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File: 228 KB, 492x387, DFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7471915 No.7471915 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we attempt to kill postmodern irony

post one sincere statement and one ironic statement and other anons will decipher which is which

>> No.7471924

(1st statement) Ironic Statement: The sentence is false.

(2nd statement) Sincere Statement: The 1st statement is false.

>> No.7471925

I love apples.
I hate apples.

>> No.7471933

Sincerity is basically a narcissistic naivety, an expectation that everyone is the same as you and everyone different is just being 'ironic.' Basically the IRL equivalent of 'anyone who disagrees with me is trolling!'

Irony is often used as a form of politeness and a self-awareness that 99% of humanity thinks your opinions are shit and doesn't want to hear it.

>> No.7471937

OP is a fag.
OP is a fag.

>> No.7471940

Blacks are subhuman.
I want Trump to win the presidency.

>> No.7471944

Capitalism ruined the arts.

Crying is for faggots.

>> No.7471946

i love eating out pussy for feminism
i loved eating out pussy for feminist theory

>> No.7471974

What defines post-modernism?
This is s serious question. I'm sure if I get it.

>> No.7472010

The ironic statement makes both of these statements one ironic statement. This was a sincere statement by the way. Although that clarification was fairly ironic, but now this sentence admitting that might make it sincere.

>> No.7472017

Israel did 9/11

>> No.7472018


you're doing it hun!! you're oscillating!!!

>> No.7472022

the sentence is false? THE sentence? As in the concept of the sentence itself? Pretty ironic tbqh, not expecting that.

>> No.7472030

If the 1st statement is sincere, then we are stuck in an infinite loop unable to proceed to the 2nd statement. However, since the 2nd statement exists, we must arrive there, which must make the 1st statement ironic. This leads to the 2nd statement being sincere, which states that the 1st statement is false, which brings us to another infinite loop.

touche, anon-kun

>> No.7472036

Ugly women are more attractive.
Sadly, beautiful women are ugly.

>> No.7472058


>dimestore psychology

Take it to church amateur.

>> No.7472074

Y'all need Jesus.

People are stupid.

>> No.7472080

Dfw taught me to stop living a life of ironic detachment, being cynical, making fun of everything, thinking life was a big joke. People used to call me the funniest person theyd ever met because i had this mordant deadpan take on everything. One day i was meditating longer than i ever had before and i went deeper into myself than i ever had before and i found this subterranean layer of deep fear and anxiety that i realized i was carrying around with me constantly and was the real source of my constant ironic commentary on everything. I realized that sometimes even though i didnt mean to i could be cruel to people with my jokes and that when i made fun of my friends it was because i couldnt resist because i was addicted to everyones laughter and their calling me funny. I realized that dfw had been talking about living more sincerely and compassionately in all his books and that i had even echoed his sentiments to my friends and i would talk about his books all the time without even realizing that i was the embodiment of the sort of too-cool-for-school, surrounded-by-morons, cynical, pessimistic, sardonic attitude he'd been telling me for years led to the personal misery that i thought was just a part of life. So wallace didnt change my life per se, it was more that i came to realize that he was right the whole time, and ive let go of my toxic attitudes that were really, i came to realize, defense mechanisms, psychological shields, developed to deal with the shock of adolescence, that i kept cultivating and never let go of.

>> No.7472086

so you lamed yourself out because of "meditation" bullshit and a case of the feels? bet you're a real trip to hang out with now.

>> No.7472090

I love this pasta

it's so pathetic it hurts

>> No.7472093

Is that a Charles Dickens quote?

>> No.7472111
File: 79 KB, 500x332, grimes tub of mayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People used to call me the funniest person theyd ever met because i had this mordant deadpan take on everything. One day i was meditating longer than i ever had before and i went deeper into myself than i ever had before and i found this subterranean layer of deep fear and anxiety that i realized i was carrying around with me constantly and was the real source of my constant ironic commentary on everything.
Sounds like something I'd write in my diary, honestly

Except I don't meditate because I'm not a fag

>> No.7472114

1st statement is sincere
2nd statement is ironic

I doubt myself pretty often, and I get tired of constantly joking; my dad does it my friends do it, it's getting old. I want to do something about it, and I'm trying to do something that'll help people grow, but sometimes I doubt that I have the capabilities to do so, even though I still wholeheartedly believe that doubt is from the devil.

>> No.7472236

1st: sincere
2nd: sincere w/ a thin defensive film of irony

>> No.7472250

(1st) Godel's theorem to be honest.
(2nd) Your way of reasoning is mechanical and fails to see the bigger picture.

>> No.7472305

Thanks for sharing, anon. I can relate a lot.

Wait, is this really pasta?

>> No.7472307

But this is an ironic exercise.

That was sincere.

>> No.7472438


>> No.7472453

i actually relate to this pretty much verbatim

>> No.7472616

Who cares about math, numbers are for nerds.

I'm nervous for my exam tomorrow.

>> No.7472630

(1) Fuck the government.
(2) When am I getting my welfare check, food stamps, and free healthcare? Vote Obama.

>> No.7472641

It's every man for himself.

Why can't we all just get along?

>> No.7472650

1. I'm gay and I love to crap
2. Hitler

>> No.7472653

>ITT we attempt to kill postmodern irony

you cant...
we're stuck with it, because irony will always be relevant. family guy will have 30 seasons

>> No.7472655


>> No.7472657
File: 153 KB, 269x200, the pownage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking meta as fuck dude. this is beyond postmodern sincere irony, this is some next level stream of conscious shit

>> No.7472660

why is this so true? fuck man, its just true.

>> No.7472664

i love reading
i love reading

>> No.7472684

I have found that irony is unavoidable and inescapable once a certain point is reached, that is, once originality is valued as the most important trait; also once group mentality is shunned, along with common, agreed-upon value for beauty and goodness.

The only thing left to do is to stop talking about it, bring back the aristocracy and hope irony will be forgotten, and that future generations will not find out about it.

>> No.7472699
File: 30 KB, 414x433, right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are absolutely right. Im far too tired of voicing my opinion on certain situations where i might actually think something about a thing, and it being different than what someone else thinks.

>> No.7472710

I hope you are future me.
Reading that was like looking at all the things I know are wrong about myself but that I haven't been able to fix yet.

>> No.7472799


ladies and gentlemen, we have found our new meme sperg group to make fun of into, dare i say it, oblivion: le euphoric post-ironists. in this moment... i am sincere. how many fucking posts have i seen lately about people saying they identified with "good old neon?" there's nothing worse than this kind of two-facedly self-congratulatory bullshitting about how others think you're a genius, but really you suffer because you consider yourself a fraud. is this a stage every undergrad goes through or something? get over yourselves. this story you're telling yourself about how inhuman and desperate for sincerity you are is a fucking ego-ideal lie. you'd think you would've figured that out by now given how "postmodern" you guys are. christ.

>> No.7472804

i love reading infinite jest
i love not reading infinite jest

>> No.7472816

I think pure mathematics is an autistic discipline that has nothing to do with reality and blinds people to the beauty of human existence.

I think contemporary pop culture is worse than at any other point in Western history. People who like video games and superhero movies are dead inside and blind to the beauty of human existence.

>> No.7472871

>bring back the aristocracy
Wow, what a retarded thing to think of as both possible and desirable. Please let this be the ironic statement.

>> No.7472900

I like to read
I like too read

>> No.7473091

>I think pure mathematics is an autistic discipline that has nothing to do with reality and blinds people to the beauty of human existence.
do you realize what saying shit like this makes you sound like? a resentful failure

>> No.7473112

Definition of a humblebrag -- "everyone loves me, but really, I hate myself."

>> No.7473362

Go back to /pol/.
Go back to /pol/.

>> No.7473375
File: 434 KB, 1425x1425, 1448800023126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Viper is a good Rapper.

JJ Abrams is a good film director.

>> No.7473397

stale pasta

>> No.7473410

Following directions is for bitches and fags

*hits bong*

>> No.7473415


>> No.7473436


>> No.7473738

Shit, dude, you're totally right.

>> No.7473752

This statement is not sincere
The statement above is not sincere.

>> No.7473791

Op's game is actually more fun than its obvious flaws

>> No.7473881
File: 122 KB, 1283x935, 1446147591043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really toxic?

>> No.7473896


>> No.7473932

The first is sincere, the second is ironic

>> No.7474027

Gay people shouldn't get married
No one should be allowed to get married

>> No.7474029

what comes after the dfw purge is a machiavellian will to power

>> No.7474042

i definitely have gotten over you

waking up each day has gotten easier, more exciting and i hope one day soon to find the world anew

>> No.7474103

One of my favorites