishment for the first time back in high school
>girl: "what are you reading?"
>"crime and punishment"
>"oh nice"

>> No.7479827

>tell him I don't subvocalize
How do you do that? Subvocalization is automatic for me.

>> No.7479828

That's a good idea, because you're letting the info sink in more. However, you shouldn't wait 10 seconds because you think other people want you to read more slowly. Read as fast as you want; if people get mad it's because they're envious, and you should be glad.

>> No.7479830

this is the best meme on /lit/

>> No.7479831

Did you fugg?

>> No.7479861

Obviously wanted you to get off with her and follow her into the belly of the city, culminating a night of escapades with a brief and disappointing sexual tryst on a tenement building rooftop.

>At the library.
>About to check books out, absent-mindedly flicking through the pamphlets at the desk about a return to Christian moral values.
>Librarian is flushed in the face as she stands up and presses herself over the counter to grab my books.
>I notice she is middle aged but quite lovely still, her wide wet eyes warm and inviting.
>I hear the sound of something sloshing then dropping to the ground, followed by a dull mechanical vibration
>She looks down behind the desk, between her legs; then slowly up at me biting her lower lip.
>I begin to mouth a word and stop...
>She tilts her head coquettishly and raises eyebrows pleading for release.
>I reach out slowly and slide the pamphlet back onto her desk..
>Her body trembles faintly as she leans further forward, pressing down upon her heaving chest.

>> No.7479868

>nigga don't know how to be sexy

>> No.7479875

Subvocalizing is literally the act of reading - unless you are just looking at a bunch of squigly symbols really fast.

>> No.7480060

Oh Harold you

>> No.7480108

>looking at a bunch of squigly symbols
No, this is literally the act of reading.

>> No.7480132
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This is why logograms are superior to alphabets.

>> No.7480284

Subvocalising is reading.

>> No.7480297
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>walk into coffee shop
>in the seat nearest the door i see someone reading Gravity's Rainbow
>my absolute favorite book, read it 3 times
>he looks at me and says "yes"
>i stand staring at him uncomfortably for what feels like a minute
>i turn and pretend to look at the menu for a minute with my finger on my chin before leaving

>> No.7480304

My brother!

>> No.7480371

What are some ways to read faster apart from not subvocalising?

>> No.7480376

Once back in high school.
>get on the bus after school, take out a book from my bag to read
>happened to be perfume
>one of my classmates gets on the bus
>qt asian grill with glasses, very extroverted and bubbly
>sits next to me
>"oh wow anon, i love reading too! what are you reading?"
>"oh cool, i haven't heard of that book! can i read the blurb?"
>give her the book
>"o-oh wow"
>she gives me the book back
>"have you read any of the percy jackson series? I love it!"

>> No.7480396

how often do you dream of her and this moment?

>> No.7480405


>> No.7480406

>falling for the speed reading meme

>> No.7480408
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>classmate comes over to hang
>sees The Brothers Karamazov on my coffee table with a bookmark in it
>some time later
>he comes over and sees Ulysses on my nightstand with a bookmark in it
>"man, you really like big fat books don't you?"
>"Merry Christmas, bro"
>he gives me a copy of Moby-Dick and Don Quixote

Thanks, bro.

>> No.7480468
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Nice, friend, I hope the editions were good.

>> No.7480475

>he isn't reading slower than he talks
>implying you can even properly analyze and contemplate individual sentences, metaphors (i mean here on the smallest level) and characters.

Reading fast is one of the greatest plagues of literature, born from the approach taught in school, that books are something to derive information from. If you are fast readers, your reading is in general subpar and i recommend that you kill yourself

>> No.7480626

Can someone tell me what's up with the chink runes? I hear that spoken Japanese loses half the connotations associated with the symbols

>> No.7480633

>being bad at reading

>> No.7480650

How do you carry around thick heavy books everywhere you go? E-reader?

>> No.7480666
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Why didn't you just start a conversation about it?

>> No.7480668
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>on train home after finishing work
>same routine everyday
>victoria station, rush hour, train is packed full
>sitting in first class even though i don't have a ticket for any carriage
>avoid ticket inspector by pretending to be asleep
>he passes
>all clear, i can read in peace
>reading paradise lost for hundredth time
>bunch of stupid pissheads barge into first class
>shouting and playing shit rap music from their phones
>they're gonna get me caught i know it
>i don't want to get fined for having no ticket
>stand up and tell them to be quiet because this is the first class carriage
>smirk a little when i remember i haven't bought a ticket since last year
>they are mad as fuck
>''whats you reading? some emo shit? you gay cunt''
>shout back ''its fucking paradise lost, are you stupid or what?''
>two of them go silent and then one massive fat fuck there with starts ranting
>''i'll headbutt you cunt'' he's basically foaming at the mouth while saying this
>call him a fat bastard and tell him to fuck off
>someone else stands up and tells them to turn their music off
>they shout some shit tier insults then walk down the carriage
>mfw i was genuinely ready to fuck someone up for insulting based milton

we're entering the dark ages, i'm telling you

>> No.7480669

>on a bus in southside chicago
>reading Being and Time
>guy is running to get on the bus as it leaves a stop, hitting the window
>guy in back of the bus notices, yells at the driver to stop and let him on
>the driver does, and the guy gets on
>guy who noticed says to the guy who got on, 'hey man, you're lucky i noticed you, i almost didn't see you because I was too busy looking at THIS NIGGA READIN THIS MOTHAFUCKIN BOOK'
>he is clearly talking about me
>guy goes on to say, 'he must understand it cause he turnin the pages'
>what the fuck

>> No.7480677

Same here. I have a 1h30 daily commute and it's completely wasted.

>> No.7480678
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>>guy goes on to say, 'he must understand it cause he turnin the pages'

>> No.7480681

>Reading in loud place
How do peoples doing this

>> No.7480691
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>chilling with friends
>put on morton feldman's second string quartet
>take collapse vol. I: numerical materialism from my bookshelf and start thumbing through it
>confront myself and my self (as an ontological historical entity) with the umbra of the rational (as a human beings are not born in an irrational world but internalize a irrationalized écriture , formulated as pathos and it pretends to be mimetic of and only existing by itself in relation to the other) and realize the boundaries of humanity, comprehension and consciousness
>reach rational ecstasy
>pleb friend gets up and says "what is this silence shit, lmao, lets play some Nirvana"
>get angry at their low-brow subaltern consumption conditioned by the structures of power of the imperialist neoliberal economies, but contain it
>calm myself down by remembering quotes from finnegans wake, my favorite book since i was a teenager
>mfw can't express myself because i'm a spectator in the society of spectacle

"It is not the slumber of reason which engenders monsters, but vigilant and insomniac rationality. - Gilles Deleuze" - ~Astigmata

>> No.7480716


>this is what slowlets actually believe

When will they ever learn?

>> No.7480754

pay for your ticket next time faggot

>> No.7480774

>reading the sickness unto death
>walking down the street
>bump into some fat guy
>"watch where you're going"
>"o-okay, sorry"
>go home

>> No.7480789


>tell him I don't subvocalize

Hot meme

I r8 i like

>> No.7480799

>Pays for train tickets
And he calls me autistic...Lmao no

>> No.7480832

>Reading in my lunch hour at work.
>'What are you reading this time anon? I bet it's something really smart.'
>'...it's Marlowe.'
>'Don't you ever read trashy books for fun? Like Dan Brown?'
>'Not really.'

And the people I work with are largely Oxbridge graduates.

>> No.7480867

>wasting your time with a complete fucking charlatan

>> No.7480876
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>reading a book on plotting and story structure
>man sitting next to me asks if I'm a writer

>> No.7480886

Are you reading with headphones just so it's quiet? I don't know how people can read while listening to music.

>> No.7480897

>"Don't you ever stick feces in your mouth for fun?"

>> No.7480903

mfw i subvocalize every single word and it takes me 5 minutes to read a page of a novel

>> No.7480905

Not that guy, but I buy industrial ear plugs in bulk. Cheap and you can hear your heart beating, which is nice.

>> No.7480911

If it's really that difficult for you, I suggest a nice pair of noise-cancelling headphones + ambient music/IDM

>> No.7480919

dont use earplugs for silence. prolonged earplug use can cause hyperacusis

>> No.7480931

Uh, from what I've just read they can make it worse, but not necessarily cause it. I need to research this, thanks for the tip.

>> No.7480935

>reading Being and Time in public

This is basically just bragging and showing your dick to everyone.

>> No.7480942

>reading Under the Dome by Stephen King on a bus
>some shrimpy looking fuck sits next to me
>says "h-hi, w... whatchu reading?"
>I show him
>"oh okay cool..."
>he pulls out his own book, it's even thicker than mine, I glance at the cover
>Against the Day by Thomas Pynchon
>we both get back to reading, fucker is really turning those pages
>after a while he looks at me
>"you know y-you might read faster if you didn't s-s-sub-s--"
>before he can get the word out I snap my book shut in his face
>"did I ask for your opinion motherfucker"
>get up and change seats, leaving him shaking behind me

I hope you're in this thread you little shit.

>> No.7480946

>''its fucking paradise lost, are you stupid or what?''


>> No.7480951

stay safe friend

>> No.7480963
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>running late at uni so I decide to grab a coffee in the canteen, which I've never entered before
>the first thing to grab my
attention is a large poster of a starving african child with some platitude written underneath along with a note saying that x amount of the price of a cup of coffee will be given to charity
>it's a starbucks, oh boy
>full of hipsters reading popscience and new-age self help books
>I snort in derision and mutter "my God! and so on" under my breath, tightening my grip on my copy of Phenomenology of Spirit with an expression of smug satisfaction before turning to leave
>I'm in the middle of a line to the counter and it would be too awkward to leave
>I begin to get highly agitated, pulling at my shirt and sniffing repeatedly as perspiration begins to glisten on my face
>As I approach the counter the girl behind it asks me what I'd like to order
>"one cup of ideology please"
>She looks confused and tries to ask what I mean, but I keep cutting her off and going “huh? huh? huh?” while closing my hand shut in front of her face
>In my excitement I knock all the cups off the counter and exclaim "ideology at its purest!" before storming out

>> No.7480964

Not even sure what to tell you about yourself here lol

>> No.7480976

>but I keep cutting her off and going “huh? huh? huh?” while closing my hand shut in front of her face
every fucking time

>> No.7480977

It says "What is the purpose?"
more literally it's
>source: four years of Chinese

>> No.7480979

Whoops that was a little retarded of you

>> No.7480988

>Percy Jackson
Please tell me you didn't her

>> No.7481007

>talking to this girl I was once friends with in high school, she's in town for a few months
>"oh cool you love literature, me too!"
>drag her round a bookstore, saying we should buy each other a book
>we each separate and buy books distinctly
>finally after dinner give each other the books
>she was a painter so I got her The Recognitions by Gaddis
>she got me the first two harry potter books because I offhand mentioned I hadn't read them
>she reads childrens literature
>I bought her one of the most difficult books in the english language and she reads childrens lit

>> No.7481010

>"he must understand it cause he turnin the pages"

confirmed for not knowing who Heidegger is

>> No.7481028

All the time in class, especially when it's a new book. They just ask about it to chit-chat though, save for one "nerd" girl.

>> No.7481057
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>fiction elitism

>> No.7481062

>in the canteen

>> No.7481071

ayyyyyyyy lmao

>> No.7481078


>> No.7481104
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>on lunch break
>eating lunch at a restaurant and reading In Cold Blood
>waitress tells me she read it and she liked it
>we talk about it for maybe 30 seconds
>she goes back to working and I go back to eating
nothing too crazy I guess

>> No.7481107

pic related elevates your story

>> No.7481110

Not subvocalising is only the beginning, I have taught myself to not proto-subvocalise. It's a term I coined myself and describes the act of breaking down pages and sentences into their constituent words as we recognise them based our perception of the words' meanings. When done right I don't even see words, I absorb the entire page in a single glance, not even thinking about what the words means, but rather experiencing what I would receive from the page had I read it normally instead. It's difficult to describe but it's a fantastic technique. I go into a sort of trance when I get going, appearing to blankly stare at the page like a fool, but in truth it is the person watching me who is a fool, as I can and have read tomes such as War and Peace, IJ, GR, Women and Men and 2666 in a single sitting of only a few hours.

>> No.7481116
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>> No.7481127
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>> No.7481134
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>> No.7481161


10/10 would engage in lemurian time-sorcery with

>> No.7481173

>walk into Starbucks
>place is packed, only seat available is to left of the door
>buy a coffee, and sit down to read
>reading Pynchon
>a few minutes later, a fat neckbeard crashes through the door
>I look up, he's staring at me
>"umm, y-yes"
>he's still staring at me
>stares at me for a whole minute of silence
>"uhh do you want anything from me?"
>he finally walks away
>I leave Starbucks, never to return
>mfw neckbeard autists are allowed to go out in public

>> No.7481201

>heading home from town one evening
>step off the bus, rain is pouring down
>figure I'll cut through the forest following one of the regular trails
>deep in the forest, kinda creepy but it's outweighed by the sensory experience and relative solitude
>suddenly I come across a guy sitting slightly off the beaten path on a worn down bench with his feet up on a tree trunk reading a book
>fascinated by this person who's just set up camp in the middle of the woods, heavy rain tapping the pages of whatever he's reading, I decide to approach him
>stepping through the grass and brush, snapping twigs left and right
>he turns his head slightly in my direction then back to his book
>his book is a black and leather bound with gold trimmings on the pages, looks pretty nice
>he looks up at me with a warm smile and says hello in the smoothest voice I've ever heard
>"hey. what're you reading?" I ask with a slight chuckle at the circumstances
>"Diary." he tells me, brushing aside some droplets from the page and laying a purple ribbon casually down the middle while closing the book
>he looks as comfortable as if it was the middle of summer
>Who reads a diary anyway?
>"A diary of the world." he says, looking me straight in the eyes with an expression that makes me almost instinctively open my arms wide for an embrace
>I refrain because I'm not a humongous faggot, instead asking "So history then?" amused at his forced mystery
>"I thought you might like it." he says, acknowledging my presumably amused expression
>he tucks the a4 sized book into his black overcoat and starts walking into the forest
>my rational brain kicks in and I am left to ponder the reality that this guy with a fucking wizard sized pocket inside his frock has probably been waiting in the rain for someone to come along so he can act all mysterious and shit
>he gives me the one handed two-finger salute without turning around, leering off a jolly "See you." prefaced by a hint of a chortle
>Somewhere in the woods of southwestern Norway there's a crazy person adding spice to people's lives with this bullshit.
Thanks for everything, Mr. Existential Pepper Shaker. Hope you don't catch a cold.

>> No.7481219

>he gives me the one handed two-finger salute without turning around

Fucking lel, it's like one of my japanese animes.

>> No.7481224

Better than being flashed I guess.

>> No.7481225

Yep. Shit sucks. I need complete quiet to read.

>> No.7481236

Mr. EPS, you so crazy.

>> No.7481246


It's a meme. Science agrees that avoiding subvocalization is literally impossible.

>> No.7481247

Personally, I would say kill yourself.

>> No.7481256
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See you, space cowboy.

>> No.7481261
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>> No.7481282

>I don't subvocalize


>> No.7481378

only get arrested for one of those though

This happened in August
>reading GR on plane
>early 30s italian dude sits next to me
>pulls out contro il giorno from bag
>discuss pynchon for a while with him (I had not read against the day)
>put headphones back on and sleep
>shit was cash

>> No.7481502

My nigga. I have been doing this ever since I was a child who read so much he got tested for being a sperg. I get accused of not understanding what I read and forgetting it, but that's really not at all true.

>> No.7481504

>not epi-proto-subvocalising and extrapolating the entire wording of a book by reading the title, noting who the author is and looking at the front cover
it's like you want to be bad at reading

>> No.7481508

Why do people feel the need to do that shit? Old men try to strike up small talk all the time when I'm reading or have on headphones at the gym. Are they just lonely faggots?

>> No.7481512

the fastest way to read is skim the wikipedia page and then fold a crease in the spine

>> No.7481515

and then genuinely judging other people negatively for not reading the book, even going so far as to berate them in front of others

>> No.7481523

a strap on young man

>> No.7481529

i have an ambient playlist i read to while reading like scifi or whatever
like aphex twin - selected ambient works 85-92, and vol ii, and biosphere - substrata
ill also read to steve reich or philip glass sometimes, the repetition doesnt cause me to lose focus, but in fact helps me

>> No.7481531

i meant listen to while reading topkek

>> No.7481539

hahahah fuck if that was me i would be down to talk to you the other guy sounds like a bigger sperg than you
why didnt you say hey man the book is pretty cool/neat/wow nice book i like it afterwards though ??

>> No.7481540

dude just reply in one post, stop being le ebin nuisance XD and lose the trip, literally nobody cares about you, I'm guessing you have a very very small penis

>> No.7481546

This desu senpai.

>> No.7481547

wew lad are you ok? what are you reading today, and how is your weekend?

>> No.7481553

There's literally no reason to have a tripcode here. It defeats the site's whole purpose.

>> No.7481556

and what is the purpose>>7481553

>> No.7481557

I'm depressed, reading Kleinzeit and my weekend is entirely uneventful. But you're still a douche.

>> No.7481562

how am i a douche?
why are u depressed?

>> No.7481689

English words are basically logograms anyway, no one reads letter-by-letter, you read with the shape of the word.

>> No.7481700


This hits so close to home.

>> No.7481795
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>taking a coach bus back to school from home
>halfway thru ulysses
>pull it out discreetly once I'm seated and angle the cover so noone can see it
>begin to read
>bus fills up
>cutie sits next to me
>turn to a rock, every muscle locks in place
>spend the next 4 hours perspiring and unable to focus
>suddenly really insecure about how long I spend on each page (too long? too fast?)

>> No.7481805

>trying to be seen reading ulysses in a pathetic display of some kind of bullshit
>chick sits next to you and see right thru ur shit

just beee ur fucking self and that wont happen

>> No.7481886


>> No.7481891

>English words
Lel, faggot.
All words are. You just don't know them.

>> No.7481892

>waiting for friend at cafe
>have book of Keats I borrowed from Library
>write the poem as i read so i can hear better the rhythm of the poem
>qt barista with a Celtic cross tattoo on the underside of her forearm asks me if I study lit
>No i do Chem eng
>"Y-yeah, just a few classes," I say
>Friend arrives and starts talking about a transport processes assignment we have to hand in
>barista focuses on cleaning the steam spout, rubbing it with a wet cloth up and down
>Friend says it's too hipsterry and we should find somewhere cheaper
>how do you lib arts fags do it?

>> No.7481910

not all alphabets have the same variation in height as the latin alphabet does...like ever notice how reading some long ass shit in all caps takes longer and it annoying as shit? it's because in caps the letters are all the same height so you cant read them by shape...which is why chinese is actually a shit language, the characters are all the same width and height so it actually makes it more of a pain in the ass to read over a long time

>> No.7481916

You're wrong. It's about what you're accustomed to.

>> No.7481918

>>Friend says it's too hipsterry and we should find somewhere cheaper
>being friends with people who complain about "hipsters"

stay pleb shitlord

>> No.7481927

that's like saying roman numerals and arabic numberals are the same, it just depends on what you're used to...can you really be this stupid? oh, right, this is 4chan

>> No.7481930

It's not like that at all, you retarded cunt.

>> No.7481934

Thomas Pynchon is a bad writer.

>> No.7481937

clearly you have never taken a class in typography, stay uneducated and plebby, shitlord

>> No.7481942

Nice arguments, ivy league. ;^)

>> No.7482073

Man, you must be like, a psychologist

>> No.7482618

I lol'd

Fellow fast reader here. T b h tho, fast reading can sometimes take in less information

>> No.7482661
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>being intimidated by some QT at a coffeehouse
>not realizing there there is is no self that exists that can possibly be intimidated or embarrassed and thus that any feelings like this are inherently illusionary and false and upon realizing this not effortlessly talking to the QT and getting her number
>current year

>> No.7482671

leave him alone meanie

>> No.7482680

I read hypersphere while listening to vaporwave, senpai.

>> No.7482722

There are times for reading fast, and times for reading slow; one should read fast when the prose is sub-par and the text has little analytical meaning: it is not worth a reader's time. However, when the text has beauty and a greater message underneath, one should take the time to read slowly and annotate in order to understand the themes and such that lay underneath the prose.

>> No.7483021

Subbies get very upset about their bad reading skills.

>> No.7483092

"What are you reading?"
"Finnegans wake."
"What's it about?"
"That's a real fuckin good question."

>> No.7483097

Something like this happened to me on a 3 hour flight, I began to read part 2 of "Capitan Alatriste" called "limpieza de sangre" at liftoff and finished just before landing and the person sitting right next to me asked me "how did you finish that book so fast?" I just stared back at him and said "I don't know..." followed by a long awkward silence.

>> No.7483098

i love this board so much

>> No.7483105

i kinda prefer to subvocalize, i don't mind spending time reading, it also assists me in gaining a new voice in my head, and it often causes me to develop a simulacrum of their style, once while in solitary confinement, i was reading a copy of the count of monte cristo, barely ever speaking or hearing anyone's voice, just that book. about two weeks went by, and finally a young black man came into my cell. the first interaction between us was confusing for him since i was speaking in the same style as dumas' translator, i even had a slight accent. within a week i had lost it all, and was speaking in gutter slang like the black man, and i realized that my inner voice was incredibly malleable to those that surrounded me. i quickly acquire slang accents, especially those i can't get away from due to people being around me 24/7. they usually don't notice, but i can't help but find myself completely mimicking some people, down to their idiosyncrasies in movement, speech, timbre, and often humor. it's all very transient though.

>> No.7483113

your a idiot then

>> No.7483118

hahah no. think about the logic in your statement there, bud-dy

>> No.7483135

Can't stop laughing.

>reading Between the World and Me by Ta Nehisi Coates in the airport
>glance over and a hipsterish woman next to me is also reading it
>she notices and says something like "Wow isn't it just so powerful! Like every sentence!"
>I'm like yeah his prose is impressive
>we're both white
>not about to get into a substantive discussion of a black man's very personal discussion of race in America
>somewhere in the terminal a cat mewls incessantly inside its carrier

>> No.7483140


Here, here.

I think I became a slower, but better reader in college. But then, I've also read more challenging texts since then, so it's hard to tell.

>> No.7483149

Should've crooned into his ear:
>Come with me, come with me
>We'll travel to infinity
>Come with me, come with me
>We'll travel to infinity
>I'll always be there
>Uh-oh my future love
>I'll always be there
>For you, my future love

>> No.7483203
File: 14 KB, 400x400, 400px-Enneagram_as_an_octave.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.. And I know why.

>> No.7483204

this guy knows that the score is

>> No.7483211

is it because your sense of self is as transient as the people who come into and leave your life?

>> No.7483216

Haha fucken laughed, saved, gg gl bb

>> No.7483334

bless you

>> No.7483431

That sounds fucking creepy dude

>> No.7483547

>reading Gravity's Rainbow for an alternative literatures course
>it's absolute trash, completely unreadable
>trying to finish it on my break at work one day
>door jingles, in wobbles an obese man in a sun hat and Grateful Dead shirt
>the whole store smells like a mix of urine and marijuana
>he squints at the cover of my book trying to read the title
>"ggravity's raainbooooooooooow" he says
>"Yes," I assure him, with a paternal smile
>consider that he may have recognized the title and is about to engage me in conversation
>he turns and stares at the cashier lady (my girlfriend) before stumbling back into the street

>> No.7483883

>be me
>be reading /lit/ book
>/lit/izen assails me
>well not assails just supervocalizes the title very slowly even by *Vocalizers standards
>he leaves saying nothing more after reading the title

>> No.7483979

You guys could have talked about how privileged but open-minded you two are. You guys could have talked about Kendrick Lamar's new album, which you both found to be a potent statement on the evolving definition of black masculinity. You guys could have agreed that Donald Trump is such a racist and maybe there's something to this Bernie Sanders, but you're worried he can't win in a national election, at least in this backwards country. (At least Hillary is running though--so many good choices this year.) You guys could have commented on the over-representation of minorities in low-level baggage handling positions. "I'm sure the airport's overpaid administration is very diverse and open to women though," you could joke sarcastically. This country... You could have discussed your recent creative fiction, which is as representative of oppressed minorities as our overcrowded prisons. You could have talked about your favorite rappers, because hip hop IS a serious genre of music that takes a great deal of talent to make. You could have talked about a recent New York Times editorial you both read which you found to be chilling and relevant.

>> No.7483992

>this much anger for such a short post
This is a place for intellectuals. Please leave if you lack the intellectual capacity for moderate and thoughtful discourse, when and if you disagree with what has been put forward by your fellow man.

>> No.7484029

Do people really read fiction without subvocalizing? Cause that's fucking retarded.

>> No.7484084


I don't sense any anger, just frolicking at stuff white people like.

>> No.7484116


>Being this /pol/ on /lit/

Its like you don't actually read beyond 19th and 20th century fiction

>> No.7484139


>Do people really do math without counting the numbers on their fingers? Cause that's fucking retarded.

>> No.7484224


top kekerino

this is gold

>> No.7484233
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>> No.7484244

To the niggers saying it is impossible to subvocalize, I do it with the help of my finger running through the words, can't do so otherwise, anyone do this too?

>> No.7484258

Humans exhibit a wide range of different abilities, just because you cannot do something to the level of someone else it doesn't make them a liar. When it comes to the brain, age, education, upbringing, culture, and many other variables make up a wide range of abilities honed to do different things.

>> No.7484268

But it specifically asks in some passages to listen to /mu/ plunderphonics.

>> No.7484329

I read about 500wpm, is that good or bad?

>> No.7484346

Sounds like it's the Bible

>> No.7484411
File: 86 KB, 902x562, 1425263094960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god is a weeaboo

>> No.7484425

God is the first anime character

>> No.7484436

*it was a hologram*

>> No.7484451

Saying things like this makes people not respect you.

>> No.7484487

>shout back ''its fucking paradise lost, are you stupid or what?''
AHAHAH anon this is fantastic. Too bad you didn't hit any of them.

>> No.7484513

What the fuck did you expect

>> No.7484531

i think this board, as a whole, has a difficult grasping that their interest in lit-fiction is a fringe one. you aren't going to encounter that many people in a normal population who read the things you do.

which they probably are somewhat aware of by how often they're called hipsters or questioned for being a lit major, but they still largely underestimate how few people actually have their interest. probably under the delusion that they'll find some hot artsy chick who loves pynchon.

>> No.7484533
File: 27 KB, 1280x720, top-kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7484562

more like
>pretend to be asleep to avoid ticket inspector
>scary teenagers playing "rap music" in first class
>actually fall asleep
>dream about telling these damn kids to respect me, think of a great green text story
>wake up
>some teenager is rubbing his balls on my copy of Paradise Lost
>"p-p-please stop"

>> No.7484567

>reading IF on plane
>hostess says "wow that's a big book"
>"yep, it weighed something like 1.5kgs when i weighed it at the airport"
>"what's it about?"
>"uhhh...kind of hard to explain. have a look yourself"
>she reads the blurb and flicks through
>i realise that may not have been the best idea

>> No.7484574

Too bad it never happened.

>> No.7484581

>The Recognitions
>one of the most difficult books in the English language

this is why she bought you Harry Potter lmao

>> No.7484583

>>7484574 here.
>>7484562 expressed my thoughts exactly.
Sorry I posted before finishing the thread.

>> No.7484599

Why are you being so serious, it's not like everybody doesn't know most greentext stories are fake, or only true to some extent. Let me have laugh, suspend my disbelief, jesus.

>> No.7484617

>reading that as angry

white person detected

>> No.7484618

hahaha fuckin roasted

>> No.7484641

>not saying For You

you fucked up

>> No.7484655

Noise canceling headphones with rain sounds my young lad.

>> No.7484693

Me too.. ADHD or something.

>> No.7484723

Guess I'm boring that way.
More thruthfully, I'm all for fiction, I wouldn't be on /lit/ otherwise.
But I can't subdue my scepticism that strong and too far fetched stories just irritate me.
Middle school daydreaming fantasy garbage.

>> No.7484728

>More thruthfully, I'm all for fiction, I wouldn't be on /lit/ otherwise

>> No.7484730

I can read without subvocalizing, that's not the issue. But I reserve it for quickly going over non-fiction, i.e. material which you are reading in order to understand something and the language doesn't matter.

You miss the fucking point of literary fiction if you don't subvocalize. Can you imagine reading poetry without subvocalizing (of course even that is not enough, it should be read aloud...)? It's absurd. Well reading a novel without subvocalizing is equally absurd.

>> No.7484738

yea i agree. i rarely don't subvocalize, usually when im reading a vice article or some trash. even harry potter lends itself to subvocalization desu

>> No.7484743

Is this why people are bad at spelling?

>> No.7484744

t b h is wordfiltered what a time to be alive

>> No.7484746

baka desu senpai

>> No.7484748

What is IF?

>> No.7484749

For this very reason I don't look at people who sit next to me. I commute for more than one hour, and am completely oblivious to my surrounding when reading a book.

>> No.7484755


>I do it like this, so everyone does it like this.

>> No.7484759

This is a funny story and I hope it's true.

>> No.7484761

Interminable Frolic ofc

>> No.7484779

Yes? Did I say something stupid?

>> No.7484918

are you that guy who was reading 2666 in prison?

>> No.7484922
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>> No.7484951

>be at a bookstore
>buying "Republic" by Plato
>go to the counter
>fat sperglord takes it
>"oh good ol' Pluto"

>> No.7484974
File: 63 KB, 550x392, 1435916792098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not today anon

>> No.7485179

How about a fucking audio book?

>> No.7485313


>> No.7485333

Portable VR goggles + noise-canceling earbuds should be able to solve this problem, just wait a couple of years.

>> No.7485427

No, people are bad at spelling because written English doesn't match pronunciation. In other languages something like a spelling bee would be absolutely pointless because every word's spelling can be worked out from the way it sounds.

>> No.7485462

ur dum

>> No.7485541

Is there any such language?
The only one I think I heard of being descibed this way was Korean, but i'm not even sure it is this straightforward.
I think that's what people tried to do with esperanto, but nobody took to it.

>> No.7485588

10/10 post

>> No.7485608

Finnish, i think.

>> No.7485627

I'll have to look into that.

>> No.7486701

>be me
>hang out all summer with qt 10/10 christian girl from HS
>not getting any but lots of long eye contact
>beta HS me is prepared to be in it for the long haul
>about to head to our respective colleges
>"anon lets get e/o a book to remember e/o by"
>think about it a while, select Calvino's Cosmicomics
>shows I am patrician but open minded to the existential concerns of a devout person in a lighthearted secular way
>think it might help her see outside her religious bubble
>we meet, she gives me 'one heartbeat away - your journey into eternity' for born again christians
>"t-thanks carmen.."
>say goodbye that night, throw book out of moving car on way home
>leave for school
>she gets bf at college, gets married, never talk to her again

>> No.7486734

Did you tip your fedora at him

>> No.7486808

Well, I think that's because of an overall decrease in how much people read. Don't know if it is a bad thing, but that's how things are.
/lit/'s taste in literature is basically canon works + 4-5 famous authors that are /lit/esque + Tao Lin. When you read something as famous as Ulysses you'd expect people to at least know it, while often, they don't.

That's legitimate, I just have a shit taste in greentexts/shitposts. I can see why you'd get pissed over a story like that.

>> No.7486830

Good rebuttal.

>> No.7486892

>be in a store line
>open up 4chan.org
>scroll through lit's catalogue
>pray that no anime pictures have been posted lest the individual behind me mistake me for a faggot

>> No.7486980

I can absolutely guarantee to you that I don't subvocalize at all when I read a book or even this site unless I'm reading something over again or purposely reading it slowly or deliberately. When I read this site I do not subvocalize at all.

>> No.7487000

This is what I love about city's. People just openly say what they think and no one is dumb enough to consider it a personal insult.

>> No.7487004

Wish that was real; I might have experienced a feel

>> No.7487011

>not subvocalising
have fun never understanding poetry scientist pleb

>> No.7487015


>> No.7487020

I was out drinking with my boss about two weeks ago. On my phone I went to open up the email of our next week's schedule when this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-rGvNGJE7g opened up at about 1:10, playing for about seven seconds before I shut it off.

He pretended not to notice I guess and I got a raise just this week.

>> No.7487024

fucking kek

>> No.7487035

That just sounds like an average day in Australia.

>> No.7487041

I read that 'English is weird' article, too. Very few facts were checked or cited. There are definitely spelling bees in other languages; you just have to google it:



>> No.7487072

You're right, centuries ago people who were barely literate could only read in the font they learned to read with. I.e. Whatever font their bible was in

>> No.7487086

>tfw no little girl anime adaptation of Gravity's Rainbow with a trap Slothrop trying to hide his boners in a Japanese schoolgirl skirt.

>> No.7487162
File: 7 KB, 157x265, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hear that spoken Japanese loses half the connotations associated with the symbols

Japanese vocabulary is usually divided into four categories. One category is "words of Chinese origin". Among those there's a huge occurence of homonyms (pic related, all read as "kanki").

When you use symbols (kanji), they make it clear which word you mean. In speech it's not so clear, unless the context makes it absolutely clear. So yeah, you can say in speech you lose the clarity. That's also why spoken Japanese tends to be simpler than written.

Homonyms exist among words of Japanese origin too - 誤る vs. 謝る, both "ayamaru", the first one means "to make a mistake", the second one "to apologize". The symbol makes it clear though. And the first one isn't used all that often.

Also it's possible the same word has different connotations based on the symbol used 見る 観る 診る - all read "miru" with the meaning "to see", first one "see" in general, second "see" and appreciate as art/performance/movie etc., third "see" as in "doctor seeing your health".

>> No.7487168

you obviously fancy yourself a writer but my man you can't write for shit

>> No.7487228 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.04 MB, 1443x2169, 1450689212665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in a bus, reading Tenshi no 3P!
(light novel about three elementary school girls that formed a music band, want to have a concert and asked the MC to help them)
>using a book cover like literally everyone else ever in Japan, so noone can easily tell what it is
>reach scene where MC's younger sister (also an elementary schooler) is taking a bath with him
>it has a relevant illustration
>people behind me might see it
>put the book down, quickly read the page so I can turn to the next one

True story btw.

>> No.7487249

Your entire culture is a meme
-The guy posting unironically on a weeb forum.

>> No.7487250

What is the intended message of your post?

>> No.7487331
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>the pronunciation of English doesn't match the arbitrary symbols used in the written form

>> No.7487349

>reading on the bus/train
>some fat piece of shit that takes up one and a half seats sits right next to me
>close book
>sigh loudly
>sit their in silence for the rest of journey

I'm like a magnet for these fuckers.

>> No.7487380

(you)'s. Thanks

>> No.7487417
File: 204 KB, 837x673, IMG-20151217-WA0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last year of highschool
>math teacher is cool and chill as fuck, 3rd year having classes with him
>reading Manifesto do Nada na Terra do Nunca (book on brazil's culture, music and politics), by brazilian musician/writer Lobão during his class
>he decides to ~le troll xDxD~ my ass, ask me what I am reading and for me to make a little analysis on it
>shy as fuck, whole class looking at me
>try to actually make an analysis, can't say 1 complete sentence without spaghetting-o myself
>book is by a right wind
>the left wing bitch on the class says "how can you be reading that stupid 'reactionary'? he sucks!"
>tell the bitch to 'fuck off go read a book instead of facebook'
>ask him to please go back math
>as he and the whole class laughs, he does
>keeps reading

>> No.7487423

the guys retarded but he's got a point, if the spelling-pronunciation relation was constant, spelling would be trivial.

>> No.7487430


>> No.7487453

I know, I was being a bit of a dick. I totally agree that the spelling that's inherited from Old English is pretty ridiculous.

>> No.7487887

/pol/ takeover of /lit/ when?

>> No.7487909

This, my friends, is obsessive compulsive reading.

>> No.7487997

Did that memory bring back some PTSD?

You seem kinda spaghetti'd on that post unless english isnt your first language

>> No.7488034

Hey, nice strawman, guy.

>> No.7488364

Yeah I realized that after sending it. I always spaghetti myself when posting through my cellphone,

And yeah, I am brazilian,

>> No.7488449

>flying on a plane yesterday
>7 hour flight
>I have two books that I can switch between during the flight
>after we take off all the lights go out
>all of the people around me are trying to sleep
>I turn on the overhead light because I can't read
>the lady next to me never fell asleep and just watched movies with a cold glare the whole time

Should I feel as bad as I do?

>> No.7488555

No because stewardesses provide complementary eyemasks for this very reason.

>> No.7488580

I assume you have to ask for those because we didn't get any.

Th-thanks anon

>> No.7488629

h-haha man
>taking the subway
>sitting next to two old black women
>reading blood meridian
>racist army guy before the bloodbath scene is talking about niggers and wanting to conquer mexico or something
>get up from my seat and stand up by the door so no one can see what i'm reading
I s-sure dodged a b-bullet haha right guys?

>> No.7488634

Lol blacks

>> No.7488663

I had completely forgotten this album existed until now, thanks.

>> No.7488785

Had a similar situation while reading Kathy Acker's Blood and Guts in High School thanks to all the cocks she drew in the provided illustrations

>> No.7488806

Can't you aim the light to just hit your seat? If so, she has no reason to bitch about not being able to sleep. If not, she should still be able to fall asleep in the light when it's basically silent around her, if she really was tired.

>> No.7488820

It's been awhile

>> No.7488861

>being this cucked

>> No.7488893
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>can't answer a simple question without having an autistic rage

>> No.7488984

I used to be on the same boat. Kept losing my place and had to start over otherwise.

>> No.7489012

>used to be

are you reading with in a different way now?

>> No.7489046

In the sense that I don't have to keep my finger on the page anymore, yeah.

>> No.7489104

ah cool

>> No.7489108

>keeping your finger on the page
People actually do this?

>> No.7489135

Happened earlier this year. And where there is /pol/ there is /r9k/

>> No.7489570

I didn't mean ALL languages. Obviously there are plenty of languages, the majority probably, where spelling doesn't match pronunciation. I'm sorry if my wording gave the impression otherwise.

>> No.7489576

>reading Manifesto do Nada na Terra do Nunca (book on brazil's culture, music and politics), by brazilian musician/writer Lobão during his class

yeah he's straight out of bongland m8

what do you think

>> No.7489584

How am I retarded, you fucking faggots? When I said other languages I didn't mean ALL for fuck's sake.

>> No.7489597


>> No.7489659

>damage control

>> No.7489740
File: 8 KB, 250x250, delet this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delet this

>> No.7489743

oh look it's tumblr

>> No.7489917

>shout tumblr on posts where it doesn't apply
>win argument
Well done, anon.

>> No.7489973

This person >>7489743 is not this person >>7489659

>> No.7490124


>> No.7490136

senpai you are thinking of middle english there was no actual transition from old english to todays english since england was conquered by romans and then normans and their languages were put in place

>> No.7490239


>> No.7490243

It's an abjad though.

>> No.7490397

>reading the title
>not telepathically absorbing entire books mentally from being in their general vicinity

>> No.7490412
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>> No.7490450

>having to be in the vicinity of a book to absorb it
>not being able to remotely absorb any piece of writing in existence

>> No.7490625

>not becoming a god, destroying this world, and then creating a new world in which people only live by writing themselves into adventures for endless knowledge
What are you a homosexman?
>inb4 not absorbing books by sniffing them semen around them

>> No.7490646

>not judging a book by its cover

>> No.7490680
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Anonymous posting

>> No.7490688

can I have more information please

>> No.7490703

what don't you believe friendo

>> No.7490796

>thinking that was anger

We can make fun of white people without being angry, you know. You're even allowed to laugh at yourself

>> No.7490804


>> No.7490809

>on bus
>reading Portrait Of The Artist in english (not native speaker)
>old man sits next to me
>"is that Joyce?"
>"yes it is"
mild approval from strangers is gratifying

>> No.7490830

>not having written all works as omnipotent ruler of all creation

>> No.7490914

God pls go

>> No.7490928

i can't go, i'm omnipresent. i'm deep inside your colon right now. squirming and squishing. hey. there's a penny in here. i knew that though, cuz i am the penny, and i was you when you shoved it up here. also, i knew i was going to have me/you do it before i created the universe.
>step 1. make sure anon is destined to shove penny up anus

>> No.7490939

What can I say? It gives me a real psychological edge.


>> No.7490947
File: 44 KB, 500x540, dem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you knew anon was going to post this
>tfw you are the video and anon simultaneously

>> No.7490967
File: 108 KB, 675x506, teengirlsquad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading Les Miserables unabridged when I get a spare moment at school (high school teacher)
>bring the book out to duty, come back in to class with students carrying it and place it on its spine where it sits upright like a brick since there's like 1200 pages
>students start asking me if that's really a book and if I'm really reading it
>turns into a lot of "why would you want to read for pleasure!?" questions and I just feel sad

>> No.7490977

lie to em, tell em
>oh, you wouldnt like this, it's too adult for you
>what anon? what do you mean?
>well, i shouldnt say, i might get in trouble for telling you
>no anon, please tell us!
>i just can't. it's an adult thing. maybe you can read it when you're older

>> No.7490984

Heh, no, don't underestimate the amount of laziness in the current teen generation. I've witnessed less and less teenagers carrying around novels over the last eight years. It's depressing.

>> No.7490987

Ah, the ol' reverse psychology.

>> No.7491035

yeah, i guess the adage of "get em while they're young" is still the best way to describe it. those kids need to be read to from birth, great way to make it a lifelong habit. a good friend of mine had a baby recently, and i begged him to read to her, but he didnt listen. i'm curious to know how she'll turn out in that regard.

>> No.7491048

that what'sherface is terrible

>> No.7491150

the more words people hear in early infancy, the faster they learn to speak/read/write. i think there was a project (maybe i'm thinking of a freakonomics podcast) where they got ghetto mothers to wear little dongles to track the amount of words their child was exposed to. supposedly it did a lot of good in improving early childhood learning outcomes, but i think it failed as the kids grew up basically stuck in the ghetto so the gains weren't sustained to a level where they could match the white average.

>> No.7491172

i also heard somewhere that children reared by single mothers develop speech at a faster rate than otherwise, also, it would be interesting to be able to do human experimentation like this on a more broad scale, but alas, human rights and all that.

>> No.7491182

Hello, /lit/, random question but I don't bother making a thread. I've been trying to get into literature for a while now. What is subvocalizing? Also, what's the best actually way to read something?

Any advice?

>> No.7491185

there's literally a thread right now where subvocalization is pretty much the topic. it's not this one.

>> No.7491188

oh, alrighty then. thanks.

>> No.7492055

thanks for clarifying, I'm not very well versed on the subject

>> No.7492147
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But it did happen you fucking virgins and exactly as was posted. Not everyone on here is as retarded and afraid as you... Please remember that.
This kind of shit happens almost everyday. Welcome to London.

>> No.7492988

Hahahaha, you sure shown that other poster.

>> No.7493055

I have 2 experiences on public transport

>taking light rail after work
>reading a essay collection
>next station a group of friends sit next to me, don't mind them and keep reading
>one girl from the group is looking at the book
>reads and nods his head, don't really mind her either
>she asked me what I was reading
>show her book, we start talking about it, about the publisher (local) and she shows me what she's reading
>keep talking a few stations until I have to get off
>she asks for my fb
>give it to her
>keep talking about books, she's chill
>meet again last week, borrowed me a Horacio Quiroga book

Not american, though.

>> No.7493136

Descartes that bitch