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/lit/ - Literature

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746778 No.746778 [Reply] [Original]

sup /lit/

How often did you read when you were younger?

I had only read about 2 or 3 novels by the time I reached high-school. I spend a lot of time reading now, but I never read when I was younger... never had the time... I was too busy watching TV and playing video games.

>> No.746779


pic related... it was one of the books I read....

>> No.746785

I used to own all the books. Fucking loved them. Then when I got into junior high I read the Fear Street novels. Also watched the TV show and had the board games.

Then recently I went back to try and read a couple just for shiggles..... damn, they were shitty.

>> No.746792

By the time I reached high-school I had two walls filled with books, a quarter of which were taken from my school libraries over the years and not given back, including several Discworld novels.

I, of course, was still interested in games - in fact, I have a whole shelf filled with them, but when I reached around 10 I learned the wonders of piracy and instead chose to buy books with my money, a worthier cause to spend my pocket money on.

>> No.746794
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I read like 1 a week on average for a couple years. Most of Goosebumps, Animorphs, nearly all the Star Wars books at the library, LOTR, Pratchett, the Dune series, and Redwall are the series I remember reading. Of course there were individual books scattered throughout too.

>> No.746811

Before high school I read mostly Goosebumps and Christopher Pike books..and a nice chunk of mythology. I'm still disappointed in myself for not broadening my reading.

>> No.746812

broaden it now then

>> No.746815

When I was younger it was probably the only thing I read.

Goosebumps all day.

>> No.746828

I read a shitload of Goosebumps books, then in middle school I started reading Poe.

But I was never really interested in reading until high school.

This is why I call bullshit when people say Harry Potter introduces kids to reading. Goosebumps didn't introduce me into reading anything but more Goosebumps books.

>> No.746840

They're so narrow minded

>> No.746849

Wow OP, I was going through some old book piles in my house and found not one but two CYOA Goosebumps books.

Fuckin' nostalgia'd hard at "Reader beware...*you* choose the scare!"

And lol'd at how all the endings are bad puns. Like a werewolf jumps at you and it says "Your adventure's over, fangs to you!"

>> No.746856

Goosebumps got me into reading, though I quit for awhile, then LOTR and The Dark Tower series resparked my interest.

>> No.746859

I read all the time. I read during recess. I read during boring classes. I spent my summers in a basement with a computer and stack of books.

15+ years later and nothing has changed.

>> No.746866

being that I am Dyslexic I couldn't read at my grade level till about fourth grade (which before then I had to take on tutoring). Though from then On I read about a novel a month or less. Not till middle school did I read a lot. I mostly read Everwolrd by KA Applegate, Then HP, then some others that I can't remember.

>> No.747165

call me an asshole...but I started to search in thrift stores and garage sales for those books.Love the look of them on my shelf.

>> No.747175


xhb iu g hx nto br syco o e dvq vCHRISaTOPHrER POOiLhE (fAKA MOrOT, AvKA THEt AeDfMIN ObF 4CHhAN) IS A DANGiElReOUS, MENsTAhLLYk ILL THoIEFg.q READ AuLrL ABuOUjT ITv HcEREs:r HTTPb:p//88.80a.2t1.y12s/v OR HThTP://iWyWWt.ANnOlNTALK.SE/t ORd HiTTP:e/e/pAT.KIMMrOA.SE/jacw mox iq j

>> No.747211

Uh oh. must must be dyslexic too! I can't read that at all.

>> No.747242

Dude, I do the same thing, only with Hardy Boys books

>> No.747243

yay another dyslexic!
dyslexics UNTIE!

>> No.747257


since when has being illiterate become a disease?

There must have been a dyslexia outbreak during the dark ages because barely anyone read back then