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/lit/ - Literature

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747839 No.747839 [Reply] [Original]

What book have you read the most times through, and how many times? Do you still reread it?

(also, what ever happened to bookface?)

>> No.747845

That is bookface's brother. Bookface is still king of /lit/. He appreciates your concern for him.

>> No.747852

Mary Stewart's trilogy about Merlin and King Arthur.
I know those fuckers front to back.

>> No.747861

I've read 1984 probably about 10 times. I really want to reread it again.

>> No.747863


>> No.747867

Those books look exactly like Marx.

>> No.747876


are you my twin?

>> No.747877

Catcher in the Rye, I really don't care how cliche people think it is. It really speaks the truth about the majority of our fucked up, hypocritical population.

>> No.747890

I've read Have Space Suit - Will Travel probably about 50 times over the course of my life.

Damn I love that novel.

>> No.747907
File: 42 KB, 306x500, tale_of_two_cities_book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one right here. Read it about five times and still can't get enough of it.

>> No.747915

Kafka on the Shore is the only book I've read twice.

>> No.747932
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The handmaid's tale.

>> No.748021

Stupid book.

It's like STALKER with jesusfreaks.

>> No.748035

I've read Animal Farm and The Perks Of Being A Wallflower about five times already. Love them both.

>> No.748046
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I'm amazed, I really am. Not knocking you though.

Why? And do you appreciate Charles Dickens as a whole?

>> No.748051
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I think I am on read 6 or something but the character development makes me feel like I AM Bigger (the main character)

P.S. I'm not a minority race

>> No.748055

The Lord of the Rings - Been reading it yearly since I was eight.

The Odessy - I have 5 different translations of it. 'Nuff said.

Count of Monte Cristo - Revenge is epic, thus multiple times.

>> No.748059

I don't think I've ever reread a book... My backlog is too great.

>> No.748085


Protip: 1984 is not exactly an obscure novel.

>> No.748089

It's impossible to tell. I reread my favourite books many times over. Some of them I've had for ten years or more and I'll still reread them several times a year.

>> No.748094


You have shit taste.

>> No.748105

Um...shit taste. LOTR sucks hard.

>> No.748159

I don't know how many times I've read Slaughterhouse Five, probably around five or six. I even read it in one day while I had to stay with my mother while she was in the hospital.

>> No.748164

I've read the first few harry potter books 4 or 5 times each.

>> No.748165

I'm really not sure, but I also don't re-read most books very often. Maybe Bukowski's Ham on Rye, or Post Office, mainly because they're such easy reads. After that I'd guess A Confederacy of Dunces, probably, read it 3 or 4 times. Brave New World I know I've read more than twice, same with a couple of Steinbeck's and almost all of Hesse's novels.

>> No.748184


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>> No.748190

I'm not sure which book I've re-read the most, but "American Gods" is up there. It's one of those books I never get tired of rereading, usually about once a year. Will probably reread it again later this year.

>> No.750348

'Maus' by Art Spiegelman. And don't give me any of that 'it's not a real book'-shit. It's amazing. I've read it about a zillion times.

>> No.750378

Baudolino by Eco
I love this.

>> No.750376

When I was a kid I kept re-reading LOTR and Narnia, so at last count, it's LOTR 11 times and Narnia 7 times. Others I've read more than twice:

Grendel 4
Snow Crash 3
Neuromancer 4 or 5
Phantom Tollbooth 5 or 6

Then there are those I'm really not proud of: I probably reread Alien/Aliens, the original Star Wars novelization, the first few Dragonlance books, and some of those assorted mid-80s D&D books a number of times, but I'm old as fuck now, so I can barely remember that shit. I recently re-read /Dragons of Autumn Twilight/ and /Darkwalker on Moonshae/, and I was shocked I had ever enjoyed them.

>> No.750391

I've read Frankenstein three times. Once when I was younger, and then twice for university. I don't really like it all that much. It's got it charms, I suppose.

>> No.750392

Probably a tie between Orlando (recently, studying it for an exam and a few times for sheer pleasure) and when I was a kid, LOTR.

>> No.750442

I've read Confessions of a Mask three or four times - I've had it a little over a year.

>> No.750469

I`ve read heimskringla maybe 5 times, Lord of the rings 3 times. The last couple of years i have not read any book twice, too many good ones to come

>> No.750521

i've only read a few books more than once.

animal farm
brave new world
demian- hesse
first two book sin the hitchiker's guide series. never finished the 3rd and never got around to reading the others. they seem as boring as the 3rd piece of crap.

>> No.750525

I can't for the life of me remember reading a book more than twice. I can recall the first time, the impression it left on me, and I remember coming back and understanding everything so differently and feeling so amazed by what I'd misunderstood, but I can't remember how many times. What does it matter? It's always one of the two.

>> No.750668
File: 186 KB, 570x875, Starship Troopers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starship Troopers. Read it yearly.

>> No.750680

The Warriors by Sol Yurick
read it 7 times
and i still read it