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File: 126 KB, 640x420, coates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7458773 No.7458773[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I never really paid much attention to race in the United States, but after reading "Between the World and Me," I can't get it out of my head. It has inspired me to go to the latest meeting of my local Black Lives Matter chapter, and I'm really excited to learn more. So /lit/, do you guys have any suggestions for books on African American culture and the dangers of the white supremacist government?

>> No.7458781

Native Son
Invisible Man

Those are the works of the authors Coates is (poorly) attempting to emulate anyways.

>> No.7458785

Both of these books are amazing. Iceberg Slim's Pimp and Malcolm X's Autobiography are also good.

>> No.7458788


>> No.7458790

Stay away from that group. It's toxic. Just what we need is another SJW checking everyone's privilege like it's going to change anything. I don't think you realized this group has managed to turn liberals into hardcore conservatives by their idiotic messages.

>> No.7458792

Luckily there aren't many books on the contrived shit but I imagine there will be many in years to come. Here's to hoping this is bait anyway. Blacks have it fine here and they make the country a worse place to live for everyone else. I'd venture to say blacks are oppressing a once great place.

>> No.7458797

White bois always so sensitive and justifying their racism. lol

Eh, it was OK. I wouldn't really recommend it.

>> No.7458799


Malcolm X's autobiography is great just because it shows his keen insight into the phoniness of white leftists but also demonstrates the gradual softening of his hard line stance.

>> No.7458802

They definitely are. But "Between the World and Me" and most of Coates' publications in the Atlantic about why his Howard education tells him that white people ought to give him and his people money are both absurd and not worth reading.

>> No.7458803

Yeah definitely. Malik El-Shabbaz is one of my heroes in that regard.

>> No.7458804


I didn't say anything that was racist, and I'm Hispanic night white so if anything maybe there's people racist against me. I just don't have the same victim complex most blacks seem to have

>> No.7458805

I'm Mexican but thanks for the example of presumptuous racism.

>> No.7458812

I've never read his works so I don't know about that.

>> No.7458815

Mexicans are white.

>> No.7458816

lol so many beaners xD
BUILD WALL eses lol

>> No.7458821

Mexicans are brown…

>> No.7458822
File: 594 KB, 680x954, 1447941269519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black Lives Matter Chapter
Come on, man. Don't be JEJUNE!

I haven't read it, but I've heard someone speak very highly of Manchild in The Promised Land.

Also: Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed is a good read.

>> No.7458829

Guess you can't accept that the whites are right about something involving race.

>> No.7458831

>Mexicans are brown

Brown is white with a major absence of black.

>> No.7458833

I get the distinct impression that neither of you have read the book in OP's post

>> No.7458836

Also Black Like Me.

>> No.7458843

Mein kampf.

>> No.7458844

How is it jejune to be a part of Black Lives Matter?

>> No.7458848

>white bois
>ever right
Nah, they're just a bunch of wimps.

You know "white" "people" aren't even white. They're pink like pigs, which makes sense with their mentality.

>> No.7458849

Quality kek bait.

>> No.7458867

Yo myhufuggen nigha yo keep dat trap o 'yos quite da fuck up befo' i quite it fo' ya lil panzy azz nigha

>> No.7458869

You must be black. It explains your defensiveness over nothing.

>> No.7458872

I don't speak wigger, boy. Now shut it before you get your mind fucked up.

>> No.7458875

g8 b8 m8

>> No.7458880

I'm Mexican but thanks for the example of presumptuous racism.

>> No.7458883

not the same guy

>> No.7458896

wigga' heehhaehe goo' fuggun joke muh nigha shut da fuggen trap befo' i grab muh peace

>> No.7458897

Okay piggy.

Also My Bondage and My Freedom

>> No.7458915

Also anything by Du Bois

>> No.7458920

SJW: Oh look I'm a female black trans pansexual. preferred pronouns are elf/elves.
I'm oppressed because i'm female and black and trans and pansexual.
I have gone no where in my life because of this. Its definitely NOT because I don't go to school to get an education, or that i'm rude to people that aren't exactly like me :)
Down with cisgender whities!!! :D :D

Literally the people behind all this

>> No.7458930

Nah those niggas be infected by stupid white ideas.

>> No.7458934

The US public school system is racist as fuck, though.

>> No.7458940
File: 17 KB, 249x243, 1234567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Lives Matter is a means to an intended end. By 'end', I don't mean the end of the world, but rather a goal, and at that a goal of an individual: George Soros. You can look into him yourself if'n you care to do that. BLM is a group with good intentions, but unfortunately it is perpetuated by misguided information and myths. There is indeed a problem with blacks in the country, but if you take the time to look into the matter, you'll find that it is not whites' fault. You're just chasing a boogie man if you think it's 'the white man' or 'systematic oppression'.
At one time blacks were treated like dogs and chattel, but at this point in the country we don't.
It's as equal as it's ever gonna get. The BLM is playing a role dividing the nation and poisoning blacks in America into believing that they are second rate.
I think you're a troll anyways, but the BLM movement because it's not holding the highest killers of blacks in the US accountable for their actions, but that's because the highest killer of blacks in the US is abortion and other blacks.

Don't be jejune

>> No.7458951

>George Soros
Get out of here, Glenn Beck. Keep crying

>> No.7458960

>implying racism needs justification

>> No.7458962

>this is what ghostfuckers think
>this is what their pig leaders tell them

>> No.7458969

I grew up in SoCal so whites were actually the minorities, Hispanic>Blacks>whites (at least where i'm at)
Didn't really see any racism though to be honest which doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Im sure it is but everyone seemed pretty respectful to one another, don't fuck with me and I won't fuck with you.

I did see a documentary though somewhere in the south where a town is trying to get another school built where all the students with good grades can go to (who all happens to be white). Pretty fucked up.

>> No.7458974



>> No.7458975

Funny how the the main activist of BLM is white skinned

>> No.7458976

implying there was no such thing as racism before ghostfuckers

>> No.7458984

Trying to justify it now? Why are you pigs so contradictory?

And that's why it's another way for white liberals to keep blacks down and keep their shitty moral superiority. The system itself must be brought down.

>> No.7459008

Again that's what is wrong with the whole thing. Blame whites for everything. That's not gonna do shit. It's only gonna piss people off and go against you. Find the real root of the problem. MLK Jr. was working on a campaign for poverty before he died, since that is where racism is deeply rooted.

>> No.7459032
File: 186 KB, 900x469, awaken_my_masters__by_xauychu-d5r8b15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White boise
>white supremacist government

B8 thread confirmed

>inb4 indignant/snarky ironic response "triggered"