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/lit/ - Literature

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7468909 No.7468909[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is reading a woman's hobby?

>> No.7468916

Statistically yes absolutely

>> No.7468917


>> No.7468922

calling oneself sama is very inappropriate desu

>> No.7468927

I don't want to read many books by female authors because women's dramatic problems don't interest me and they're worse at writing male characters than men are at writing female characters.

>> No.7468929

reading is a women's hobby
reading is a man's passion

>> No.7468933

>there don't seem to be as many avid male readers if they are reading it seems to be centered on fantasy/sci-fi and some literary works by classic male authors (i.e. Vonnegut)
So basically /lit/?

>> No.7468947
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That is hilarious. Comments like that make me realise just how ignorant so many people are. Whoever posted that, did so as if it was an undeniable truth that everyone knows. Hilarious.
The reason theres no men visibly talking about reading is because it's not seen as some sort of status symbol to most men. Aside from discussing things on /lit/ I don't go around telling everyone that I read.

>''Look at me guys I read, I'm so intellectual. I wish more guys would read so I'm not the only one reading uhhh omg! Like, why is there no men reading? They don't even have goodreads accounts or share pointless videos of tumblr girls giving their worthless uneducated opinion on literature that they are barely able to grasp, like uhhhhh. Men should read books by women even though most of the best books are written by men but uhhh they should still read the women ones because its 2015 right guys''

Fuck, I hate cunts like that.

>> No.7468951

>I'm a loser with no friends that I can talk to, women aren't rill gaymers, Like omg I'm so smart

>> No.7468956

Girl detected

>> No.7468958
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x720, kek.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But your post is all projection you sad sack of shit. Why do people still do this? Not everyone on 4chan is a fucking friendless virgin neckbeard who watches and masturbates to cartoons, like you.

>> No.7468959

I've never read a book by a female author by choice, that's for sure. I've never avoided female authors deliberately, but I've never come across a book that I was interested in reading by a female author.

>> No.7468969

You just made me realize I will graduate next year, will probably lose contact with some uni friends and I won't just be able to discuss books with anyone.
What do?

>> No.7468971

Most books by women are erotic novels anyway.

>> No.7468978

Someone needs to compile a list of female authors in the 1700's-1900's who were painfully average to decent at best and aren't remembered anymore. I remember when reading up on Rousseau there was a few females writing books in his time mentioned here and there.

Even some of the most popular books of the times for men are forgotten as well, for example Julie or the new heloise by roussaeu, wonder why that is.

>> No.7468986

I don't want to read what women write because generally the best authors are male. There's exceptions - Wedgewood for history, Highsmith is OK. Can't compare however to the same male authors in their genre.

>> No.7469002

As with most everything in society, plenty of women read and dabble in reading, more than men, but you simply won't find the same passion and obsessive day in and out manic attention and sniffing of intricacies and words and sentence structures of books in women that happens with men, who tend to take things to the extreme. Corollary to this are why there are quite few female writers worthy of being read (although some definitely exist).

Personally I'm open to reading any good book, but time is limited and it just so happens all my favorite books so far have been written by white men, and I've mostly meh'd at the books written by women, though certainly not all, so there's definitely the notion, self-imposed, that since getting into a book is a gamble of many hours of your time you're going to want to throw the dice with the potential best things you can possibly be reading

>> No.7469007

I spent two paragraphs typing this out, well put anon

>> No.7469012

A roastie one at that

>> No.7469013
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>classic male authors

>> No.7469043

From what I've seen it seems like women are always the ones obsessed with Vonnegut.

>> No.7469066

Aren't you projecting even harder?

>> No.7469100

No. That is the average 4chan user. A lot of them will admit it openly...

>> No.7469115

Here in fFrance nobody reads the new heloise for fun or by default but they certainly read it because it's Rousseau. It's part of academic knowledge, of general culture when studying literature at a higher level.
So I guess you're right, but we have to differentiate readers and reasons to read.

>> No.7469125

So is she upset that men don't read the type of books you'd be able to buy at an airport?

>> No.7469153
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>there just doesn't seem to be as many avid male readers
Reading is for attention, got it.
>and some literary works by classic male authors
>male authors
She had to throw it in, missed some 'patriarchy' and 'misogyny'.
Even guys who are into reading, like most of /lit/, haven't read all of the classics, and even reading a 'classic' in itself can be difficult because there might be a lot you miss on a first reading compared to whatever drivel this dumbass reads where everything in it couldn't be more clear cut. And why read some mediocre 2010+5 book when you can bust out a book that's so good it's regarded a classic? This idiot's name, crazysomething, is fitting.
>to also read books by female authors
Remember /lit/, doesn't matter whether the book is good or not, it's the gender of the author that's the real key. Fucking tumblr, or reddit or whatever place this retard is from.

The Schope agrees.

dude teehee scandinavian crime-drama books are like the best books EVER

>> No.7469247

If women really want something they are usually willing to exchange pussy or at minimum fellatio. If they aren't willing to swallow paste to get you to read Eat Pray Love then they don't really want it bad enough.
Filthy whores.

>> No.7469270

Reading is a genderless hobby,, however, my impression is that more women than men read frequently.

The critique against 'female readers' here is basically the same as it was when the novel entered the mainstream, which would make it about three hundred years old: "women only read trash, real men read x".

At the time, poetry was manly. Today, it's basically the 'modern classics', as opposed to whatever women are into.

>> No.7469271


Someone in that pic has been poisoning his soul over at Chateau Heartiste.

Sociopaths make great demagogues.

>> No.7469280


>> No.7469283
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>there are a lot of people doing videos about books and the vast majority of them are women

>> No.7469287

>all the videos are women showing off the YAshit they've read in the past month
>they talk about each book the same way they'd talk about the newest transformer movie

>> No.7469301

So the experience of reading YA-fiction as a young adult is somehow less 'true' than watching a movie?

>> No.7469309

What do you mean by a 'true' experience?

>> No.7469339
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A good rule of thumb is that women form leptokurtic distributions and men form platykurtic distributions. In terms of reading this means that women, in general, read more than men (so reading is viewed as a 'girly' hobby); however, if you compare a female reader and a male reader the male reader will, in general, be much more invested, interested, avid etc. than his female counterpart. Same applies for writers - there are many more female writers, but at the higher end of literature men dominate the field.

>> No.7469362

Thread summary: men-1, women-0. Men win again. Verdict: still better than women. Margin: much, much better (in every way, it seems). The real question is: do we really need to keep having these contests when we all already know the answer? Go men!

>> No.7469365

Women are so stupid lol

>> No.7469367

upboated, friend

>> No.7469374

>Remember /lit/, doesn't matter whether the book is good or not, it's the gender of the author that's the real key.
The idea of purposely reading women writers doesn't imply this. Learn to think.

>> No.7469376

Did you read OP's picture?

>> No.7469379

it can.

and there's nothing clearly defined about the "idea" of it that says it won't and doesn't. real life things don't imply other real life things unless you define them precisely. learn to blink; your eyes are watering.

>> No.7469385


>> No.7469392

Why do women always reply like this? It doesn't seem wrong per se, but it suggests there is something wrong underlying it, since every woman does this.

>> No.7469408

Reading to show yourself reading is a woman's hobby, like dressing up or talking about something to attract attention.
Reading because you like it is a man's hobby.

>> No.7469414

I'm not a woman. Why would you even think that.

>> No.7469419

Did she just say she doesn't want men to read fantasy, scifi, or books written by men

That's most of literature in general

What the fuck

>> No.7469427

You're just a simple faggot then, I suppose

>> No.7469430

>Did she just say she doesn't want men to read fantasy, scifi, or books written by men
No, she did not say that.

>> No.7469436


Are you a roastie? If you are, can you please leave the premises?

>> No.7469467

"Crazynekosama" no less.
Why the fuck would I listen to anyone going by that name. O wait. That's right, I won't.

>> No.7469476

Dont lie to me boy I can smell your pussy from here

>> No.7469482

Is popcorn the same as steak and potatoes?

When you go pee, do you sit or stand?

How dumb are you?

>> No.7469513
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>(i.e. Vonnegut)

>> No.7469526

I don't think reading is a hobby at all, it's a labor that has to be done, you can't expect to take in the "better" forms of information without reading. It's something you must practice in the modern world. Reading provides you with power over words you choose and a decent sized vocabulary is key for good communication, especially in business.

I'm not into fiction though, so there's no degree of escapism in anything I read. If you read fiction, I can see how it would become more of a hobby, just like watching films or listening to music, it's more of an experience than a basic human function.

>> No.7469530


>> No.7469537

>I'm not a woman. Why would you even think that.
Unrelated: Mozart is dead. I hate those jokes about 'oh lol mozart never died hurr he's still alive', stop that ludicrous nonsense. How could I stay alive for so long? He's definitely dead, so stop fucking saying he's alive.

>> No.7469539
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>> No.7469568


>no degree of escapism

What is escapism? Honestly, what does it even mean? Where are you escaping to? Why is it connoted as something undesirable?

Reading The Book of Disquiet or Notes from Underground had very little to do with escapism (as I presume you understand it) - in fact, it is the exact contrary.

>> No.7469590

I'm just saying, most of what I read for the past 5 years has been either technical, political or a philosophical work.

I have read fiction in the past I just don't like getting caught up in someone else's troubles when I've got my own to deal with. I can see reading fiction could influence your life for the better, I just haven't got back into reading it.

Maybe I should.

>> No.7470086

Frankenstein was great, but yeah, I feel the same.

>> No.7470089

I'll read books by women. I don't really care.

But The Waves was fucking awful and cryptic.