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File: 329 KB, 1274x1700, Nietzsche1882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7463217 No.7463217 [Reply] [Original]

Give me someone who can BTFO based neechee
Pro tip: You can't

>> No.7463221


>> No.7463225
File: 62 KB, 500x384, Nihilism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7463271

God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?

>> No.7463282

bertrand russell

>> No.7463306

That's talking about how society has dealt with God. God is real and, with God, Nietzsche's philosophy is null and void. There is nothing but to serve God.

>> No.7463316

The pure concept, however, or infinity, as the abyss of nothingness in which all being sinks, must characterize the infinite pain, which previously was only in culture historically and as the feeling on which rests modern religion, the feeling that God Himself is dead, (the feeling which was uttered by Pascal, though only empirically, in his saying: Nature is such that it marks everywhere, both in and outside of man, a lost God), purely as a phase, but also as no more than just a phase, of the highest idea.'

>> No.7463321

So? Modern religion is sinful and decaying. God has commanded things and we must serve Him. All our whims and fancies are naught before Him. We are temporary meek beings in front of an omnipotent Lord. We must seek His pleasure through fulfillment of His commands and through not transgressing His limits.

>> No.7463328

Lou Andreas-Salomé


>> No.7463337

People do not fully comprehend that they killed God through their hypocrisy and lack of morality. Due to hypocrisy God has lost whatever function he once had because of the actions taken by those who believe in him. A god is merely a mirrored reflection of its people and the Christian God is so ridiculous a God that even were he to have existed, he would have no right to exist. Religious people start going against their beliefs and start coinciding with the beliefs of mainstream society. Moral thinking is debased and poisoned by the influence of society’s weakest and most ignoble elements, the herd.

>> No.7463342

This assumes there is no God and to say that He has no right to exist does not debar Him from punishing us and it does not abdicate Him from His throne.

>> No.7463346

And I, of course, curse the mainstream society and modern religion for its apologeticism.

>> No.7463362

>God is real
>Therefor my very specific Christian Scripture is law
Please stop.
Nietzsche was the first to confront the reality that the only God we can prove is too removed to be any source of value. If anything God has humanity as its hands.

>> No.7463372

Why do you assume that I'm Christian?

God exists. God commands X and forbids Y. I do X and don't do Y. I am rewarded.

That's all there is to life. Nietzsche is wrong because God exists and will punish us if we don't obey Him. His "value" or lack thereof doesn't matter. God's existence or power is not contingent on Nietzsche, you, or me. He simply Is and Wills and we must follow Him or follow perdition.

>> No.7463382

Stirner blew him the fuck out pre-emptively.

>> No.7463386


>> No.7463390

>muslims on /lit/

>> No.7463391

Why do you assume that I'm Muslim?

The question is who BTFO Nietzsche. The answer clearly is God and anyone who has conviction in God.

>> No.7463395

>The answer clearly is God and anyone who has conviction in God.
>christfagging this hard

at least post some kierks, don't just stand there repeating 'god exists' like a scared child.

>> No.7463398


>> No.7463401

You talk like an Abrahamic cunt at least, it's got to be one of the main three by your desert tier rhetoric, but I guess you're a Christian after all.

>> No.7463408

I don't understand your hostility.

Isn't it possible that one may play the part of an ideology that he does not necessarily follow to show where a fault can lie?

If one has conviction in God and God exists, then he and God destroyed Nietzsche.

>> No.7463426


>> No.7463428

Nietzsche declares God dead while the world is entering in the era of modern science, which is the highest nihilism that can be, because it denies the existence of any reality which couldn't be leashed by numbers. With that new answer to human questions, the need of a god disappears, and so do the commandements as long as the tradition. It leads to a point where he can hope for humans to find out what to make out of this new emptiness, as it can be material for something else

>> No.7463429

>being convinced you're right makes you win the argument

modern /lit/ everyone

>> No.7463434

To the man who has conviction, God is more real than you or I.

>> No.7463443
File: 48 KB, 640x884, ethics-spinoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while were on the subject of neech, is spinoza just a non edgy version of him?

>> No.7463444

And of course if God does exist, then He Is and Wills and that is much more imperative to man than his own self.

>> No.7463445


>> No.7463459

based spartans

>> No.7463484

While were on the subject of Spinoza i gotta ask, who blew him the fuck out? why is he not talked about more on /lit/?

>> No.7463497

Not meme worthy enough.

>> No.7463501

He got BTFO when Einstein admitted to have read him. Once you become the go-to philosopher for a popsci meme figure, your /lit/ career is done.

>> No.7463506


>> No.7463833

Gods existence in not contingent, and he therefore cannot command moral law with is inherently contingent on human rationality.
Also eternals dont apply to the evolving word of our existence.

>> No.7463839

Care to elaborate? They seem to agree heavily.

>> No.7463855

The influence might exist but like all pre-Nietzscheans he failed to realize that like all else ethics are in a constant state of evolution and growth (note this does not suggest subjectivity).

>> No.7463868

>pop-sci meme figure
Hold on even if people refer to him without knowing shit about science, he does have pretty solid philosophical background. He admitted as philosophy being a great source of inspiration in his thought.

>> No.7463879

No, but Ethics is amazing. My first philosophical work and still one of my favorites

>> No.7463880

at least quote god instead of dogmatically asserting god's existence, is what the anon you're replying to meant.

not surprised you weren't able to discern that

>> No.7463882

I would love to hug Nietzsche. I can imagine that brilliant soul stifled by sickly sweet polite society. That society obsessed with food and comfort, it makes me want to scream until my throat bursts.

>> No.7463885

>“I am utterly amazed, utterly enchanted! I have a precursor, and what a precursor! I hardly knew Spinoza: that I should have turned to him just now, was inspired by “instinct.” Not only is his overtendency like mine—namely to make all knowledge the most powerful affect—but in five main points of his doctrine I recognize myself; this most unusual and loneliest thinker is closest to me precisely in these matters: he denies the freedom of the will, teleology, the moral world-order, the unegoistic, and evil. Even though the divergencies are admittedly tremendous, they are due more to the difference in time, culture, and science. In summa: my lonesomeness, which, as on very high mountains, often made it hard for me to breathe and make my blood rush out, is now at least a twosomeness. Strange! Incidentally, I am not at all as well as I had hoped. Exceptional weather here too! Eternal change of atmospheric conditions!—that will yet drive me out of Europe! I must have clear skies for months, else I get nowhere. Already six severe attacks of two or three days each!! — With affectionate love, Your friend”
– Friedrich Nietzsche, in a postcard to Franz Overbeck, Sils-Maria, July 30, 1881

>> No.7464236

probably chesterton

>> No.7464245

just checked, yup

>> No.7464491

You're not even being genuine, is the urge to shitpost that strong that you need to spend your time making up dumbass fake arguments?

>> No.7464876

>pop sci meme figure.
Only that it wasn't pop sci and was actually ground breaking..It is almost like calling stephen hawkings a pop sci meme figure just because he is one of the most well known figure in the scientific community.

Neil d tyson is more like a pop sci goon.

>> No.7465762

>Nietzsche is wrong because God exists and will punish us if we don't obey Him

Good sheep.

And no this is meaningless. I wouldn't want to go to heaven anyway, as far as I'm cocnerned it's the same place as hell. An eternity of pleasure is the same thing as an eternity of pain, both are meaningless. Between the two though I'd rather have hell because all the interesting people are there. Honestly Eternal Recurrence is a far better after life than heaven.

So there we see that God is completly incapable of having any power. I will continue to live life by my own rules and avoid your hypocritical God. If I go to hell I will make friends with the demons. My life is my own.

>> No.7465781


Chesterton didn't even properly understand Nietzsche. He tried to debunk him with the very things Nietzsche warned the world about, and ended up proving Nietzsche's point for him.

He tried the morality bullshit on him, forgetting that this was the very core of Nietzsche's philosophy, namely the difference between the good and the great

>> No.7466699

Nah, Chestersons only real argument is "Nietzsche didnt tell us exactly how to live, so hes not a moral philosopher!"
Yes, thats the point of Nietzsche: stop listening to how other people tell you to life or what is good, decide for yourself and only yourself.

>> No.7466722
File: 54 KB, 727x541, marx stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lukács BTFO of Nietzsche


>> No.7466736

Then how did martyrs become a thing?

>> No.7466740

do americans really pronounce nietzsche as neechee??

>> No.7466760


m8 they pronounce mirror as meeer.

>> No.7466789

Tolstoy pretty much called a conceited upstart that got famous from inverse platitudes.

He was right

>> No.7466794

How are you supposed to pronounce it? I pronounce it as Nee-cha. I'm not good with German names.

>> No.7466813

Nietzsche was wrong about facts not existing.

>> No.7466824


Rhymes with teacher without the r.

>> No.7466825

good meme if ironic

>> No.7466829

he wrote nothi ng of worth...

>> No.7466835

Well, it's not OK to say that on the literature board.

>> No.7466971

Summarize this for me, I can't be bothered to read the word "bourgeoisie" more than 3 times a day for potentially nothing.

>> No.7466982

Entropy plays the role of God. You would know that if you weren't retarded.

>> No.7467051

Aww this is the type of attitude to life that will cause you to lose your life savings to Scientology. Deny yourself any agency and just obey whatever the priests tell you. You are cattle and you are damn proud of it!

>> No.7467120

His theory is not socialism.
Anything that is not socialism is axiomatically wrong.
Therefor, his theory is wrong.

>> No.7467574

So kind of Marx's criticism of Stirner which is 90% name calling and 10% repeating 'it ain't marxist though'

>> No.7467712

I love how Marx spent so long working on his ideas and then Spook-man casually just blew him out

>> No.7468980

So what's the summary? Marx tries to make his ideas based on idealism but Stirner destroys idealist "thou shalt" forever. Marx retcorns his work to try to make it appear materialist but it's still obvious idealistic so he attacks Stirner.

>> No.7468990

Where to start with based Neetsh?

>> No.7468991
File: 59 KB, 473x312, 1449990472096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally every single idea of Nietzsche's is either BTFO by Dostoevsky, or shown to make more sense in a Christian context. Even eternal recurrence.

>> No.7469021

Considering Nietzsche praised Dostoevsky I don't think he felt very threatened by him. I don't see anything Dostoevsky said that isn't addressed by Nietzsche himself.

Also the Eternal Recurrence is the opposite of Christianity. If you sin you are supposed to regret it and ask for forgiveness while the ER requires that you embrace and want to re-experience it. Only someone that is powerless to change their life or dissatisfied with reality would want a magic sky father to come down 'get rid of all the evil'. While Nietzsche's thinking is beyond good and evil. Essentially your only options in the ER are to fix something yourself or to learn to enjoy it, the need for divine intervention is removed entirely. There is literally nothing a Christian God can offer to the Ubermench. The Ubermench doesn't want the heaven, has no need for instructions on how to live his life, and is already spiritually fulfilled.

>> No.7469024

-Entry points: Anti-Christ, Genealogy of Morality, Beyond good and evil

-Required Reading:
Beyond good and evil
Thus Spoke Zarathustra (requires at least 1-2 other books read to be fully understood)

>> No.7469029

>no access to the internet

>> No.7469058

Nietzsche didn't read anything of Dostoevsky besides Notes from the Underground.

Eternal recurrence only requires you to say that you'd rather do everything the same than to die, it doesn't require you to say that you lived the best of all possible lives, that would be pure denial, worse than whatever Nietzsche accused Christianity of. Dostoevsky passed Nietzsche's eternal recurrence experiment when he affirmed that he'd still be Christian even if Christianity were proven to him to be false; the basic idea of eternal recurrence is to live your life as you'd live it if you had to do the exact same way over and over--no one can do that perfectly, but they can strive to do it, which is really what it is about. Dostoevsky strove to live his life as if he had to repeat it for eternity.

>> No.7469064

let's be honest, a rehash of the ancient sophists and Machiavelli with German pantheism/romanticism mixed in

>> No.7469095

>Eternal recurrence only requires you to say that you'd rather do everything the same than to die

You missed the point entirly. It's not a choice between ER and death it's about HOW you respond to the ER, the more of your life you can affirm the better. The complete Ubermench affirms every moment, he has lead a perfect life, and he did by making each moment uniquely meaningful to him.

And frankly arguing about whether or not Dostevesky would have liked the ER is kind of pointless since it's an entirly personal matter. Although I doubt he could affirm his days being a gambling addict, it would also directly conflict with his Christianity which would tell him it's wrong. Simply put you cannot affirm every moment if you are going to call any of those moments sins. Hince the very Christian concepts of sin and forgivness is life-denying.

Sounds like you haven't read Nietzsche or Machiavelli. Machiavelli is probably the most level-headed politic writer ever. Since his philosophy is that ever method has time and place and they are based on context rather than some pie-in-sky ideology. Of course idiots think he was a heartless man because he said sometimes a ruler may need to lie or kill if to keep the country from being conquered.

>> No.7469106

Also, Netizsche's inspiration for eternal recurrence was probably Achilles, specifically his choice to live a short, glorious life, rather than a long life without any glory. That sort of choice is really what eternal recurrence is all about, it's not about having zero regrets, it's about striving to live authentically--it's not about never, ever failing to live authentically. Achilles failed when he got butthurt toward Agamemnon and rage quit, and that is something he ended up regretting; eternal recurrence is not about Achilles deluding himself into believe his butthurt rage quit was the a great thing to do even after its destructive consequences. But Achilles, overall, strove to live in a way as if he would have to repeat his life for eternity, even if he wasn't conscious of this (which he in fact might have regretted, judging from his conversation with Odysseus in the Odyssey, and therefore ultimately failing the test).

>> No.7469110

>he has lead a perfect life,
That's literally just sour grapes, it's exactly the same as the slave morality Nietzsche talked about. Instead of striving to be your ideal, it's calling whatever you do and are ideal no matter what--so if you're a slave, you call yourself and your actions the best possible, while looking down on your master, that way you don't ahve to strive for any ideal.

>> No.7469117

Yeah I'm guessing you have never read Nietzsche. He doesn't say "dude just call whaever you like perfect". You've basically based your entire argument on a straw man. This seems to be typical that the people most against Nietzsche have the worst understanding of him.

>> No.7469124

I have read Nietzsche, and that is why I am strongly disagreeing with your characterization of eternal recurrence as YOLO. The whole point of eternal recurrence is to live authentically; if you affirm every thing as authentic, even the acts in bad faith, that defeats the entire point.

>> No.7469129

"living authentic" is the Heidegger interpretation of Nietzsche, what you have said so far sounds closer to him than Nietzsche. And no you are not getting this. I never implied Nietzsche is about YOLO. He wants people to find meaningful truths in the bad events and to view hardship as a way of testing one's self. This is not compatible with the traditional Christian concept of sin which fails to see the necessity and hidden beauty of 'evil'.

>> No.7469148

Nietzsche's eternal recurrence was about living your life as if you had to do it forever. No one can do that perfectly, and if they say they have, they are lying, especially to themselves. In Netizsche's philosophy, you create your own values, and you live by them--eternal recurrence is a test to see whether you are actually living up to your values, or whether you are simply constructing your values to exalt what you are. A master lives after his values, a slave chooses values that justify whatever he is. But if a slave knew that he had to live his life over and over and over the same way, he might drastically change how he confronted life, because a slave essentially hates life and death comes as relief to him, and if he had to live it over and over it would be hell. But the master would not drastically change his values, he'd keep them--he might not always be authentic in their regard, but the fact is that he is striving to live as if he had to repeat his life forever.

Dostoevsky's understanding of evil was similar to Nietzchean ressentiment, which Nietzsche found ugly.

>> No.7469496

You do realise that Marx's critique of Stirner squarely met his argument right? Sure it's overly personal and it took him 500 pages but he systematically destroyed Stirner

>> No.7469502


>> No.7469505

Ich Ubercame Treponema pallidum

>> No.7469536

Can you give us the point he was trying to make than?

>> No.7469669

He couldn't, because the entire premise of Stirner's argument was that it was his pleasure. In order to destroy Stirner, he'd have to explain why it wasn't Stirner's pleasure.

>> No.7469679



>> No.7469778

You realise that he didn't, right?

>> No.7469799

I didn't think he can get any edgier after Zarathustra. I was wrong. This is a fucking personal letter.
(I love neech, but this is just emberassing).

>> No.7469808

Nietzche had a few good elements in his philosophy but his metaphysical and quantitative arguments left much to be desired

>> No.7469830


>> No.7469954
File: 373 KB, 1280x1024, colonel sanders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superior in every way coming through toot toot

>> No.7470590

His personal correspondence is sort of cringy and sad, he threatens opium overdoses and talks about suicide and says 'oh but don't mind me' a second later and goes on about his loneliness and writes awkward things to his waifu who cucked him with his best friend etcetera.

It's hard to read if you like him to be honest.

>> No.7470601

what was clemens's philosophy?

if i had to guess it would be, "the dude abides."

>> No.7470662
File: 29 KB, 620x372, SEVENPOUNDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally any advocator of a balanced diet.