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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 41 KB, 580x388, goodreads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7472341 No.7472341 [Reply] [Original]

Goodreads thread.
It's been a while since the last one.


>> No.7472345

No thnks

>> No.7472464


>> No.7472483

why don't you try writing an essay about the last book you read instead of marking it off of a list like a chore? is it because you never retain any of what you read? do you even remember the themes of the last two books you read? make something of yourself

>> No.7472510

What do yall think of the new layout? Sometimes it looks good but most of the time it looks like a mess.

That's what reviewing helps facilitate, you start to get in that analytical mindset. Unfortunately a lot of anons don't ever review cause of insecurity or laziness or whatever excuse it is.

>> No.7472517

Why does Goodreads recommend so many female authors? I have no females in my read section yet all im getting is shit tier unknown woman recommend to me

>> No.7472521

That doesn't happen to me. Why don't you try reading them you faggot?

>> No.7472524


add me. r8 me d8 me maybe even u can masterb8 me

>> No.7472527

i feel like nobody read them ;_;

>> No.7472573

why would i read inferior quality lit.

>> No.7472583
File: 6 KB, 148x160, 1448500206079s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related its me irl

>> No.7472585

Gr8 thread m8 :)

>> No.7472594

Well the criteria for recommendation is based on your taste. So perhaps you yourself read "inferior quality lit".
But really how can you make judgements on their quality if both you haven't heard of them and you haven't read them?

>> No.7472598


Sebastian here, I am not the OP

>> No.7472604

No I'm Sebastian

>> No.7472610


I don't mind the OP impersonating me, just so you know half of those Goodreads threads are not started by me. Someone uses my Profile for this threads.

>> No.7472622

Could you post that as a status update?

>> No.7472649

can you be my bf bb/

>> No.7473476

>What do yall think of the new layout?
I hate it. It's shit.

>I Will Never Be Beautiful Enough to Make Us Beautiful Together
>Mira González
That requires an explanation.

>> No.7473589


>> No.7473681

are you really reading those books? it doesnt add up in most instances. unless youre a savant.

>> No.7473700


>> No.7473760

Indeed, 8 books on 15 december...

>> No.7473783


look at the page number, most of those are short stories by le fanu

>> No.7473947

He had an accident or something, so he spends the whole day reading in his hospital bed.

>> No.7473969

>That requires an explanation.

met her this summer. was curious. why do you ask?

>> No.7474067

possibly, but how the fuck do you read spinoza's ethics in a day? or dostojewski's elephants? or canetti...

>> No.7474079


canetti read from 7-9 december
spinoza 3-4 december

>> No.7474091

>dostojewski's elephants
his big books take me a long time, I think brother k. took me 12 days, but I wasn't as experienced a reader back then, I think I could read in 3 days now.

>> No.7474236

two stars - bad
three stars - good
four stars - /lit/-core books

did I get that right?

>> No.7474594

1 bad
2 meh
3 ok, can see why famous
4 great
5 favourites

>> No.7474984

1. Bad
2. Acceptable.
3. Good
4. Very Good.
5. Great/Amazing

>> No.7474997

Fuck all the others, and follow mine

1. Double Shite
2. Shite
3. Ehhhh
4. Very Good
5. Very Good

>> No.7475133


there are hard-coded tool tips on Goodreads for the star system. 2=okay 3=I liked it etc.

>> No.7475140


looks like they removed them

>> No.7475411


>> No.7475426

>The Little Prince
>3 stars

You're dead inside.

>> No.7475454

1. an absolute atrocity
2. bad
3. meh
4. quite good
5. brilliant.

>> No.7475634


I write an essay about every book I read, but I am too shy to post them on Goodreads

>> No.7475640

I bet you have nice feet.

>> No.7475655


Don't hate me for being plebby.

>> No.7475812


Just updated this today.

>inb4 pleb

>> No.7475847


Hi /lit/ :3

>> No.7475854

Hi will

>> No.7475895


Hi, how are you Will?

>> No.7475904

>Another one of these SEbastian threads

Can't you use krautchan de

>> No.7475908


I said before, someone uses my profile for these threads, I am the real Sebastian and I am not the OP

>> No.7475914

You're not the biggest fan of Marlowe? I really liked Doctor Faustus.

>> No.7475918


3 stars= I liked it. Look at my rating distribution. That said, Goethe did it so much better.

>> No.7475990

oh, right

>> No.7476028

Doing very well. You?

>> No.7476042

You're a legend now

>> No.7476072


But I don't want to be a legend, I am very shy

>> No.7476091

be my bf sebsan

>> No.7476101


do you have penis?

>> No.7476110

i-if you want

>> No.7476119

>But I don't want to be a legend
That's the spirit.
No legend wants to be a legend.

>> No.7476242

good evening

>> No.7476647

wie liest du so viel, man?

>> No.7476685

ever tried librarything?

>> No.7477052

>free up to 200 books
Pretty much everyone here has read more than that.
I like having lists of books read/want to read, but not as much as to pay for it.

>> No.7477055

We have the exact same birthday

>> No.7477130

Reading without stopping.
Lot of focus, like a monk?
And being Russian, that's important too.

>> No.7477712


Ssst we're twins

>> No.7477718

Yeah, I should've given it 1 star.

>> No.7478093

As strange as this comment is I can see where you got it from. I bet her feet smell like a rosy soap, clean and soft.

>> No.7478097

hi friends how's it going friends friend me

>> No.7478126
File: 180 KB, 821x1095, IMG_5573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you're samefagging this hard.
Anyway, enjoy the flakes

>> No.7478139

What kind of f is that you nonce cunt

>> No.7478142

so gross desu

>> No.7478150
File: 173 KB, 912x684, IMG_5576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this any better?

>> No.7478183


>> No.7478198


>> No.7478212
File: 28 KB, 375x360, image_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7478218

>I bet you're samefagging this hard.
Not a samefag.
I wrote the comment about your feet.
Now I take it back.

>> No.7478229

honestly it makes me feel uncomfortable this picture. Can you please cut your nails, take a bath and use a cream?

>> No.7478240
File: 83 KB, 395x281, 100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7478261


Yep, we're twins

>> No.7478276

Too lazy to cut my nails in winter, but I do use creams etc. I just have very dry skin.

>> No.7478455

Queen of feet tb.h

>> No.7478475

I only have 2 books on my goodreads so far

Mice and Men - 2/5
Hitchhikers Guide - 1/5

Rate my great taste. Got the box set of Hitchhikers but probably not gonna bother with the sequels, not quite the book for me.

>> No.7478498

I give your taste 2/5

>> No.7478517


>> No.7478535

>tfw had you as a goodreads friend for like a year
I wasn't ready for this. Anyways, I don't care much for feet. They look ordinary/normal to me.

>> No.7478540

There you go.

>> No.7478764

I think we can agree any girl who uses her picture on a social media platform is a whore yes? Just look at the derailment to this thread.

here's my account: goodgofuckyourself because I read things I discover in a natural way not through an artificial echo chamber used to contract std's and bemoan social injustices.

>> No.7478806

Nice hair.

>> No.7478843


>> No.7478845
File: 251 KB, 750x500, CGM_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just started this again after deleting my old one in a fit of self consciousness. why do certain websites encourage breakdowns? maybe that's why i post here so often. sigh

>> No.7478850


>> No.7478851

>"yes it's spelled a-n-o-n"
>"ok and which one is yours?"
>"the one with the frog that looks like socrates as the profile picture"

>> No.7478852

Didn't we already get a toe?

>> No.7478858

Yes, but it's not that impressive

>> No.7478861

I'm disappointed anon. The only thing embarrassing about you is your self doubt.

>> No.7478862

What's there to be impressed about anyway?

>> No.7478865

don't i know it. but how does one get over an irrational fear of the self?

>> No.7478874

When you reach the sad realization that other people don't actually notice you as much as you think they do.

>> No.7478921

>expecting to be impressed by a toe

>> No.7478958

What mind blowing documentaries should I watch?.
I am a bit drunk

>> No.7479362

Wrong board m8. Read some Tolstoy

>> No.7479439
File: 146 KB, 1370x820, goodreads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7479624

Ken Burns

>> No.7479909


for those anons interested in vanity and dilettantism

>> No.7479928


I am cool yet?

>> No.7480565

This comment appeared in my dream last night.

>> No.7480664


someone please love me

>> No.7481227
File: 205 KB, 1536x2048, 1444676946296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7482573
File: 315 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On it


>> No.7482620

i like your doggy

>> No.7482647

You are a beautiful person.

>> No.7482683

You wouldn't want to pay $1 for a service you use that often? I mean, it's an ad-free site that they do have to pay people to maintain. I prefer not having ads and not having the guilt of blocking them either.

>> No.7482685

thumbnail looks like someone set their own dick on fire

>> No.7483028


there are ads on goodreads?

>> No.7483044
File: 38 KB, 540x540, 1450483826141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7484304


I wish someone would actually give me some fucking attention in these threads.
Feel free to add, message, talk shit, post fit, all that etc.

>> No.7485019

Here's some fucking attention.

>> No.7485513

We friends now

>> No.7485518



>> No.7485605
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>> No.7485714

why u such a fuccboi

>> No.7485763

sorry m8 I was just bein a cheeky bugger

>> No.7485769

If I'm only going to read one for now, the other one is gonna come much later, which one should I go with?

1984 or Brave New World

>> No.7485786

BNW is more relevant in terms of its ideas but 1984 is more culturally relevant.

>> No.7485928


>> No.7486374



>> No.7486757
File: 14 KB, 236x275, 9485d9554f2855826607af56a09a401c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you

>> No.7486762
File: 24 KB, 480x360, tumblr_mmefg1iHbz1r9g4gho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>currently-reading (242)

>> No.7486815 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 800x600, greek-wine-cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7486817

god greek women are/were always so ugly. they are uglier than most blacks

>> No.7486832

That's a distasteful picture to post in a blue board.

>> No.7486839
File: 221 KB, 736x1827, 85c476a5e68c034d328f3413ac5e5783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah nah

>> No.7486844

report me then faggot

>> No.7487375


>> No.7487418
File: 95 KB, 413x533, akhan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga u sound sad as fuck

>> No.7488019
File: 728 KB, 604x453, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7489633

But which one of you gives the best bjs

>> No.7489680 [DELETED] 


>> No.7489684

W e w l a d

>> No.7490457


wrong thread

>> No.7490566


>> No.7490660


>pepe in profile pic

>> No.7490667

>he's not a dank memer

>> No.7490810
File: 98 KB, 640x480, 1419729069070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga u sound like you don't even know what sadness is

>> No.7490915
File: 139 KB, 680x366, maenads (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you janny


>> No.7490932

I don't remember seeing a Goodreads thread of all things take such an unrelentingly negative turn before.