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/lit/ - Literature

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7463437 No.7463437 [Reply] [Original]

Boogiepop is quintessential.

>> No.7463480

I like Haruhi.

I need to read the sixth book one of these days.

>> No.7463487

Boogiepop Phantom was a good animu

>> No.7463534
File: 422 KB, 500x705, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Kagerou Daze something abnormal?

>> No.7463632

i cant even find a digital copy of it, fug.
is there an English translation already?

>> No.7463668

What do you mean "already"? The first two volumes have been covered by Yenpress and there are fan translations for volumes 1, 2, 4, and 5.

>> No.7465245

The translations of light novels is so abysmal. I tried reading a few fan translations on baka tsuki and never made it past halfway in any of the books I tried. Then I went and bought the first volumes of four LN published by Yen Press, and they're all actually worse than the fan translations.

My understanding of Japanese isn't the best, and it still takes me a few minutes to read a page or two, but the writing feels so much more natural in the original language.

How do you faggots read them translated? I'm legitimately curious. Do you recognize how there is absolutely no tone established, and it's just strings of offbeat sentences together? Do you not think about it, and go from line to line, in a sort of transient, "just absorbing what's happening" kind of way?

>> No.7465252
File: 227 KB, 820x1200, Baccano_light-novel-3-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7465253
File: 1.69 MB, 2700x2450, 1298503721666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why read that shit when you could read real Japanese literature?

>> No.7465258

BTW yes, even Murakami is better than any light novel.

>> No.7465302

not literature. light novel threads belong on /jp/.

>> No.7465305

>light novels
>not literature
>it's just a novel from japan with anime girls

>> No.7465306

rules: /jp/ - Otaku Culture

2. This is the appropriate board for the discussion of Japanese visual novels and light novels. Western visual novels should be posted to /vg/, and translated visual novels are fine on either board.

>> No.7465394

Translations from light novels is even worse than fansubs. There are a few groups that do so in spanish and all they suck because they make translation from bad english translations, true hell.

>> No.7466176

sorry if it triggers you pansy ass

>> No.7466206

>The translations of light novels is so abysmal.

It's not just the translations, they are just written terribly. It's just anime-tier writing in book form.

>> No.7466225


>> No.7466226

>Do you recognize how there is absolutely no tone established, and it's just strings of offbeat sentences together? Do you not think about it, and go from line to line, in a sort of transient, "just absorbing what's happening" kind of way?

People who read this kind of stuff, but don't even know Japanese don't care about stuff like that, so it's a waste of effort. It's purely for the plot, so you don't need to go beyond translating what is happening.

>> No.7466836

I'm still pissed off that the company stopped translating Boogiepop. Meanwhile they translate complete trash now.

>> No.7466880

Also the Guin Saga is pretty good fantasy novel that doesn't fall into the light novel trap. Even that hasn't been picked up past its first five books.

Seems like only crap gets continued translation.

>> No.7467796

To Love Ru.

>> No.7467802

Kizumonogatari came out today, check it out. The cover looks cool as fuck and is kind of a hybrid book / light novel. Longer than normal LN, slightly Westernized book cover.

>> No.7468974

That trash is some fo the worst shit ever written and the anime is one of the most hideous revolting things ever made. Definitely do not read/watch that

>> No.7469371

Congratulations, you have shit taste.

>> No.7469460

Nope, you're just severely brain-damaged.

>> No.7470878

Edgy bro.

>> No.7471182

Why don't we translate light novels ourselves, but instead of putting them in the "correct english", we try to put them in the closest modernist stream-of-conscious like Faulker or Joyce to make them seem way deeper than they are and see if they become patrician?

>> No.7471189

Literally read and watch more, cuck.

>> No.7471216

Because it's difficult to find pirated copies of them.

>> No.7471230


>Guin Saga

Been meaning to buy the first six or so books but it looks like they aren't going past that in translations, I'm tempted on getting but worried about how investing my time into something which may be discontinued will be.


Ordered that yesterday, one thing that I'm looking forward to is seeing how they translated a lot of the puns.

>> No.7471266

They only translated the first five book. That makes up pretty much a complete story. It's a fun read. I haven't read much fantasy, but I'd compare it to the Hobbit. I loved the Hobbit for it being a fun romp. But it isn't as up its own ass like the Lord of the Rings was.

>> No.7471297


So would you say it ties up nicely for five books?I understand that there's supposed to be 100 or so volumes released or planned so no doubt there will be a lot of things unanswered and all but I wonder if I'll be able to get a general gist of the story or where it will end up in those short volumes.