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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 106 KB, 660x840, Nazi Queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7458141 No.7458141[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I would appreciate some far-right political science suggestions, if someone asks for communist or marxist material Im sure there are endless great examples, but I know of not 1 for the opposite spectrum.

Ive heard /lit/ is extremely left wing bias, can you even recommend some quality material for the other side?

>> No.7458154

/lit/ is mainly apolitical; people think we're super lefty as we don't like /pol/ or Ayn Rand.


Aristotle - Politics
Hobbes - Leviathan

>> No.7458167

"Statecraft as Soulcraft" by George Will, if you're looking for a more contemporary suggestion.

>> No.7458175
File: 1000 KB, 4000x3549, books3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ive seen some shit screencapped that reinforced this belief, a lot of marxist and communist sentiment and insults for right wing opinions.

Just a couple days ago some guy posted his massive marxist material collection with like 8 copies of lenins combined works or something, a shelf bending at the boards from all the marxism it was holding lol..

I have this pic related., which I just realized is a slightly updated version, has a few already on it including leviathan, which Ill have to consider.

Im almost done Donald Trumps new book, and I know he writes at a preschool level and its not exactly massively revolutionary mind boggling stuff, but was just looking for some far-right political science... I want to take a cannonball off the deep end, stepping out of the kiddie pool.

>> No.7458177
File: 209 KB, 682x600, 1363342346244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ive heard /lit/ is extremely left wing bias

>> No.7458179
File: 322 KB, 1242x1094, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a chart for this

>> No.7458183


Not really looking for any specific timeframe, but anything related to say national socialism would be interesting, not just something with fascist undertones.

>> No.7458194
File: 202 KB, 816x1016, lit run by SJW marxist objective truth deniers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well.. there is pic related that I saved from /pol/.. and I saw another one which was a discussion about women in history and books related to playing their role up that was obviously a radical feminist, but I didnt save that.

>> No.7458217

There is a /natsoc/ list and a conservative list just like that.

Again, /lit/ is apolitical and most people here like to think that they do not subscribe to hugboxes anyways (hence hatred of /pol/). Leftists get wrecked here quite often as well.

If you want moderate/conservative poli-sci Huntington's Clash of Civilizations (supposedly antiquated because of the whole bloody border of islam thing) or Fukuyama's Political Power and Political Decay (second volume) are very good.

>Donald Trump's new book
Donald Trump is a demagogue and populist and could easily be compared to Peron or Demosthenes. He is not traditionally right wing in any way, and simply plays to the fears of an uneducated conservative underclass, and to a small portion of affluent upper-middle class individuals (read, people who make between 100k and 400k a year) who see both weakening of federal power and lower income tax as a good thing. See you at Chaeronea if he is elected.

>> No.7458231

Eumswil and On the Marble Cliffs are better works of conservative thought by Jungr. Amusingly Marble Cliffs is equally applied to Fascist states, but when he wrote it it was about stalinism

>> No.7458232


Do you have the natsoc one? Or anyone else here feel like posting it?

Not really interested in simple conservatism, thus the "far" right part.

>> No.7458239

No Edmund Burke? Really? No Carlyle?

FFS, Moldbug isn't on there either.

>> No.7458252

>not really interested in simple conservatism
Well Fukuyama's work is interesting because he weights meritocratic highly functional bureaucracies, even in an authoritarian state over democracy for democracies sake. If you want current poli-sci its a really decent book.

The /natsoc/ list is pretty much spengler and barzun (dawn to decadence is great for "redpill" types, I loathe that term). Im sure it is on the archive.

But I would strongly recommend reading outside the box.

>> No.7458255

Carl Schmitt

>> No.7458271
File: 813 KB, 1526x796, Trumps-Struggle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>redpill types

White genocide and cultural marxism are real things which I wouldnt bother debating here, but I understand some people might feel disdain for the memery.

These are the things which motivate me to read about the far right, Im from Canada too, modern conservatism doesnt interest me for being relative to the political climate in government.. there isnt a single real politician I do respect besides maybe Ted Cruz, and Mike Huckabee because hes just a good guy, and can make light of a bad situation. I like Trump because he will close the border and does things like posting the black murder rate making CNN admit they are 90%.. how he exposes the Saudis for buying oil off ISIS etc etc.

You wont see US politicians doing that, I saw pic related and decided to buy the book, it was only 25$.. Im not sure any of these quotes are actually in it, I didnt see the one about Israel... but the top one I think I did.

>> No.7458292


cultural marxism is basically a buzzword for right wing idiots, neoliberalism is the same for left wing idiots

there is something to cultural marxism if discussed intelligently and not writing it all off, the same goes for neoliberalism (when talking about international relations theory)

>> No.7458293


I dont understand why people fall into one ideology or another, and then read only to confirm their predetermined notions on the nature of the world. It seems very anti-intellectual.

>White genocide
Maybe in outlying farms in South Africa. Just consider the fact that you subscribe to the whole pill movement as a sign that you are drinking someone elses kool aid, and should take some time off of where ever you are unwittingly being indoctrinated and read peer reviewed works for a while. I know, the jews and leftest academia... well read with a critical mind and that wont matter.

If you are interested in /natsoc/ read Evan's trilogy. He is not a holocaust denier or a fan, but his trilogy on the third reich is genre defining and goes very in depth, to the point of analyzing hiring trends in the Reich's education ministries.

>> No.7458300
File: 22 KB, 363x501, Julius_Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Julius Evola-chan

>> No.7458309

>Boolean Ebola

>> No.7458322
File: 43 KB, 450x281, white genocide sarkozy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have no intention of discussing that here, but if you feel that way you can go make a thread on /pol/ and on most days youl find someone with all the relevant information.. and not just reddit memers agreeing with you, or hijacking it to talk about communism being great and how you should #FeelTheBern

>I dont understand why people fall into one ideology or another, and then read only to confirm their predetermined notions on the nature of the world. It seems very anti-intellectual.

I read communist and socialist, far left, liberal and libertarian arguments day in day out, in case you havent noticed, /pol/ talks about the things they hate the most, and /natsoc/ threads are rare.

If you make a thread asking about these things, its almost like this many years on we have an information gap, most people dont even know what National Socialism is on /pol/

So its much the opposite, I cant find anything that is of high quality talking about anything that could be called "far right" besides whats already been listed on that chart above.

White genocide does exist, I wont go into it in detail although I could, and regularly do, but genocide is not just violently killing a population. I can post the UN definition if you like, and you can feel free to disagree with things like religions and countries being protected, but thats the law... and if babies are transferred from right wing parents like in Germany, and Obama makes all white neighborhoods have black families live in them, he is in fact inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about the partial destruction of white people in America.

Pic related, Sarkozy talking about forcing races together. Thats genocide.

>> No.7458328

The issue is that political literature is rarely good, and when it is good, the reason has nothing to do with its politics. In general, the far right is associated with worship of a culture's classics and often with rejection of modernity (futurism is a notable exception). So when far right literature ends up pushing boundaries, it's usually a sort of contradiction.
Take Yukio Mishima for example. His work is all about the corrupting influence that Western culture has on Japan. It's beautifully written, but also bitterly ironic, as Mishima is essentially a Westernized gay man writing in the style of a French modernist. Good far right literature often deals in contradictions like this because the far right tends to reject modern society, so by definition anything deemed to have been corrupted by modern influence is rejected.

>> No.7458330


i dont need to discuss cultural marxism with pol, i perfectly understand cultural marxism and have read plenty of texts by cultural marxists, the frankfurt school etc - i doubt i would learn anything from pol of all places, but who knows maybe they have some excellent image macros with a load of out of context quotes that would really broaden my understanding better than reading the source material in full

im not a communist or cultural marxist anyway, but pol is not the place to go to understand it - it is a place of disinformation

>> No.7458338

>/pol/ talks about the things they hate the most
I didn't know talking was synonymous with shitflinging nowadays, I should really get with the times.

>> No.7458341
File: 278 KB, 1000x1500, Fix yourself degenerates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That and I was extremely centrist before, picking things from both sides Id agree with.. several times I told people they were idiots for even identifying as "left" or "right" or trying to divide people into that.

That was years ago, and Im an adult now, and society has changed. Radical feminists are mainstream, white people are going to be the minority and without protections, eventually disappear... in their own countries.

These are big issues, but anyone who brings it up is either dismissed as a hateful racist, or destroyed in terms of their career and life. No one talks about how to stop them, and I see plenty of historical data and quotes etc to show who is really behind it, and that it is indeed intentional.

The left is the cause of this, even if its not intentional. Leftism is the problem, not the answer. Marxism is the enemy, not the people who wanted strong morals and values.. and a healthy society against degeneracy.

The right is the only solution to this, so without a choice, simply by logic and reason and what is going on in society, I was forced to side with the right in every single way, for pushing left is pushing in the wrong direction.

The only way to be is reactionary. You can hardly even call it left and right, thats just some American political bullshit about big or small government, its not even the real definition of the term.

So reactionary stuff is good, but it needs to be extreme and related to tribalism, and ultranationalism.. and fascism/national socialism, not marxism and communism. Those are the enemy.

>> No.7458349

No bully, but your crazy is showing. If you turn off your computer for a month and just live your life, you dont see radical feminists or institutional misceginists. You just see people going through their day. Sometimes they act like assholes, most of the time they hold the door for you.


if you are a legit abut nonfiction and political fiction oxfordbibliographies.com mixed with bookzz or libgen is fantastic.

>> No.7458355


Okay, this is an example of far right doctrine and political science which I very much enjoyed, and consider to be fairly high quality.

Its a propaganda pamphlet made by Goebbels that explains the National Socialists stances, why they are nationalists, why they are socialists, why they oppose the jews etc.


"Those Damned Nazis"

Id enjoy an entire book on related matters.

>> No.7458360


No, I see CBC, my 51% Canadian government owned leftist propaganda outlet telling me women are oppressed because air conditioners are too cold, and oh my god we need to let these terrorists from Syria in because its our duty to pay for them... and how its great we have a 50/50 split gender caucus because its 2015... and Peter Mansbridge officiating Trudeau's campaign manager's wedding in italy before shilling him on the national news, big surprise, he won.

>> No.7458369

>Its a propaganda pamphlet made by Goebbels
>propaganda pamphlet
>propaganda by Goebbels

Its not an honest assessment. Its not political science. Its brilliant manipulation of a populace that only voted the Nazi party in by a minority. You are not being honest with yourself.

I legit feel bad for you man. I cant imagine walking through my life having this shit flow through it. You are exactly like my cousin who rages against institutional ultra-right hatred on facebook and screams for gun confiscation. I unfollowed him too.

>> No.7458370


>His work is all about the corrupting influence that Western culture has on Japan.

Sounds great desu, I like reading about Japanese culture unrelated to this thread.

>Mishima is essentially a Westernized gay man writing in the style of a French modernist.

That does not sound as great as it did before lol

>> No.7458372
File: 69 KB, 600x508, Goebbels-Good-Propaganda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have misunderstood the meaning of propaganda.

>> No.7458373

Except it is great. Mishima is a genius. He attempted a right wing takeover of the Japanese military in an overly dramatic attempt to commit seppuku.

>> No.7458380
File: 183 KB, 1024x887, sjw shills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You are exactly like my cousin who rages against institutional ultra-right hatred on facebook and screams for gun confiscation

This is why I didnt want to discuss this stuff, youre setting off a chain reaction because this type of argument comes up 20x a day.

>> No.7458388


>He attempted a right wing takeover of the Japanese military in an overly dramatic attempt to commit seppuku.

Now it sounds great again.

>> No.7458394
File: 35 KB, 468x324, mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He succeeded (in the seppuku)

>> No.7458398
File: 506 KB, 1680x1050, AlexanderMacris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it is a place of disinformation

Shills are there yes, but Reddit is the place for misinformation/censorship.. /pol/ is the place for objective truth, in case you didnt know cultural marxists deny objective truth.. and their enemies deal in it exclusively.

Reddit has links, you cant easily demonstrate a point, you cant show charts, or graphs, or give historical reference.. no one clicks your link, and then they just ignore it and assume youre wrong.

I actually saw a back to /pol/ image that said something like "muh charts" or "take a look at these charts"

Now factual data accounted for by scientific/governmental/educational institutions arent enough for the detractors of /pol/

I dont see how anyone cant be attracted to the side who are for objective truth, over the opposite.

>> No.7458400
File: 3.59 MB, 298x224, lol_idi_amin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just suggested that I misunderstand what propaganda is by suggesting that propaganda was true, and you cited as a source a meme pic containing text of the person who created the propaganda.

>> No.7458401
File: 164 KB, 1410x1900, how to tell the japs from chinese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


An honorable act to prevent dishonor, we should bring that tradition to western society.

>> No.7458406
File: 14 KB, 236x267, e5d60d7c7a512183e7fc7a9fd22a25f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>objective truth

You realize half the threads on this board are created assuming there is no such thing.

Yeah sure, Mishima was definitely not being a drama queen who liked to pretend he was a samurai.

A little like /pol/ in that regard

>> No.7458409


I did. He is a master of creating propaganda, and knows a lot about it. Goebbels was an author in case you didnt know, long before he was "mr propaganda" He has a literary degree IIRC

Propaganda isnt something that is inherently false, its just a term for something that portrays something in a certain light, especially the party or its ideology.. in a positive or negative way, obviously positive in terms of the party, but maybe negative in regards to a social issue, or an event.

>> No.7458416


>You realize half the threads on this board are created assuming there is no such thing.

You realize I opened by stating that Ive heard you guys are extremely left wing bias?

There is obviously objective truth. Its called scientific fact, which is objectively proven to be true.

>> No.7458427
File: 18 KB, 267x400, images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRRizoc9KfTSKnG1or0FTvwQvL3b2bNxxFswLGJTXVd_X6zBRWb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a book for you. It definitely can be used in real life. 100%

>> No.7458428

One of the charts here is /pol/ and another is right-wing literature, Scroll down for both:

>> No.7458436

Unless you dont agree with it right? Like Trudeau's cabinet selections.

>> No.7458437


Intredasting, thanks.

>> No.7458443


Also tyvm, I think I was linked an imgur one like 6 months ago and totally forgot about it.

>> No.7458454


are you implying that questioning objective truth is a core tenet of cultural marxism? was descartes a cultural marxist?

this seems like ill thought out nonsense, i dont know why you seem so keen to bring up reddit - a website that i do not use - pol does not push objective truth, it pushes information out of context

the frankfurt school were mainly keen on analysing culture using marx's dialectical method, they were less materialist than marx generally, but not particularly subjectivist in outlook

what often gets called cultural marxism is postmodern cultural theory - it does have links to frankfurt school - but it generally rejects marx's materialist view, his theories on class etc and does push a much more subvjective approach, particularly queer and feminist theory, but to really call this cultural marxism instead of postmodern or maybe postructuralist theory (after the likes of foucault, who was heavily critical of marx, the frankfurt school etc) shows that you do not understand what you are talking about

>> No.7458464

If you're interested about the Frankfurt School, http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00pr54s

>> No.7458466
File: 440 KB, 620x1200, Canadian Government Diversity Hire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Trudeaus cabinet selections are not only easily proven to be incompetent and not the right/best people for the job.. but when questioned on it, his only reason for even making it happen (from a pool of 80% men and 20% women elected MPs - discriminating against the men who were democratically elected) was that its 2015.

Thats it. Its 2015, shoulder shrug. His adviser told him to say that, they showed it on TV, in a "backstage" style televised meeting.

Pic related. Born in another country as a foreign citizen (Afganistan at that), given citizenship here later on.. is now our minister of democratic institutions based on the qualifications of.. having failed to be elected for mayor of a small city.. and community involvement.

I bet she knows more about communism than democracy. Shes not even Canadian, and shes like 1/30th of the Prime Minister at this point.

>> No.7458473


That was explicitly stated in pic related from:


Which was written by Alexander Macris, the owner of Defy Media and the publisher of Escapist.

>> No.7458476

>what often gets called cultural marxism is postmodern cultural theory

Nope, since post-structuralism also gives way to the pseudo-narrative of /pol/ as one of the many relativism of post-modernism. The Frankfurt School does give objective projects as in seen in Marcuse, where the old worker is replaced with other even more(only assumed) marginalized classes that will(and they didnt) give us emancipation from the one-dimensional society.

>> No.7458481
File: 449 KB, 1600x1577, 11steps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7458482

What's Defy Media? And who cares about the Escapist anymore? Unforgotten Realms is gone.

>> No.7458484


>> No.7458485


Oh, and Bill Whittle completely blows this whole thing out of the water in this expose.


>> No.7458487
File: 415 KB, 1984x1219, BBC propaganda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Interesting, but BBC isnt exactly know for accuracy.

>> No.7458492

This is ad hominem and scholars are talking on the radio, not BBC employees.

>> No.7458495

And many people have been using scenes from years ago as modern images to push their narrative, including /pol/.

>> No.7458506
File: 18 KB, 280x400, 1416534752860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>outraged at ad hominem
>proceeds to use tu quoque

>> No.7458512

I'm not outraged and I don't think you understand what tu quoque is. I never said it's OK to do that. I was pointing out that you're a hypocrite.

>> No.7458519


>> No.7458530

>you understand what tu quoque is

>many people have been using scenes from years ago as modern images to push their narrative, including /pol/.

>Tu quoque (/tuːˈkwoʊkwiː/;[1] Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy is an informal logical fallacy that intends to discredit the validity of the opponent's logical argument by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with its conclusion(s).

>including /pol/.

>/pol/ does this too so its okay for the BBC to do it

I think I fully understand that you dont like the objective truth and your political ideology is based on denying it or avoiding it.. through misdirection, misinformation, disinformation, clever misrepresentation, misleading and just outright denying it.

Ive got lots of reading material now, anyone have anything that hasnt been suggested?

>> No.7458551


it wasnt stated at all, it showed a misunderstanding of postmodernism and the frankfurt school, the latter doesnt decry objective truth, anyone claiming it does is an idiot


the boundaries between post-structuralism and postmodernism can get pretty blurry at times at least


yes they were highly critical of many forms of culture, but the rest is conspiratorial nonsense and conflating the frankfurt school with a state controlled economy is stupid

it also doesnt change what ive said about the differences between the frankfurt school and postmodern theory, particularly with regards to ideas of subjectivity

>> No.7458556
File: 105 KB, 532x540, 1445366721516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The cynacism that regards hero worship as comical is always shadowed by a sense of physical inferiority
>Mishima - Sun & Steel

>> No.7458559


"Hands Up Dont Shoot"

Chanted even after they knew he was charging head first at the officer.

The truth is secondary, or even in the way, to the political goals. This is basic stuff, they dont care about the truth, they just want to subvert and achieve their political goal any means necessary... and they deem it very necessary to lie and portray things as different from reality.

>> No.7458560

Once again, "I never said it's OK to do that."
I'll link the post so you can read it again >>7458512. Keep making strawmen though.

I'd recommend the BBC link if you're truly interested in learning. If you want to stay mired within your ideological, then don't, I suppose.

This is why /lit/ doesn't like /pol/, by the way. Not because you're right-wing or "offensive", but because you refuse to look at anything that contradicts your perspective or even slightly tweaks on shoddy grounds and your manners of articulation depict you as philistine ignoramuses.

>> No.7458570

I fucking hate /pol/'s romanticism of the "nobility" of fascism.
Hold those opinions all you want, but stormfags that try to act like they have some kind of moral high ground are just fucking retarded.

>> No.7458572

By the way, I'm the guy who provided the imgur link above.

>> No.7458573
File: 2.34 MB, 928x1488, other boards discuss pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/lit/ doesnt dislike /pol/ and youre obviously a marxist. You obviously also implied that its okay if BBC does it because /pol/ does it too, or you were simply saying /pol/ is as shit as BBC, which is a pretty terrible opinion considering BBC is a news outlet and /pol/ is a politically incorrect discussion board for anyone at any time anonymously.

>> No.7458576

Umm Khatyn was the Red army mang...

>> No.7458580
File: 69 KB, 1276x550, Purge-This-Degeneracy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>stormfags that try to act like they have some kind of moral high ground are just fucking retarded.

>Implying pic related is normal and should be encouraged.

>> No.7458584

I never said any of those. Please use basic reasoning skills. I was pointing out hypocrisy and your ad hominem against the program because these scholars were using BBC as a platform.

I'm not a Marxist, but you are a >>>/pol/eb

>> No.7458592

>anyone that doesn't visit /pol/ must support zoophilia, you're either a savior of the white race or an sjw
Jesus fucking christ anon. You are the reason that political discussion makes me want to vomit.

>> No.7458593

>implying there is anything wrong with having sex with animals
>implying there is anything wrong with being a furry
Nice spooks. Read Singer.

>> No.7458598


>/pol/ does negative things too

>I am neither saying the thing Im comparing to /pol/ is okay since pol does it, nor am I saying that /pol/ is bad because they also do it

No. You can pick one. You said one of those things, or you made a statement that you are claiming had no motivation behind it or intention to state anything.

Youre lying.

>> No.7458601

who here /horsefucker/?

>> No.7458604
File: 1.55 MB, 2171x2105, degeneracy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Freedom wew, National Socialism was oppression

>> No.7458608

Are you that dumb?

You: BBC can't be trusted because it used this image from years ago recently to push a modern narrative.
Me: That's ad hominem. By the way, /pol/ does the same.
You: Tu quoque!
Me: I never said that's OK to do.
You: Are you saying /pol/ and BBC are each as credible as one another now?
Me: No...?

>> No.7458610


>>anyone that doesn't visit /pol/ must support zoophilia, you're either a savior of the white race or an sjw

Okay my mistake, only 2/3 people who dont visit /pol/ are horsefucking marxists.

>> No.7458623

Degeneracy yes. Liberalism? No.

What you're rallying against is "progressivism" please don't let that shit taint the waters. Classical liberals were based as fuck, and the main factor of the fucking enlightenment.

Liberalism advocates for suffrage and equality, but not EQUITY. That's the true cancer of the modern day, that others have to be given special privileges so that they can make up for their inherent disadvantages to fulfill some arbitrary equality quota.

>> No.7458628

Why don't you like horse pussy? It's my freedom and right to engage with how I please.

>> No.7458631

Are you implying that it wasn't oppression? That a fascist regime who rounded up the people they arbitrarily labelled as degenerates and murdered them en masse, occupied as many countries as they could get their hands on, censored dissent, and created a cult of personality around a dictator was NOT oppressive?

If so please tell me what oppression is.

>> No.7458636

i'm actually a horsefucking sjw but i hate marx because he was a white man

>> No.7458637

That's great but has nothing to do with what I have argued about. That the frankfurt school do not reject a general notion of objective truth. Not unless you want to include the likes of descartes in this too.

If you want to call all things you deem as left wing and spreading false information cultural Marxism then so be it. But I would contest that that is a retarded definition, simply spreading false information yourself that doesn't help anyone.

>> No.7458643

marx was a jew not white

>> No.7458647
File: 64 KB, 753x538, FB_IMG_1449140445176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7458649
File: 74 KB, 720x570, churchill responsible for ww2 just wanted to smash germany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>That a fascist regime who rounded up the people they arbitrarily labelled as degenerates

[citation needed]

>and murdered them en masse

[citation needed]

>occupied as many countries as they could get their hands on

>After Churchill refused to allow peace and the return of Poland to its leadership offered by Hitler in return for his pre war goal of an extra-territorial highway with rest-stops and gas stations to connect the danzig with the main territory split by Polish occupation post ww1 and forced Germany into the total war they had no intention of being a part of

>censored dissent

From Jewish communists who had thrown a bloody and violent revolt pre-ww2 with an army of millions killing Germans

>created a cult of personality around a dictator

He was a pretty great guy, I mean, how could you not like him.

None of that was oppressive and it was exactly what the German people wanted. Oppressive is forcing your population to accept violent foreigners when the vast majority of them are fuming mad and absolutely opposed to it.

Germany today is oppressive.

>> No.7458651

jews are white. i hate marx so much.

i love fucking horses a lot though and sticking things up my butt. im ruining the world one step at a time ;)

>> No.7458653

Political writings of Thomas Aquinas

>> No.7458656

Progressives are hedonistic nihilists and a threat to our society. This is coming from a classical liberal.

>> No.7458661
File: 178 KB, 1335x306, Germany takes kids from non leftists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You want to see oppressive?

THIS is oppressive. (and genocide)

>> No.7458665
File: 774 KB, 1899x1168, living in hitlers germany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7458668

That's just propaganda

>> No.7458672

Real reliable.

>> No.7458678


If that first hand account from a German citizen who survived the war from in the 90s is propaganda, then all the holocaust survivors testimonies are to be dismissed as propaganda (and much easier at that, pic related)

You didnt even read it.

You didnt even read it...

>> No.7458686
File: 401 KB, 1548x1696, holocoaster tycoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>then all the holocaust survivors testimonies are to be dismissed as propaganda (and much easier at that, pic related

Heres the pic related. I was disappoint when I realized the level of truth denial Im up against, dont even care to read it, just here to push marxism and truth denial and misinformation and disinformation on /lit/

This is why I need National Socialism.

>> No.7458690

Why should I trust one eyewitness account over another?

>> No.7458702

why do you hate zoophilia

please explain. if the animal wants it, it's ok

>> No.7458705
File: 74 KB, 451x600, why cant I hold all this Cultural Marxism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>why should I read a ww2 survivors historical account of what it was like to live in Nazi Germany, I already know what it was like. Bad.

Thats you.

>> No.7458707

>That feel when your jewish friend is trying to tell you that his grandmother was riding the holocoaster

>> No.7458710

I already read it. Why should I trust his account over the Holocaust survivors' or the Holocaust survivors' accounts over his?

>> No.7458712


This gives me great ideas for when I become Fuhrer.

>> No.7458718

why is it wrong to stick my dick in a horse's vagina

please explain

>> No.7458722

oh and being a furry is normal. it's even allowed on 4chan now

>> No.7458724
File: 17 KB, 1560x125, Rational-Adults-Feelings-On-Homosexuality-2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It hurts society, no one cares about the horse, or you.

>> No.7458728

Paul Gottfried trilogy and James Kalb
describe part of the history of current politics in the West.

Older authors i would recommend that are still relevant James Burnham , Sam Francis and Christopher Lasch.

On sexual politics F. Roger Devlin is real fresh compared to the mainstream.
Taken into Custody by Stephen Baskerville discusses some horrible incentives in the familiy court system.

>> No.7458729

how does it hurt society? i'm just fucking the horse when i want too without others knowing. i love sucking horse dick too because it's big and has a lot of semen

>> No.7458733
File: 55 KB, 545x397, noseknows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yea, and a district court judge in australia wants to legalize incest and beastiality in one swipe, meanwhile the push for pedo acceptance moves right along too.

When this meme was made, that was thought to be impossible, and a joke. Now its reality. We are moving THAT fast. It was supposed to take 20 years to degenerate that much.

>> No.7458734
File: 2.45 MB, 1000x3000, jews and history.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews have a notorious reputation for lying that dates back thousands of years
>Jews make up some ridiculous stories about showers that are secretly gas chambers, getting tossed into ovens, lampshades made out of jews, soap made out of jews, and holocoasters
>Suddenly everyone believes it and jews are seen as these wonderful people that would never tell a lie


We're living in bizarro world

>> No.7458742
File: 620 KB, 485x4823, jews are the problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7458744

what's the problem though? the horse likes it when i rub his dick or put my dick in her vagina. it makes me feel good too

>> No.7458747

and incest is ok if no babies are made

>> No.7458748
File: 1.43 MB, 256x144, autism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So this is what /lit/ has to offer the rest of 4chan when asked to provide reading material huh.

>> No.7458752

i don't like mlp. it isn't that sexy for me.

what animals do you find sexy. i also like wolves. that's my fursona

>> No.7458794

No offense intended, but I get the feeling that you're not the biggest fan of Jewish people. Not saying you're an antisemite, but, I don't know…something kind of makes me think that you dislike them.

>> No.7458801

he also hates zoophiles just because it hurts society but he has no proof for that xD

>> No.7458807

Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Pferdearsch.

>> No.7458818

Nah I'm /fit/ and Mishima was a turbo Manley. I'm more referring to his obsession with at Sebastian and honorable dramatic death as in Patriotism. His wasn't a cause, it was a casus bellI against himself.

>> No.7458825

i don't speak nazi

>> No.7458845

Noch so ein Post und ich lass dich gen Osten umsiedeln, verstanden?

>> No.7458852

One people, one empire, one horse's ass
and this means
one more post and ill send you / let you go to the east, understood?

faggot german

>> No.7458990
File: 37 KB, 327x499, 1446450500056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump will make /lit/ great again.

We should all be reading Crippled America right now.