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7478338 No.7478338 [Reply] [Original]

>Guilty pleasure reads thread?
>Guilty pleasure reads thread!

I'll start: Lovecraft

>> No.7478342


>> No.7478358

yeah k

m89, if you consider de Sade porn then you have something seriously off about you.

He was pushing the limits of shock writing, just like Cooper is doing now!

>oh noez the heterosexual gender roles are inverted in my writing

>fight club
I assumed you never acutally read anything by Palahniuk

>good books
Yeah. That doesn't exist.

Yeah I read a bunch by McCarthy: sutree, blood meridian and child of god. But I only have so much affection for southern gothic shtick.

>ALso, Wittgenstein
What is up with you anglos and analytic philosophy? Its like figuring out what sex is like using a calculator. Continental philosophy > analytic philosophy

In all honesty, have you actually read Palahniuk or just assumed your lit professors snobbism because she is offended by antagonizing crippled children?

>> No.7478367

>good books don't exist

Only a Chuck Palahniuk fan would believe something as stupid as this.

>> No.7478369

I would like that "good books" list then.

>people dictate my taste

>> No.7478372

None. Books as simple distraction are shit compared to television and movies.

>> No.7478373
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the hell?

>> No.7478377

Nvm, I'm an idiot and forgot how to link to other boards.

>> No.7478382

I'll let my fellow U-M alum and transgressive fiction writer Mary Gaitskill sum up de Sade: "I don't think much of Sade as a writer, although I enjoyed beating off to him as a child."

Believe me, Cooper may write about fisting and killing and eating the shit of underage boys, but he's also an absolute genius when it comes to that key interest of New Narrative writers: the subjective narrator/author relationship.

The Fight Club reference was bantz and an attempt to look on-topic in /heem/. I've read Pahlaniuk's short stories and they're entertaining but for people to worship him like they do is a bit much. I can understand why Tumblr and 4chan love him though.

>> No.7478385

Select the post#. Put the URL in your post.

>> No.7478401

Suttree is one of my favorite books. I would recommend Flannery O'Connor if you aren't completely sick of Southern gothic fiction yet.

>Continental philosophy > analytic philosophy

kek. How wrong you are. Analytic philosophy is trying to break down and discover the atomic truths of reality by using logic and finding paradoxes in language. Continental philosophy is a pseudointellectual circlejerk.

I've read Palahniuk and he's edgy for the sake of being edgy. His writing is meh-tier, and there is a huge list of authors that take precedent over him when it comes to "good transgressive fiction." If you want a true piece of transgressive fiction, read something by Hubert Selby, Jr. You'll get so sick of it that you'll never want to read a piece of edgy lit again.

There's no real list of good books. I could recommend getting through /lit/-core essentials first, though, and then moving on and discovering the rest yourself.

>> No.7478402

Thanks, I linked from that thread. Appreciated tho.

I didn't find Copper interesting, i found it pushing the limits of the norm and everyone who has made a trip to /b/, liveleak, efukt etc will be kinda dulled by his writing. Granted, he is better than de Sade, but that mostly down to it being not as dated.

>worshiping Palahniuk

he has a cult following for Fight Club and (i think) Lullaby. But his best work are his short stories, that's why Haunted is his best book.

It comes down to topic rly, because if the author doesn't make mistakes, then the good/bad spectrum becomes subjective.

The pinnacle of writing for me is "Notes from the Underground" from Dostoevsky.

>> No.7478441

Cooper's older writing definitely comes from a different era than the one we're currently in, but at least he's trying to fit into this era with his blog that's really popular among writers and his recent books about chat rooms and other sites of internet culture.

For me, his transgressive elements are a way to keep the reader engaged, while his characterization of young boys should hit at your moral core. I think he said in a Paris Review interview that he hates how people don't respect teenagers or give them any agency, so I appreciate how he tries to reclaim that, even while writing as an adult.

And as a writer myself, I'm blown away by his narrator/author play and intricate structure of his novels/novellas/short story collections.

I haven't read any Dostoevsky yet other than Crime and Punishment; he's one of those writers I just keep putting off. To me, the pinnacle of the novel is Virginia Woolf's life work. Considering how the novel originated and was intended, I think she mastered its ultimate progression. I don't think there's any need to write novels after the Modernists.

>> No.7478454

>/heem/ shitposting on /lit/

I liked Child of God more desu. I liked Sutree but I wasn't wowed desu.
>Flannery O'Connor
Sure, why not. I'll put it on my read list.

I KNEW you were a analytic philosophy fag.

You love to distance yourself from the bulk of philosophy because its not quantitative and that just freaks analitic fags out because no one can sit them down and say "this is what you learn".

What makes the analytic philosophy so defeating is that it fools you into thinking that the sum of existence is graspable and transferable between humans. Ask yourself: could I explain the experience of sex to a virgin? or could I only explain the mechanism behind it?

That is analytic philosophy, thats incredibly narrowed sub specie aeternitatis.

The fact that continental philosophy includes analytic philosophy and its not the other way around goes to prove my point.

>inb4 Derrida

>"good transgressive fiction."
I'm not elitist, so please recommend me something. I read Bret Easton Ellis and I enjoyed Imperial Bedrooms, but not American Psycho as much.

>> No.7478461


>> No.7478464

The fuck happened to this thread?

Anyways, reading Agatha Christie books right now since I got three of them for cheap. I know The Nigger Island one and Orient Express are supposedly good, but has anyone read "The Body in the Library"? How did you find it?

>> No.7478467

>>"good transgressive fiction."
>I'm not elitist, so please recommend me something.

Read The Room by Hubert Selby, Jr.

>> No.7478470

Robert E Howard

>> No.7478482

Fuck me in half, I have to go to sleep. If the thread is up by the time we'll resume. My brain is working on fumes.

A conversation from another board moved here so that people wouldn't get banned for posting off topic, but I made it so that its a general thread so that it survives and so that its not just a shitpost for the /lit/ community.

It was either this or hijacking a thread and I figured this for a lesser evil.

Btw, I can only talk about the Orient Express. Its dated as far as the detective genre is concerned. But if you are into the period and can relate to the characters than its a nice read. I don't want to imply that its simple, its not. Its accessible, but its not simple. You'll enjoy it.

>> No.7478484
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>What makes the analytic philosophy so defeating is that it fools you into thinking that the sum of existence is graspable and transferable between humans.

I don't think any analytic philosopher actually believes this.

>> No.7478501

Take the extreme, Derrida, who devalues the capabilities of his expression to the sum "possiblities" of a language you're born into. For a philosopher that can get abstract as fuck, he actually stuck by this.

But then again, I see analytic philosophy as the part of a sum of the abilities of human comprehension/expression. But I'd like to hear your own "from us by us" definition of analytic philosophy.

Digress: as stated above, I'm about to die on my feet. If the thread is up, I'll pick it up tomorrow.

In my wildest dreams.

>> No.7478533

Truman Capote is a guilty pleasure of mine. In Cold Blood was a fun read.

Read Wittgenstein pls

>> No.7478891

Pratchett tbfh imho.

>> No.7478961

>analytic philosophy
>anything but a joke

>> No.7478987
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The Belgariad: fantasy with Star Trek tier characterization. everyone from one country has the same personality. it's comfy doe.

incest erotica with pregnancy. actually, i don't feel guilty about this desu senpai

>> No.7479138

>continental philosophy
>anything but a joke

>> No.7479172

This. His stories are comfy and funny, but lack actual merit.

>> No.7479174

>anything but a joke

>> No.7479198

Comic books in general. I know usually they're not /lit/ material but some are pretty fuckin great.

>> No.7479203

Adrian Tomine is New Yorker-tier, which may not be /lit/, but I don't feel guilty "reading" his work

>> No.7479216

Thanks, I'll check him out.
For anyone wanting any other comics with some kind of merit, read Saga, Essex County, Watchmen, and some Grant Morrison.

>> No.7479239

Sandman is a great series as well if you're into fantasy and mythology. Starts a little but slow but still one of my favourite comic series of all time.

>> No.7479266


>> No.7479327

only comics I've read that I considered on par with my favorite traditional novels was Asterios Polyp. Also really liked Bone and Dragonball, but not for their literary merit as much.

>> No.7479394

It can be shock writing and still be considered porn. Marquis de Sade's name is the origin of the term "Sadism", right?

>> No.7479634

Many of these television shows and movies are given birth from books. To say books as simple distractions are shit is to say you have a shit sense of imagination.

>> No.7480123

Continental philosophy is inherently inferior to analytic philosophy. This is a fact.

>> No.7480131 [DELETED] 

I read books for teenage girls. They are addictive as fuck.
I have read every John Green book and cried at some moments. I just cant explain it. Guess i was just those losers he writes about when i was in highschool.
I have read the twilight saga and it seems like their pages are infused with heroin. You CAN NOT PUT IT DOWN. Besides it could have been so much better if it just focused on other characters besides the boring protagonists.
The father of Edward Cullen was a suicidal vampire son of a vampire hunter. Tell me that story doesnt have potential if it was written by a competent author?

>> No.7480175 [DELETED] 

Holy shit. Are you me?
Also movie adaptations of 80s films by ghoswriters

>> No.7480185

>Tell me that story doesn't have potential if it was written by a competent author?
Alright: that story doesn't have potential if it were written by a competent author.

>> No.7480198

>both fixed his grammatical error and disputed his statement

U da real MVP

>> No.7480943
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>> No.7481097

Sometimes I like to sit down, have a glass of whisky and read Joyce.

>> No.7481122

>consuming alcohol while reading


>> No.7481157

This thread is the apogee of /lit/s jerking off all over themselves while smelling their own farts.

>I read Marquis de Sade with two mirrors. The subtle distortions that the two reflections make really heightens my guilty pleasure experience.

>Hmmmm. Quite. I find that reading books you've never heard of make me feel quite scandalous and sometimes I just like slumming it. pffffffffffffffffffffffffft mmmmmm, that smells nice.

>> No.7481348

>quoting the OP in a replay that makes it clear you skimmed about 2 posts and ignored the rest
Wouldn't expect anything less from someone who unironically uses 'apogee'