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/lit/ - Literature

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7455201 No.7455201 [Reply] [Original]

Let's do a list of essential readings for inept aloof virgin basement dwellers to make them stand on their feet.

"Pleasures of reading in an age of distractions" - overall introduction to the medium of books - it treats about how you should read on whim and debunks books like 'how to read classical literature like a pro'

"The Game" - sex life - silly but straightforward and condensed knowledge on PUA and its hazards, also opens eyes on the fact that you can develop skills to pick up women on your own and that it is in scope of one's abilities

"Figh Club" - philosophy - on throwing away material possessions, on self-destruction that is a form of self-improvment

>> No.7455216

How does it 'debunk' that since most of the advice given in it is just basic literary criticism.

>> No.7455233

Don't know about any of those but Meditations was good. Hagakure has some good advice too. For romance? Just read about body language.

>> No.7455376

Although I like the idea. I am sure that /lit/ would never be able to agree on a list. The closest thing to this I can think of is the various ebook torrents such as the 'Everything you need to know ever" torrent on /t/

>> No.7455392
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I don't know, Hemmingway for me was great. Especially The Sun Also Rises and the short stories involving Nick. Also Meditations.

>For romance? Just read about body language.
just b urself

>> No.7455432

>Meditations was good
Maybe if you're 12

>> No.7455461

I found the game, once you get past the techniques, to be a pretty interesting critique of contemporary masculine ideals, the role of sex in western culture and the 'player' lifestyle in general. I think if Neil had made it purely about those things and cut out all the lifestyle changes it would be considered a keystone book about gender / identity.

Instead the cultural conversation focused entirely on the superficial aspects of the book, which admittedly were kinda awful and missed the pretty obvious subtext.

I really enjoyed Neil's latest book, The Truth and I think it talks about the underlying themes in The Game far better.

>> No.7455468

Why do people always recommend Aurelius' Meditations? It's terrible. It's a self-help book disguised as philosophy. It was never intended to be read by others. It was just his personal thoughts.

>> No.7455472


A Confederacy of Dunces for r9k. Any other robot approved books? I'm sure r9k has made a list before.

>> No.7455486

>It was never intended to be read by others. It was just his personal thoughts.
Wow, tou're so smart! Thank you so much for this piece of information! I now know that stoicism is a spook!

>> No.7455585

> Let's do a list of essential readings for inept aloof virgin basement dwellers to make them stand on their feet.

You are aware the first book you recommend is essentially an essay that argues against such a list?

>> No.7455589

woeful analysis