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7477121 No.7477121[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have to buy a book for a black friend.

What books black people read?

>> No.7477123

they dont

>> No.7477127

WE WUZ KANGS - Cornell West

WE DINDU NUFFIN - Jessie Jackson

No but seriously get him something by Thomas Sowell and tell him to lift his pants up.

>> No.7477134

tanheezy coheezy. "U my son? oh shit, bye."

>> No.7477201

Depends on what kind of black he is.

I'm black, but I'm not African and I read anything from pleb-tier genre fiction to the greatest book of all time: Moby Dick.

Is your friend interested in books? Will he actually bother to read the entire thing? Is he an idiot? Can he understand the themes of a book instead of just swallowing the words then forgetting about them once he's finished the book?

>> No.7477212

Same books you read
>source :I'm black

>> No.7477219

haha blacks are FUCKING STUPID1

>> No.7477236

Are you in all your white wsdom going to shoot up a school for christmas?

>> No.7477252


uhh schools are closed for christmas...

>> No.7477255

no i just say nigga unironically but it's funny when i say it sincerely because the blacks the stupid blacks through a looking glass are looking through my disguise, pale thin flesh. exposed. niggas know.

>> No.7477266

Get that nigga some Derek Walcott and laugh when he gives you that "he's a black author isn't he" look.

>> No.7477287


>> No.7477288

Give them N. K. Jemisin, she is a black author who writes fucked up shit.

>> No.7477296

I'm sure op knows this and he just wants to meme and be memed.

>> No.7477299

Moby Dick because blacks are patrish

>> No.7477431

Black guy here, most black people I know (me included) except for all the hood niggas read the same stuff as everyone else

>> No.7477435

Came here to post this.

>> No.7477554

Mostly conspiritard stuff in my experience. Fight da powah, stay woke etc.

>> No.7477624
File: 84 KB, 401x589, home_book_cvr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, as with a white friend, you will want to buy a book based on what this black friend is interested in as an individual. for the "woke" black friend in your life, as in >>7477554, I recommend pic related. this gift will cause you to look open-minded in blackie's eyes, possibly indicative of white guilt, which will win you points with the spook.

>> No.7477631


Except they don't.

>> No.7477657
File: 83 KB, 358x567, Hogg_book_first.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's by a black author so I'm sure your friend will love it.

>> No.7477794
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>> No.7477796
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This if you want them to have a goodpussy life.

>> No.7477807

I second this.
this is also a great book for kids or the elderly

>> No.7477824

>Hogg is a novel by Samuel R. Delany, often described as pornographic.[1] It was written in San Francisco in 1969 and completed just days before the Stonewall Riots in New York City. A further draft was completed in 1973 in London. At the time it was written, no one would publish it due to its graphic descriptions of murder, child molestation, incest, coprophilia, coprophagia, urolagnia, anal-oral contact, necrophilia and rape.


>> No.7478671

>is black
>picked moby dick

does anyone have that list of favorite books broken down by age/race/etc?

>> No.7478680
File: 150 KB, 284x475, iceberg pimp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a black roommate once. We both read and enjoyed this.

>> No.7478689

i remember seeing some survey of groups across the US and Blacks had Moby Dick as their favorite

>> No.7478702


>> No.7478990

The Bell Curve

>> No.7479051


You've got to look past all of that, anon. There's so much beauty in Hogg's world.

>my arsehole sympathetically itched for weeks after reading it

>> No.7479055

>What books read 15000000 humans?
Oh, dude, you asked a huge question.

>> No.7479067

invisible man

>> No.7479077


>le Bell Curve was about race maymay

>> No.7479081

Is this a big meme or he actually tried to write something coherent?

>> No.7479082


>muh ..................dick

>> No.7479111

>tfw I'm a man who loves thugs (who are down)

>> No.7479123
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I'd say it depends more on the person than the color of their skin. That said, I think this is an excellent book.

>> No.7479124

>and completed just days before the Stonewall Riots in New York City.
Its really funny how people try to make this out to be an "important" book for homosexuals.

>> No.7479155
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Get him light novels, niggers love Haruhi and shit

>> No.7479185
File: 32 KB, 435x614, White boy shuffle, The.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, if you buy him a book about black stuff by a black author, it might imply that you don't think he's capable of understanding anything by a white author. or it could make you look like a tryhard. kind of a catch 22. or, it could be a show of solidarity with your bad white self.

hell, get him Catch 22, come to think of it. it ridicules (white) bureaucracy and uptightness, is suitable for even entry level readers but not insulting to advanced readers, and is generally regarded as one of the most hilarious books in American Lit. funny is pretty universal.

but if you think this guy will view your gift of a black author positively, pic related is my rec. it's actually a bit like C22 in that it's humor points out social absurdities. maybe both books would work as a pair.

>> No.7479190

if he wants black literature, nothing tops death and the kings horseman. basically says brits are what killed second and third world cultures and that white people can go lick a dick.

if he just wants a book for whatever, maybe kafka on the shore? blacks love jap shit, and he gets some older pussy in that book.

>> No.7479248

Its amazing and not coherent. Hope you have a good pussy day.

>> No.7479286
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>> No.7479290
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>> No.7479374
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>> No.7479420

There is a 2nd one.

>> No.7479811


1. make sure your friend hasn't read ta-nehisi coates' new book yet.

2. make sure your friend is moderately-to-somewhat woke.

3. buy your friend ta-nehisi coates' new book.