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7468519 No.7468519 [Reply] [Original]

Best japs besides Dazai?

>> No.7468522

The only good jap is a dead silent one.

>> No.7468529


>> No.7468571

Takehiko Inoue

>> No.7468623

Kenzaburo oe
Natsume soseki
Yasunari kawabata
Junichiro tanizaki

If you like Dazai try the silent cry by oe. It will tear you apart.

>> No.7468735

Natsume soseki
Mishima yukio

>> No.7468738

Yukio "CUNT DESTROYER" Mishima.

>> No.7468908

Ito Einosuke

>> No.7468981

Don't forget about Kobo Abe

>> No.7468983

Yasunari Kawabata
Ryunosuke Akutagawa

>> No.7468984

>imb4 some troll posts Marukami

>> No.7469014

choose one

>> No.7469037

Choose both, now fuck off back to >>>/r/books

>> No.7469046

Mirakuma sucks idiot

>> No.7469062

yumeno kyusaku

>> No.7469067

Kenshin Himura, Tsubasa Ozora

>> No.7469080


>> No.7469084

And no, agreeing with the collective hive-mind of /lit/ without actually knowing why is not a reason.

>> No.7469089
File: 16 KB, 285x369, 19-24604-yukio-mishima-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7469091

Murakami is only unliked in /lit/ because he's mainstream popular.

>> No.7469093

Nice meme

>> No.7469098

I've heard people arguing against his simplified style lacking meaning. I don't have any opinion however, never read him. I'm tired of newfags saying "X sucks cock!!!" and then not knowing why.

>> No.7469158

Cookie-cutter characters
Hamfisted sex scenes
References out the ass to appear cultured
Fuck off, the /lit/ hivemind is right.

>> No.7469160
File: 163 KB, 480x720, p61549_d_v7_aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you guys have against Ryu.

>> No.7469163

enjoy your ban :^)

>> No.7469171



Where to start? What's he like?

So far I've read Dazai, Soseki, and Kawabata but I've only really enjoyed Dazai. Soseki was good but didn't really hit me like Dazai

>> No.7469173

they talking about haruki . ryu a little weird. wish more of his shit got translated ya feel me?

>> No.7469174


Which work would you suggest?

>> No.7469176

sea of fertility

>> No.7469178

Start with Sailor who Fell From Grace with the Sea, then Golden Pavilion. Then read the Tetrology or Confessions of a Mask.

He is really focused on aesthetic beauty and masculinity, and lots of underlying violence.

>> No.7469191


Thanks folks, aesthetics and violence seems interesting

>> No.7469195

he's not ''''bad'''' but he's not one of the best either

>> No.7469231

Not him but start with the woman in the dunes.

>> No.7469368
File: 631 KB, 800x2786, Kokoro1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you read by Soseki? I've only read Kokoro but thought it was excellent, especially as a period piece showing a country in transition.

>> No.7469391

That picture is funny, do you have more?

>especially as a period piece showing a country in transition
The Setting Sun is Similar.

>> No.7469435
File: 324 KB, 800x1443, kokoro2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool. I've been thinking about reading The Setting Sun. No Longer Human was great.

>> No.7469449


Came here to post Akutagawa. If you like modernism or existential writers then he may be up your alley. He's probably one of my favourite short story writers, up there with Alice Munro and Sherwood Anderson


'Sailor who fell from grace with the sea' is really comfy

>> No.7469453

Yeah forgot about him. I loved woman in the dunes.

>> No.7469454

Woman in the dunes.

>> No.7469457

Mishima is like an angsty teen when it comes to notions of art and beauty. He didn't like Dazai actually...maybe bc Dazai had a few unsuccessful suicide attempts before dying from one. Sounds awful but I imagine that's the kind of guy mishima was.

Oe destroys mishima's philosophy in, the silent cry.

>> No.7469486
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For all /lit/'s love of Christianity, I can't believe Shusaku Endo hasn't come up, and that he rarely even does come up on /lit/

>> No.7469493

Kawabat and Tanizaki are head and shoulders above the rest. And Lady Murasaki obviously.

Below that you could have Abe, Soseki, some of Mishima, Endo.

Then Oe, Dazai, Akutagawa, Ooka.

Then the modern popular guys. Ryu Muakami is the best, Haruki is lol but Kafka on the Shore is good. Banana Yamamoto is shit. Shuichi Yoshida is trash. Kirino can be fun.

>> No.7469519

I sill say it's also no surprise that mishima doesn't like dazai...considering the protags in dazai's books.

And oe has the "come back to reality for sanity's sake" apporach.

>> No.7469546

I recommend "Seven Japanese Tales" as intro to his work, easily digestible short stories with themes emblematic of his obsessions and fascinations.

>> No.7469557

Youve named some good authors but are shit at organizing them.

>> No.7471343

You've actually read him? What works do you like?

>> No.7471358

*best japs ASIDE from . . ..
plan factory . . . . . . . .. . .
check my elipsis and DUBS

>> No.7471708

Do you have part 3 my friend?

>> No.7471716

Why is he so dreamy?