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7473684 No.7473684[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"You want to become an artist? Good choice, it really pays!"

>> No.7473688
File: 45 KB, 565x318, dawson_crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It pays so well that you can will be able to afford a blazer, but you won't be able to afford a shirt.

>> No.7473694

OHH! Paulie! get your goomba ass over here.

>> No.7473726

Who's that hot Baabhabhiat?

>> No.7473731

Who is that copulation station?

>> No.7473735

Katie Keigh

>> No.7473817

Who is that flagpole tadpole manhole?

>> No.7473835

I always wonder how awkward the sex between old rich dudes and their rich young gfs must be

>> No.7473844

That's pretty gay

>> No.7474104
File: 555 KB, 1920x1152, houellebecq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying pumping away into a beautiful young girl with your filthy old body and seeing her visibly be repulsed but persevering with her eyes closed and her face in a grimace trying to think of all the money while you force your tobacco stained tongue into her ear isn't exciting

Marquis de Sade had a theory that what excites us in the object of desire is a reaction. This can be both a positive or a negative reaction. He claimed that people tend to focus on the former but that the latter is actually more powerful, and also more prudent to aim for because there is only a short window of time where you can, with a lot of hard work, make someone openly enjoy fucking you, while disgusting people comes easy at all ages and only requires letting yourself go.

Once you learn to enjoy your partner's revulsion as much as their delight you have paved the way for a life of pleasure, for at least as long as capitalism holds out.

>> No.7474131

Mock if you must, but who's the dude?

>> No.7474172

>>implying pumping away into a beautiful young girl with your filthy old body and seeing her visibly be repulsed but persevering with her eyes closed and her face in a grimace trying to think of all the money while you force your tobacco stained tongue into her ear isn't exciting

This. He knows that he is quite short, completely out of shape and ill formed. He knows that the girl enjoys the fact that he has money and influence, and that, if he was a poor young man, but with a great body and face, she would slept with him for free and for the pleasure of it (he knows she admires young men and boys and desire them). Yet in his case, he being what he is and looking how he looks, in his case he knows that it is only because of other pleasures that she accepts the disgusting dishonor of letting him touch her. He knows that she tries to make him ejaculate very fast, so that he let her alone and turn to the other side and sleep.

Also, when you are a bad artist, when you are a charlatan, in spite of everything the world tells you, in spite of the contemporary good critics and the parties, in spite of all of that, when you are alone with yourself, when you are on your bed at night, in the dark, you cannot fool your own consciousness - you are a mediocrity, and you know it. You know that there is a sublime alchemy of talent and effort that we generally call genius, but that you don’t even come close to it. Not all the money in the world, not girls, not advertisement with your name, or prizes, nothing will hide from you the fact that you are most likely going to be forgot, and even worse: that you deserve to be forgot.

Think on Picasso’s words to the writer Giovanni Papini in 1952: "Today, as you know, I am famous, I am rich. But when I am alone with myself, I haven't the courage to consider myself an artist in the ancient sense of the word. Great painters are people like Giotto, Titian, Rembrandt, Goya. I am only a public entertainer who has understood the times and has exploited as best he could the imbecility, the vanity and the greed of his contemporaries. Mine is a bitter confession, more painful than might seem, but it has the merit of being sincere."

>> No.7474189


This has been somewhat psychologically "confirmed" but in a different way. in that people who are sexually aroused by "bad" or "unpleasant" responses in their partners are people who at some point associated those bad reactions in a positive way.
Like rapists who think the girl is being overwhelmed or that she is actually enjoying it etc.

That all being said while i plan on being a creep forever, i dont think I would enjoy being fat or out of shape and trying to flop around on someone. Being ugly i don't care if that happens but I hope to hang on to my health for as long as possible.

If I can be an old creeper who fucks young girls who close there eyes my dream would be to make them cum against their will. Then they will have that look on their face where they came for an old man and be confused and disgusted with themselves.

I keep hitting the gym with this dream in mind.

>> No.7474262
File: 12 KB, 220x352, hirst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can imagine there being something exciting and tantalising about knowing you're a butt naked emperor of an artist to be honest when you come to terms with it. There's a different sort of perverse pleasure there, seeing people pay lip service to you while they don't believe in your actual merit, but being mandated by convention.

When I imagine Hirst having a drink in a solitary post-coital moment in his four-poster bed while his girlfriend is trying to scrub his acidic cum out of herself in the ensuite bathroom I sooner imagine him laughing than hating himself.

Look at the cheeky cunt.

>> No.7474341


It's called degeneracy. Any woman who puts material riches ahead of reproductive fitness is a decadent. You may notice how healthy women really are not for sale at any price; meanwhile, a decadent woman is only too eager to trade her body and womb for money and fame.

Look a little closer at these women you see with rich old men. You'll find tattooes, unusual piercings, cosmetic surgery, and above all a history of maltreatment and exploitation. They are damaged goods, and their lack of standards reflects a self awareness of that fact.

>> No.7474355

I like to think of Will Self, coked off his head, picking him up and 'wondering around with him'. Apparently Hirst didn't enjoy it terribly.

>> No.7474367

You do realise ability to provide is an aspect of reproductive fitness, right?

Women choosing men because they are pretty is degeneracy. Look at all the broken single parent families that are the result of 'emancipation'.

>> No.7474368
File: 165 KB, 545x374, ET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you sound like some single mother nigress whining about MUH REAL MEN tm

>> No.7474372

>Look at all the broken single parent families that are the result of 'emancipation

>> No.7474375
File: 72 KB, 670x350, self.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source? sounds kekworthy

>> No.7474394

You shitty fucks will argue about anything, I swear to Christ. Talk about books for fuck's sake, or better yet go read, or go outside, or something/

>> No.7474398

way to completely miss the psychological delicacies of sex for your reactionary slave morals.

>> No.7474402

I think he said it in some talk he was doing for Aberdonian students, probably to sell one of his books. There was a picture of him with a dog.

>> No.7474403


Ability to provide in the modern sense is an abstract calculation. It has nothing to do with sexual attraction, which is entirely intuitive.

Woman in general wants to have children by the most sexually desirable mate and then take a less desirable but more stable partner to care for her and her children. The bargain is usually struck in such a way that the supportive partner gets some sexual gratification and perhaps even a lower quality child of his own (lower quality because she will of course be older when she becomes pregnant by him; the first child/children are always the healthiest and brightest)

>> No.7474406

some baboon looking bitch

>> No.7474412


I agree with you that all western women are decadent disgusting filth. But go mope around somewhere else faggot.

>> No.7474414

sorry it's over your head, meat

>> No.7474417

that's why old rich men should do TRT, take HGH and workout like sick cunts while supplementing pregnonelone and dhea to stay immortally young

>> No.7474425

It's not over my head, I just think you're pathetic for spending your time bitching about Damien Hirst and his hot wife on the internet. Yeah, yeah, we get it: degeneracy, he's a hack, women are whores. Quit being so predictable. Get over your complexes, go get laid or something. Shit.

>> No.7474428


What psychological delicacies, you grandiloquent tosser? All that psycho babble is completely unfounded speculation and riddles with idiosyncrasy. Psychologists like Freud and Lacan were all cripples in some way, they transposed the mental disorders which they themselves suffered from onto mankind as a whole. It is reminiscent of what da Vinci said about ugly painters who learn proportions by doing self portraits.

>> No.7474436


Statement of the facts is hardly moping. I would tell you to go back to /lit /, but it seems you're already here.

>> No.7474439

Really successful men don't need to put up with single mothers though, although I don't think your theory is without merit among average people.

>> No.7474467

except for that one guy nobody is talking about that. we're just trying to psychologize what it's like to be a disgust man fucking beautiful women

>I'm a virgin

>> No.7474474

What does any of this has to do with /lit/?

>> No.7474477

Again, get over your complexes, or maybe go fuck a hot woman yourself and find out what it's like

>> No.7474504

>no YOU'RE a virgin!!!!

>> No.7474527


A lot of writers and thinkers were disgusting men who contrived to lay with decently attractive women. Sartre was a prominent example, but he had his witch Simone groom and assault the girls beforehand.

>> No.7474606

>The first child/children are always the healthiest and brightest
I've mostly observed the opposite actually.
And before someone asks I'm an only child