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/lit/ - Literature

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7473101 No.7473101 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7473102

Writer's block is bullshit. I've been writing for close to a decade now, and have not the faintest notion of the thing; it's merely a euphemism for slaves who want to make a living out of scribbling because they are too lazy to do anything else. If a writer has something to say, it comes out by itself, if he doesn't, then what's the point in WANTING to write? — Money, of course.

>> No.7473105

Wreite a poem about htis


>> No.7473128

Write about a space raptor that gets marooned on a hostile planet and needs to escape.

Write about a guitarist who makes a deal with the devil to play better and eventually goes on a downward spiral.

Write about 6 exiled knights returning home from their exile to take back their homeland.

Write about the busy life of a raven on a Sunday afternoon.

Write about anything anon.

>> No.7473147

Write about the life cycle of an inanimate object. Like a chair or a bench.

>> No.7473150

fall in love

>> No.7473165

Hello and welcome to Reddit

>> No.7473203

I have now 48 characters I've used in various short (real short) pieces of writing over the last three years. Some of them have interrelationships with each other and most stories I write include one or more of these characters.

It's sort of like my own little Yoknapatawpha County. Does anyone else do this? I just need some kind of story to write with these characters, but none of them are really strong enough on their own and they don't really cohere to any one greater whole.

>> No.7473826

rob a liquor store with bb gun

>> No.7473849

I think you created the chapters to your new novel senpai.
Check out the Idiot. You could do something similar.

>> No.7473907

Write about smegma seeping from your eyes. It hasn't been done and it's so wacky crazy reddit will read it.

>> No.7474441

I have the opposite problem. All I have are ideas and premises, but I can't be bothered to actually get writing.

>> No.7474597
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When I don't have any motivation to work on stories I've already outlined or anything else of substance or worth, I just write about naked girls.