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7470032 No.7470032 [Reply] [Original]

Remember, Kant wrote The Critique of Pure Reason at 45.

It's not too late to be a genius, bros!

>> No.7470224

Remember, Kant caused the Holocaust.

>> No.7470329


>> No.7470352

That kant be true

>> No.7470359

Don't know why kant gets so much shit. I think he's brilliant.

>> No.7470387


>> No.7470417


Remember, Kant fucked your bitch

>> No.7470423 [DELETED] 

What a cunt move.

>> No.7470430

Kant died a virgin

>> No.7470451

I love bringing hegel and kant together :3

>> No.7470504

I'm 47

>> No.7470538

How's the kids

>> No.7470551 [DELETED] 

do you still have hair? I'm 25 and it's going, going going oign going fast fast fsat.

>> No.7471073

Of course he is. In fact, his prominence is a major reason for why he gets shit. The other is misunderstanding (which, I'm afraid to say, the man himself must take at least half the blame for).

>> No.7471082

>the Holocaust happened
Good joke m8

>> No.7471855

Remember, Kant never went 20 miles beyond his birthplace and was so autistic that his neighbors would plan their day around his schedule since he did everything at the same time everyday.

>> No.7472686
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Kant was born in 1724.
He was 45 in 1769.
Firtst edition of Critique of Pure Reason was published in 1781.

More to your point.

>> No.7472711


>> No.7472717

not true. traveled to several other countries as a tutor

>> No.7472840

There are people still on 4chan over 26?

>> No.7472894
File: 82 KB, 736x798, sony-walkman-skate-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm 46

>> No.7473115

that isn't autism- that's a man with a fucking mission.

>> No.7473121

this. if i'm still here at twenty six then fucking shoot me.
oh dear god. how?

>> No.7473133

Yeah but Kant was writing about astronomy by 21

>> No.7473137

i'm still in my 20's, but why the fuck wouldn't you want older people on /lit/? what the hell am i going to learn from a bunch of teenagers?

>> No.7473205

And you are shitposting at age 16. Your point?

>> No.7473297

>publishing is writing

>> No.7473298
File: 90 KB, 480x320, kant-children-disclaimer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Daily reminder that kant was a misogynistic, patriarchal shitlord

>> No.7473314

Thanks anon!

>> No.7473317
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>discuss with children
>implying children are reading Kant

>> No.7473409


Prussians, they used to call people like him

>> No.7473452

I do that too.

>> No.7473773
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At the age of 45, Kant would have been writing, or about to begin writing, his Inaugural Dissertation, which came to some importantly different conclusions than his first critique eventually would. Though shortly after this Dissertation Kant said he would complete a critique of reason in under a year, it was about a decade before the project was actually finished, with a different argument and format than what was envisioned when Kant was in his mid to late forties.

So yes, there can be a difference between the year of completion and the year of publication, but if you know a bit about Kant's career, you know that he wasn't sitting on the finished Critique, waiting years before publishing it.

>> No.7475442

True, but Kant also surpassed his teacher before getting his degree, and wrote a dissertation against them which basically told all them "You're all fucking noobs".

>> No.7475518

Thought he wrote it at 59... fuck you OP.

>> No.7475572

I read Kant at thirteen to be quite honest family.