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File: 38 KB, 313x204, young-africans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7468636 No.7468636 [Reply] [Original]

Today I was on /pol/ and there was a thread with a news article about how a black dude was complaining that there are no black Hobbits or African themed movies/shows such as GoT.

It got me to thinking, what if someone wrote a High Fantasy book featuring African mythology, or if Africans were knights but set in Africa?

I think the liberal media would eat it up, Jews would love the idea and it would probably do good box office numbers if it was made into a movie because they would be promoting it a ton and a good amount of blacks around the world would go see it.

I'm thinking about writing this. Seems like the niche to fill to get published.

So, anyone know about African mythology?

>> No.7468647

>So, anyone know about African mythology?

I don't think Africans know about it, since they weren't too good at recording history and literature

>> No.7468661

A white guy writing this would be appropriating black culture.

A black person writing this would make it all about slavery and reparations.

Black people don't actually care about African culture and actual African people think books are toilet paper.

I guess if you could get a white guy to write it and a black guy to put his name on it, other white people may read it.

Any movie based on it would do poorly in America and flop as hard as possible in China.

That said, I think it would actually be a cool idea. Neil gaimans Ananzi Boys kind of does it to some degree.

>> No.7468669

But there's already tons of fantasy about Egypt.

>> No.7468670

That's a good point about China. Any serious blockbuster needs to do well ther these days, and that audience tends not to give a single shit-dumpling about negroes.

>> No.7468673

Like the fantasy that African-Americans are all descendants of Egyptian pharaohs?

>> No.7468674

we wuz kings

>> No.7468684
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Mirage was a really cool set and Visions was even better.

>> No.7468705

ITT: Ideology

>> No.7468712
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>> No.7468740
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I was thinking more tribally influenced than Egyptian. Plenty of source material for Egypt, though, but when I search "African Mythology" not much comes up.


Shit, I didn't think about China. Pic related, they hid Boyega's character on the poster as much as possible. And I am white, so I was thinking if I were to go through with this I would be the ghostwriter for it and have black person claim all the fame. Not too sure how well it would go over if a white person wrote it, the publishing house would probably even recommend I do this.

>> No.7468746

I'd like to welcome you back to reality any time now. This is what /pol/ does to people, everyone.

>> No.7468759

This actually sounds like a really interesting idea, OP. I don't have much advice, but I think you should go for it, or at least poke around and consider it.

>> No.7468763

unless it involves black people playing basketball, in which case the Chinese will eat it up faster than a plate of kung pao chicken.

>> No.7468770


Did what exactly? What are you even referencing


Thanks, my other idea was about a Russian bear trainer, I posted it on here a couple months ago, people thought it was cool but it kinda fell to the back of my mind.

>> No.7468777

that would presuppose you are able to write something of quality, pandering to le librul media or not.

>> No.7468782

your fantasy that, because of the jewish conspiracy, you will become famous on this idea alone. when i'm pretty sure you can't write for shit and will never even finish a dozen pages of this brainfart (now, how can i know something like this when i don't have any clue who you are? hint: you're from /pol/).

>> No.7468795
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>> No.7468800

>I'll shout at everyone who contradicts me "Reddit" in the hopes that I win

Mostly you just look dumb

>> No.7468801

keep browsing /pol/ dude. i don't care. and keep working on this idea. i'm sure it'll lead to great things.

>> No.7468802


>Jewish conspiracy

Jews run Hollywood and the media, this is not a conspiracy, but fact. And the media has an agenda.

Not too out there of a "theory", I didn't deny the Holocaust or anything.

>> No.7468804


Haha thanks, hows your Naruto fanfic coming?

>> No.7468806

like i said, i'm sure you'll succeed. put all your effort into this. the millions are coming. the facts are on your side m8. it's basically guaranteed.

>> No.7468808

ITT: Spooks

>> No.7468812

I was actually thinking about writing a loose script for a game, movie, or comic that involves Mesopotamian mythology, but I still need to do more research for it.

>> No.7468831

>Black people don't actually care about African culture and actual African people think books are toilet paper.
Says a white guy

>> No.7468833

>this is what fat virgin white boys do

>> No.7468867


You're posting on 4chan, what did you expect?

>> No.7468891

I'd love to watch the opposite.

White people being bought and sold by the blacks and mulattos as chattel. The sex scenes will be awesome.


I think the liberal media would eat it up, Jews would love the idea and it would probably do good box office numbers if it was made into a movie because they would be promoting it a ton and a good amount of blacks around the world would go see it.

>> No.7468925

I read the original post and knew there would be an SJW shill/sympathizer that would respond to that specifically.

>> No.7469052

I remember one about a evil witch who turned people in to stuff like totems and kitchen stuff. She was taking all young man away from villages. no one could get to her, because the totems never sleept and people were dieing from hunger. A boy of 5-6 years old dug a tunel to get to past her house and went to his wise grandfather. He told him to sneak up on the witch, and bite her neck which will kill her. The boy has adventures with animals and stuff, and finaly gets to the witchs house and no don't ask me why he didn't dig again.

>> No.7469057

So he sneaks in the totems are runing outside of the house and the stuff at home are the man from his village and they don't betray him to her. When she goes to sleeps he sneaks over and sees that she has a golden spike digging deep in to her lower back. And she cries, because she can't sleep at it hurts a lot. She bites the spike and tears it out. She feints, and procedes to fuck here, this makes him instantly grow to 20+years.When the witch awakes she is already far in to pregnancy. She turns all the man from the boys village back in to human and they have a procesion back to the village.

>> No.7469061


>> No.7469063

At first everyone is happy till they see the witch and the grown up boy no one knows who he is. They want to kill the witch, because she has no power when pregnant, and take her gold. Even the boys mother doesn't recognise him, but his sister does. The young man can't accept that, and they kill all the adult man and women, and all the boys and take the young girls with them. they make a new village and the wise grandfather comes to them on a throne and tells everyone that the witch is now good, because of the baby and that the young boy that saved everyone will be the chief now.

>> No.7469068

Them black bitches love sum dat big white dick namsayin? Muh fuh bix nood nugguh *smacks lips*

>> No.7469077

There's a book series about it it's called Noughts and Crosses. It's YA. It's not about the period where whites were slaves but the 1960's to 1980's civil rights movement in amerika.
It's pretty bad.

>> No.7469079

The witch is called Karaba and the little boy is called Kirikou. It's a french animation film. It's great altough sometimes it scared me when I was a child. I really recommend seeing it.
Burgers banned it because the women are tits out.

>> No.7469083

Don't know the names, my nanny told me the story. She had more about a mountain of glass beads, and a boy who rid on a cow, because he couldn't walk.

>> No.7469086
File: 813 KB, 1280x748, kirikou2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really should watch this film. Pic realated will give you an idea about the graphical style.

>> No.7469087

Wow that does look nice. Is that little dude with the ananas the hero boy?

And by the way sorry for my english.

>> No.7469088
File: 51 KB, 413x192, killian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the totems have a scene where they burn a village down. It scared me so much I shat my pants. (the film came out in 1998, I was 6)

>> No.7469092

yes, that's him.
Where are you from that your nanny told you this story but you never heard of the film?

>> No.7469097

Where are you from?
Not that guy but your english is perfectly understandable.
Yo tengo aprendido espanol, pero es no muy bueno. Yo puedo leer libros para ninos.

>> No.7469104

I am from poland, or at least my parents are. When my dad and mom worked in belgia, I was realy small so my parents got a nanny for me, and she was telling me stories. She was from algeria, her dad was a French soldier and her mother was african.

>> No.7469108

In fact when I was small it was much easier to understand other languages, then when am older. No idea why. For example when we were playing with children from other ambassies there was never a problem to know what we are doing, and we had kids from Iraq and stuff.

>> No.7469116

Seriously man where are you from?
My theory on why younger children can learn languages easier is because they haven't "associated' certain meanings with certain words.
For instance, before you know a language you might have an idea what "what" means but not know how to express it. But once you eventually learn your native language you can associate the meaning with a word. As you get older, the more it becomes embedded in your mind as with one word. While you are younger you may be able to associate multiple words with it, but as you get older the harder it gets to do so. And as a result the more you have to "translate" in your head the "new" language to your current and native language. But while you are younger it isn't as much of a problem.

>> No.7469118

jamaican who wrote a brief history of seven killings is working on something like this

i'm sure your's will be better op

>> No.7469126

Petar Guberina along with other slavs set up a linguistic system where they studied this problem.
Everyone is born with the capacity to pronounce everything but they lose some of it: anglos lose the ability to pronounce the french "u" who can't pronounce the enlish "th", no one can speak arab etc...

Also in the guy you're answering to's case he was young enough that they didn't need to understand each other perfectly because every child is basically interchageable.

>> No.7469134

yeah some of the stuff was rather complex. Playing war is easy. But when a girl tells you that now you will be playing home, and that your younger sister is now our baby, and you have to go to work and she will be cooking mud pies and you know it, and your talking a mix of polish/english/french and she kurdish/turkish it is rather stuning. On the other hand you find out interesting things like that tomatos in polish and kurdish sounds the same way.

>> No.7469165

that's interesting, thank you for sharing it

>> No.7469462


I did a subject at uni on West African music and around Senegal, Ghana, Congo etc. a lot of tribes have songs that are more like epic poems about great battles and great kings and stuff from over a thousand years ago, seems there is definitely material to mine there.

>> No.7469465
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>> No.7469470

>niche to fill to get published

your niche is hippies and africans?

>> No.7469560

>a black dude was complaining that there are no black Hobbits or African themed movies/shows such as GoT

I seriously don't uderstand this type of whining. Just write the book or script yourself instead of complaining how literature from decades ago written by white people does not contain black characters.

It's like going to an Italian restaurant and asking for some Indian food and getting mad if they don't have it.

>> No.7469563
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the 'we wuz kings' thing is a fucking meme
the vast majority of black Americans don't care and those that do don't know jack shit about Africa (or they would stop perpetuating it) they just do it out of resentment and feelings of inferiority
the rest of the world doesn't care, Africa has its own film industries
I mean it's a good idea but it won't sell as well as Western fantasy

>> No.7469586

You might want to try out some kind of gritty sci fi-ish fantasy in Africa with a Blood Diamond feel to it mixed with some strong corporatism.

Kind of like blade runner (sci-fi/cyber punk) meets blood diamond (violence, power struggle, resources).

You will be able to use the inventiveness of the poor (scrap, drugs, "old" new tech used, contraband, blackmarket, kind of theme) and the ever interesting struggles for power (corporations, syndicates, power abuse, corruption, resource wars, etc.).

But instead of the overexploited and explored theme of slavery, colonialism, etc. make the Africans themselves both the good guys and the bad guys, the victims and the oppressors, etc. Not the simple good vs evil dichotomy.

I would read it. There really needs to be more sci-fi-ish themed stories in Africa without "muh Egyptian star gate galaxy, etc." shit.

>> No.7469598

I think this touches on something interesting but everyone I have ever seen discuss it is going about it the wrong way.
The concern is that there are no blacks in fantasy. The obvious reason for that is this genre of fantasy has its roots in medieval europe.
I'm no medieval scholar but from what I understand if blacks had any influence on europe it was as saracens.
So many authors include blacks as a seperate civilization with a sort of arabesque flourish to it.
My issue is that on a purely aesthetic level I do not like seeing medieval folklore and persian/arab elements mixed. I think I am in the minority on that one, but it has always been a pet peeve of mine.
I also object to what some authors do which is arbitrarily assign race/gender/sexual orientation. I don't think the solution is to simply make some of the hobbits black.
I just haven't found any solutions that I find agreeable.

>> No.7469599

>please help me write a shitty fantasy novel that panders to liberals
No, go the fuck back to /pol/, retard.

>> No.7469612

>Saracens are black

>> No.7469627
File: 199 KB, 786x1017, Saracen_warriors_2_by_byzantinum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we wuz saracenz

>> No.7469630

guy on the right is like, 'can you cinch this up a bit i want my thighs to be more exposed'

>> No.7469648

Literally kill yourself with knowledge

>> No.7469682

>a study in "oral literature" (into the trash it goes) and a /his/ thread

oh my gosh i'm being absolutely slaughtered with pertinent information

>> No.7469703

>is against oral literature
>is against the Greeks

>> No.7469712

>A white guy writing this would be appropriating black culture.
This, you can't win with these people.

>> No.7469719

how can you not be frustrated by the greeks?

>> No.7469722

>this is what plebs actually believe

>> No.7469726


>> No.7469732

Any responses that aren't memes?

>> No.7469742 [DELETED] 

White guy from South Africa here. You're all a bunch of idiots. And have zero knowledge about anything to do with race. And culture. Get educated, get lost. Find something else to spend your time with, something more fulfilling and less quasi important.

>> No.7469776

>let me tell you about kaffers my dad used to kill them for a living so I know all about them

whitey pls

>> No.7469782

thanks for setting us all straight, white guy from south africa

>> No.7469796

>I guess if you could get a white guy to write it and a black guy to put his name on it, other white people may read it.
Yeah, but think about the backlash if it came out that it was ghost written. For some reason I'm thinking that could have bad repercussions if it came out. Like a white guy "using" a black name to make money. I mean, I wouldn't give a shit, but I just assume everything makes people angry.

Anyway, I'd totally buy a book like that. I just read apocalypse now now, and I was really disappointing that there wasn't a lot of African mythos in there.

I might get reamed for this, but I've seen a lot of posts on tumblr about this exact thing- this exact thing being fantasy figures based off of different ethnicities. Like Eskimo dwarves and shit. Actually pretty cool stuff. I'm sure you could find some cool stuff that isn't just angry tumblr bullshit.

>> No.7469866

>what is afrofuturism
But yeah, that was back when black people were actually trying to work towards something. Sun Ra, Parliament-Funkadelic, blaxploitation.

>> No.7470409

Are hobbits White? I know everyone in the movies is but the books dont really say one way or the other that I recall.

>> No.7470416

>being anything other than a crotchety old Christian white male who hates minorities

>> No.7470421

suck my brown balls

>> No.7471731

>Black people in white fantasy setting
Feels forced. Random black guy in time period and geographic region where there wouldn't be any black people. Or it will feel like Tolkien's "The Wiz"

>Black people in African fantasy setting written accurately to the culture of the time
Stop making them look so savage!

>Black fantasy setting with black people that have modern western values
Stop white washing them!

The Mel Gibson movie about South American tribes was aight, but long as shit. Pretty much exactly what diversity people want, but I'm sure they had some reason to complain.

>> No.7472481

I'm white, I went to majority black schools for K-12. I had some black friends who told me, "You black." I can tell you as a matter of fact that American blacks don't give two shits about African culture.

>> No.7472500

>Why don't [ethnics] just write stuff that involves [ethnics]?

Because they'd rather just whine about white people not doing it for eternity.

Congrats tho, you found the secret of race issues: White straight men are the only people on the planet who would rather "be" their achievements than their innate identity (racial, gender, sexual). Some rare white straight men still obsess over their identity, and some non-white, non-straight, non-men still have actual authentic existence, but they're in the minorities for their respective groups.

At the end of the day, blacks want some kind of recognition just for not being white, women want some kind of recognition just for not being men, trannies want some kind of recognition just for being weird retards, etc. White straight men will just keep giving them opportunities to do whatever they want, to be whatever they want to be, completely uncomprehending of the fact that all these people are going to do with the opportunities - for the most part - is the exact opposite.

Women and blacks WANT to be oppressed, because it frees them from the burden of exercising their agency responsible and therefore being culpable for their actions and failures. So, paradoxically, when you give them opportunities to escape or defy oppression, all they do is twist them into more whining. There are SECRET forms of oppression you don't know about! There are PERMANENT forms of oppression you can't ameliorate even if you try! Please don't make me stop talking about my skin color!

Take ten thousand women and tell them STEM has no women in it. Then show them two doors: one labelled "STEM degree" and one labelled "Whine About Not Enough Women In STEM Degree." They pick the gender studies shit 10 times out of 10.

Their minds are permanently fucked on ressentiment and inferiority complexes. Just be glad you're part of the Same.

>> No.7473530

how you black?

>> No.7473564
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Africa's a big place, faggot.

Don't treat it like a single country with a single mythology.

>> No.7473569

I don't care about African history. Its a waste.