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/lit/ - Literature

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7454963 No.7454963 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the most menacing, evil character in literature?

>> No.7454968

Judas Iscariot and the sanhedrin

>> No.7454972

most menacing is probably some weird horror like a lovecraft god

most evil is probably iago

>> No.7454974

The devil.

>> No.7454989

>Judas Iscariot
Jesus literally told judas to do what he did. How is obeying god evil?

>> No.7454999


>subtle prediction
>literally commanding him to do it

smarten up

>> No.7455009

Iago's lack of motivation really bugged be, desu
Most evil character would probably be Pechorin.
Most menacing character that I know of would be Melkor

>> No.7455678

>Iago's lack of motivation
what do you mean

>> No.7455741

Iago was skipped over for promotion, thats why he hates othello, read the play and forget what you heard on radiolab senpai

>> No.7455751

omniscience implies destiny,
if he's destined to do it he may as well have been commanded. if god is to be taken seriously, we're all just dominoes falling as designed.

>> No.7455758

i'm glad no one's mentioned the judge yet
such a plebeian answer

>> No.7455767


>> No.7455853

Iago or Richard III

>> No.7456063
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>> No.7456071


>> No.7456085
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posting an obv candidate.

But I think he is not just meme evil, he has a good sense of real Kantian evil about him.

>You speak truer than you know
That fucking shiver down the back

>> No.7456087



>> No.7456100


he was destined to have free-will and choose as he pleases, and his choices are known

there's no contradiction between omniscience and free-will

>> No.7456107


No, freewill is free and it becomes destined post act. This is theology 101. Please don't imply God can't will a contradiction.

>> No.7456116
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>> No.7456133



>> No.7456158

You need some master and margarita famiglia

>> No.7456170
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>> No.7456174


God can't make the interior angles of a triangle equal more or less than 180 degrees. Sorry.

>> No.7456179

This is probably the clear answer.

>> No.7456181

>doesn't know about hyperbolic geometry


>> No.7456216

Judge Holden

>> No.7456220


>> No.7456666


This is neither here nor there (and not lit), but the final creature in The Thing prequel (2011), a generally unloved flop that I quite like, looks almost exactly like that.

But now this reminds me that I have the original Thing short story on my shelf and I really should get round to reading it.

>> No.7456670


holy wew even I have to check my own quads. Apocalypse movies indeed.

>> No.7456683

the kid is the real villian, a traitor to those who welcomed him into their brotherhood

>> No.7456698

Dr Benway rides again

>> No.7457900

Avril Incandenza

>> No.7457933


Benway is too diffuse to be menacing.

>> No.7457936


>> No.7457941

>not knowing that dualism is the one true resolution to this

>> No.7457971

>Believing what Iago says
>After he literally says "that's not why I hate Othello, but it's good enough"
You don't know to read.

Iago is GOAT.

>> No.7457988

Is this a good thread?

>> No.7458274

Negatory, daddio.

>> No.7458294


>> No.7458381

walk one mile north, one mile west, one mile south and end up in the same spot.

>> No.7458387

Mrs. Stoner

i say that in every thread

>> No.7458393


>> No.7458430
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>> No.7458568
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checkmate atheists

>> No.7458603

a triangle is a 2d shape though.

>> No.7458630

take triangle on paper

roll up paper

triangle now three dimensional shape

>> No.7458639

The Waves.
>From The Waves.

No. But for real, I'd go with Iago as far as "villains" but as far as truly terrifying entities/writing I find the ending of The Waves to be extremely unsettling. The book works like a small microcosm of life itself and it just gets ruthlessly existential and despairing by the conclusion. Woolf is grown on me a lot.

"Nevertheless, life is pleasant, life is tolerable. Tuesday follows Monday; then comes Wednesday. The mind grows rings; the identity becomes robust; pain is absorbed in growth. Opening and shutting, shutting and opening, with increasing hum and sturdiness, the haste and fever of youth are drawn into service until the whole being seems to expand in and out like the mainspring of a clock. How fast the stream flows from January to December! We are swept on by the torrent of things grown so familiar that they cast no shadow. We float, we float . . ."

>> No.7458650

FYI that isn't the actual ending, just a part that I really like from about a 1/4 from the ending.

>> No.7458652
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Cathy Ames / Kate Trask

>> No.7458662

The man in black. Stephen King

>> No.7458667

Are you trying to summon the ghost of Wittgenstein to settle the question of both triangles and most evil character in literature?

Because that is how you summon the ghost of Wittgenstein to settle the question of both triangles and most evil character in literature.

>> No.7458681

>How is obeying god evil?

because god is evil, obviously

>> No.7458791
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Oh Ludwig, I like you, but you obviously never read my books

What would Bertrand think of his student, I wonder?

>> No.7459939
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>> No.7459983


>> No.7460238
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>> No.7460260

Catherine from the Garden of Eden

>> No.7460297

That's not how you spell PGOAT.

>> No.7460724

>God can't will a contradiction

This is the equivalent of a child saying "I'm right + infinity! Haha I win!"

>> No.7460730
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The actual sound -- as nearly as any human organs could imitate it or human letters record it -- may be taken as something like Khlûl'-hloo, with the first syllable pronounced gutturally and very thickly. The u is about like that in full; and the first syllable is not unlike klul in sound, hence the h represents the guttural thickness.

>> No.7460741

yeah the thing has really heavy lovecraftian themes

>> No.7460770

Steerpike is pretty evil and menacing, but only by the end

>> No.7460945

Jason Compson

>> No.7460966

The Chief from The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea was a real evil bastard.

Anon doesn't know that Iago's rage was brought on by his homolust for Othello.

>> No.7460972

St. Paul

>> No.7462049

I never sufficiently apologized for my foul temper with the children.

>> No.7463523

Jesus died for your sins.
This is only possible because Judas turned him in.
You should be thanking him m8.

>> No.7463547

Why the hell would it be JVD?

>> No.7463914

ty anon. i am officially interested in reading that

>> No.7463925

>"Nevertheless, life is pleasant, life is tolerable. Tuesday follows Monday; then comes Wednesday. The mind grows rings; the identity becomes robust; pain is absorbed in growth. Opening and shutting, shutting and opening, with increasing hum and sturdiness, the haste and fever of youth are drawn into service until the whole being seems to expand in and out like the mainspring of a clock. How fast the stream flows from January to December! We are swept on by the torrent of things grown so familiar that they cast no shadow. We float, we float . . ."

I need to read this book.