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/lit/ - Literature

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7455429 No.7455429 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that focus on normalfags hate?
I've read some that have social retards as protags, but none of them tackled the theme of envy and hate for socially successful people.

>> No.7455828
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>> No.7455845

My first thought as well.

>> No.7455856

My twisted world

>> No.7457636
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Most books I'm thinking of are just starring autists (Molloy, Flowers for Algernon, The Vicar of Wakefield), but they dont actively hate normies.

The Vicar of Wakefield is really subtle normie hate, basically about a guy who has no power in society and wants to be a writer, but no one is receptive of his writerly ambition and a chad comes along that emphasizes how powerless and worthless he is and his wife wants to kek him.

But again he's pretty delusional and doesnt realize that he's a robot. Surprised it doesn't come up here more tbcfhwy senpai.

>> No.7457725

The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.7457821

maybe Plato

>> No.7457826 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7457832

I bet you thought Zarathustra was a tour de force

>> No.7457847
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>> No.7457876

But Holden was a normalfag himself.

>> No.7457882

Marx and Engels were normies though.

>> No.7457885

That's the point, we're all fucking normalfags faggot.

>> No.7457888

>normalfags actually believe this

>> No.7457889

Tell that to wizards.

>> No.7457898
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you're not special

>> No.7457942


Wizard and /r9k/ cultures remind me of the goth kids in hs that all dress alike to be non-conformist. They have created a culture where they are a norm.

Very very silly.

>> No.7457945

>I have no idea what normalfag stands for
Sometimes I forget I'm on the normalfag IB

>> No.7457964
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>goth kids in hs that all dress alike to be non-conformist
Unless you were born in the 60's, is unlikely that the kids were goth instead of what is better known as mall goths.

I've always been very fond of the goth subculture and what it embraces through literature, music and architecture, but now, with the exception of mostly old people, 'goth' in popular culture seems to be for the most part reduced to fashion.

>> No.7458016 [DELETED] 

Go to uboa or some shit

>> No.7458097

I went to highschool in the 90s, and there was definitely an anti conformity group that dressed in black leathers, called themselves goth, and listened to Type-O negative while despising everything and everyone.

>> No.7458098
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Start with the Greeks, particularly Diogenes
Really anything the main stoics wrote (Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus) was against valuing social success
Kierk's Stages of Life
Not everything here is against social success but it advocates for solitude and simplicity: http://www.hermitary.com/articles/#literature