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File: 14 KB, 300x358, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7479576 No.7479576 [Reply] [Original]

Schopenhauer is right about women, among other things.

Anyone here disagree? If so, why? Would be interesting to hear some /lit/ femanons input too.

>> No.7479577

fucking schoppy
>women are essentially children! they're incapable of maturity
3 or 4 essays later
>genius is a childlike understanding of the world!
nice one

>> No.7479580
File: 23 KB, 500x378, zzzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow what a creative bait thread we've never had one line this befo--zzzz

>> No.7479588
File: 155 KB, 900x654, shopenhowitsdont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7479589

hes never been privy to a woman's internal consciousness how can he possibly speak on it

>> No.7479599

>hurrdurr judgement can be reserved only for those of whom we are ourselves conscious: namely our own selves
well gee there go the ethical, judicial, and aesthetic spheres

clearly you've never been privy to the outside world. this would explain why you fail to speak clearly about it.

>> No.7479604 [DELETED] 

nigga shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

>> No.7479608

>implying implications to make a position seem more radical than it is

10/10 sophistry, gorgias would be proud

>> No.7479633



>> No.7479639

He was right about it at the time, but the time's are a-changin'.

>> No.7479641

>implying I implied implications to radicalize my position wherein I radicalize the original post
11/10 sophistry, would charge you corrupting the youth of athens and denying the gods

>> No.7479648

Women are soft, shapely, smell nice, have youthful dancing eyes.
Men are hard, strong, smell bad, have longing in their eyes.
What is a man? What is a woman? It is those things you most desire and find betwixt another's bosom.


just kidding, fags are cancer and women are useless sluts

>> No.7479655

pure sophistry on the part of Wollstencraft

>> No.7479695

femanon here
>Schopenhauer is right about women, among other things.
>Anyone here disagree? If so, why?
He believed in animal magnetism was an equivalent natural force to electricity, and I also have to disagree that Goethe's novel deserves to be in the top four. I think he only made it a top four list because he liked the number tbqh.

>> No.7479699

Faust is perfect, though.

>> No.7479703

>her argument is ad hominem


>> No.7479704

>ethical, judicial, and aesthetic spheres
all worthless spheres

except when qualified by "I believe", "I feel", "I appreciate" etc what you really think there is something objective in ethics or aesthetics?

i dont know why youre so sensitive, a philosopher speaking on a work of art and why its beautiful is much different than a philosopher speaking about another gender as some inferior "other"

he cannot possibly fathom the innerworkings of a female, and yet that doesnt keep him from droning on about it. the funny thing is that schopenhauer was more image obsessed than any woman

>> No.7479710

>he cannot possibly fathom the innerworkings of a female, and yet that doesnt keep him from droning on about it. the funny thing is that schopenhauer was more image obsessed than any woman

why he couldnt ""fathom"" """the innerworkings"""?its not so complicated you know

>> No.7479719
File: 225 KB, 858x536, marquisdesade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.7479733



Is this real?

>> No.7479735

Because he was born with a penis?

There are two possibilities:
1. Women genuinely experience the world differently, they are different beings from men

2. Women are the same as men barring some superficial differences

In either case schopenhauers writings are pointless, either because he cannot write about women or because he has created the division between the genders

>> No.7479745

a lot of things aren't complicated but are very difficult to grasp unless you have a natural feel for them

>> No.7479746


Ok. For this thread I scanned his essay on women, I didn't read every intricate detail so I could be wrong, but I don't think he's describing what it's like to be a woman. I think he is describing his experiences with them, and his observations, and is putting forward notions based on his subjective views.

That being said many women are irrational. It's just a fact. Even women admit this.

>> No.7479865

I can't kill the dreams of human beings

>> No.7479878 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 330x387, 1441513096200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teehee he just mad cuz he wants my holes xD

Femininity and "Jewishness" are the same thing. No discipline, self-awareness, or virtues. A shitty male will die knowing he's shit and he failed his ideals. A shitty female will go to the grave thinking she is a perfect angel deserving of all life's treasures.

>> No.7480780

...Faust isn't a novel, so, unsurprisingly, didn't make the list.
>ad hominem
Those words and that wikipedia list don't mean what you think they do; they mean you're retarded for trying to contradict The Art of Being Right in a Schoppy thread.
I like it. +1

>> No.7480809
File: 235 KB, 1165x1401, Schopenhauer's Girlfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7480819

>Making a statement about women that is accurate but applies equally to men.

>> No.7481833

having child-like qualities and being essentially a child aren't the same.

>> No.7482086

True story: doing my arts degree, in every essay I submit, I include at least a couple of pro-feminist sentences, which I have recently been making so glibly idiotic that I thought no educated person could ever believe that I was being serious, but I have been invariably praised for it.

>> No.7482132

>implying feminine dick

>arts degree
>include at least a couple of pro-feminist sentences
Well gee, that's what you're supposed to do, what year do you think it is? You're supposed to make trash and lie out your ass and try to seem "deep" and edgy etc.

>> No.7482138

I hate referential humor.

>> No.7482262

I'm a transwoman, so this thread is very interesting to me. I appreciate the honesty of social bias that I'm seeing on display here, and even if I disagree with most of what you guys are writing, it is educational. I'm always interested in how society perceives gender.

There are too many posts to reply to each of you, but I'd like to publicly note that most of you, even the so-called progressives, are still operating within rigid and obsolete definitions of "male" and "female". I know you're probably unaware of this, but a great many minds of exceptional caliber and ability have spent the past several decades trying to breakdown this framework, to some success. But regardless of this board's collective ignorance of gender instability, your reliance upon archaic and discredited social constructs is severely limiting the logic of your arguments. Any reputable women studies or sociology professor will tell you that there is little to no biological basis to these labels, which are invariably drawn from a well of unconscious prejudice and fear.

To the open-minded but confused young men I know who browse this board and are posting ITT: I encourage you to enroll in a sociology or women's studies class at your local college or university. Your education isn't really complete without an academic introduction to oppression, and unfortunately, your ignorance has measurable social consequences. Whether or not you yourself are interested in how you oppress others with your prejudicial thinking is irrelevant, because your ignorance doesn't just hurt you, it hurts everyone. You have a social and moral obligation to educate yourself.

>> No.7482284


>I'm a transwoman

The fuck you are you disgusting shill fake.

>> No.7482344

I was unaware that people have disproved the existence XX and XY chromosomes doesn't exist anymore and their correspondence to the words 'male' or 'female'. I have no problem with you pretending you are a girl, but you aren't one.

>> No.7482354

It was debunked a long time ago. Get with the times, grandpa.

>> No.7482417

come on lol

>> No.7482430


>> No.7482436

I agree to be honest.

>> No.7482466

>I'm a dude who likes to play dress-up


>> No.7482469

>I'm a transwoman
schtopped reading there.

>> No.7482493

>rigid and obsolete definitions
>archaic and discredited
>social constructs

>> No.7482538

bait of the most calculated caliber

>> No.7482541

>I'm a transwoman

Stopped reading there

I love the trans memes, but I just can't take men who like to dress up like women and demand to be taken seriously, well, seriously

>> No.7482544


And the thing is, nobody cares. They're just happy for the excuse to sperg out

>> No.7482566

Before enlightenment, chop wood, fetch water
After enlightenment, chop wood, fetch water

>> No.7482571

we on 4chan love to make caricature posts to react to

>> No.7482644

This, basically.
It's unhealthy, when you think about it. But eh.

>> No.7482692

Congratulations on fooling nobody.

>> No.7482731

I don't think it's unhealthy. It allows us to express our distaste for what it's based on in a safe environment.

>> No.7482748
File: 375 KB, 867x1000, 1450039639034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does any other thinker names the female like he does?

>> No.7482750

I agree in a way but it also makes people... lazy, I guess? Ignorant and self-assured at the same time.

>> No.7482757

It's barely a caricature if you talk to these people.

>> No.7482762

This picture is terrible.

>> No.7482769

can't handle being the butt of jokes for patricians?

>> No.7482892


>> No.7482905


>> No.7482916
File: 245 KB, 1378x778, 1430873639635-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself, even if baiting

>> No.7483122

You mean it allows us to feel better about ourselves by attacking our own strawman instead of actually discussing things sincerely?

No, it's p. fucking unhealthy to take anything on this site other than like book and music recommendations seriously

>> No.7483136

Why is schopenhauer black in this?

>> No.7483223
File: 63 KB, 545x555, 1432976840004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insulting "The Sorrows"
>chooses 4 books he finds to be the most universally good for their respective language
>not owning up to Schoppy's (and any German worth his salt) undying lust for Goethe
Kys, m'lady

>> No.7483248

>insulting "The Sorrows
It was actually Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship.

>> No.7483470
File: 109 KB, 1336x934, tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a transwoman

>> No.7483508

well, most geniuses are also incapable of maturity.

>> No.7483511

>tfw even in a little cartoon i can't bring myself to read the wall of whiny shit that comes out of a woman's mouth

>> No.7483513
File: 127 KB, 1024x776, zhuangzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having never been privy to Schopenhauer's conciousness, how can you possibly speak on it?

>> No.7483527

Wollstonecraft is actually pretty based.

First feminist best feminist. She says right out that the reason women are such horseshit is because they are perpetually spoiled bratty retards. She says explicitly that this is "female privilege" (uses that word) and that until it's gone, women will remain spoiled children. Her big comparison is with the rich, women are like children ruined by wealth.

She's responding to Rousseau so she's very optimistic about women being tabulae rasae, but it's still great. And of course ignored by all subsequent feminists, who only focus on aspects of feminism that cast them as the victim so they can whine and bitch about it. Wollstonecraft got in there before the well had been poisoned by that effeminate responsibility-dodging bullshit tendency, and straight-up said "let's fix women."

Beauvoir has plenty of it too, but people just ignore it for her stuff that can be appropriated for victim feminism.

>> No.7483541

>First feminist best feminist.
Yes, Hipparchia was based to be honest.

>> No.7483542

sounds pretty based, although as you say very optimistic.

>> No.7483633

those first three words and my initial reaction is a large hmm

>> No.7483799


Surprisingly fair

>> No.7483805

As >>7483248 pointed out, you're a retard who hasn't read Schopenhauer, and only read Goethe because /fa/. Goethe has much more to offer than just yellow trousers, I suggest you kill yourself as all your love will go unrequited.
Sorry, I'm only looking to engage in an epistolary relationship with another lower Alpine dweller.
>First feminist best feminist
Come on, anon, you even know to mention she's responding to Rousseau in a thread about Schopenhauer's views on women. Even if we ignore that Fourier coined the phrase feminism, Rousseau, Schoppy, and Wollstoncraft were all aware of Héloïse.
She reverts to womanhood during pregnancy though; Krates even admonishes her for becoming womanly again, and then gives her a pass on weaving when she says she's knocked up. Héloïse puts up some resistance to those states, while Hipparchia dives into them, begging Krates for marriage. I don't know if you're judging one best for acquiescing in "natural" roles of women, but that seems kind of retarded when responding to Wollstonecraft's ideas of personal responsibility to pick the one that didn't rail as much against the status quo.

>> No.7483817

this, i can't take seriously anyone who would throw away strength

>> No.7483820


But anon, I can buy GUNS.

>> No.7483829

>thread about Schopenhauer
>3 posts in and it becomes a shitstorm about his views on women
>when the dude was pretty much a misanthrope AKA a misandrist and a misogynist in one.

Roasties should be auto-banned from 4chan.

>> No.7483836


you sound like more of a faggot than the trans

>> No.7483843

ever notice all these misogynist philosophers always either had a really shitty maternal figure growing up or had problems with women in romantic relationships their whole life? it's as if they're blaming all women and using them as scapegoats instead of fixing the true problem which is themselves

>> No.7483845

or... they had a deep insight into human nature, as is the case with Schopenhauer.

>> No.7483855

>ever notice how when someone criticizes a woman it's always secretly because they're failures in the petty social realm which is the only realm i can intuitively conceptualize because i am a woman and anything beyond gossip and social status is beyond me

bake a pie, broad

>> No.7483858

those who have no problems dealing with women have no reason to analyse their psychology and nature

>> No.7483861

>No men who really think deeply about women retain a high opinion of them; men. either despise women or they have never thought seriously about them.

>> No.7483870

>throwing this much shade on Schopenhauer's mother
I bet you'd like her novels if you pretended the boy was a vampire. Just sayin

>> No.7483871

>deep insight into human nature
>based all of his opinions and theories off of his personal experiences
>had 0 understanding of how societies worked or how human brains worked

>> No.7483875

>>>/angryvirgin/ is that way m8

>> No.7483876


But doesn't it make you feel clever and smart and in the know and superior to others?

How can you not like it?

>> No.7483879


>I'm a transwoman

Does that mean you're a dude who likes to dress up in dresses or a dyke who likes dress up in jeans and plaid shirts?

>> No.7483885


K, serious question.

Should a person who identifies as undefined non-binary be taken more seriously than a person who identifies as otherkin (say, a dragon)?

>> No.7483886

>asking a mentally retarded person a serious question

>> No.7483891


Implicit racism. The author assumes, like a racist, that womanising behaviour is mostly for men of colour.

It's very racist - just like that video about a woman walking 10 hours in New York:


9/10 of the people in the video are people of colour. The one cracker they include says something like "good evening". Totally racist.

>> No.7483898

>>based all of his opinions and theories off of his personal experiences
>the man whose major works are all based in Kantian philosophy
Nigga, you're too retarded to make a troll this good. You and the 999 other monkeys are supposed to be working on Shakespeare.

>> No.7484002


Identifying as non-binary is equivalent to a fashion statement. Identifying as otherkin is being infatuated with your own mental illness. I'm psychotic and sometimes feel I'm a dragon, but don't identify as otherkin because I understand I'm insane, so it's topical you brought up that specific example.

>> No.7484396

clear bait

>> No.7484439

>Identifying as non-binary is equivalent to a fashion statement. Identifying as otherkin is being infatuated with your own mental illness.

>> No.7484489
File: 285 KB, 720x720, let-me-tell-you-why-thats-bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>critiquing blunders of male thought and behavior
>philosophical insights
>critiquing blunders of female thought and behavior

>> No.7484539



>> No.7484597

Look around you: everything created was by men. It's no secret that men are significantly more intelligent than women. It's foolish to think otherwise. We might not have even "invented" the cave if we left intellectual activities to women. Schopenhauer is right: women are children.

>> No.7484613

No, he was just right. He knew he was right, because he objectively is, and he is much more intelligent than you.

>> No.7484620


>> No.7484630

>deducting the 42 points for not capitalising a full sentence after a full colon twice
Nice; most people would forget that in an assay.

>> No.7484639

That's not necessary depending on what grammar school you adhere to. Right? Don't make me look it up.

>> No.7484644


Yeah, fuck off. You don't need to capitalize that sentence.

>> No.7484718

He only needs to capitalise one. Quiz spoilers below.
>Look around you: *everything created was by men. It's no secret that men are significantly more intelligent than women. It's foolish to think otherwise. We might not have even "invented" the cave if we left intellectual activities to women.
He gets deducted 42 because he can't tell the difference. I'll give you a 7.2 for effort.

>> No.7484734

Not true. Both colons only had one sentence after them. You are full of shit.

Not only that, but you say: "deducting the 42 points for not capitalising a full sentence after a full colon twice" proving you thought both were incorrect. You aren't weaseling your way out of this one, chump (look at that vocative case comma).

>> No.7484741

No, that sentence needs to be capitalised because the string of sentences after it derive from the first colon. It's the same as answer #2 in the handy pop quiz you cited:
>2. Please visit me at my newly remodeled store: Skylights and large glass windows have been added. You will also find more inventory and friendly sales help.
The second time he uses it, he uses it correctly, though probably by accident.

>> No.7484756

No; that's inccorect. The sentence that preceded the first colon was "Look around you." I then said everything is created by men. That is the sentence that is directly relevant to the first. The next sentence says that men are more intelligent than women, which has nothing to do with looking around you. You are objectively wrong, now leave me alone.

>> No.7484760

No, buddy, you're wrong. You can keep being butthurt about it, but it'll never make it past a good copy desk. Your own example proves you wrong. so-wrong-even-numbers-won't-do/100

>> No.7484763


>makes really stupid shitpost
>vigorously defends its grammar

>> No.7484793


>Accidently reference to a post
>Delete it

>> No.7484801

The only thing wrong with that sentence is "everything created was by men" should have been "everything around you was created by men" for flow and pacing purposes. It's still not wrong, though, and neither is my colon use.

>Please visit me at my newly remodeled store: Skylights and large glass windows have been added. You will also find more inventory and friendly sales help.

Look at this. Both sentences stem from the original. My sentence did not. You can't "Look around you and it's no secret men are significantly more intelligent than women." I guess it could be construed in such a manner, but it clear by the context it isn't. One was an objective example and the other was an opinion. Don't tell me my context is wrong. I made the context, and those sentences are not tied together by the first.

>> No.7484816

I'm wrong? If you think we would have fire and tents with women in charge, you are delusional. Yes, women really are dumber than men, and no amount of liberal cheerleading will make it less so.

>> No.7484833

and look to your own post:
>Look around you: everything created was by men. It's no secret that men are significantly more intelligent than women. It's foolish to think otherwise.
You're wrong kid: I don't know why you insist on continuing to be wrong, but good luck convincing the grammarians to change the rules so your butthurt abates. I wish you well on your pointless quest against language.

>> No.7484880

Look around you.

1. Everything was created by men.
2. It's no secret that men are more intelligent than women.

Those don't go together. Think of the rule as a list. If both sentences are directly tied to the first, then yes, you capitalize. If not, you don't. From the full context of that paragraph it is clear that it isn't a list.

Please visit me at my newly remodeled store.

1.Skylights and large glass windows have been added.
2.You will find more inventory and sales help.

That's a list. The list of sentences following a colon follows the same rules as a list following a colon mid-sentence: all of the items/sentences have to be derived from the original statement.

You are wrong, now fuck off.

>> No.7484910

I deleted it because of a spelling error.
Reddit tier.

>> No.7485124

The entire thing is about how apparent the case stated after the colon is, from looking around oneself. Are you actually so retarded you don't know what you mean is apparent when you try to point something out as obvious? I mean, it's one thing to be wrong; it's another entirely to double down on being wrong rather than correct your error. I hope your trolling, because the alternative is that someone who cares *this* much about their grammar is getting it so wrong for so many posts because they care even more about their ego on an anonymous website. Your whole spiel is related, because otherwise you're arguing you're grammatically correct but incoherent.

>> No.7485158
File: 61 KB, 504x569, 1410215267928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I even know what the connection between Goethe and /fa/ is
(But you apparently do so I assume you're a regular shitposter)
>implying I wasn't stoned as fuck when I posted that and mistoke "The Sorrows" for "Wilhelm Meister"
>implying I didn't read WH and WWR in original German
>implying I'd reply to you if you didn't have a sloppy wet hole in-between your legs

>> No.7485214

>Your whole spiel is related, because otherwise you're arguing you're grammatically correct but incoherent.

I'm right, but you don't like what I'm saying. Great, I don't care.

>The entire thing is about how apparent the case stated after the colon is, from looking around oneself. Are you actually so retarded you don't know what you mean is apparent when you try to point something out as obvious? I mean, it's one thing to be wrong; it's another entirely to double down on being wrong rather than correct your error.

The same thing that makes the second use correct makes the first use correct. There isn't any content in this post. You haven't shown why or how it is wrong. You are just bullshiting, because it quite obviously isn't wrong.

"Look around you and you will see everything is created by men" is one statement. All I did was separate it with a colon. "It's no secret men are more intelligent than women" is another seperate statement, only connected to the first by the flow of the paragraph. It is not a list, and it doesn't get capitalized. I'm not the one doubling down. You are just an idiot.

Look around you and you will see everything is created by men (comma, next statement), and it is obvious men are more intelligent than women. Those are two separate statements. You are the one that's wrong.

>> No.7485241

>trotting out the virgin accusations

Every jock who is good with women knows they are inferior and treats them as if they were inferior. That's why they are able to pull women. You would know this if you were good with women.

>> No.7485256

>>implying I even know what the connection between Goethe and /fa/ is
There was a cross European craze of yellow trousers and blue waistcoats as per Werther's suit, not just the suicide craze.
>>implying I'd reply to you if you didn't have a sloppy wet hole in-between your legs
You really haven't read Goethe.
>implying I wasn't stoned as fuck when I posted that and mistoke "The Sorrows" for "Wilhelm Meister"
you're twelve, right?
>implying I didn't read WH and WWR in original German
yeah, when girls say that's sausage when you say this, you know they don't mean your dick, right, opferspasst?

>> No.7485262

Right... so you want to be grammatically correct, but have no coherence or development of your ideas. K then. Weird choice.
>I don't care.
lol, bro, it's a bit late for that to be believable.

>> No.7485279

No, I do care. You say I have no coherence, and that's your opinion. I could give a shit what you think. My grammar is correct, though, whether you like it or not. Your opinions are irrelevant when it comes to proper grammar.

>> No.7485296

>I could give a shit what you think. My grammar is correct
>I could

>> No.7485298

Yes, I could. I choose not to.

>> No.7485307

Even though this is bait I'd like to pose a serious question.

If there is no difference between men and women and the definitions of "man" and "woman" have no meaning then how can you be a transwomen? If "women" means nothing then how can you be one?

>> No.7485308

amazing bait, by using the words "oppression" and "educate yourself" you fooled us into thinking your an easily targetable SJW

>> No.7485347
File: 67 KB, 537x800, 1447949016828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could a tranny or faggot-enabler answer this question?

>> No.7485371


Basically no real trans person thinks this. They think man and woman are categories in need of better definition. Even SJW's usually just think man and woman are points on a spectrum, not that they don't exist.

>> No.7485379

yea except men have penises and women have vaginas so i dont get how a grey area exists unless you have both -.-'

>> No.7485385

You don't even know what intersex? That's just being pleb.

>> No.7485390


There are a lot of dimorphic traits. It's kind of arbitrary to pick one set or another as the sole determining factor of sex when they're only mostly, not always correlated.

>> No.7485396

these things are anomalies, both biological and statistical. there is no need to talk about spectrums and making millions of various sex or gender labels. there are men, women, and anomalies.

>> No.7485399


That's a perfectly fine taxonomy. Under that system, trans people are anomalies.

>> No.7485400

>tfw you got me there :/

>> No.7485410

No, bro, I'm saying by arguing so fucking hard that those sentences don't have any coherence just so you can say you don't need a capital letter, you're the one claiming there's no coherence between those points. If they're related sentences which point out the easily observable, you need to capitalise; if you don't want them to form a coherent point from easily observable phenomenon, then don't capitalise. You want to say they're unrelated, cool. You're arguing that you wrote unrelated random shit with all the correct punctuation. Honestly, you're so triggered at this point, I'm beginning to suspect your grade school teacher raped you.

>> No.7485417

Not biologically. Biologically they are men who like to dress up as women or vice versa.

The point of disconnect that SJWs don't understand is that the mass majority of people use pronouns to refer to an individual's sex. Nobody gives a shit that you put on a wig and mutilated your dick, they give a shit about your chromosomes. SJWs are obsessed with appearances. It's narcissism.

>> No.7485420


Yes biologically


>> No.7485429

>they give a shit about your chromosomes
I've never given any shits about people's chromosomes.

>> No.7485451

Nothing in that wiki contradicts what I've said. The categorical classification of sex is not determined by brain chemistry, it's determined by chromosomes.

When a schizophrenic goes to the doctor and says that he is not John Doe but actually Napoleon Bonaparte and would like to cut off the bottom of his legs so he's shorter, the doctor doesn't humour his request and hand him a chainsaw, he attempts to mitigate the negative effects of his mental illness. If a tranny wants to dress up as the opposite sex that's fine and dandy; the problrm is not clothes it's a denial of his biological reality. Taking a scalpel to him and bombarding him with hormones so he can join the rest of the post-ops with an outrageous suicide rate is clinically irresponsible.

>> No.7485453

Assuming you're not a virgin or gay, you do give a shit when you stick your dick in them.

>> No.7485454

>people see mutilated dicks

society in general is obsessed with appearance

>> No.7485457


Just minutes ago it was determined by penis or vagina. It's almost like you/re too stupid to understand >>7485390, equivocating between whatever traits are convenient to define sex. You literally don't have an argument except by moving the goalposts repeatedly. Pathetic.

>> No.7485459

>bake a pie, broad

Is that you Lil' Yimmy?

>> No.7485460

poor example

>> No.7485461

You are the one that started the grammar discussion. You are objectively wrong in your accusation.

>If they're related sentences which point out the easily observable, you need to capitalise; if you don't want them to form a coherent point from easily observable phenomenon, then don't capitalise.

You have no clue what you are talking about. All paragraphs should have structure; that has nothing to do with what we're talking about. You're wrong, and I can sit here and keep drilling that home all day long. You aren't going to start shit with me, be wrong, and still walk away with your dignity. Fuck you.

I like how you waited 20 minutes after I proved you wrong to post your retort. No, I didn't leave. I'm still right here, buddy.

Once again, capitalizing a sentence after a colon has nothing to do with coherence. It has to do with a list of sentences directly stemming from a statement.

"Look around you: everything was created by men" is proper grammar. Following it with "It's no secret men are more intelligent than women" has zero bearing.

>> No.7485463

No. If someone had a completely female body I wouldn't care if what chromosomes they had.

>> No.7485465

You mean equivocating whatever traits are convenient to justify your mental disorder and somehow convince yourself that sex is determined by your presenece or lack of a Y chromosome?

>> No.7485467

control the weather with your fist

>> No.7485473

ya but if they have a Y chromosome they are male, you cant change your basic genetic makeup

>> No.7485474

I never moved the goalposts and I never said anything about penises or vaginas, I'm talking strictly about chromosomes you fucking spastic because I'm not the same anon you were arguing with upthread. More than one people in a discussion on an anonymous imageboard, imagine that!

>> No.7485478

Why not just admit that it's all about male sexual insecurity and stop pretending to be scientists?

>> No.7485483

I'm not turned on by women because of how what genes they have, I'm turned on by them because of how they look.

>> No.7485484

They wouldn't have a completely female body if they didn't have female chromosomes. Stop using the term "female" incorrectly.

>> No.7485488

that is standard 'ordered' gender, but we are talking about disorders, are we not?

>> No.7485489

thats your objection, it doesnt justify or prove anything about genetics

>> No.7485497

I meant hypothetically. If it was impossible to tell that someone wasn't female without a fucking DNA sample I wouldn't care if they were male.

>> No.7485502

mental disorders yes, which have impacts on socialization not physical nature

>> No.7485503

the term 'female' is being used correctly. there are multiple uses of the term. for example, a female connector isn't so called because of it's chromosomes. female/male is only defined through difference.

>> No.7485506

thats your objection, it doesnt justify or prove anything about the watergate scandal

>> No.7485510

more likely a gender disorder.

>> No.7485512

obviously nixon was assisnated by LBJ, working in conjuction with the Jews and Marx. go back to 7th grade noob.

>> No.7485516

They wouldn't be women if they didn't have female chromosomes. Stop trying to redefine "female".

>> No.7485519
File: 2.05 MB, 2432x4320, IMG_20151220_140943510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never post but your shit is making me really autistic
>There was a cross European craze of yellow trousers and blue waistcoats as per Werther's suit, not just the suicide craze.
That's a "Sorrows" to European Historical Fashion reference, How do I know if /fa/ posts shit like this?
>You really haven't read Goethe.
Had to go through my library for this.
>you're twelve, right?
>>implying I post on this faggot site sober >>implying I'm sober now
>>>implying you're not fucking trolling me

>> No.7485523

>Stop trying to redefine "female".
I'm not.

>> No.7485525

i don't think you're following his argument

>> No.7485526

We aren't talking about the term female as it relates to connectors, we're talking about the term female as it relates to human sex, of which you are currently trying to redefine to whatever you want.

>> No.7485531

a female has ovaries and can have babbies, unless they were removed or shes sterile, sorry but if youve had a nutsack at any point in your life you can have babbies nad you arent a real grill

>> No.7485535

His argument isn't coherent. He keeps trying to use "female" and "women" as something categorically not "female" and "women".

He keeps saying he would be attracted to a female even if she didn't have female chromosomes. This is utterly nonsensical.

>> No.7485549

>This is utterly nonsensical
>I meant hypothetically. (>>7485497)

>> No.7485552

Why did you link to my post? We are in agreement.

>> No.7485555

>We aren't talking about the term female as it relates to connectors

no shit. i was using it as an example of how male/female is used by us to refer to role and difference. you'll notice that females are different across all species but they are referred to as such because of the human imposition of our own gender on other species. there is a loose definition (so no possible 'redefinition') of female that we can get a sense of based on difference, but no fixed definition that has only to do with chromosomes, in all situations. you're trying to dominate the conversation by having us talk about your one specific definition of female as you interpret it, rather than the scientific community at large or even human society at large. of course you're going to win that argument, as would anyone if they confined discussion to their idiosyncratic way of defining things.

>> No.7485557

You're begging the question by demanding he use language in the same way as you.

>> No.7485559

no, you're just not understanding it. he said he's not attracted to chromosomes themselves, because no one actually sees chromosomes

>> No.7485560

>If it was impossible to tell that someone wasn't female without a fucking DNA sample

But it's not impossible.

>> No.7485565

Dear diary, tifu by assuming that someone on a literature board would have an imagination.

>> No.7485567

what a shitty use of quads, the only females that actually do this are fat ugly dykes, or str8 up insatiable cunts

>> No.7485568

i have no idea how that relates to anything i just said

females that actually do what?

>> No.7485573

are SJWs

>> No.7485578

what relevance is that?

>> No.7485580

Now you're making this into a semantic argument. Of course males/females of other species are different from human males/females and there is no Platonic "ideal" of a male or a female. They are useful categorical descriptions we use to differentiate between two individuals based on their reproduction designation. The point is that special snowflakes would like to co-opt these categories and use them to mean something entirely different just on the basis of their unfortunate metal illness.

>I'm actually a fox lol!!
>Yeah but you're not, you're a human
>No I'm a fox you shitlord stop oppressing me lol!!

>> No.7485584


Special snowflakes want to use made up pronouns and invented genders. That's why they're called special snowflakes.

>> No.7485590

>so uneducated he thinks that any non binary gender model is a recent invention

>> No.7485593



Oh reddit.

>> No.7485594


There's a difference between that and tumblr xie xer bullshit.

>> No.7485596


>> No.7485599

>muh hypothetical

But what if unicorns were real bro? Just imagine it!

>> No.7485600

the point is that it's not really co-opting and they don't mean something 'entirely different' if they're still being used in terms of difference/role. they are still useful categorical descriptions in this way

i mean yes the discussion around gender is #problematic even in these circles and you will often find disagreements e.g. transtrenders vs truscum, but that can be said of any group of people because no group is truly monolithic. but they have more meaningful discussions around their own concept of gender because the science vs feelings idea that people get stuck on is just a screaming match of people trying to dominate internet discussions because they're not doing anything else with their time and they don't have that power elsewhere

>> No.7485612

Nobody has been more right about women than Patrice O'Neal

Say what you want about his comedy, but his radio speeches are spot on

>> No.7485614

Okay so on the spectrum what is the "man" on one end and what is the "women" on another?
Most SJWs wouldn't blink an eye if a women said they are 100% female and look like a dude or visa versa.

The statement usually goes "If you say you are a gender then you are it no matter how you look or what you do".

>> No.7485623

link me to an example.

>> No.7485629

>the point is that it's not really co-opting and they don't mean something 'entirely different' if they're still being used in terms of difference/role

And the point I'm trying to make is that nobody really gives a shit about the "gender role" aspect except the SJWs, and they're fucking obsessed with it. Are you a dude and you enjoy dressing up like a chick? More power to you. Just don't expect anyone to humour you by referring to you as a female, because you're categorically not. They are trying to make "gender roles" into literally anything but what it actually is (woman with vajayjay hole gets boinked by man with dingding). Hence the obsession with appearances (clothes, wigs, makeup, genital mutilation, etc.).

I love Patrice, and even though I was more a fan of his radio appearances than his standup I've really come to appreciate him much more recently. That nigga was truly ahead of his time and it's a shame he's gone.

>> No.7485642

>nobody really gives a shit about the "gender role" aspect except the SJWs
Yeah, sure.

>> No.7485653

everyone says he was ahead of his time. can someone please post a link to his comedy or idea that was ahead of his time?

>> No.7485656

>so much butthurt and still so wrong
bro, as entertaining as it is to watch some sperger lose his shit when reality contradicts him, it's not going to make that sentence not need a capital.
>waited 20 minutes
kek, so much butthurt

seriously, i'd love to see what level you bring the autism to when someone corrects you with your name attached.

>> No.7485660

Why is his example poor?

>> No.7485680

It's not. Anytime you see a zero-content response like that it's some triggered liberal shitposting. If it really was a poor example they would explain why, but they're not interested in that, they just want to shitpost and make people draw out the discussion like pulling teeth.

>> No.7485683

>nobody really gives a shit about the "gender role" aspect except the SJWs

but that's not true considering that those gender roles are used by the scientific community to define the sex of other species, or of anything else not even animal. male/female is defined by roles, e.g. reproductive roles, which are then extended into the social realm. so really they are 'categorically' female if they define themselves by the role they take, and differentiate themselves from the male

also the obsession with appearances is a human trait, not an sjw one, like i previously said. also like i said before no group is monolithic so there's no use talking in these simplified ways unless you want an extremely simple and unconvincing discussion

>> No.7485690

Yeah, you are autistic.

>That's a "Sorrows" to European Historical Fashion reference, How do I know if /fa/ posts shit like this?

>I didn't get the joke
>now it's been explained, I'd like you to explain why I still don't get the joke
I think you might be too retarded to read anything with allusions, Billy.

>>You really haven't read Goethe.
>Had to go through my library for this.

>I didn't get this joke either
>let me try to gain epeen with instagram tho
Please don't read Goethe. His sick sense of humour will spoil your precious innocence and there's not enough of that in the world any more. I'm not explaining this joke to you until I get your mom's signed permission to tell you about deviant sex practices.

>>you're twelve, right?
>>>implying I post on this faggot site sober >>implying I'm sober now
>>>>implying you're not fucking trolling me
You can't quote, while all the other substance abusing anons manage to quote correctly and get the titles of the works they mean to discuss right. You're twelve because you think being high is an excuse for being shit. You're just shit, Billy, you're just shit.

>> No.7485694

because thinking you are someone else who lived and died is not comparable to thinking you are yourself, but are confused about the gender. also he literally says guy one is schizophrenic, and suggests the only way to 'get shorter' is to literally remove the bottom of his legs. iirc, napoleon had legs.

it's some guy trying to make a point by posting as many extreme things as he can in a post but it just comes off as an incomprehensible pastiche of other people's arguments if you don't already agree with him that tranny = mentally ill. then you can nod your head and say 'amen' whenever he takes a breath

>making shit up

>> No.7485705


Holy crap man, it sounds like the only reason you're raving about her is that she insulted women, which I suppose satisfies you.

Now, do you have any fucking idea how it feels to be a prostituted woman, battered wife, rape victim, incest victim, woman in poverty, getting aggressively slut-shamed, your whole intellect denied, and so on and so forth? I strongly urge you to read some Dworkin to get a grasp for the material and mental condition of those women who couldn't be any less "spoiled brats."

I've really read absolutely nothing by Wollstonecraft, but purely from what you say, it almost sounds like she's the spoiled brat who fails to look past the upper- and at worst middle-class women in society; those who never had to suffer from any of the mentioned things.

(But I take it that that's just your misrepresentation of her, or my misinterpretation of your representation of her, and so I'll certainly read her myself eventually...)

>> No.7485709

>The most common use of the colon is to inform the reader that what follows the colon proves, explains, defines, describes, or lists elements of what preceded it. In modern American English usage, a complete sentence precedes a colon, while a list, description, explanation, or definition follows it. The elements which follow the colon may or may not be a complete sentence: since the colon is preceded by a sentence, it is a complete sentence whether what follows the colon is another sentence or not. While it is acceptable to capitalize the first letter after the colon in American English, British English does not.

It's acceptable to uppercase a sentence after a colon, but it isn't required.

>colon used before list

>Williams was so hungry he ate everything in the house: chips, cold pizza, pretzels and dip, hot dogs, peanut butter and candy.

>colon used before a description

>Jane is so desperate that she'll date anyone, even Tom: he's uglier than a squashed toad on the highway, and that's on his good days.

>colon before definition

>For years while I was reading Shakespeare's Othello and criticism on it, I had to constantly look up the word "egregious" since the villain uses that word: outstandingly bad or shocking.

>colon before explanation

>I had a rough weekend: I had chest pain and spent all Saturday and Sunday in the emergency room.

>Dinner: chips and juice. What a well-rounded diet I have.

This is a similar structure to my sentence. Just because the next sentence is related doesn't mean you capitalize after a colon.


Kill yourself. You are objectively wrong and no insult is ever going to make it less so.

>> No.7485727

I like how you changed from the source that says that it's necessary to wikipedia. It convinces me you're a true scholar.

>> No.7485731

>She's responding to Rousseau so she's very optimistic about women being tabulae rasae
>tabula rasa myth
Is there a trash can big enough to fit all that shit in?

>> No.7485734

I like you dworkinposter.

>> No.7485735

But his point is that adjusting a mentally ill person's body to his delusions is not ethically sound remains.

Doctors don't indulge apotemnophiliacs either, for example.

>> No.7485737

it does remain, but it was a poor example

>> No.7485738

>, getting aggressively slut-shamed
top lel

>> No.7485741

We generally agree except for this:

>is defined by roles, e.g. reproductive roles, which are then extended into the social realm. so really they are 'categorically' female if they define themselves by the role they take, and differentiate themselves from the male

First part is correct, second part is wrong. Yes it is extended into the social realm but the basis is still the biologically designated reproductive role. If a mentally fucked up male penguin takes on the social role of a female we still don't classify that as a female penguin so as not to hurt its delicate feefees. It's just a very confused male. For some reason we are only willing to make exceptions for mentally ill and confused humans, and in order to do this it means they have to force compliance on everyone else

SJWs and mentally ill people focus obsessively on the social role aspect when that's only one part of it. Go ahead and play with Barbies and wear pink and bake muffins in an apron, literally no one reasonable is trying to stop you or would want to stop you. But you're not a female.

>> No.7485744

I agree to be honest

>> No.7485747


I'm amazed at the number of people calling this bait. Are they all individual /pol/tards or other tards? Is it 1-2 shitposters pushing it really hard?

I thought the post was very, very good, and strongly agree with it. And that as a cis white hetero middle-class able-bodied male. Did I miss any privilege markers? Basically the only problem I have is not fitting into the masculine gender role and being overall frustrated over the amount of aggression and dominance in the societies I live in, and being otherwise hyper-sensitive, which all together leads to extreme suicidality. This is a pretty big problem to me personally, but that's aside the point; I'm not under the delusion that just because life is bad for me, it must mean some groups of people can't be oppressed. That just logically doesn't follow, you know. To the contrary, the things that fuck me up are societal problems which are addressed under radical feminism.

And to boot, I even understand some of the arguments of so-called TERFs and agree with some aspects. This transwoman though, seems to have it all exactly right. (Some people misinterpret transgenderism in a way that merely reinforces gender stereotypes; this transwoman explicitly mentions the lack of clearly defined female/male boundaries, so +++ to you.)

Have to go sleeping now so can't argue further, but everyone here is in serious need to get down to read some fucking Dworkin, for several different reasons as we've seen in the thread.

Hell, the recent repetitive recommendations of Dworkin feel perfectly justified after seeing this thread. There have been two very, very big thought mistakes here which would have been cured by reading only Woman Hating, though I can recommend reading much more by her.

>> No.7485748

You are the one that claimed it is necessary.


It is not not necessary, as a matter of fact, it is only acceptable to do so. In British English it is not considered proper at all. There isn't some gray area here. I'm right, you're wrong, now beat it. You've been humiliated enough.

>> No.7485752

in one sense they are female, in another they are not

>> No.7485753

>literally no one reasonable is trying to stop you
Cause when someone stops you from something it mattets so much whether they're 'reasonable'.

>> No.7485756


Yeah, having your whole family and friends fiercely hating you and thinking you deserve violence is not exactly a fun life.

We're talking about old-style slut shaming here, where virtually *all* of society participated in it. Consider the following: it's a huge improvement from a couple decades ago that today, publicly calling a woman a slut and a whore is not considered normal, just because you know she had extramarital sex.

>> No.7485757

Also, are you implying wikipedia is lying? Do you think someone jumped on and edited it just so I can prove your obviously inccorect statement incorrect? Go to bed, kid.

>> No.7485772

Not the guy you're replying to, but you're the one with the autistic tendencies...

>> No.7485775

uneducated in the art of sjw liberal arts shill bullshit, perhaps

>> No.7485778

Nope. There are and have been several cultures with non binary views on gender. This is not a controversial or contested claim.

>> No.7485785

yea, and one of them is a large group of fat, ugly dykes that use the website tumblr to complain about how they have iphones and live in a first world country

>> No.7485806

if a girl has a large number of sexual partners, i will call her a whore or slut to her face with no remorse if she attempts to speak to me. its disgusting and nothing justifies it. i know a girl who had sex with 10 different ppl by her 18th birthday and she tried to repair some kind of 'relationship' we had and i told her that no self respecting male would ever want to marry her ruined trash ass and shes better off killin herself, i still feel good about saying that to this day

>> No.7485817

I don't necessarily think a woman deserves violence for being a slut but you should be disciplined for sure. If you don't like being called a slut then stop having extramarital affairs. Ideally no one wants to marry a woman who has been intimate with other people.

Slut shaming served a purpose in pre-modern society. Modern women think they can have their cake and eat it too (fuck around and then get married after they're used up). That's quickly coming to an end.

>> No.7485824

>Ideally no one wants to marry a woman who has been intimate with other people.
"Everyone is exactly like me deep down, they just pretend not to be for some reason."

>> No.7485825

Who is trying to stop you from dressing up like the opposite sex? Be real now.

>> No.7485835

No. Biologically it is a male who has taken on the social affectations of a female.

>> No.7485867

>he wants to marry a used up hole

>> No.7485872


>>he wants to marry

>> No.7485875

you're just repeating what i said back to me

>> No.7485883

men only hate women who have been intimate with others because they think their sexual experience will expose the male's inadequacy. literally no other reason

>> No.7485892

no, quite different, men hate women who have been with others because its disgusting, shows a low level of moral aptitutde, detracts from a relationship, and represents untrustworthiness and disloyalty. but keep justify being filthy, slut, no one wants you :)

>> No.7485905

Dude, don't side with the autist who won't admit he's wrong when even the grammar site he posted agreed he was wrong.
>second quote
Oh, it's still the same sperger. I guess I could lie to you and say you're right, but it'd hardly be convincing at this point, not least because grammar would go on without me even if I lied to about you being right for the rest of my life.
You're not humiliating anyone but yourself, you realise? It's like hours you've been insisting your wrong grammar is right, as though enough sperging will make your source say differently, you're either a girl trying to troll Dworkin-anon far too subtly with penis envy, or you're a guy who knows he's beta and still regularly falls for PUA scams.

>> No.7485909

the inadequate male has spoken

>> No.7485913


I don't think it's that simple. There are other issues of social cachet which all stem from other inadequacies of self-esteem and a subconscious (or conscious) treatment of the woman as an object or conquest. But I also think that these are the kind of men who feel that they only have one great act of intimacy in them. They feel like they can only risk themselves and let their guard down enough to let someone in just one time, which is why they only want one partner for life from the outset. If that falls apart then they feel as if they won't ever have enough trust in them to try all over again with another woman. So if they run into one who has been intimate in the past, lost it, and is still able to try for real intimacy with someone else they feel like she didn't value true intimacy to begin with, because there is no way you could ever bounce back like that if you really cared about it like they do.

Which is all bullshit and insecurity, of course. But I think that plays a part.

>> No.7485915

>second quote
Who are you talking to?

>> No.7485919

No I didn't. You've been trying to redefine "female" this entire thread and you're still doing it.

>> No.7485934

i haven't been trying to redefine it at all. you obviously haven't paid any attention to what i've said, including where i've said "it's not actually a redefinition"

in sum: you're a moron and you should kill yourself

>> No.7485944

Nope. Men dislike sluts because slutting around destroys the bonding mechanism in females and makes it less likely to be a lasting, stable relationship. There have been studies of this.

You can make shit up about "men being insecure" but it's the equivalent of accusing anonymous strangers of having a small dick. If you presented any man ever with 1 attractive virgin girl and 1 attractive girl who has sucked the dick of ten other guys, they will pick the virgin every single time.

I'm assuming your a woman, in which case I'll tell you this: the men who don't outright tell you you're a whore to your face don't do so because they want to get into your pants, because, being a slut, that's all you're good for. You're not good for a long term relationship. Literally any man who is good with women knows this.

>> No.7485945

>Dude, don't side with the autist who won't admit he's wrong when even the grammar site he posted agreed he was wrong.

That site didn't say I was wrong. You misunderstand. It said the same exact thing as wikipedia.


>It's like hours you've been insisting your wrong grammar is right, as though enough sperging will make your source say differently, you're either a girl trying to troll Dworkin-anon far too subtly with penis envy, or you're a guy who knows he's beta and still regularly falls for PUA scams.

Would you like some cheese with that wine? I may be debating grammar for hours, but unfortunately for you, it takes two to have a debate.

It isn't difficult: I'm right, you're wrong. Go away, because I'm not. I'm going to be reading for the next 6 hours and I'm periodically going to check this thread. This isn't my opinion and wikipedia wasn't vague.

>> No.7485950

I think that guy was just pointing out the anon with the Goethe books picture didn't get the jokes. To be a bit autistic about it, not getting jokes and being overly literal in your interpretation of jokes are signs of autism.

Which 4chan definition are you using for the guy without the picture?

>> No.7485954


>If you presented any man ever with 1 attractive virgin girl and 1 attractive girl who has sucked the dick of ten other guys, they will pick the virgin every single time.

not that anon but if this were real life most would pick the one they had better chemistry with.

you have been in this echo chamber for too long you are starting to become detached with reality.

>> No.7485964

>Men dislike sluts
you should get the terminology straight if you want to have an actual discussion. i specifically said women who have been intimate with others, which includes having one previous partner. do you think any woman who has had sex with more than one person is a slut? let's clarify
>less likely to be a lasting, stable relationship
maybe because of male insecurity

>You can make shit up about "men being insecure"
i can say the same thing about all this 'destroys bonding mechanism' nonsense has trying to justify why men are so scared of being inadequate around women
> If you presented any man ever with 1 attractive virgin girl and 1 attractive girl who has sucked the dick of ten other guys, they will pick the virgin every single time.
don't bother with this shit. there's no way to confirm this

>I'm assuming your a woman
i have no idea why

>> No.7485970

>they will pick the virgin every single time.

Spoken like a true virgin. What kind of non-virgin male would want awkward virgin sex?

>> No.7485971

it's not even worth me responding to this thread but i will respond, just to spite you

>> No.7485972

You're Kebold levels mad over a joke I made about your mistake. You're not even mad at the guy who rated you minus however many thousand. I can't make you right, I'm not the grand high poomba of grammar. I get the feeling you just need to have the last word to feel your penis is still intact but magically now also visible, so just (You) me and get it over with. It's not going to make you right, but you also might not kill someone over being wrong and the horror of having someone point it out if I let you be wrong and unquestioned. I'd say have a nice life, but you're prolly going to die angry of heart problems, tbqhw/u brah.

>> No.7485998

>you should get the terminology straight if you want to have an actual discussion. i specifically said women who have been intimate with others, which includes having one previous partner. do you think any woman who has had sex with more than one person is a slut? let's clarify

Yes. If you are a woman and you sleep with anyone who is not your lifelong partner, you are a slut.

>not that anon but if this were real life most would pick the one they had better chemistry with.

I wasn't clear. The two girls in the example are identical except that one has sucked ten cocks and one is a virgin. All things being equal, the virgin will be picked every time.

This obviously is an ideal scenario, so life as a modern male is about finding someone who you have chemistry with and is not a slut, which is very slim in today's age because the majority of Western women like yourself are sluts.

If you think males count sexual experience in females as a "plus" you are 100% delusional and you will no doubt end up living alone surrounded by cats.

Again with the virgin accusations. I have a girlfriend who is a virgin and I've also fucked a lot of women in hs and college. No man wants a used up hole when he could have sex with his inexperienced virgin gf once and then teach her how to be good at sex. It's literally that simple.

This is all nothing new. Anyone who pulls women already knows this. Leave it to the poindexter board of an anime forum to not already know this.

>> No.7486004

>You're Kebold levels mad over a joke I made about your mistake.

That's why I'm the one going on about penis envy, teachers raping people, etc., right? I'm just so mad.

>You're not even mad at the guy who rated you minus however many thousand.

No, because that's an opinion. That can't possibly be incorrect.

>I can't make you right, I'm not the grand high poomba of grammar.

No, you can't make me right, but thankfully official sources on grammar can. You can go on the wikipedia page, yourself, and see plain as day all of their examples use lower case. This was also true with my earlier source (baring a rule that didn't apply to my paragraph), but you have refused to admit either.

>I get the feeling you just need to have the last word to feel your penis is still intact but magically now also visible

What a crushing blow to my self-esteem, sir. How would you feel if you misplaced your penis on a hunting trip?

>It's not going to make you right, but you also might not kill someone over being wrong and the horror of having someone point it out if I let you be wrong and unquestioned.

It's becoming clear that I mistook you as an intellectual threat. Judging by that sentence, you should still be in grammar school, not trying to correct other people's grammar.

Lowercase letters are perfectly fine after a colon. Lowercase letters are perfectly fine after a colon.

>> No.7486005

>All things being equal, the virgin will be picked every time.
>I've also fucked a lot of women in hs and college
You immoral slut I hope you burn in hell.

>> No.7486006


Plenty of men covet it in society. You find wealthy men paying top dollar for it all over the world.

It doesn't matter if the guy is a virg. No need to shame over that. Anon shouldn't beat themselves up if they are. It doesn't make you any less of a person. What they need to do is stop this embarrassing hatred. It's poisonous.

All of these guys talk big game but if they found a girl that they had great chemistry with they would drop all of this arrogant bullshit and grab her right away. Because chemistry is the hardest thing to really come across and it's what hits us hardest when we do really find it.

>> No.7486007

>If you are a woman and you sleep with anyone who is not your lifelong partner, you are a slut.

no use trying to bring up a comparison between a virgin and a woman who has sucked 10 dicks then if even 1 dick would qualify them as a slut. but i suppose your argument doesn't really sound convincing otherwise. one could say it appears inadequate

>> No.7486009

Your girlfriend is used up as soon as you have sex with her. If you have sex with a woman once and she doesn't become pregnant, you have failed. Neither of you will be taken seriously as romantic partners ever again. You're both used up.

>> No.7486012

>male insecurity

Strong projection.

Men don't like sluts (for LTRs) because as a woman your value is tied to your sexuality, and as a slut you are used up. Men don't like sluts just like they would rather have a fresh ice cream cone than one that's fallen in the dirt, and they will continue to not like sluts for as long as the human species is here. Better get used to it.

>> No.7486014

not even chemistry. most guys here would take the first woman to show any interest

>> No.7486018


>I wasn't clear. The two girls in the example are identical

no two people are identical. they would be two differing personalities. two entirely different people.

this "example" has no basis in reality. it's just some naive shit that you are trying to project onto daily life when life isn't like that at all.

do you even listen to yourself when you are writing this shit out? seriously. do you?

>> No.7486021

>all this insecurity

>> No.7486023


Sorry, I'm on my mobile.

>> No.7486027

>LTR with an ice cream cone

>> No.7486028

another excellent thread with our /pol/ and /r9k/ friends

>> No.7486033


For some of the anon ITT merely having one previous partner is cause enough to call the woman "used up". And you think that I'm the one projecting when I use the word insecurity. Figures.

>> No.7486037

>All of these guys talk big game but if they found a girl that they had great chemistry with they would drop all of this arrogant bullshit and grab her right away. Because chemistry is the hardest thing to really come across and it's what hits us hardest

You're objectively wrong. I've pumped and dumped at least two girls I was really into because they weren't virgins. Besides their virginity women are faulty interchangeable and sluts are not marriage material, sorry.

>> No.7486040


They really are the worst kind of people.

It must be so draining to consciously choose hatred every single day of your life. I feel sorry for them 2bh.

>> No.7486049

>You immoral slut I hope you burn in hell.

Men can't be sluts.

>> No.7486052

>sluts are not marriage material

how would you even know who is and who isn't a slut when they're still a virgin? it's not like they're born without their virginity. for all you know your girlfriend is a slut who just hasn't slept around yet (to your knowledge). i mean she's already a non-virgin so her chances of being committed have already plummeted

>> No.7486056

"I'm not a slut." - Slut, 2015.

>> No.7486058


>I've pumped and dumped at least two girls I was really into because they weren't virgins.

You're just a jaded asshole who doesn't practice what he preaches. If you haven't a care to practice fidelity in your own life then what makes you think you can preach on it?

>> No.7486059

Not him but I love how none of these have a single argument or refutation and just resort to ridicule and ad hominem.
10/10 debate skills, you dumb cucks.

>> No.7486060

>i've ran away from committed relationships because the odds of a committed relationship lasting with someone who has had multiple sexual partners are not very good

>> No.7486064

>so insecure he samefags

>> No.7486072

>all this projection

It is projection on your part because you seem to think that it has to do with sexual performance when it doesn't. You can easily teach your virgin gf to be good at sex over the course of your relationship. You can't teach your nonvirgin gf to have not been a slut, her virginity is gone. Sorry.

>> No.7486073

>oh no someone who doesn't agree with me!
>it's the guy I've been arguing with samefagging, obviously!
>lel, let me call him insecure
please off yourself

>> No.7486076

notice how only one person is claiming he is not samefagging

>> No.7486079

More projection and accusations of virginity against someone they have never met. Hilarious how sensitive women are to slut shaming.

>> No.7486084

More projection and accusations of sluttiness against someone they have never met. Hilarious how sensitive men are to virgin shaming.

>> No.7486098

>jaded asshole

Maybe. Irrelevant to the discussion though. Are personal attacks all you're capable of?

>doesn't practice what he preaches

I've already said that men can't be sluts ITT. Men and women are biologically different. As a woman your value is directly tied to your sexuality. Sorry if you can't accept this but it's true.

>> No.7486104

>In British English it is not considered proper at all. There isn't some gray area here.
>uni style guide says gray

>> No.7486105

>can't detect samefag

Try again.

>> No.7486107

why would you lie on the internet

>> No.7486110
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I'll concede to your towering intellect m'lady
Lest I be as equally perturbed and epicly trolled :^)

>> No.7486111

>posts a second reply after i point out only one person was claiming he wasn't samefagging

textbook samefagging

>> No.7486115

When did I accuse anyone specifically of being a slut who didn't already volunteer personal information?

I'm sure you think you're being witty and epic but your arguments aren't even coherent.

>> No.7486123

I've been responding to posts individually this entire thread so I read as I go along. I just got to that post. Are you going to have a discussion or continue attacking everything but the argument?

>> No.7486134



>> No.7486135

Nice. That still doesn't change the fact that my colon use was correct. I don't care what the British do. It was wikipedia's claim, anyhow, not mine.

>> No.7486138

already have. never got replies because of how rekt everyone else got

>> No.7486143


>they are writing women off as used up if they've had sex even once but they condemn the use of ad hominems against them as unfair treatment


I wish /pol/ and /r9k/ would stick to their containment boards. Go and talk to your fellow hugbox spergs back home.

>> No.7486157


>>jaded asshole
>Maybe. Irrelevant to the discussion though.

It calls your entire position into question, so "irrelevant" isn't exactly the right word here.

>> No.7486162

I was defining "slut" moreso then accusing any one person ITT of being a slut. It seems like maybe you fit the definition and are getting upset at it.

This is 100% different than someone making a post accusing someone they have never met of being a virgin because they don't like my argument, or as if that invalidates my argument. How do you not see the difference?

>> No.7486175

>everyone who doesn't agree with me is a sperg from /r9k/

This is the definition of shitposting.

>> No.7486181
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threads like these make me really glad that i'm not a bitter cunt like you guys

gl hf with that

>> No.7486186

>It seems like maybe you fit the definition and are getting upset at it.

nah, men can't be sluts. talk about making accusations!

>> No.7486187

>actual life experience with sluts counts against your position

Fucking bizarre line of argumentation.

>my car is broken, should I call the career mechanic or my 3 year old brother?
>better get the little bro on this one

>> No.7486202

Women value men who sleep with a lot of women. [For LTRs] men value women who are virgins. The evidence is even in this very thread, notice how often "virgin" is used as an insult against males.

Once again, this is all common knowledge amongst jocks and womanizers, and is something I suppose you just have to gain experience in to understand so I can't really get mad at a couple people on the bookworm board of 4chan for not having known this since freshman year of high school.

>> No.7486213

>The evidence is even in this very thread, notice how often "virgin" is used as an insult against males.
This is what polaks actually think counts as evidence

>> No.7486235

>he disagrees with me so he's from pol

This is what shotposters actually thinks counts as evidence.

>> No.7486242

I didn't call it evidence and even if you're not from /pol/ my statement can still be correct.

>> No.7486246


>reducing actual people to a car analogy

It's like you're carrying out a really elaborate parody of a deeply unlikable person. If you ever do find that elusive virgin she is going to see what a total asshole you are in time and bounce out on you for someone with a bit of light and optimism about them. You can't hate your way to happiness you sorry sadsack.

>> No.7486272


Stop projecting your sadness onto other people. The situation I only outlined is sad if you make it sad.

And I do have a virgin gf currently whom I will probably end up marrying. She knows and agrees with everything I've said here. It's nothing new.

>> No.7486276

'virgin' is being used as an insult because it makes men insecure. they believe that women value men who have some experience, so they get offended when it is assumed they don't have that experience. in addition, i doubt any of the people calling others 'virgins' are even women, so a woman's point of view is irrelevant -- only the man's interpretation of a woman's point of view is useful in this context. you've been assuming the posters are women for literally no reason other than that they disagree with you, and that they disagree with you because they are defensive about being called a 'slut' despite the fact that people have been making fun of you for how little sense you make, not because they are offended.

'common knowledge' is what people call their own thinking when it hasn't explicitly been challenged by others. that is to say you're essentially making this shit up, which is obvious.

men value women who will sleep with them. women value men who will sleep with them. end of.

>> No.7486285

no one cares about your pedophilic tendencies

>> No.7486301
File: 269 KB, 459x360, 1450037610619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Welcome to /lit/ post-/his/

Enjoy your stay faggots. All the intelligent posters have moved on

>> No.7486302

More personal accusations for people who can't handle reality.

>men value women who will sleep with them. women value men who will sleep with them.

For one night stands, yes. For LTRs high-status men seek out women with little to no sexual experience and high-value women seek out men with great sexual experience.

>making it up
>how little sense you make

Don't worry, you'll realize this is all true once you step out into the world and actually gain experience with women. Until then good luck.

>> No.7486310

>He was right about it at the time, but the time's are a-changin'.
Schopenhauer comments on women could very well apply then, but not anymore.

Post feet.

>> No.7486314

it's true though. it goes back to when brides were married off at young ages, which in modern times is far below the age of consent. you've been brainwashed into believing your pedophilia is normal and desirable.

>> No.7486333

>For one night stands, yes.

no, in general. also there's not just one-night stands on one side and long-term relationships on the other. what you're describing is far from any standard human behaviour. people value people for reasons irrational and rational. there's no 'common knowledge' that one group only desires another group for a specific purpose -- these are your personal beliefs, that have been reinforced through your own experience and conformation bias. now you're trying to convince people that your own experiences will match theirs even if they're not as ignorant or unobservant as you. there are likely many things you're omitting in order to justify your experiences as the only true experience anyone can ever have when it comes to interpersonal, sexual relationships (if you're telling the truth at all -- dubious), but you have more to gain by being right on the internet than actually engaging in a sustained conversation about these things. otherwise you would have been replying to the posts that have pointed out the flaws in your logic and tried a little harder not to conflate multiple points into one incoherent mess.

don't worry; once you have a little more experience with intellectual conversation you will see that i am right.

>> No.7486363


>And I do have a virgin gf currently whom I will probably end up marrying.

Then I wish you luck there, but you don't sound like a very pleasant person.

I'd rather associate with kind-hearted whores then have to associate with bitter people like you.

>> No.7486388
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>men value women who are virgins.
most guys would prefer a girl who's experienced and proven herself not to be frigid tbhfam

>> No.7486417


how small is your dick that you have to namefag and post bait this bad?

have a (you).

enjoy spending the rest of your life not knowing mutual respect from another person

>> No.7486438

>can't keep your axe wound in your pants and remain faithful to one person and one person only

you're an immoral sexual glutton and a slob, just accept it and move on

>> No.7486721

Even in high school Biology they teach you that the male/female phenotype is determined by the absence or existence of the Y chromosome. So Klinefelter is male and Turner is female(both syndromes with various diseases btw).
Literally couldn't bother reading a high school biology book before writing that huge article.

>> No.7486886

>most guys
can you quantify this statement with evidence

>> No.7486915

>in high school Biology
Well then.

>> No.7486967

Man, I was hoping this thread would be a cool discussion of Schopenhauer's philosophy of the Will and its manifestation in terms of desire, etc. but I guess I forgot where I was.

Easy solution to this whole shitfest, as with most 4chan throwdowns:

Remember than language is a social construct. Words, names, definitions, descriptions, etc, are provisional means to describe reality as seen through the lens of individual experience, which is in turn confused/defined further by language, constructs, concepts, ideas, assumptions, blah blah blah

Each person has his or her own experiences, and tries to find words to define it. Duh. Some experiences will not match. Duh. All kinds of riotous bullshit erupts, language turning inside out, definitions, battles, etc etc like Finnegans Wake or the Tower of Babel. Confusing reams of bullshit spew o'er the earth, and curse the bastard God who doesn't exist who is accident which caused these things which function for basically no reason whatsoever. Where do your thoughts come from? You don't create them, you just watch and act. You don't even watch and act, you actually don't even exist except as language. And I guess that's the fun of it! Watching the everrepeating shitstorms. Also like Finnegans Wake

My 2 cents (no one cares what you have to say, no one cares what I have to say, of course, unless they already agree with it for whatever reason, but I'm bored at work so fuck all) is that it can be broken into 3 tiers:

1. who you wanna fuck (sexuality)
2. how you like to perform socially (gender)
3. what junk you got (sex)

transgender means your sex doesn't match your preferred gender (be this mental or choice I don't know and don't care, do what thou wilt, just don't fuck with me, jackass! you can even have your own opinions, shock). transsexual means you have altered your sex through surgery for whatever reason, also essentially ok, although I wouldn't want to myself.

To all: Now get off the stupid screen and go fuck someone, or even yourself if you choose, it's ok

>> No.7486998

>all the blind misogyny itt

and to think I used to consider /lit/ one of the more progressive boards alongside /co/ and /mu/...smdh

>> No.7487006

there's reddit if you want a hug box

>> No.7487040

As if this thread isn't a hugbox but in the opposite direction.

>> No.7487078

>a number people don't agree with my opinions

>> No.7487080
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Gross. Even on the left that term should only bring revulsion.

>> No.7487090

I also had a three tiered view of gender that a bit different from your own.
I wrote about it in a mini-essay here


>> No.7487095

>transsexual means you have altered your sex through surgery

surgically mutilating your genitals and bombarding yourself with hormones is not altering your biological sex

>> No.7487098

>some faggot that cuts their dick off is still 100% a man
They aren't a women either but I wouldn't call them a man

>> No.7487133

>However, there is more variation in hormone patterns within “each” sex than there is between the sexes.
Ah, Lewontin's Fallacy: the sex-based version. Neat link.

>> No.7487276

I just want a gf, tbqh famille