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/lit/ - Literature

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7450275 No.7450275 [Reply] [Original]

What books would /lit/ recommend to better understand politics in general?

>> No.7450283

The script to the movie They Live.

>> No.7450287

The collected essays of Orwell

>> No.7450292


>> No.7450304

I was thinking sort of on the lines of a book that would give you sone insight into the ideology behind politics and the perhaps the ideology behind the basic groups and party's

>> No.7450436


>> No.7450461
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>> No.7450488

I mean it's a good movie but come on dude

>> No.7450494

Are you the autism?

>> No.7450504

rousseau's discourses

>> No.7450530

Das Kapital - Karl Marx (Marxism)
The Conquest of Bread - Peter Kropotkin (Anarchism)
The Ego and its Own - Meme Stirner (Anarchism)
Men Amongst the Ruins - Julius Evola (Radical Traditionalism/also helpful for understanding NRx)
Various Shitty Blogposts - Mencius Moldbug (NeoReaction)
Two Treatises of Government - John Locke (Classical Liberalism)
Some shit by Mises - Ludwig Von Mises (Classical Liberalism)
Broke - Glenn Beck (Autism)

>> No.7450539

top kek

>> No.7450541
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>Various Shitty Blogposts - Mencius Moldbug (NeoReaction)

mfw when Moldbug is listed alongside Marx and Locke in terms of importance to political philosophy.

>> No.7450551

Really apreciate the suggestion for understanding autism, finally I will able to understand what goes on, on 4ch

>> No.7450565

is this a new meme, to pretend Orwell was good?

>> No.7450576
File: 13 KB, 375x353, Moldbug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, Mencius Moldbug here.

In answer to your query about which books pertaining to political philosophy you should read, I can only recommend Caryle if you wish to excise the malignant virus of progressivism from your brain. Additionally, I have written a nine-part blog post entitled 'A Gentle Introduction' on my now defunct 'Unqualified Reservations', which I ceased to write after concluding that me theoretical grounding for my Patchwork ideology was predicated on total and utter bunkum, that may be of some aid in dispelling the delusions of the 21st century.

>> No.7450584

I thought it was obvious that I was memeing

>> No.7450591


>> No.7450593


>> No.7450600

Other than giving you an understanding of hitler's crazy schemes is there any knowledge and use to be found in Mein Kampf?

>> No.7450602

Anyone give me a brief summary on the book or the author?

>> No.7450693

Basically the author says we should force interracial marriage in order to strengthen the gene pool and we should give all foreign aid to Israel and allow them to become the default hegemon in the middle east. There is also some shit about how buying things leads to spiritual fulfillment and capital has inherent value.

>> No.7450712

Wow that's some bullshit.

>> No.7450715

Reason for Iraq war was because America wanted to make Israel more powerful and secure.

>> No.7450724


>implying Carlyle was anti-progressive
>implying his progressiveness wasn't what actually a huge part of what made him based

Holy fucking Christ, you shills haven't even read him.

Anyway, start with the Greeks, OP. Aristotle and Plato are essential. Then move on to the shit that >>7450530 mentioned and some Hume. Skip Marx and Moldbug for your sanity's sake (the latter does have some good reading suggestions - most of what he writes himself is bonkers though).

>> No.7450726


>> No.7450731

>new meme to pretend that orwell was good
>new orwell meme
>orwell meme to that
>new meme to orwell
>ll worwell to new

orwel was new>?

>> No.7450732

Zizek pls go

>> No.7450735




>> No.7450739


>> No.7450740

And how does removing the greatest check to Iran make Israel more powerful and secure?

>> No.7450742



>> No.7450796

>Skip Marx

Skip Marx? There's a lot you can take away from Marx's writings even if you're not a marxist. If you're on the right, you should read him to at least get a better understanding of your opponents.

>and Moldbug

Yeah, I wasn't being serious when I recommended him.

>> No.7450902

Thanks, already got aristotle's and pluto's complete works ordered, also got some short story collections on the way since I'm sincerely in love with how you can express yourself and your thoughts/feelings in that form.
If you guys got any suggestions on the short stories I'd appreciate it!

>> No.7450990 [DELETED] 


>> No.7451031

This is some next level shitposting

>> No.7451259

Anything from F. William Engdahl. Any book, any lecture, any blogpost.
You can find him on YouTube also.

>> No.7451524
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>> No.7452858

real funny. come on guys

>> No.7452886

On Politics: A History of Political Thought: From Herodotus to the Present by Alan Ryan

>> No.7452899

you should have taken ap gov in high school

>> No.7452925
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>> No.7452926
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>> No.7453172

I'm not from the US and they didn't have any similar classes, I actually checked, but as I said before I like the concept of learning by reading so that's something