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File: 28 KB, 318x371, Portrait+of+Friedrich+Nietzsche+-+Occult+History+Third+Reich+-+peter+Crawford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7464404 No.7464404 [Reply] [Original]

>"Women are considered deep – why? Because one can never discover any bottom to them. Women are not even shallow."

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7464417

No guiding principles maybe? It may be a play upon the notion of infinite regression. I don't know shit though tbqhwy family.

>> No.7464423

he has a tiny dick

>> No.7464425

An abyss is considered deep though there is nothing within it.

>> No.7464437


He's implying there is no fundamental core to their behavior; their characters are inscrutable not due to any true mystery, but simply because they are chaotic and erratic.

>> No.7464443

he meant "i inherited all my views on woman from schopenhauer because i'm too spergy to meet any besides my nazi sister"

>> No.7464447

a primitive understanding of the other then?

>> No.7464448

But autochemotrophs are actually really intriguing organisms, tbqh family member.

Please don't equate females with them.

>> No.7464450


>> No.7464455

>bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks

>> No.7464456


>> No.7464474

>not misogynists

>> No.7464478
File: 257 KB, 1700x1273, 1428981476608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women are not deep because depth is a meme and retarded spook, women are hedonistic-histrionics.

>> No.7464485

I don't understand your reply.

I am saying that his statement refers to an abyss, it is empty but deep. He likewise is saying that women are empty but deep. This is how they are not even shallow or have a bottom. There is nothing to them but the nothingness is so infinite in its character that it is beyond understanding.

That's my interpretation of the quote.

>> No.7464492

>if i put a picture of nietzsche before my spergy retarded reductionist rant it will make it seem deep

>> No.7464493

In other words a facade of profundity you envision in a canyon. You believe it to be great in what it carries but its greatness is in what is absent. I think Nietzsche is saying the same thing about women.

>> No.7464500

i'm merely saying that his 2 inch shaft could not mine the deeps that he desired. he should have just become a surgeon and jammed his fist down a cadaver.

>> No.7464501

This is a very sexual post, anon.

>> No.7464510

Oh I didn't think about vaginas. That's also interesting.

What a man desires is something that carries nothing, haha.

>> No.7464515

Perhaps to insert his will onto it; his will being his livelihood and his offspring.

>> No.7464516

But it also has value from the only thing it can carry, you mistakenly profound anon, you.

>> No.7464522

Perhaps that is the beauty of women: their emptiness that a man can impose himself upon and reflect upon.

>> No.7464523

Nothing so true as what you once let fall,
"Most Women have no Characters at all."
Matter too soft a lasting mark to bear,
And best distinguish'd by black, brown, or fair.

How many pictures of one nymph we view,
All how unlike each other, all how true!
Arcadia's Countess, here, in ermin'd pride,
Is, there, Pastora by a fountain side.
Here Fannia, leering on her own good man,
And there, a naked Leda with a Swan.
Let then the Fair one beautifully cry,
In Magdalen's loose hair and lifted eye,
Or dress'd in smiles of sweet Cecilia shine,
With simp'ring angels, palms, and harps divine;
Whether the charmer sinner it, or saint it,
If folly grows romantic, I must paint it.

Come then, the colours and the ground prepare!
Dip in the rainbow, trick her off in air;
Choose a firm cloud, before it fall, and in it
Catch, ere she change, the Cynthia of this minute.

Rufa, whose eye quick-glancing o'er the park,
Attracts each light gay meteor of a spark,
Agrees as ill with Rufa studying Locke,
As Sappho's diamonds with her dirty smock;
Or Sappho at her toilet's greasy task,
With Sappho fragrant at an ev'ning Masque:
So morning insects that in muck begun,
Shine, buzz, and flyblow in the setting sun.

How soft is Silia! fearful to offend;
The frail one's advocate, the weak one's friend:
To her, Calista prov'd her conduct nice,
And good Simplicius asks of her advice.
Sudden, she storms! she raves! You tip the wink,
But spare your censure; Silia does not drink.
All eyes may see from what the change arose,
All eyes may see—a pimple on her nose.

Papillia, wedded to her doating spark,
Sighs for the shades—"How charming is a park!"
A park is purchas'd, but the fair he sees
All bath'd in tears—"Oh, odious, odious trees!"

Ladies, like variegated tulips, show,
'Tis to their changes that their charms they owe;
Their happy spots the nice admirer take,
Fine by defect, and delicately weak.
'Twas thus Calypso once each heart alarm'd,
Aw'd without virtue, without beauty charm'd;
Her tongue bewitch'd as oddly as her eyes,
Less wit than mimic, more a wit than wise;
Strange graces still, and stranger flights she had,
Was just not ugly, and was just not mad;
Yet ne'er so sure our passion to create,
As when she touch'd the brink of all we hate.

Narcissa's nature, tolerably mild,
To make a wash, would hardly stew a child;
Has ev'n been prov'd to grant a lover's pray'r,
And paid a tradesman once to make him stare,
Gave alms at Easter, in a Christian trim,
And made a widow happy, for a whim.
Why then declare good nature is her scorn,
When 'tis by that alone she can be borne?
Why pique all mortals, yet affect a name?
A fool to pleasure, yet a slave to fame:
Now deep in Taylor and the Book of Martyrs
Now drinking citron with his Grace and Chartres.
Now conscience chills her, and now passion burns;
And atheism and religion take their turns;
A very heathen in the carnal part,
Yet still a sad, good Christian at her heart.

>> No.7464525

See Sin in State, majestically drunk;
Proud as a peeress, prouder as a punk;
Chaste to her husband, frank to all beside,
A teeming mistress, but a barren bride.
What then? let blood and body bear the fault,
Her head's untouch'd, that noble seat of thought:
Such this day's doctrine—in another fit
She sins with poets through pure love of wit.
What has not fir'd her bosom or her brain?
Caesar and Tallboy, Charles and Charlema'ne.
As Helluo, late dictator of the feast,
The nose of hautgout, and the tip of taste,
Critiqu'd your wine, and analys'd your meat,
Yet on plain pudding deign'd at home to eat;
So Philomede, lect'ring all mankind
On the soft passion, and the taste refin'd,
Th' address, the delicacy—stoops at once,
And makes her hearty meal upon a dunce.

Flavia's a wit, has too much sense to pray,
To Toast our wants and wishes, is her way;
Nor asks of God, but of her stars to give
The mighty blessing, "while we live, to live."
Then all for death, that opiate of the soul!
Lucretia's dagger, Rosamonda's bowl.
Say, what can cause such impotence of mind?
A spark too fickle, or a spouse too kind.
Wise wretch! with pleasures too refin'd to please;
With too much spirit to be e'er at ease;
With too much quickness ever to be taught;
With too much thinking to have common thought:
You purchase pain with all that joy can give,
And die of nothing but a rage to live.

Turn then from wits; and look on Simo's mate,
No ass so meek, no ass so obstinate:
Or her, that owns her faults, but never mends,
Because she's honest, and the best of friends:
Or her, whose life the Church and scandal share,
For ever in a passion, or a prayer:
Or her, who laughs at Hell, but (like her Grace)
Cries, "Ah! how charming, if there's no such place!"
Or who in sweet vicissitude appears
Of mirth and opium, ratafie and tears,
The daily anodyne, and nightly draught,
To kill those foes to fair ones, time and thought.
Woman and fool are two hard things to hit,
For true no-meaning puzzles more than wit.

>> No.7464526

You could have just linked us the poem.

>> No.7464527

But what are these to great Atossa's mind?
Scarce once herself, by turns all womankind!
Who, with herself, or others, from her birth
Finds all her life one warfare upon earth:
Shines, in exposing knaves, and painting fools,
Yet is, whate'er she hates and ridicules.
No thought advances, but her eddy brain
Whisks it about, and down it goes again.
Full sixty years the world has been her trade,
The wisest fool much time has ever made.
From loveless youth to unrespected age,
No passion gratified except her rage.
So much the fury still outran the wit,
The pleasure miss'd her, and the scandal hit.
Who breaks with her,-provokes revenge from Hell,
But he's a bolder man who dares be well.
Her every turn with violence pursu'd,
Nor more a storm her hate than gratitude.
To that each passion turns, or soon or late;
Love, if it makes her yield, must make her hate:
Superiors? death! and equals? what a curse!
But an inferior not dependant? worse.
Offend her, and she knows not to forgive;
Oblige her, and she'll hate you while you live:
But die, and she'll adore you—Then the Bust
And Temple rise—then fall again to dust.
Last night, her Lord was all that's good and great;
A knave this morning, and his will a cheat.
Strange! by the means defeated of the ends,
By spirit robb'd of pow'r, by warmth of friends,
By wealth of follow'rs! without one distress
Sick of herself through very selfishness!
Atossa, curs'd with ev'ry granted pray'r,
Childless with all her children, wants an heir.
To heirs unknown descends th' unguarded store,
Or wanders, heav'n-directed, to the poor.

Pictures like these, dear Madam, to design,
Asks no firm hand, and no unerring line;
Some wand'ring touch or some reflected light,
Some flying stroke alone can hit 'em right:
For how should equal colours do the knack?
Chameleons who can paint in white and black?

"Yet Chloe sure was form'd without a spot"—
Nature in her then err'd not, but forgot.
"With ev'ry pleasing, ev'ry prudent part,
Say, what can Chloe want?"—She wants a heart.
She speaks, behaves, and acts just as she ought;
But never, never, reach'd one gen'rous thought.
Virtue she finds too painful an endeavour,
Content to dwell in decencies for ever.
So very reasonable, so unmov'd,
As never yet to love, or to be lov'd.
She, while her lover pants upon her breast,
Can mark the figures on an Indian chest;
And when she sees her friend in deep despair,
Observes how much a chintz exceeds mohair.
Forbid it heav'n, a favour or a debt
She e'er should cancel—but she may forget.
Safe is your secret still in Chloe's ear;
But none of Chloe's shall you ever hear.
Of all her dears she never slander'd one,
But cares not if a thousand are undone.
Would Chloe know if you're alive or dead?
She bids her footman put it in her head.
Chloe is prudent—would you too be wise?
Then never break your heart when Chloe dies.

>> No.7464529
File: 73 KB, 630x449, Frau Im Mond image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but the void is also a space. A place where the phallic energy can come to rest. A home found.

>> No.7464533

One certain portrait may (I grant) be seen,
Which Heav'n has varnish'd out, and made a Queen :
The same for ever! and describ'd by all
With truth and goodness, as with crown and ball.
Poets heap virtues, painters gems at will,
And show their zeal, and hide their want of skill.
'Tis well—but, artists! who can paint or write,
To draw the naked is your true delight.
That robe of quality so struts and swells,
None see what parts of nature it conceals.
Th' exactest traits of body or of mind,
We owe to models of an humble kind.
If Queensbury to strip there's no compelling,
'Tis from a handmaid we must take a Helen.
From peer or bishop 'tis no easy thing
To draw the man who loves his God, or King:
Alas! I copy (or my draught would fail)
From honest Mah'met, or plain Parson Hale.

But grant, in public men sometimes are shown,
A woman's seen in private life alone:
Our bolder talents in full light display'd;
Your virtues open fairest in the shade.
Bred to disguise, in public 'tis you hide;
There, none distinguish twixt your shame or pride,
Weakness or delicacy; all so nice,
That each may seem a virtue, or a vice.

In men, we various ruling passions find;
In women, two almost divide the kind;
Those, only fix'd, they first or last obey,
The love of pleasure, and the love of sway.
That, Nature gives; and where the lesson taught
Is still to please, can pleasure seem a fault?
Experience, this; by man's oppression curs'd,
They seek the second not to lose the first.

Men, some to bus'ness, some to pleasure take;
But ev'ry woman is at heart a rake:
Men, some to quiet, some to public strife;
But ev'ry Lady would be queen for life.

Yet mark the fate of a whole sex of queens!
Pow'r all their end, but beauty all the means.
In youth they conquer, with so wild a rage,
As leaves them scarce a subject in their age:
For foreign glory, foreign joy, they roam;
No thought of peace or happiness at home.
But wisdom's triumph is well-tim'd retreat,
As hard a science to the fair as great!
Beauties, like tyrants, old and friendless grown,
Yet hate repose, and dread to be alone,
Worn out in public, weary ev'ry eye,
Nor leave one sigh behind them when they die.

Pleasures the sex, as children birds, pursue,
Still out of reach, yet never out of view;
Sure, if they catch, to spoil the toy at most,
To covet flying, and regret when lost:
At last, to follies youth could scarce defend,
It grows their age's prudence to pretend;
Asham'd to own they gave delight before,
Reduc'd to feign it, when they give no more:
As hags hold sabbaths, less for joy than spite,
So these their merry, miserable night;
Still round and round the ghosts of beauty glide,
And haunt the places where their honour died.

See how the world its veterans rewards!
A youth of frolics, an old age of cards;
Fair to no purpose, artful to no end,
Young without lovers, old without a friend,
A fop their passion, but their prize a sot,
Alive, ridiculous, and dead, forgot!

>> No.7464537

Ah, Friend! to dazzle let the vain design,
To raise the thought and touch the heart, be thine!
That charm shall grow, while what fatigues the Ring,
Flaunts and goes down, an unregarded thing:
So when the sun's broad beam has tir'd the sight,
All mild ascends the moon's more sober light,
Serene in virgin modesty she shines,
And unobserv'd the glaring orb declines.

Oh! blest with temper, whose unclouded ray
Can make tomorrow cheerful as today;
She, who can love a sister's charms, or hear
Sighs for a daughter with unwounded ear;
She, who ne'er answers till a husband cools,
Or, if she rules him, never shows she rules;
Charms by accepting, by submitting sways,
Yet has her humour most, when she obeys;
Let fops or fortune fly which way they will;
Disdains all loss of tickets, or codille;
Spleen, vapours, or smallpox, above them all,
And mistress of herself, though China fall.

And yet, believe me, good as well as ill,
Woman's at best a contradiction still.
Heav'n, when it strives to polish all it can
Its last best work, but forms a softer man;
Picks from each sex, to make the fav'rite blest,
Your love of pleasure, our desire of rest:
Blends, in exception to all gen'ral rules,
Your taste of follies, with our scorn of fools:
Reserve with frankness, art with truth allied,
Courage with softness, modesty with pride,
Fix'd principles, with fancy ever new;
Shakes all together, and produces—You.

Be this a woman's fame: with this unblest,
Toasts live a scorn, and queens may die a jest.
This Phoebus promis'd (I forget the year)
When those blue eyes first open'd on the sphere;
Ascendant Phoebus watch'd that hour with care,
Averted half your parents' simple pray'r,
And gave you beauty, but denied the pelf
Which buys your sex a tyrant o'er itself.
The gen'rous God, who wit and gold refines,
And ripens spirits as he ripens mines,
Kept dross for duchesses, the world shall know it,
To you gave sense, good humour, and a poet.

>> No.7464539


I think that's Nietzsche's point. That women are devoid of anything and we find this void not only deep because of its gravity but we also find it attractive to insert ourselves into.

>> No.7464608

I feel like Nietzsche was using "women" as a metaphor and not speaking directly on male sexuality

>> No.7464620

I know he wasn't speaking about male sexuality. I was extrapolating.

I think he was referring to women though as in femininity. What would women refer to if it is a metaphor?

>> No.7464638

Jesus fuck off

>> No.7464654

right, a metaphor for femininity, but not necessarily as a sex but as a universal energy, like the feminine of the universe.

>> No.7464660

Yeah, I know it's not women as in "vagina-possessors" but more of the feminine aspect itself.

>> No.7464676


>> No.7464688

whore detected

>> No.7465246

Specifically though, what does he mean by deep? Like, "dude, that one liner about life is so deep lmao" ?

>> No.7465251

Deep as in there is a lot to it.

>> No.7465270

wow, did Nietzsche really say this??

>> No.7465272

Yes, Nietzsche wrote about Twitter.

>> No.7465274

He really was ahead of his time.

>> No.7465292

Okay, I see. That's what I thought.

>> No.7465542

You lot sound like the type of people who would call a guy a butthurt virgin if he ever made an even slightly negative remark about women in general, but are also the type of people to dogmatically cling to authority, and because you view Nietzsche as an authority, you need to reconcile the fact of the matter that he was a 'misogynist' by some completely inaccurate reinterpretation of what he had said here.

He was speaking about the female sex, not 'the feminine'.

He was likely just as much of a 'misogynist' as was Schopenhauer, or any other male who has for the greater part of his life sat down and thought about (important) things for days on end.

Let's stop with this feminist revisionist interpretation and commentary, how about it.

>> No.7465548


Got called a "butthurt virgin" once too much?

>> No.7465595

I think criticizing the feminine is much stronger than just criticizing women because nearly all women are feminine and men can also have feminine aspects.

I'm not a person who would call other butthurt virgins because I myself am a virgin and don't see anything wrong with being a virgin.

I don't get "offended" by statements on women. I'll take them how it is. If women are like an abyss--empty but deep--the reason for this is their nature, or the feminine.

I don't think a feminist would make that statement.

>> No.7465596

Their vapidness can seem deep because you can't figure out what they're about, which makes you think you haven't discovered it yet, while they're really about nothing.

>> No.7466009

I think you might be right. I am familiar with this feeling that you just described, that N just can't be really meaning what he is saying, that is must be a metaphor of some kind. I felt this way when I was reading The Greek State and N was saying that we would be better off enslaving the majority of the population to the benefit of the few. He surely couldn't really mean something as barbaric as that! Well, it took a couple of days to sink in, but N is in fact quite an edgelord.

>> No.7466323
File: 140 KB, 640x365, 8457646534632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all woman are whores.

>> No.7466358
File: 632 KB, 1464x1986, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the three or four civilised countries of Europe it is possible; by several centuries of education, to make out of women anything that we like,- even men, not in a sexual sense, of course, but certainly in every other sense. At some point, under such an influence, they will have taken on all male virtues and strengths, and of course they will also have to take male weaknesses and vices into the bargain. This much, as I said, one can bring about by force. But how will we endure the intermediate stage it brings with it, which itself can last a few centuries, during which female follies and injustices, their ancient birthright, still claim predominance over everything they will have learned or achieved? This will be the time when anger will constitute the real male emotion, anger over the fact that all the arts and sciences will be overrun and clogged up by shocking dilettantism; bewildering chatter will talk philosophy to death; politics will be more fantastic and partisan than ever; society will be in complete dissolution because women, the preservers of the old custom, will have become ludicrous in their own eyes, and will be intent on standing outside custom in every way. For if women had their greatest power in custom, where will they not have to reach to achieve a similar abundance of power again, after they have given up custom?

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7466414

literally a prophet

>> No.7466415

>white knighting a dead man on an xy forum
lol faggot

>> No.7466468

>reddit isn't PC!
Hello reddit!

>> No.7466481

Women don't exist.

>> No.7466486

I discovered a woman's bottom, if you know what I mean.

>> No.7466493

Perhaps it was cus he had a little dick

>> No.7466515

>The home of the Redpill, TumblrinAction, and Men's Rights is PC
Hello retard!

>> No.7466601
File: 131 KB, 625x1023, 1450102990369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody here is wrong, my god.

It's really because, as Lacan said, woman is one of the Names-of-the-Father, woman is simply non-man, a male fantasy - the feminine masquerade is a facade not covering up some deeper (even masculine) truth, but a facade covering up just nothing - nothing but the fantasy of 'womanhood'. So, looking far into what is said to be 'woman', you find 'woman' to be an empty thing - women play women to trick themselves and to trick men, the reality of the female is never the fantasy that we designate 'woman'.

>> No.7466615

ayy lmao

>> No.7466622


>Everybody here is wrong
Except for these guys, who are on the right track.


>> No.7466648
File: 38 KB, 393x315, 1389578106722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone actually thought this image was worth sharing.

>> No.7466667


>> No.7466682

Fucking SJWs.

>> No.7466711

Why would an illiterate person hang out on the /lit/ board?

>> No.7466771

He was an eternally disappointed ass man

>> No.7468115
File: 53 KB, 600x794, 10482301_10152592305256840_8887502453650548746_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le Copious fallacies

>> No.7468121
File: 35 KB, 229x343, 1447811438805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white knighting dead German womyn
Kek what a faggot.

>> No.7468127
File: 79 KB, 724x418, 1446124999954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whore are women


>> No.7468140 [DELETED] 

Nietzsche so based.

>> No.7468142

>this whole thread
And they said the roastie/whiteknight redditors were just a boogeyman

>> No.7469120

I think, and this is just my fedora-galaxy speaking, that he has felt what I basically thought about myself.

Women are purely instinct driven and a very superficial analysis of them can and will be incredibly accurate as long as they're considering natural selection (basically, alpha fux, beta bucks).
The problem is that women themselves aren't aware of this instinctual drive working on them, along with the fact that they posses and ego it confuses men quite a bit that though they have all the capacity to be mysterious and profound they are actually very simple deep down.

a woman wants the best genes, but also the most amount of resourcers for her sex. life is a bore, and because women do not posses the same intellectual capacity as the men they entertain themselves with squabbles and petty dramas. that's it.

>> No.7469131


in other words, the phalus is the square root of -1; in other words, during power system analysis, the phalus would be the magnetic field AKA reactive force.

>> No.7469132

how can one man be so fucking based

>> No.7469135

how the fuck?
it's too bad he thought life worth living, that's his only flaw desu

>> No.7469141

>tfw average congoan dick

>> No.7469157

>not in a sexual sense, of course,
Transphobic shitlord detected

>> No.7469167

>women are recursive

>> No.7469214
File: 269 KB, 1750x1306, 1447003559044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are purely instinct driven and a very superficial analysis of them can and will be incredibly accurate as long as they're considering natural selection (basically, alpha fux, beta bucks).
this is what betas believe.

the fact that women controls most men shows how clever they are and how dumb men are.

>> No.7469227

I'm not calling female instinct stupid, but their ego.
They themselves do not realize they are masters of cunning; when using all their female advantages such as smelling good and putting on large smiles they are doing the same thing when they eat and sleep. It's simply natural to them.

>> No.7469239


>buzzword salad

Friend, there are a variety of other boards on this site which might be more closely aligned with your interests.

>> No.7469241


>emale advantages such as smelling good and putting on large smiles


>> No.7469244

Is this why so many white women are breeding with Black men?

>> No.7469273


Lay off the porn. Spiritual poison.

>> No.7469639

Which German women? Do you even know what you're trying to say?

>> No.7469715
File: 41 KB, 400x400, +thanks+man+that+was+awesome+_0f716e8d8223a0986f365afcfdd5a55c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks dad for african dick gens
Thanks mom for slavic lifting gens

>> No.7469984

>everybody is wrong

>Lacan said . . .

fuck off