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7474183 No.7474183[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>walked out of star wars after about one hour

Being patrician is suffering. And I don't even watch tonnes of movies, only novels.

>> No.7474190

>tfw you liked the first three HP movies when you were a kid and after watching the fourth you couldn't go on
>tfw you watched all the LotR movies as a kid but threw out the DVDs after rewatching them
>tfw you couldn't get into the Hobbit
>tfw you didn't watch SW 3 and won't watch the new trilogy

>> No.7474199

>You will never, ever experience a work of art or literature that hasn't been infested with capitalist intentions, themes, or methods of distribution

Absolutely infuriating. This is why memes can be so freeing: They're one of the only cultural ephemera in modern life that spring purely from the zeitgeist rather than from a business.

>> No.7474200

You just grew up.

>> No.7474202
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>tfw don't like Star Wars
>tfw don't like Game of Thrones
>tfw don't like Marvel movies
>tfw don't like rap music
>tfw don't like video games
>tfw don't like many popular youtube channels

There's literally nothing I can connect with to a normal pleb human.

>> No.7474204

You can always makes friends with other people who read good books

>> No.7474206

Do you like Breaking Bad?

>> No.7474208

It's mediocre

>> No.7474213

All American TV shows are shit with like 5 or so exceptions

>> No.7474214

Same. The only popular thing I like is My Little Pony, but I don't interact with the fandom.

>> No.7474216

tell us some stuff you like so we can tell if you're suffering from pseudoitis or if you're actually an alienated patrician

>> No.7474218

But this is the standard /lit/ feels canon, I have the same and 95% of /lit/ does so too.

Try not liking fast food, any kind of social activity, non-black clothes, any existing addictions, any holidays and any mainstream musicians... and other cliche stuff.

btw anon, decent hip-hop exists, it's just hyperunderground and hardly related to the core of commonly conceived 'hip-hop'

>> No.7474222

jesus christ the edgy children invasion is too real right now

reported for not /lit/

>> No.7474226

My Little Pony is more pleb than rap music and nearly every video game.

>> No.7474229

Oh also, not being into sports basically alienates you from 90% of males

>> No.7474231

You're a normal adult.

You're a mongoloid.

>> No.7474237

The best TV show is Kieslowski's Dekalog

>> No.7474238

Okie dokie lokie. ^_^
I don't really care for the pleb/patrician distinction. I just watch it because I wish to be the little girl.

>> No.7474239

Sorry that I offended your plebness with my sense of aesthetics, please forgive me mr. ebin Ad Hominem

Spot on, agree.

>> No.7474240

How do I find these people?

It's okay. I liked it enough to finish it, but I'm not crazy about it at all.

Even the most "experimental" and underground rap music either bores me on a purely compositional level (I rarely care about the lyrics), or it just irritates me.

>> No.7474246

>How do I find these people?
have u tried craigslist?

>> No.7474250

It's less socially acceptable to be an adult Star Wars fan than to be an adult who doesn't like it. I don't know anyone of my age who cares about Star Wars (I'm 25), and if I did I'd probably find them slightly pathetic.

>> No.7474257

>less socially acceptable to be an adult Star Wars fan
Really? I'd say they're equally acceptable in society and if you haven't watched any Star Wars movies, people scoff in disbelief.

>> No.7474260

I don't like any mainstream musicians

>> No.7474264

>any kind of social activity, non-black clothes, any existing addictions, any holidays

A real life fedora. I was starting to believe you people didn't really exist.

>> No.7474267

Not following pro and college sports is fine, but not partaking in any athletic activity yourself is lame unless you're some sort of cripple. That mind-body complex is necessary to patricianhood unless you're a seriously exceptional genius, and lots of those still played sports or worked out.

>> No.7474269

If you don't like T Swift, you are wrong. Red is one of the best albums of the last decade at least. Not even being ironic.

>> No.7474270

Not really.

I participate in social activities, I have tried some drugs, I wear all kinds of clothes and have a few gb of 'mainstream' musicians in my library

I'm just not mental over any of these things

also no offense but when we're at it, I'm most likely bit more handsome than you, but that's just a stat-based fun fact

>> No.7474276


Does going on long walks while enjoying the scenery count as an athletic activity?

>> No.7474280

Nah, I'm not going to spend 30 minutes of my day walking in place or jumping up and down or lifting heavy things. It's ridiculous and absolutely stupid.

I'm just going to take walks to enjoy my environment, bike around to places I want to go, and eat well.

>> No.7474283

Sorry but I only listen to cacophonous atonal hokum composed by middle-aged Europeans, it's the only real music being made today

>> No.7474289

>listening to music
It's like you want to divert yourself from what's pertinent and destroy your hearing.

>> No.7474293

Could you name them? Curious

>> No.7474296

>don't watch films or TV
>don't listen to music
>don't play video games

Get on my level.

>> No.7474299

I only like the things that David Milch made for HBO. John from Cincinnati especially is stupidly underrated

>> No.7474300

Oh yeah, I don't use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., either.

My social life is actually fine, regardless.

>> No.7474301

>uses 4chan
Basically if you use the internet in any way except to listen to lectures, read books, or get information, you're a pleb.

>> No.7474302

ITT: "Do I fit in yet?"

>> No.7474306

>missing out on all these long and epic-scale masterpieces of euphony

>missing out on all the cinematic katharsis achieved through experiencing your own life explained to you via that one crushing avantgarde french movie

can't get more pleb.
that's fine, but the above..

>> No.7474308

Yes but they are appropriated by the consumption apparatus pretty quickly

>> No.7474321

What DO you guys like?

>> No.7474327

Ulysses, Gravity's Rainbow and Infinite Jest

>> No.7474329

I only find satisfaction in silent contemplation and marathonic tantric sex sessions, everything else feels rather banal and meaningless.

>> No.7474333


>> No.7474338

Good food, good art, and beautiful women.

>> No.7474339
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nice memes

>> No.7474343

Aesthetic experience and interesting women

>> No.7474344


I like Terrence Malick and Robert Altman movies, most HBO dramas, classical music from Bach to Stravinsky (can't really get into much of it before or after them) and alternative/indie rock from up to and including the 90s.

>> No.7474346

earnestly believing the pleb/patrician meme is about the most fedora thing you can do

>> No.7474347

Shitty in-jokes only survive for so long before they're stolen from you.

Even when you try to revolt by being as obscene as possible, someone will monetize it by turning it into news.

>> No.7474349

True patricians only listen to Bach and before, Ives and after.

>> No.7474350

>liking things

literally couldn't be more pleb

>> No.7474353

As much as I try to tell myself that I'm no better than anyone else for liking less mainstream stuff, on a practical level it's draining. It's not like I ruin conversations by announcing that my friends have shit taste, but we're all aware of this weird superiority/inferiority complex about it. Like, there will be all these conversations like:

>"Anon, you just HAVE to watch Breaking Bad."
>I saw the first few episodes and I wasn't into it. I'm just not into TV dramas.
>"Oh I'm sure your tastes are too REFINED lolololol"

Like, I don't want to be a dick about it, but I almost get the sense that there's a bit of jealousy on their part. If I had to be honest I'd tell them I don't watch much TV (there are literally only 5 good shows) because I'd rather read a good novel or philosophy, but that's so autistic I can't bring myself to say it. And I like being around them, but whenever they get excited about a new superhero/sci-fi movie, I can't help but feel detached from them. And yet, there's always this undercurrent of "Well, I'm sure you'd REALLY like it if you just tried! It's just for fun you know :)" no matter how many times I'm forced to watch shit on Netflix that I genuinely dislike. It seems hard for them to imagine that someone would actually enjoy reading philosophy rather than just read it for bragging rights. And I can't even mention anything I read that really affects me because they just assume I'm trying to posture. I've almost become ashamed of my hobbies. Whenever I'm reading a book that has a reputation for being difficult or has a complicated title, I try my best to hide the cover when I'm in public.

>> No.7474354

This is extremely /tv///mu/-tier taste lol

>> No.7474358

>tfw don't like rap music

>Shabazz Palaces
>Aesop Rock
>MF Doom
>J Dilla
>DJ Shadow
>Open Mike Eagle
>death grips
>The Constructus Corporation
>Uncommon Nasa
>Digable Planets

Rap has something for everyone.

>> No.7474361

>there are literally only 5 good shows
which are they

>> No.7474362

k there Hemingway

>> No.7474365

This list has only like 3 decent artists though.

>> No.7474366


It's common knowledge that in every area of art, there are people with little knowledge of it and who don't like to explore it beyond the most conventional works, and there are people who do have extensive knowledge and use it to explore the wide variety of works and artists in that area, including the most difficult and obscure ones.

Calling them patricians or plebs may be silly, but it's a silly name for a real division of people.

>> No.7474373

I'll bet those 3 aren't even decent

>> No.7474379

You've listened to at least one full album from each? Unless you have, your opinion has no weight. If you have, then I have a different opinion and different preferences.

>> No.7474384

White people who like rap are so lame.

>> No.7474386

'decent' for the genre's standards, you can't expect any rapper to put out a Deathconsciousness just like you can't expect A. Camus to drop a fucking 900 pages stream of consciousness & muh Homer xD hi-modernist tome.

We do then have a different opinion and preferencesbut like really, don't you feel like a few of these artists are even one tier above the rest?

>> No.7474388


I've listened to Aesop Rock, J Dilla, Madlib, Dalek, and Death Grips, and as said before, either I didn't find them very interesting, or they just sounded irritating.

I do like DJ Shadow though.

>> No.7474389

What about the white people who make rap, like Eminem

>> No.7474393

>you can't expect any rapper to put out a Deathconsciousness
Good, I wish no one would do that

>> No.7474395

Let's see your own lists then. No one cares about your opinions until you post artists that are good, in your opinion.

>> No.7474396

nice meme ;) upboat'd

>> No.7474401

I'm quite fond of Ondrej Adamek, Iannis Xenakis, Alberto Ginastera, Sylvano Bussotti, Beat Furrer, Armando Corridore, Pierre Jodlowski, Philippe Hurel, Joel-Francois Durand, Yoshihisa Taira, Marc Andre, Richard Barrett, Niccolo Castiglioni, Salvatore Sciarrino, Romuald Grinblat and Iancu Dumitrescu

>> No.7474416
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>mfw these plebs have probably never watched a film by 佐藤寿保 [Hisayasu Sato], Rafael Corkidi, 小川紳介 [Shinsuke Ogawa], Alain Fleischer, Bill Gunn, 吴文光 [Wu Wenguang], András Jeles or Franco Brocani

>> No.7474424

Most of these look kind of bad

>> No.7474446

You didn't like Dilla? Did you listen to Donuts? I really enjoyed Donuts; it was like a box of donuts that each take <3 minutes to 'eat'/listen to.

I also found Donuts extremely sentimental and emotional because of where J Dilla was in life when he made it (he was on his deathbed; released the album on his bday and died three days later).

I can understand how you found Aesop and Death Grips irrirating.

>putting Deathconsciousness on a pedestal
Ehhhhhhhhhh really? I found it intense and emotional, but definitely nothing special apart from those.

I do find a few of them better than the others. The point of the list was to throw a bunch of artists at the wall and hope that a few of them 'stick' for the guy who doesn't like rap.

>> No.7474451

Well, I haven't seem many shows, but the only ones that I think are truly worthwhile are:

The Day Today/Brass Eye
The Simpsons Seasons 3-~9
Nathan for You
Twin Peaks

A bit of a meme-y list definitely, but again, I'm not going to be watching much TV if 99% of it disappoints me. My biggest complaint is that TV is fundamentally flawed as an artistic medium: the only reason shows exist is to keep the viewers watching long enough for the channel to make money from advertisements. Now of course every medium has its commercial obligations, but with TV the distribution method is inherently dependent on maximizing profits. Viewers can switch away at any moment and lose the channel money, so even the smallest artistic risk is too much. Every medium has its limitations that can give birth to innovation, but TV basically copies the techniques of movies to pack a boring storyline into 30 or 60 minutes. There is no room for experimentation or mystery: everything has to be delivered quickly and without reflection. Most of the time when I watch a TV drama, I just wish I was watching a movie that could actually spend time on developing themes and characters that aren't cardboard cutouts. I'm also more fond of realistic art, so TV is by far the worst medium for this seeing as how it forces the works to have 24 awesome super fun episodes per year, so any ties to reality are basically severed after like the seventh episode because the writers need to have the characters keep doing interesting things.

>> No.7474460

Chris Morris is gr8. Nathan Fielder is funny

>> No.7474464

>I found it intense and emotional, but definitely nothing special apart from those
But the 'intense and emotional' is exactly what it's meant to be, and the concept is executed masterfully. The pedestal is well-deserved imo.

>> No.7474473

I don't think it's jealousy as much as it's a fear of being thought of as stupid. Reading philosophy and listening to classical music are considered "smart" hobbies, while watching superhero movies and listening to the top 40 on spotify aren't. When you mention your "smart" hobbies, they might feel like their intelligence is being questioned, even if that's not your intention at all.
Try just talking passionately about your hobbies while also being able to joke about it. Hopefully they can see it's just your personal preference.

But I definitely know how you feel. I don't really go to the movies with my friends anymore, because I feel like I spoil their fun by not liking what they like.

>> No.7474480


You are gay

>> No.7474484

That's beside the point.

>> No.7474485

>rap music
listen to A Tribe Called Quest. The Low End Theory and Midnight Marauders are excellent
the rest of the stuff you don't like is garbage though

>> No.7474497

Yeah, those shows are the only ones I'd really call "genius" given that they take full advantage of the television medium. Like with Jam you have 22 minutes of freeform skits that drift in and out like a montage until it just sort of ends. Really thought-provoking situations too, beneath all the shock (like the woman who's so lonely she harms people for an excuse to talk to them). With Nathan, you've got this brilliant situation where his satire's so subtle that he can operate a pretty subversive show without most people realizing. The whole show is basically about how capitalism distorts reality to the point that sincerity can hardly exist (at least not in any commercial medium). It's Baudrillard embodied.

>> No.7474500

literally nothing wrong with business

>> No.7474514


Yes I listened to Donuts. I'm aware of his situation while making it, but I'm not so compelled that I'll start thinking the actual album is great. Some of the tracks are pleasant to listen to, but most of them are just uninteresting to me. It doesn't sound like he's making truly unique compositions with the art of sampling.

>> No.7474516

>The whole show is basically about how capitalism distorts reality to the point that sincerity can hardly exist (at least not in any commercial medium). It's Baudrillard embodied.
I think he's just good at pranking people but w/e

>> No.7474560

I don't really feel like it's a point of contention between me and them. The frustration is mostly on my part since there's this dimension of me that they're pretty much unable to engage with or appreciate even though it's honestly the most important thing in my life right now. From time to time I'll try to talk about my interests, and people usually say that I can explain things clearly without sounding pretentious. The problem is that the conversations come out extremely one-sided. After I read Being and Time, I was blown away by it and tried to explain it to my friends, just its most simple points like the difference between ready and present-at-hand, ecstatic time, The They, etc. I'm sure they appreciated it on some level, but how are they supposed to react to it? It's not like they can come up with a criticism or something smart to say about Heidegger when they didn't even know about him 15 minutes before. My attempts usually end with a "Oh, that sounds interesting, I'll be sure to look him up!"

The issue only becomes personal when I don't like something they like and can explain why I don't like it. (The TV show Fargo is a perfect example). They somehow feel attacked and try to invoke a shred of elitism to explain why a "smarter" person doesn't enjoy it.

>> No.7474567

Lol then why don't you just go make friends with a bunch of hipsters like yourself?

>> No.7474569

But is it really a prank, though? The only real dishonesty is that the participants think they're on a business show but it's actually for comedy. The ideas are purposefully idiotic, but a lot of the time they actually generate buzz and improve the business. He's not even trying to make fun of people--it's not like the awkward situations are mocking anyone. The humor comes from seeing situations that are like "How the fuck did it go this far?"

>> No.7474578

1. I actually like my friends, besides the above mentioned
2. I met plenty of hipster in school but after a 5 minute conversation with them it becomes clear that they don't know anything they talk about ("Oh, Heidegger, he was a philosopher for the Nazis right?")
3. Being around leftists is slowly killing me inside

>> No.7474580

reminder that master patrician pynchon himself enjoys low culture and none of you will ever have half the intellect he does.

that being said, i too lack interest in the latest star wars movie. i just don't think that makes me inherently better than anyone.

>> No.7474581

>no Paul's Boutique

literally the best hip-hop album. seriously, everyone with an interest in music should check it out.

>> No.7474582

Of course the show is a prank, and not infrequently humor comes from stupid shit people on the show say, though most of the humor comes from wacky shit Nathan does/says

>> No.7474598

IDK man this guy doing socioeconomic analysis of a wacky prank show seems pretty smart to me

>> No.7474600

>Le capitalism is bad meme
Ah western civilization is going to shit

>> No.7474610

ok fine, maybe that guy has 75% of the intellect pynchon does

>> No.7474612

Because ignoring stuff due to how 'mainstream' it is instead of its actual quality is somehow patrician. There's a lot of authors that are extremely popular and patrician at the same time. If you can't enjoy a movie because other people like it instead of the actual product, you're the worst kind of person in here.

>> No.7474615

yep. this whole pleb/patrician meme smacks of insecurity. Something /lit/ has helped me realize is that people who enjoy high culture can be as sheepish and unaware as the average prolefeed consumer. The high/low distinction is just another ideological construct. The concept of Culture has become unsustainable, it's all just information now, imo the wisest thing is making whatever you can out of it.

>> No.7474639

THe "prolefeed consumer"s already figured this out before you did, and that's where the word "hipster" came from

>> No.7474640

Spotted the Redditor

>> No.7474651

>The Simpsons

And I thought you were being serious for a moment.
Nathan for You is not even a TV shows.

Your expectations are just too high. Why can't you read novels for idea and all the stuff you are looking for and also watch some TV shows to just you know have fun?

Arrested Development, Louie, The Wire, Top of the Lake, The Revenants, these are just some titles that I liked and that you'll maybe enjoy.

>> No.7474654


>Incapable of appreciating everything in the universe

Must suck to have a tiny mind.

>> No.7474659

>star wars
>everything in the universe

>> No.7474666


>being illiterate on a literacy board

I could watch paint dry for decades and find beauty in it.

>> No.7474674


>Goes to watch space opera
>Expects avant-garde art-fart inhalation session


>> No.7474676

this is the ultimate patrician attitude, being able to find infinite depth in everything.

>> No.7474691

>not liking The Simpsons

Oh please. I like Arrested Development (watched the whole thing when it came out) and it's hilarious but I wouldn't put it in the same league as the others. I've seen all of Louie too and while I really enjoy it, towards the end of the last season it got really...self-involved I guess is the word. A few of the episodes would follow this format of Louie getting really flustered about something and then someone giving him a long speech to humble him (like the episode with the lady who owns the cookware shop: "You're just mad that you're going to die soon!" Louie: "Yah I guess ur right"--please). While I do really enjoy the show, authors like Robert Walser approach similar themes in a way that I find more subtle and illuminating. I'll check out the other ones you mentioned, though. Top of the Lake sounds good, especially since I won't have to commit to multiple seasons (which is the reason why most shows suck anyway).

Also I loved the show Black Mirror and probably should have included it in the original list

>> No.7474692

Actually it's the Stoner attitude, and not that boring book about the English teacher in the '50s that /lit/ talked about a lot at some point, but someone who smokes weed

>> No.7474693

Why did you even go?

>> No.7474697

TV and video games I can agree with, but you should try a film now and again, and you're absolutely retarded for not listening to music. There's literally no reason not to.

>> No.7474705

he was baiting.

>> No.7474706

>There's literally no reason not to.
I prefer silence or the sounds of nature?

>> No.7474721

I wasn't baiting, I just prefer peace and quiet.

>> No.7474741

nobody can be this insensitive to art, wtf.

>> No.7474794

Nah, >>7474692 is right. That's just enjoying noise and not exercising discernment or critical thought.

>> No.7474815
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Someone probably mentioned it already but
>I don't watch tonnes of books, only novels.

>> No.7474818

I'm not talking about uncritical consumption, but hypercritical, transcritical analysis where even adverts and pop songs are understood as part of the whole, the universe at once banal and beautiful, eternal and transient. Like watching tv ads at 3am and finding yourself overwhelmed by the beauty of it all, the sense of tragedy in every jingle and every burst of canned laughter. this is an appreciation that goes beyond irony and beyond sincerity, one that goes beyond the self and beyond culture.

>> No.7474830

Sounds pretty gay DESU

>> No.7474831

What's so good about it? Kieslowski just looks like watered down Tarkovsky desu.

>> No.7474834


That's not even the stoner attitude because stoners can't enjoy anything when they're sober.

>> No.7474839

>TV show

>> No.7474840

That just sounds like some New Age mindfulness bullshit. Might as well just take drugs

>> No.7474862

No. True patricians listen from the Carmina Burana and before. Anything else is the sign of a pleb.

>> No.7474871

>ignoring Mozart
Easiest way to spot a pleb

>> No.7474872
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>listening to anything besides Gregorian chants

oh boy, do i even have to say it?

>> No.7474877

>pre-contrapuntual music

May as well listen to the folk music of some sort of shitskins instead.

>> No.7474879


EU content has produced some great vidya.

The original trilogy is quirky and fun, but the secondary media is probably the only reason I love the setting.

Star Wars Galaxies filled my 8'ish year old brain with so much wonder, something about the creatively eclectic creature designs, the freeform terrain. It really lended itself to a child's aesthetic compulsions.

The game was still awful, on an analytical / technical level. Imbalanced, buggy as shit, pretty low man-hours to reach peak character development. I think the crafting was wonderful, but this was the sole exception. Also, lets not forget KOTOR 2, Dark Forces 2, and both Battlefronts. Sorry for discussing vidya on a literature board ;^)

>> No.7474883
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>> No.7474885


Are you me anon?

>> No.7474892

He's obviously being sarcastic. The guy is acting elitist but that show revolves around stupid humour.

>> No.7474898


>Aesop Rock

I love his "meme-deep" take on memerap. He is like Immortal Technique, but self aware and not schizophrenic.


Pretty memecore as well, but I still like his music.

>> No.7474905

I can agree with this, bit Rogue Squadron instead.
It was great, both that one and Rogue Leader blew StarFox and early Ace Combat out of the water.

>> No.7475029


>being able to find infinite depth in everything

You must really be a bitter little husk of a person to take an attitude like this and reduce it to a simple "stoner" mentality.

>> No.7475045

Well put.

>> No.7475208

I think that in the hyperinformation era you still have to be familiar with mass culture, though you 'have a good taste'. Say you have read most of Ancient Canon and Classics, thought of various perpetual philosophical questions and decided to be a writer. You will have a lot of clever stuff to say, but you will struggle to explain your ideas using terms which hodiernal people can actually understand. That's why having at least superficial knowledge about mass culture phenomena is important -- in order to be able to communicate with other people.

>> No.7475231

What was wrong with LotR? One of the best book-to-movie adaptions ever made.

I agree with the rest though.