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/lit/ - Literature

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7465901 No.7465901 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people make use of memes so much?
Does the use of greentext and memeing happens because of an unconscious 'satisfaction' of the poster given by the false sense of community?
What occurs in someone's mind, when posting something like
>start with the greeks
>reading translations
>being this pleb
? Why leaving the message makes the poster more happy than don't leaving the message? Memeing and greentext are not, for the most part, elements of discussion, each merely states a fact that is taken as a community-given, looking like a fragment of a framework on which the whole rests.

>> No.7465941

It's a way of affirming the community while excluding outsiders (those who don't "get" it). It's an animal instinct.

>> No.7465950

Why do you write in the language you write in?

>> No.7465973
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pure ideology

>> No.7465984
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The mentality that motivates opening threads like >>7465913 that we see everyday, in one form or the other, unsettles me deeply, even if it is to be dismissed as childish behaviour.

>> No.7465995

>getting memed this hard

>> No.7466054

Maybe I'm getting old, but I'm beginning to get sick of 4channery in general. specifically the pretensions to sophistication in order to flippantly shut down a conversation. The creation of /his/ has taken a fair amount of this away from /lit/, but it still remains: the filthy residue of /b/.

>> No.7466067
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you sound upset

>> No.7466128

Is there any picture of Zizek smiling? He seems to look grumpy and unkempt most of the time.

>> No.7466150

>unconcious satisfaction
If it makes me chuckle or smirk I believe it is conscious satisfaction. People actually enjjoy it.
Frogposting and feelposting is just visual shorthand for people who can't express their feelings in their own words.
The shitposting you mention though, I have no fucking clue. Those people are probably suffering from some mental disorder.

>> No.7466156

It's just basic trolling. It's based on unreasonable derision of something widely acceptable to make the majority of people "rustled."

>> No.7466160
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x800, zizek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7466169

This was so great.

>> No.7466170

Pretty horrifying desu.

>> No.7466172

>false sense of community
Why false?

>Memeing and greentext are not, for the most part, elements of discussion, each merely states a fact that is taken as a community-given
Except greentext often is used to present completely new information (even when it's formatted) and adaptability is what makes memes what they are. It's true they are often stock responses but you're being too reductionist.

>> No.7466173

Fucking batty boy

>> No.7466175

/lit/ is the refined shitpost board.

>> No.7466902

>Why false?
Because there is a biological reason that makes social relations pleasant for most people - dopamine is released at the possibility social activities and how they can improve the basic elements of life (like reproduction) through new opportunities, acquaintances, friends and so on - this conditions are not met by online communities. Consider the popularity of facebook, where dopamine kicks in at the news of a notification, which makes the service addictive - but in fact the social relations that are given there (and here) present nearly none of the social benefits of actual social relations.
It makes sense to do it, like >>7465941 said, in a real community where excluding outsiders has an underlying life-preserving instinct. Taking behaviour of real life contexts to online contexts make them lose the reason they happen in the first place.

>> No.7466905 [DELETED] 

Nice feet.

>> No.7466939

>dopamine is released at the possibility social activities and how they can improve the basic elements of life (like reproduction) through new opportunities, acquaintances, friends and so on - this conditions are not met by online communities

If the only thing you use the internet for is information hoarding, then yeah, but I've met tons of people online and it vastly improved my life. You seem to fetishize "actual social relations", as if their relevance didn't already start to diminish.

>> No.7466963

Its just a collective way of spreading "memes"

Every time you commit a meme (green posting, whatever) there is a chance for that idea to propagate to the collective and in turn inspire the re-use, modification, of the meme. This effect is tripled whenever some meta-analysis is done. You ask the collective a question and it will assert whether or not that meme lives on ( and be saved in your folder ).