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/lit/ - Literature

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7458695 No.7458695 [Reply] [Original]

What are your guilty pleasures /lit/?

>> No.7458704

I don't have any. I'm not a sperg.

>> No.7458709

i get off to nifty erotica and fanfic smut


>> No.7458711
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Yeah, these are pretty much garbage.

>> No.7458714

I read those stupid 3 dollar play store books that are girl x girl and shemale x male sex stories.

I also enjoyed the twilight series and the hunger games series and the divergent series.

>> No.7458738


I mostly enjoyed the Temeraire series. And I like Shadowrun novels. And books on the occult. And almost anything with a dragon in it.

>> No.7459372

I read Borroughs' original Tarzan series despite the fact that they are pure shite after the first book.

>> No.7459421

Pope's Georgics

Talk about shit

>> No.7459429

The Gor series is entertaining, although the writing isn't great. Also satisfying because the subject matter is problematic enough to make a feminist SJW's armpit hair stand on end.

>> No.7459438

does it count if i deny the idea that it's 'guilty'? i think bukowski has legitimate literary merit

otherwise then it's that i like mira gonzales and spencer madsen and steve roggenbuck

>> No.7459457

Lmao you like Mira Gonzalez and Bukowski

What a fucking pleb

>> No.7459473

Haven't read the other two, but man what about roggenbuck is pleasurable at all, he sucks so bad I don't even hate him. His stuff makes me feel literally nothing.

>> No.7459497

throatfucking porn

>> No.7459510

he's really enthusiastic, it's a break from all the morose suicides i read about. and he's such a tryhard about being genuine, it's refreshing. not in the dfw 'im trying really hard to seem genuine please buy it' but really explicit about it.

whatever kid

>> No.7459529

Nothing book related that's for sure. You are what you enjoy.

>> No.7459535
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>you are what you enjoy

i fucking wish

>> No.7459555

furry ERP

>> No.7459558

stole my numbers you cunt

>> No.7459777


>> No.7460403

Robin Hobb books

>> No.7460409

Chuck Palahniuk for sure.

Though I just read Beautiful You and it was a real pile, I mostly enjoy what he writes, especially Choke.

>> No.7460416
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smoking weed

and when the weeds all gone, smoking the roaches

>> No.7460924

lol cute

>> No.7460932

I've read every single book Stephen King has published. As far as guilty pleasures go that's a pretty minor one, in my opinion- he's a better writer than 99% of airport novelists. But still, he churns out some real stinkers every once in a while.

>> No.7460948
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It's what soccer moms read when they want to pretend they're literary, but goddamn if I didn't devour the book.


What are your favorite King books? The Stand still holds a special place in my heart as a beach read from a decade ago. Recently read 11/22/63 and found it very enjoyable, if King-y. I heard Dolores Claiborne is supposed to be great, but I only got 2 hours into the audiobook before they took it off Youtube. I'm debating trying to find it again.

>> No.7461005

I read that entire thing and I gotta say, it isn't any good

>> No.7461009


You can't go wrong with anything he wrote in the late 70's/80's. Pet Sematary and The Dead Zone are probably my favorite novels; Skeleton Crew and Night Shift are his best short story collections by far.

>> No.7461020

fucking stop getting trips

>> No.7461046

Kung Fu movies. But fuck anyone who thinks they're too good for them.

>> No.7461203
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Joe Abercrombie. He has some fun prose. And characters.

>> No.7463341

I'm guilty in that i'm marathoning a list of classics/must-reads for w reasons alone:
-know what people are talking about when they reference them (such as 'thats s catch22!')
-the pretense of being more cultured or gaining intellect

Theres only about 3 or 4 books on my list that i plan to read for my own genuine amusement

And when that list is up im never resding again.

In fact i only read at my job because my job consists of sitting around doing nothing for 8 hours but i cant listen to music or watch movies.
I'd never spend my actual free time in a book

>> No.7463352


You legitimately sicken me.

>> No.7463369

At least im honest with myself

Then again i dont know why i say im guilty, i dont see anything wrong with what i do

>> No.7463388
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>At least im honest with myself

as opposed to the rest of /lit/, who isn't? wew lad

>> No.7463392

>these assumptions born from insecurity
Well, i can see YOUR problems

>> No.7463405
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weak b8 bruh

>> No.7463415


ok dude whatever lol

>> No.7463418

what's your job?

everyone reads for those 2 reasons.

>> No.7463421
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>first one didn't work
>let me double down

at least put effort in it

>> No.7463461

where do you get that.

i have a klonipin prescription like Tao Lin but i need to upgrade.

>> No.7463471

ask your friends if they know anyone who sells oxy/perc/vicodin

>> No.7463472
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these leaves bruh

>> No.7463481

i don't have any friends and my girlfriend doesn't have those type of friends

how do i get prescribed?

>> No.7463503

incest erotica
the belgariad